German Intel: China Told WHO to Hide Human-to-Human Coronavirus Transmission in Jan

Who did read NY Times Jan, 20? Obviously, not German Intel.

China Confirms New Coronavirus Spreads From Humans to Humans
A top Chinese government-appointed expert says a mysterious respiratory illness that has killed at least four people can be transmitted by humans, heightening concern about the outbreak.

WUHAN, China — The mysterious coronavirus that has killed at least four people and sickened more than 200 in China is capable of spreading from person to person, a prominent Chinese scientist said on Monday, adding to fears of a broader epidemic.

The disclosure increased pressure on the Chinese government to contain a growing public health crisis, just as China enters its busiest travel season of the year. On Tuesday, the authorities confirmed a fourth death from the illness in the central Chinese city of Wuhan.

The authorities had previously said the deadly virus seemed capable of spreading only from animals to humans in most cases, tracing the outbreak to a market in Wuhan.

But in recent days at least two people have become infected with the pneumonialike virus even though they live hundreds of miles from Wuhan, experts said on Monday, suggesting that the illness is spreading from person to person.
What has Germany to do with the nonsense arguments of the US-American government against the WHO and China on reason to support Donald Trumps reelection campaign?

Lol. Please tell me you aren't from Iran. Because if you are, your arguments are immediately discredited.

¿Iran? The Persians are nice people. Never had a problem with Persians.

If not, Germany is one of the 182 countries which were affected by COVID-19. Germany is also one of our allies.

Germany is an ally of the USA ... but I doubt about that Trumperica is an ally of Germany. I guess Trumperica is no ones ally - not even an ally of the USA.

We take what they have to say seriously.

Germany says not the nonsense, which you say. And the USA reacts on nothing, what Germany really says. Since Trump is president the communication between Germany and the USA is practically dead.

They have no interest in helping Trump win anything. He and Angela Merkel are not exactly best buddies.

Trump and all Germans - except some few Nazis - are "not exactly the best buddies".

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What has Germany to do with the nonsense arguments of the US-American government against the WHO and China on reason to support Donald Trumps reelection campaign?

Lol. Please tell me you aren't from Iran. Because if you are, your arguments are immediately discredited.

¿Iran? The Persians are nice people. Never had a problem with Persians.

If not, Germany is one of the 182 countries which were affected by COVID-19. Germany is also one of our allies.

Germany is an ally of the USA ... but I doubt about that Trumperica is an ally of Germany. I guess Trumperica is no ones ally - not even an ally of the USA.

We take what they have to say seriously.

Germany says not the nonsense, which you say. And the USA reacts on nothing, what Germany really says. Since Trump is president the communication between Germany and the USA is practically dead.

They have no interest in helping Trump win anything. He and Angela Merkel are not exactly best buddies.

Trump and all Germans - except some few Nazis - are "not exactly the best buddies".

Thank you for confirming my suspicions. Get out of my sight.

Who is German Intel? What has Germany to do with the nonsense arguments of the US-American government against the WHO and China on reason to support Donald Trumps reelection campaign? Nothing!!! Sure lost China time - unintentionally, I guess. Sure is not everything in the WHO perfect - but the WHO is a damned good organisation. Only the allknowing president Trump and the allmighty USA are perfect. :lol:

But indeed Trump on his own lost not only a lot of time in starting to fight against this pandemic - he was, and is, still counterproductive in fighting the Corona-2 virus. So I fear this fight will need a longer time, because Trump is president of the USA. He blocks the USA. And he uses the influence of the USA to try to speed down others too.

Um, is English not your first language?

I am not a native English speaker. Who exactly is "German Intel"? The problems of Trumperica with China and the WHO have nothing to do with Germany. Your pseudo-president Donald Trump makes an extremly bad job, what's one of the worst problems for the USA.

Sounds to me like you know less about our politics than you do our language. In English, Intel is short for Intelligence. When it comes to trusting intel, I trust ours and Europe's more than information we get from commie China. China is who is responsible for destroying our economy and the worlds. They knew about this virus and tried to hide it as long as possible. They stopped all domestic flights in and out of Wuhan while allowing international flights to continue. That's just a fact. So why would we not trust Germany?


