Georgia you rock!

It's the left who want corporations to pay their fair share.
You should be happy that Delta will pay 50 million more in taxes.

Correct, the Moon Bats should be glad that Delta now has to pony up $50 million more to into the Georgia state coffers. The welfare queens in Atlanta should be ecstatic.

I hope the Board of Directors for Delta takes that $50 million out of the bonuses of the nitwits that made the decision to hate on the NRA.

Ticket sales goes up for individuals in Georgia.
Taxes are not paid by individual businesses.

Actually you are right.

Corporate taxes are never paid for out of actual profits because taxes is a business expense passed on to the consumer.

Moon Bats need to understand that when they are bitching about taxing the corporations because they are really just taxing themselves.

However, in this case it would have made Delta more competitive by having $50 million less in expenses. They will have higher ticket prices because of losing the incentive and hopefully less business.

Except the fuel tax break was for all airlines and not just Delta, so there is no competitive advantage for anyone.

Except that is a major hub for Delta.

But every airline flies in and out of Atlanta, it is one of the busiest airports in the world. Every airline will adjust their fares to cover the cost of the government intrusion that you liberals are so gleeful about.
It's the left who want corporations to pay their fair share.
You should be happy that Delta will pay 50 million more in taxes.

Correct, the Moon Bats should be glad that Delta now has to pony up $50 million more to into the Georgia state coffers. The welfare queens in Atlanta should be ecstatic.

I hope the Board of Directors for Delta takes that $50 million out of the bonuses of the nitwits that made the decision to hate on the NRA.

Ticket sales goes up for individuals in Georgia.
Taxes are not paid by individual businesses.

Actually you are right.

Corporate taxes are never paid for out of actual profits because taxes is a business expense passed on to the consumer.

Moon Bats need to understand that when they are bitching about taxing the corporations because they are really just taxing themselves.

However, in this case it would have made Delta more competitive by having $50 million less in expenses. They will have higher ticket prices because of losing the incentive and hopefully less business.

Except the fuel tax break was for all airlines and not just Delta, so there is no competitive advantage for anyone.

Except that is a major hub for Delta.

For passenger air travel, Hartsfield Jackson is the busiest aiport in the world. Yes, it is the major hub for Delta. But a lot of smaller airlines use it. The tax break was probably a bigger deal for them. But I guess its ok to punish those smaller airlines, huh? As long as the gov't can make businesses toe the line?


Retribution for what? Did Delta attack Georgia?

No, Delta attacked Georgia lawmakers constituents


Delta removed a discount for NRA members. That is an attack?
And the others, yes


I miss the days when conservatives were for smaller, less intrusive gov't. This is bullshit. This is extortion.

You were around in the days of Coolidge? :21:
Correct, the Moon Bats should be glad that Delta now has to pony up $50 million more to into the Georgia state coffers. The welfare queens in Atlanta should be ecstatic.

I hope the Board of Directors for Delta takes that $50 million out of the bonuses of the nitwits that made the decision to hate on the NRA.

Ticket sales goes up for individuals in Georgia.
Taxes are not paid by individual businesses.

Actually you are right.

Corporate taxes are never paid for out of actual profits because taxes is a business expense passed on to the consumer.

Moon Bats need to understand that when they are bitching about taxing the corporations because they are really just taxing themselves.

However, in this case it would have made Delta more competitive by having $50 million less in expenses. They will have higher ticket prices because of losing the incentive and hopefully less business.

Except the fuel tax break was for all airlines and not just Delta, so there is no competitive advantage for anyone.

Except that is a major hub for Delta.

But every airline flies in and out of Atlanta, it is one of the busiest airports in the world. Every airline will adjust their fares to cover the cost of the government intrusion that you liberals are so gleeful about.

For passenger air travel, it is the busiest airport in the world.
How is that a punishment?
It's breaks are only factored during while doing taxes.

And even if it is a punishment, what could possibly be illegal about it?
It's not as tax benefits are only factored during tax season.

You are cheering the government getting involved in a dispute between two private companies, a dispute about nothing that is even remotely tied to anything legal. the tax benefits have been removed. Nothing lost...nothing gained. As for two private are forgetting the government. They are giving the tax break. It is at THEIR discretion, just as Delta's was at theirs. Quid Pro Quo.

