German home schooling family seeks asylum in U.S.

@ Chloe:

If the state fails to meet the basic requirements of establishing a public school (like guaranteeing the physicial safety of all pupils) than it is something else.
I hope your nephew continues to get good grades and is safe.
Or, let me ask you back:

Do you believe that children with parents that genuinly care about their education would do better than their compatriots in a public school too?

Depends on the parents, the children and the public school, don't you think?
Of course but if the parents care more than the children will on average do better, provided other factors are equal. This is at least what I think.
One could propose and additional confounder, parents caring a lot about education will avoid openly bad schools.
Or, let me ask you back:

Do you believe that children with parents that genuinly care about their education would do better than their compatriots in a public school too?

Obviously children whose parents are involved do better no matter where they are schooled. But that said, such children would do even better if home schooled because there would be less of the distractions found in public schools.
I think we can agree to disagree there, since classifying parents into "cares about education" and "cares not about education" would be a statistical nightmare, I am very sure that there is no study comparing home schooled kids with public schooled kids whose parents genuinly care about education.
Provide statistics. From what I have seen the scores for Home school versus public school all HUGELY favor homeschool.

My wife and I homeschooled our children (natural and adopted). The kids all went on to higher education and were all honor students in College. When we started a third of a century ago, the state tried to threaten us. Homeschooling parents were frequently arrested and faced prison sentences. It was as if nobody in government had read about Walden Pond. I saw it as my duty to stand up to those idiots.

I made it common knowledge that if they tried that arrest crap with me there would be hell to pay. About that time a homeschooling father was shot dead by the police in Utah when they came to try to take away his children.

In California they wisely stayed away from me. I do not put up with crap from government when government is wrong. I spoke at churches in Southern California, and many families took up home schooling. In all cases we documented our children's progress with SAT tests that showed them to be far above grade level.

The fact that the state was able to harass homeschoolers was wrong. That kind of crap is how the Nazi's were able to get away with all the wrong they inflicted on the German populace. I commend anybody who will fight against government when government is totally wrong.

I homeschooled for very simple reasons. I knew that we could do a far better job than the weird State of California, the most wasteful state in the history of the world when it comes to funding public education (The most money spent with the poorest results as documented by the state itself.). I have long agitated for a voucher system here in California. It would save the state Billions.

We received threatening letter at the beginning. Towards the end of our experiment (years later) the Great State of California was offering to help us with books. We never took advantage of that, because all of the books that they were using were vastly inferior to the ones we had purchased for our kids. We found the Menonite text books to be of the best quality.

Sure do wish they had given out vouchers back then. We could have cut our costs by tens of thousands of dollars.
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So let me see if I've got this right. These parents don't want their children to learn about evolution so they decided to homeschool them, and Germany compelled them to send their kids to public school. These parents are now illegal immigrants in East Tenn and have been welcomed with open arms by the morons that live in that part of the country.

There is some heavy irony happening here.
Regional bigotry; typical for a liberal.
What does that have to do with where she lives?

Nothing. I never said it did. I made two points. We discussed one, which was whether or not she even KNEW anyone from East Tennessee - although we never covered whether that meant she personally knew anyone who was homeschooled - and that then led us to the OTHER point, which is that she posts like she's functionally illiterate, and so is not exactly qualified to denigrate anyone else's education.
Nothing. I never said it did. I made two points. We discussed one, which was whether or not she even KNEW anyone from East Tennessee - although we never covered whether that meant she personally knew anyone who was homeschooled - and that then led us to the OTHER point, which is that she posts like she's functionally illiterate, and so is not exactly qualified to denigrate anyone else's education.
I don't think she's illiterate. Methinks you disagree with her so insult her- a sure sign of a weak debater, which is a form of illiteracy on a debate board. you live in East Tenn? That doesn't surprise me in the least.
Wow so you think the Yadkin Valley is in Tennessee? And with Google at your fingertips. You're a real dumb fucker as well as a bigot. :lol:
Wow so you think the Yadkin Valley is in Tennessee? And with Google at your fingertips. You're a real dumb fucker as well as a bigot. :lol:
I've no idea where Yadkin Valley, nor do I care. I was discussing what the OP said, that a bunch of morons in East Tenn welcomed illegal immigrants with open arms because they support their wish to hide evolution from their kids.
I've no idea where Yadkin Valley, nor do I care. I was discussing what the OP said, that a bunch of morons in East Tenn welcomed illegal immigrants with open arms because they support their wish to hide evolution from their kids.

If you're going to use my physical location to equate me with some folks that you hate because they live in East Tenn then common sense would dictate that you find out first that the Yadkin is not in East Tenn. I guess that you're just too much of a dumb fuck though. :cuckoo:
If you're going to use my physical location to equate me with some folks that you hate because they live in East Tenn then common sense would dictate that you find out first that the Yadkin is not in East Tenn. I guess that you're just too much of a dumb fuck though. :cuckoo:
LOL! I didn't even look to see where you were from. Where is it, West Virginia?

I don't think she's illiterate. Methinks you disagree with her so insult her- a sure sign of a weak debater, which is a form of illiteracy on a debate board.

Nope. If I disagree with her, then I say so, which I have on numerous occasions. If I think her posts demonstrate illiteracy, then I say THAT. And I consider her revealed educational level to be quite relevant insofar as she has taken it upon herself to adopt a superior, insulting attitude toward the education of others. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, as they say.

As it happens, her posts DO demonstrate a decided lack of literacy.They are poorly structured grammatically, badly punctuated, and more difficult to read than they should be due to those deficiencies. That is just a cold, hard fact, not insults or a personal attack. She invited the comparison by setting herself up as qualified to sneer at the intelligence and education of others, and she has no one to blame but herself that her posts were unable to withstand the scrutiny she brought on herself.

As for "a sure sign of a weak debater", your clumsy attempt to dismiss a point you could not address or defend against by trying to deflect it onto me - particularly when it manifestly does not apply to me - would richly qualify.

As for "a sure sign of a weak debater", your clumsy attempt to dismiss a point you could not address or defend against by trying to deflect it onto me - particularly when it manifestly does not apply to me - would richly qualify.
I'm not dismissing a point, in fact I haven't addressed it at all. All I did was inform you that Bones lives real close to East Tenn so she probably knows a few east Tennesseans, which appears to qualify her opinions about that region better than you.

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