Who is German Intel? What has Germany to do with the nonsense arguments of the US-American government against the WHO and China on reason to support Donald Trumps reelection campaign? Nothing!!! Sure lost China time - unintentionally, I guess. Sure is not everything in the WHO perfect - but the WHO is a damned good organisation. Only the allknowing president Trump and the allmighty USA are perfect. :lol:

But indeed Trump on his own lost not only a lot of time in starting to fight against this pandemic - he was, and is, still counterproductive in fighting the Corona-2 virus. So I fear this fight will need a longer time, because Trump is president of the USA. He blocks the USA. And he uses the influence of the USA to try to speed down others too.

Um, is English not your first language?

I am not a native English speaker. Who exactly is "German Intel"? The problems of Trumperica with China and the WHO have nothing to do with Germany. Your pseudo-president Donald Trump makes an extremly bad job, what's one of the worst problems for the USA.

Sounds to me like you know less about our politics than you do our language. In English, Intel is short for Intelligence.

Secret services? So who is "German Intel"? The MAD? The Verfassungsschutz? Another one? An unknown one?

When it comes to trusting intel,

In a "German Intel" without name?

I trust ours

You trust in the secret services of the USA? Sounds funny.

and Europe's more

¿Europe? Secret Services? ...

than information we get from commie China.

Commie? China? An empty phrase, isn't it? Capitalitic state you could also say in case of China. "Statecapitalism" is perhaps a good descritpiton.

China is who is responsible for destroying our economy and the worlds.

What a nonsense. Never anyone forced anyone else to have to buy goods from China.

They knew about this virus and tried to hide it as long as possible.

"They" - more concrete the mayjoralty of Wuhan - tried not to notice what's going on. They did not take serios the doctor, who found out it is a new virus. This man was very frustrated, because he got the order not to speak about this nonsense any longer - otherwise they would fire him. Unfortuntalely the diletants of Wuhan were wrong and indeed it was a new virus which had caused problems. It needed no secret service to find this out - this was reported in TV all over Germany a very short time after the first Corona problems were here and a very long time before Donald Trump started to see the problem.

If I think about now: The mayor of Wuhan did do nearly the same what Trump was doing. Both trivialised the problems.

They stopped all domestic flights in and out of Wuhan while allowing international flights to continue. That's just a fact. So why would we not trust Germany?

Because it's a lie. Germany never said this nonsense, which is proclaimed here.

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The CCP is the NME! And don't you forget it.

"The Chinese Communist Party forced the World Health Organization (WHO) to refrain from notifying the world about human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus, causing a “four to six-week delay in fighting” the virus, according to Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service.
The recently-released report corroborates the Trump administration’s narrative that China purposely withheld this critical information, delaying the world’s ability to respond: “According to the BND, China has urged the World Health Organization (WHO) to delay a global warning after the outbreak of the virus at the highest level. On January 21, China’s leader Xi Jinping asked WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to hold back information about a human-to-human transmission and to delay a pandemic warning.”

This follows the Department of Homeland Security alleging the CCP’s intentional delay in notifying authorities of the outbreak was to stockpile medical supplies now in a global shortage.

It’s also the latest proof of WHO’s subservience to the CCP, sacrificing global health by acquiescing to Beijing’s demands."

Lies fake news

Samantha bee colbert report says drumphf!
What has Germany to do with the nonsense arguments of the US-American government against the WHO and China on reason to support Donald Trumps reelection campaign?

Lol. Please tell me you aren't from Iran. Because if you are, your arguments are immediately discredited.

¿Iran? The Persians are nice people. Never had a problem with Persians.

If not, Germany is one of the 182 countries which were affected by COVID-19. Germany is also one of our allies.

Germany is an ally of the USA ... but I doubt about that Trumperica is an ally of Germany. I guess Trumperica is no ones ally - not even an ally of the USA.

We take what they have to say seriously.

Germany says not the nonsense, which you say. And the USA reacts on nothing, what Germany really says. Since Trump is president the communication between Germany and the USA is practically dead.

They have no interest in helping Trump win anything. He and Angela Merkel are not exactly best buddies.

Trump and all Germans - except some few Nazis - are "not exactly the best buddies".

Thank you for confirming my suspicions. Get out of my sight.

You have absolutely nothing to do with the philosopher Diogenes.
"They" - more concrete the mayjoralty of Wuhan - tried not to notice what's going on. They did not take serios the doctor, who found out it is a new virus. This man was very frustrated, because he got the order not to speak about this nonsense any longer - otherwise they would fire him. Unfortuntalely the diletants of Wuhan were wrong and indeed it was a new virus which had caused problems. It needed no secret service to find this out - this was reported in TV all over Germany a very short time after the first Corona problems were here and a very long time before Donald Trump started to see the problem.