This is a dangerous precedent to set, anything that is allowed to happen once will become the norm in a short amount of time. Is this really the role you want governments playing in your country?
This is non-sequitur given the topic ...but not really
What is your opinion on this then?
"California does not tolerate discrimination, and by removing this exemption, we will make it clear to the Boy Scouts and all other organizations that discrimination has a real cost," said John O'Connor, Equality California executive director. "We believe this legislation will encourage groups to do the right thing, which is ending their discriminatory policies that unfairly exclude LGBT people." California bill would remove state tax exemption for youth groups that discriminate
I have no problem with tax breaks for corporations are removed.

What I do have a problem with is elected officials using the tax system to punish a private company for doing something perfectly legal. This is gov't interference in the worst possible way.

Which is why the "conservatives" on this board are so happy with it, they love nothing more than for the government to interfere with private companies and individuals.
I think there’s more to it than that. Maybe a bit of “ How do YOU like it?”; in response to incidents like the bakery...

Who has Delta refused service to?
It’s not the issue of refusing service. It’s a matter of virtue signaling from a position of authority. Much like the California bakers had their rights stepped on by their government, for the purpose of California displaying that they support gay marriage... Georgia is signaling to this company that it stands with gun owners, and the 2A.

The bakers were punished for refusing service. Delta did not do that. Delta removed a discount. It was an act to remain neutral in the debate.

But you applaud the state using the tax system as a weapon to punish legal actions they don't like?

I have flown with firearms in checked baggage using Continental, Southwest, and Delta. Delta was, by far, the easiest to deal with.
Where did I applaud anyone? I’m simply trying to explain the mindset that makes situations like this come about.
Good for Georgia for punishing bad behavior by the assholes at Delta.

This is what happens when the moron management at Delta had a keen jerk reaction. Not only losing business from people like me but losing $50 million in tax breaks.

Delta Airlines Loses Tax Break After Politicizing School Shooting In Florida

Delta Airlines Loses Tax Break After Politicizing School Shooting In Florida
Georgia lawmakers moved to strip a $50 million tax break for Delta after the airline politicized a shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Georgia lawmakers voted Monday not to include a tax break in a bill that would have benefitted Delta Air Lines to the tune of $50 million, after the airline politicized the Parkland shooting.

The airline announced Saturday it was severing its ties with the National Rifle Association and its five million members in an effort to “refrain from entering this debate and focus on its business.”

oops --LOL- looks like Delta did not need the 34 million because they have money flowin out their butts
It is likely it will not happen because this does not really hurt Delta at all.
Yeap...but getting shitbird, lefty panties in a knot...priceless.

You are the liberal in this discussion. Only a liberal can support such government intrusion into private businesses

Sent from my iPhone using
Incorrect...I am the liberal in the discussion because i am in favor of government removing tax breaks from large corporations. Get your roles correct dullard.

Not quite. The same people who are taking away the tax break are the ones who pushed FOR the tax break a few weeks ago.

This is about using taxes as a weapon to punish Delta. This is about gov't interference in the worst way.
Well, do you know what the tax breaks were commensurate upon? I don't but there may be something to it there? I do know that the state has a right to pull any potential tax benefits to a company if that company violates either codes of conduct or laws to include anti-discrimination. Delta punishing NRA and it's members for an act which cannot be directly tied to the NRA is in many eyes a discriminatory act. I tend to agree.

Here is the version of the bill that passed the GOP controlled house in 2 days...
I have a son that lives in one of the suburbs of Atlanta. I have grandchildren there. I live in Central Florida.

My wife and I usually fly up to visit the grandkids several times a year. We usually take Delta out of either Tampa or Orlando, depending on the schedule.

We will no longer do business with the anti right to keep and bear arms assholes. They will lose a few thousand dollars worth of business. Probably not enough to even make their roundup but there will be others.
Yeap...but getting shitbird, lefty panties in a knot...priceless.

You are the liberal in this discussion. Only a liberal can support such government intrusion into private businesses

Sent from my iPhone using
Incorrect...I am the liberal in the discussion because i am in favor of government removing tax breaks from large corporations. Get your roles correct dullard.

Not quite. The same people who are taking away the tax break are the ones who pushed FOR the tax break a few weeks ago.

This is about using taxes as a weapon to punish Delta. This is about gov't interference in the worst way.
Well, do you know what the tax breaks were commensurate upon? I don't but there may be something to it there? I do know that the state has a right to pull any potential tax benefits to a company if that company violates either codes of conduct or laws to include anti-discrimination. Delta punishing NRA and it's members for an act which cannot be directly tied to the NRA is in many eyes a discriminatory act. I tend to agree.

Here is the version of the bill that passed the GOP controlled house in 2 days...
So, it was an exemption on the fuel tax? Tee hee hee. Ouch.
It's okay for the government to specifically punish a private business because they disagree with an individual and legal business decision?

