Geraldo Rivera says he's leaving 'The Five' over 'growing tension' at the popular show

Sorry I didn't get the memo that this thread is where you just make shit up.

If it isn't reported by Faux, it doesn't exist!!!


What was Greg Gutfeld doing at Huffington Post if he really is conservative?

You think Greg Gutfeld supports Trump?


Greg Gutfeld could destroy the Co2 fraud if he wanted to. He has a show. He knows how to argue it. He won't because he likes it. It gives him "content" to "discuss" for his "audience."

Greg Gutfeld is a huge supporter of W, the "war on terror" and Ukraine. He is a card carrying Zionist Fascist masquerading as a "Republican"
Like I said, apparently this thread is where you feel you just make stuff up.
You are doing well.
This entire thread is a joke and is nothing more than the spouting off by blue-haired, MSM bots who drive to their daily “The View“ watch parties in their bumper sticker covered Prius’.
Holy hell - who is this weirdo??
Rant much?

Your IQ < 5

Still think W was a "great conservative President?"

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...

George W. Bush-Michelle Obama Viral Video Came From Convicted Con Man ...

Your IQ < 5

Still think W was a "great conservative President?"

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...

George W. Bush-Michelle Obama Viral Video Came From Convicted Con Man ...

Dude, are you on crack or do you just fill your day with putting words in other people's mouths so you can bitch about it?
Put down the pipe, take a nap and go to therapy.
Dude, are you on crack or do you just fill your day with putting words in other people's mouths so you can bitch about it?
Put down the pipe, take a nap and go to therapy.

It is funny. Idiots who cannot defend their own "views" (which are all parroted) always resort to this type of trolling when outed for being idiots...

YOU ARE A MORON, a FRAUD, a FAUX "conservative," and a ZIONIST TRAITOR


He didn't quit. That was obvious from his initial reactions. Now his story is he is quitting. Nobody cares, but it's funny.
Fox new is a lying machine.

Gutfeld and waters both have punchable faces.
Gutfeld is a wannabe comedian and waters is a typical partisan hack.
If the tV show hosts that are supposed to e comedians stuck to it instead of promoting politics all the time you may have a point on Gutfeld. And Watters a partisan hack! Unlike the thousands and thousands of open-minded pundits pushing Prog politics on near every other station in the land.

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