If I think about now: The mayor of Wuhan did do nearly the same what Trump was doing. Both trivialised the problems.

China asked the WHO to keep the information of human contact of this virus away from the rest of the world, and they complied. They knew about the danger of this virus weeks if not months before they actually warned the rest of the world about it. They carelessly or intentionally grounded all domestic flights in and out of Wuhan, and allowed international flights to continue.

When Trump asked China if our scientists could go down there to learn about this virus, they refused. They are still hiding much data from us. When WHO finally did announce that this virus could be a world problem, President Trump took action that very day.

Because it's a lie. Germany never said this nonsense, which is proclaimed here.

I didn't say Germany said this. Our intel says that this happened.
"They" - more concrete the mayjoralty of Wuhan - tried not to notice what's going on. They did not take serios the doctor, who found out it is a new virus. This man was very frustrated, because he got the order not to speak about this nonsense any longer - otherwise they would fire him. Unfortuntalely the diletants of Wuhan were wrong and indeed it was a new virus which had caused problems. It needed no secret service to find this out - this was reported in TV all over Germany a very short time after the first Corona problems were here and a very long time before Donald Trump started to see the problem.

If I think about now: The mayor of Wuhan did do nearly the same what Trump was doing. Both trivialised the problems.

China asked the WHO to keep the information of human contact of this virus away from the rest of the world, and they complied. They knew about the danger of this virus weeks if not months before they actually warned the rest of the world about it. They carelessly or intentionally grounded all domestic flights in and out of Wuhan, and allowed international flights to continue.

When Trump asked China if our scientists could go down there to learn about this virus, they refused. They are still hiding much data from us. When WHO finally did announce that this virus could be a world problem, President Trump took action that very day.

Because it's a lie. Germany never said this nonsense, which is proclaimed here.

I didn't say Germany said this. Our intel says that this happened.

The title here is: German Intel: China Told WHO to Hide Human-to-Human Coronavirus Transmission in Jan

I don't think any German secret service said anything what's written here in this textes. And I guess no one in Germany understands the step of the USA to leave the WHO. And the USA had caused once the spanish influenca. In this context it is always strange to see what kind of "moral" the USA is using with foreign nations and what other kind of "moral" the USA is using in context of the own country.

Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
Immanuel Kant
"They" - more concrete the mayjoralty of Wuhan - tried not to notice what's going on. They did not take serios the doctor, who found out it is a new virus. This man was very frustrated, because he got the order not to speak about this nonsense any longer - otherwise they would fire him. Unfortuntalely the diletants of Wuhan were wrong and indeed it was a new virus which had caused problems. It needed no secret service to find this out - this was reported in TV all over Germany a very short time after the first Corona problems were here and a very long time before Donald Trump started to see the problem.

If I think about now: The mayor of Wuhan did do nearly the same what Trump was doing. Both trivialised the problems.

China asked the WHO to keep the information of human contact of this virus away from the rest of the world, and they complied. They knew about the danger of this virus weeks if not months before they actually warned the rest of the world about it. They carelessly or intentionally grounded all domestic flights in and out of Wuhan, and allowed international flights to continue.

When Trump asked China if our scientists could go down there to learn about this virus, they refused. They are still hiding much data from us. When WHO finally did announce that this virus could be a world problem, President Trump took action that very day.

Because it's a lie. Germany never said this nonsense, which is proclaimed here.

I didn't say Germany said this. Our intel says that this happened.

The title here is: German Intel: China Told WHO to Hide Human-to-Human Coronavirus Transmission in Jan

I don't think any German secret service said anything what's written here in this textes. And I guess no one in Germany understands the step of the USA to leave the WHO. And the USA had caused once the spanish influenca. In this context it is always strange to see what kind of "moral" the USA is using with foreign nations and what other kind of "moral" the USA is using in context of the own country.

Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
Immanuel Kant

We are trying to leave the WHO because it's also run by a bunch of corrupt people. The USA provides most of their funding, and certainly way more than China. If they want to work for China, then let China fund them. If they decide to work for us, then it better be good work and not deception.

I'm 60 years old, and I've seen this country at it's best and worst. I've seen recessions, I've been here during the Oklahoma City bombing, I've seen 911, I've seen the housing collapse, but I've never experienced anything like this. My 88 year old father said the same thing, and he grew up in extreme poverty.