Yikes. Conservatism sure is going in an interesting direction.
But it's ok for government to punish and entire segment of society by banning their guns even thought they never commited a crime?
Good for Georgia for punishing bad behavior by the assholes at Delta.

This is what happens when the moron management at Delta had a keen jerk reaction. Not only losing business from people like me but losing $50 million in tax breaks.

Delta Airlines Loses Tax Break After Politicizing School Shooting In Florida

Delta Airlines Loses Tax Break After Politicizing School Shooting In Florida
Georgia lawmakers moved to strip a $50 million tax break for Delta after the airline politicized a shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Georgia lawmakers voted Monday not to include a tax break in a bill that would have benefitted Delta Air Lines to the tune of $50 million, after the airline politicized the Parkland shooting.

The airline announced Saturday it was severing its ties with the National Rifle Association and its five million members in an effort to “refrain from entering this debate and focus on its business.”

oops --LOL- looks like Delta did not need the 34 million because they have money flowin out their butts

Are you saying that they have enough money they can afford to be dickheads?

Forget the tax breaks. They will lose a lot of business.
How is that a punishment?
It's breaks are only factored during while doing taxes.

And even if it is a punishment, what could possibly be illegal about it?
It's not as tax benefits are only factored during tax season.

Well no, it is a sales tax, and sales taxes are paid at the point of the sale. the tax benefits have been removed. Nothing lost...nothing gained. As for two private are forgetting the government. They are giving the tax break. It is at THEIR discretion, just as Delta's was at theirs. Quid Pro Quo.

But they are doing it to try and force a company to change a perfectly legal business decision. how can you be ok with that?

This is non-sequitur given the topic ...but not really
What is your opinion on this then?
"California does not tolerate discrimination, and by removing this exemption, we will make it clear to the Boy Scouts and all other organizations that discrimination has a real cost," said John O'Connor, Equality California executive director. "We believe this legislation will encourage groups to do the right thing, which is ending their discriminatory policies that unfairly exclude LGBT people." California bill would remove state tax exemption for youth groups that discriminate

Yes, I was just as agastin that as I am this. That I think is the difference between you and i. I find things wrong no matter which "side" is doing them. Far too many of you put the party before the country and cheer you side doing what you condemn the other side for doing.
Good for Georgia for punishing bad behavior by the assholes at Delta.

This is what happens when the moron management at Delta had a keen jerk reaction. Not only losing business from people like me but losing $50 million in tax breaks.

Delta Airlines Loses Tax Break After Politicizing School Shooting In Florida

Delta Airlines Loses Tax Break After Politicizing School Shooting In Florida
Georgia lawmakers moved to strip a $50 million tax break for Delta after the airline politicized a shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Georgia lawmakers voted Monday not to include a tax break in a bill that would have benefitted Delta Air Lines to the tune of $50 million, after the airline politicized the Parkland shooting.

The airline announced Saturday it was severing its ties with the National Rifle Association and its five million members in an effort to “refrain from entering this debate and focus on its business.”

oops --LOL- looks like Delta did not need the 34 million because they have money flowin out their butts

Are you saying that they have enough money they can afford to be dickheads?

Forget the tax breaks. They will lose a lot of business.

How many NRA conventions have you flown Delta to?
Good for Georgia for punishing bad behavior by the assholes at Delta.

This is what happens when the moron management at Delta had a keen jerk reaction. Not only losing business from people like me but losing $50 million in tax breaks.

Delta Airlines Loses Tax Break After Politicizing School Shooting In Florida

Delta Airlines Loses Tax Break After Politicizing School Shooting In Florida
Georgia lawmakers moved to strip a $50 million tax break for Delta after the airline politicized a shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Georgia lawmakers voted Monday not to include a tax break in a bill that would have benefitted Delta Air Lines to the tune of $50 million, after the airline politicized the Parkland shooting.

The airline announced Saturday it was severing its ties with the National Rifle Association and its five million members in an effort to “refrain from entering this debate and focus on its business.”

oops --LOL- looks like Delta did not need the 34 million because they have money flowin out their butts
Delta needs business of this 96% of Americans who dont belong to NRA. Delta is Georgia's largest employeer: 33k workers in the state, delta paying $300 million in taxes, and 58 billion in economic impact.
Go ahead, screw over your state's largest employer to appease your donor.
Doubtful now that Amazon HQ2 would go to Atlanta.
Good for Georgia for punishing bad behavior by the assholes at Delta.

This is what happens when the moron management at Delta had a keen jerk reaction. Not only losing business from people like me but losing $50 million in tax breaks.