What China did to us is unforgivable. It should be as well for the rest of the world.
"They" - more concrete the mayjoralty of Wuhan - tried not to notice what's going on. They did not take serios the doctor, who found out it is a new virus. This man was very frustrated, because he got the order not to speak about this nonsense any longer - otherwise they would fire him. Unfortuntalely the diletants of Wuhan were wrong and indeed it was a new virus which had caused problems. It needed no secret service to find this out - this was reported in TV all over Germany a very short time after the first Corona problems were here and a very long time before Donald Trump started to see the problem.

If I think about now: The mayor of Wuhan did do nearly the same what Trump was doing. Both trivialised the problems.

China asked the WHO to keep the information of human contact of this virus away from the rest of the world, and they complied. They knew about the danger of this virus weeks if not months before they actually warned the rest of the world about it. They carelessly or intentionally grounded all domestic flights in and out of Wuhan, and allowed international flights to continue.

When Trump asked China if our scientists could go down there to learn about this virus, they refused. They are still hiding much data from us. When WHO finally did announce that this virus could be a world problem, President Trump took action that very day.

Because it's a lie. Germany never said this nonsense, which is proclaimed here.

I didn't say Germany said this. Our intel says that this happened.

The title here is: German Intel: China Told WHO to Hide Human-to-Human Coronavirus Transmission in Jan

I don't think any German secret service said anything what's written here in this textes. And I guess no one in Germany understands the step of the USA to leave the WHO. And the USA had caused once the spanish influenca. In this context it is always strange to see what kind of "moral" the USA is using with foreign nations and what other kind of "moral" the USA is using in context of the own country.

Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
Immanuel Kant

We are trying to leave the WHO because it's also run by a bunch of corrupt people. The USA provides most of their funding, and certainly way more than China. If they want to work for China, then let China fund them. If they decide to work for us, then it better be good work and not deception.

I'm 60 years old, and I've seen this country at it's best and worst. I've seen recessions, I've been here during the Oklahoma City bombing, I've seen 911, I've seen the housing collapse, but I've never experienced anything like this. My 88 year old father said the same thing, and he grew up in extreme poverty.

What China did to us is unforgivable. It should be as well for the rest of the world.
It sounds like we need a regime change in China. Kill all the fucking commies.

"They" - more concrete the mayjoralty of Wuhan - tried not to notice what's going on. They did not take serios the doctor, who found out it is a new virus. This man was very frustrated, because he got the order not to speak about this nonsense any longer - otherwise they would fire him. Unfortuntalely the diletants of Wuhan were wrong and indeed it was a new virus which had caused problems. It needed no secret service to find this out - this was reported in TV all over Germany a very short time after the first Corona problems were here and a very long time before Donald Trump started to see the problem.

If I think about now: The mayor of Wuhan did do nearly the same what Trump was doing. Both trivialised the problems.

China asked the WHO to keep the information of human contact of this virus away from the rest of the world, and they complied. They knew about the danger of this virus weeks if not months before they actually warned the rest of the world about it. They carelessly or intentionally grounded all domestic flights in and out of Wuhan, and allowed international flights to continue.

When Trump asked China if our scientists could go down there to learn about this virus, they refused.

No one with a sane nmind in the world takes anyhtign serios what Trump says or offers.

They are still hiding much data from us.

No one has to give the USA any information about anything in the world.

When WHO finally did announce that this virus could be a world problem, President Trump took action that very day.

Because it's a lie. Germany never said this nonsense, which is proclaimed here.

I didn't say Germany said this. Our intel says that this happened.

The title here is: German Intel: China Told WHO to Hide Human-to-Human Coronavirus Transmission in Jan

I don't think any German secret service said anything what's written here in this textes. And I guess no one in Germany understands the step of the USA to leave the WHO. And the USA had caused once the spanish influenca. In this context it is always strange to see what kind of "moral" the USA is using with foreign nations and what other kind of "moral" the USA is using in context of the own country.

Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
Immanuel Kant

We are trying to leave the WHO because it's also run by a bunch of corrupt people.

"We" is the United States of America or the United Idiots under Donald Trump?

The USA provides most of their funding, and certainly way more than China.

The USA is a 230 years old child, which pubescents against the own European roots - while China was nearly always in history one of the eldest high cultures and advanced civilisations. They are just simple on their way back from China to China.