Delta Airlines Loses Tax Break After Politicizing School Shooting In Florida

Delta Airlines Loses Tax Break After Politicizing School Shooting In Florida
Georgia lawmakers moved to strip a $50 million tax break for Delta after the airline politicized a shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Georgia lawmakers voted Monday not to include a tax break in a bill that would have benefitted Delta Air Lines to the tune of $50 million, after the airline politicized the Parkland shooting.

The airline announced Saturday it was severing its ties with the National Rifle Association and its five million members in an effort to “refrain from entering this debate and focus on its business.”

oops --LOL- looks like Delta did not need the 34 million because they have money flowin out their butts
Delta needs business of this 96% of Americans who dont belong to NRA. Delta is Georgia's largest employeer: 33k workers in the state, delta paying $300 million in taxes, and 58 billion in economic impact.
Go ahead, screw over your state's largest employer to appease your donor.
Doubtful now that Amazon HQ2 would go to Atlanta.

I imagine a lot of companies will now factor in the fact the state government is willing to try and force companies to follow the party line or face the consequences .

Sent from my iPhone using
Well no, it is a sales tax, and sales taxes are paid at the point of the sale.
They are. I had not read the bill prior to you sending it, thanks.

But they are doing it to try and force a company to change a perfectly legal business decision. how can you be ok with that?
No, that's true. You make a valid point. Bias is bias.
Good show.
Wow, sounds like you are for Corporate Welfare? Why should Delta get a tax break while the poor don't?
So you're against taking tax breaks from all companies then? Not singling one out like this?
So you are okay that IRS attacked Conservatives companies during the Obama years, and now when it comes back at you, you whine like a pussie? The gloves are off punk, you fucked US real good in that Fundamental Transformation of America, now that Make America Great Again is on, now you have to take it, MFer.
Good stuff, considering how clearly ignorant you clearly are of my politics.

That doesn't stop you, though!

Always interesting, thanks.
I know you are a moderate because you are too ashamed to claim you are a liberal. it is people like you that got US 8 years of the dickwad, community agitator. We had to live with his rules and now times have changed and when you see the shit for brains getting punished now, you don't like it. President Trump was elected NOT to be an establishment puke, but a fighter, we are fighting to keep this country FREE, that means NOT to be cowed down by sorry ass liberals.
So you're okay with a state going after a private company because it doesn't like an individual and legal decision it made.

Just as I said.

Okay. Thanks.
The left had no problem using the Federal Government to punish their enemies.
I am more like an eye for an eye. You fuck with US you get back twice as much. When Japan Bombed pearl harbor(not the Nazi's) the sleeping giant awoke and made Japan rue the day. It seems that you are okay when one side fucks with Conservatives, but not vice versa.

Moderate is another term for Spineless liberal who is too ashamed to be called liberal.

It's okay for the government to specifically punish a private business because they disagree with an individual and legal business decision? Yikes. Conservatism sure is going in an interesting direction.
But it's ok for government to punish and entire segment of society by banning their guns even thought they never commited a crime?
That would be a different topic. I'll be happy to address that in a different thread, but let's stay on topic here.

Two wrongs don't make a right. We learn that when we're kids.
So you're against taking tax breaks from all companies then? Not singling one out like this?
So you are okay that IRS attacked Conservatives companies during the Obama years, and now when it comes back at you, you whine like a pussie? The gloves are off punk, you fucked US real good in that Fundamental Transformation of America, now that Make America Great Again is on, now you have to take it, MFer.
Good stuff, considering how clearly ignorant you clearly are of my politics.

That doesn't stop you, though!

Always interesting, thanks.
I know you are a moderate because you are too ashamed to claim you are a liberal. it is people like you that got US 8 years of the dickwad, community agitator. We had to live with his rules and now times have changed and when you see the shit for brains getting punished now, you don't like it. President Trump was elected NOT to be an establishment puke, but a fighter, we are fighting to keep this country FREE, that means NOT to be cowed down by sorry ass liberals.
So you're okay with a state going after a private company because it doesn't like an individual and legal decision it made.

Just as I said.

Okay. Thanks.
The left had no problem using the Federal Government to punish their enemies.
I am more like an eye for an eye. You fuck with US you get back twice as much. When Japan Bombed pearl harbor(not the Nazi's) the sleeping giant awoke and made Japan rue the day. It seems that you are okay when one side fucks with Conservatives, but not vice versa.

Moderate is another term for Spineless liberal who is too ashamed to be called liberal.

One more party before country person. This board is filled with you losers.

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