If they want to work for China, then let China fund them. If they decide to work for us,

Slave holder mentality. Typically 19th century.

then it better be good work and not deception.


I'm 60 years old,

Bad luck. I'm older. I don't have to respect you because of your age.

and I've seen this country at it's best and worst.

In the last 60 years the USA never had a real serios problem, as far as I can see.

I've seen recessions, I've been here during the Oklahoma City bombing, I've seen 911, I've seen the housing collapse, but I've never experienced anything like this. My 88 year old father said the same thing, and he grew up in extreme poverty.

Corona is a natural catastrophe. The good part of the message: it will pass over. The only thing it needs to solve all problems around this catastrophe is patience and engagement, until we will have a special medicament and a special vaccine. On the other side is Corona a damned good teacher. It shows what we all make wrong in our societies.

What China did to us is unforgivable.

The USA killed 3% (up to 6%) of all mankind with the spanish influenca. That's unforgiveable. Or with other words: How childish are you ?

It should be as well for the rest of the world.

What a nonsense. Everyone knew since a very long time that a pandemic always can happen. "We" (= some of our scientists) made in Germany for example in 2013 a simulation what will happen in Germany in case of a pandemic. They found out we were not ready to fight against a pandemic. For example we missed protecting clothes, masks and other medical equipment in high numbers. So what did we do? What everyone worldwide did: Nothing. No one took this danger serios. And what are we able to do now except to be angry? Nothing too. No one is able to change the past.

We all will find out where the Corona-2 virus came from - with the help of China - and I'm sure we will find in the future better ways around the problem "What to do in case of a pandemic". Your problem, which you try to speak about, while you lose yourselve in enemyship against China, is to install worldwide better early-warning mechanisms. But this will help also in the future nothing in context of a deep sleeper like Donald Trump. And you are not any longer a member of the WHO. So how do you like to install an early-warning system only for the USA worldwide? With economic wars? With soldiers? With real war? ... With what other kind of wall? ...

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"They" - more concrete the mayjoralty of Wuhan - tried not to notice what's going on. They did not take serios the doctor, who found out it is a new virus. This man was very frustrated, because he got the order not to speak about this nonsense any longer - otherwise they would fire him. Unfortuntalely the diletants of Wuhan were wrong and indeed it was a new virus which had caused problems. It needed no secret service to find this out - this was reported in TV all over Germany a very short time after the first Corona problems were here and a very long time before Donald Trump started to see the problem.

If I think about now: The mayor of Wuhan did do nearly the same what Trump was doing. Both trivialised the problems.

China asked the WHO to keep the information of human contact of this virus away from the rest of the world, and they complied. They knew about the danger of this virus weeks if not months before they actually warned the rest of the world about it. They carelessly or intentionally grounded all domestic flights in and out of Wuhan, and allowed international flights to continue.

When Trump asked China if our scientists could go down there to learn about this virus, they refused. They are still hiding much data from us. When WHO finally did announce that this virus could be a world problem, President Trump took action that very day.

Because it's a lie. Germany never said this nonsense, which is proclaimed here.

I didn't say Germany said this. Our intel says that this happened.

The title here is: German Intel: China Told WHO to Hide Human-to-Human Coronavirus Transmission in Jan

I don't think any German secret service said anything what's written here in this textes. And I guess no one in Germany understands the step of the USA to leave the WHO. And the USA had caused once the spanish influenca. In this context it is always strange to see what kind of "moral" the USA is using with foreign nations and what other kind of "moral" the USA is using in context of the own country.

Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
Immanuel Kant

We are trying to leave the WHO because it's also run by a bunch of corrupt people. The USA provides most of their funding, and certainly way more than China. If they want to work for China, then let China fund them. If they decide to work for us, then it better be good work and not deception.

I'm 60 years old, and I've seen this country at it's best and worst. I've seen recessions, I've been here during the Oklahoma City bombing, I've seen 911, I've seen the housing collapse, but I've never experienced anything like this. My 88 year old father said the same thing, and he grew up in extreme poverty.

What China did to us is unforgivable. It should be as well for the rest of the world.
It sounds like we need a regime change in China. Kill all the fucking commies.


The typical politics of dynamite fishers. Throw bombs into a lake, feel to be rich and clever while you eat three fish, and don't care about the millions of other dead fish. As long as you are "great", while all others live in shithole countries, you may feel god. Contemptible.
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