"German Media lies about events in SE Ukraine", say German Parliamentarians after visiting Donbass


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2014
Donetsk, November 21. The destructions of the residential sector on the outskirts of Donetsk caused by the Ukrainian attacks blow the mind – claimed the Bundestag Left-wing party members Wolfgang Gerke and Andrei Hunco during their fact-finding mission over vicinities of the Donetsk airport.

"I have never witnessed such a scene previously. After having visited these places I will hardly be able to sleep easily," admitted Hunco.

‘Upon return home we will insist on Germany assisting the termination of this war and developing further relations with Russia", claimed Gerke.

In the course of their mission the German politicians visited Kuibyshevsky district of the DPR’s capital in close vicinity to the Donetsk airport and had an opportunity to communicate with those few remaining residents, to see the destroyed houses and ruins of the Iversky Monastery destroyed last spring by brisk Ukrainian shellings, and fragments of gravestones it the local cemetery.

Parliamentarians told that large German media don't present a faithful picture of the events in Donbass.

"We work at the coverage of events to go public to the full, and we will do our best for people to know the truth they can thus far only guess," resumed Gerke.

Bundestag deputies deprived of easy sleep once having seen shelled Donetsk | Donbass International News Agency

Andrew Junco, a representative of the European Parliament pointed out that the action was supported by a large number of German citizens who are opposed to the unleashed mass slaughter.

Junco said that after their first visit to the DPR, which took place in February, the Ukrainian deputies in the European Council launched against them the “sharp company”:

“They shouted that we are destroying the sovereignty of Ukraine by our visit here and even made an attempt to exclude me from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. But a lot of deputies supported us – that’s why Ukrainians attempt failed. However, I was blacklisted.”

The deputies of the Bundestag: German people do not support the slaughter in the Donbass
Donetsk, November 21. The destructions of the residential sector on the outskirts of Donetsk caused by the Ukrainian attacks blow the mind – claimed the Bundestag Left-wing party members Wolfgang Gerke and Andrei Hunco during their fact-finding mission over vicinities of the Donetsk airport.

"I have never witnessed such a scene previously. After having visited these places I will hardly be able to sleep easily," admitted Hunco.

‘Upon return home we will insist on Germany assisting the termination of this war and developing further relations with Russia", claimed Gerke.

In the course of their mission the German politicians visited Kuibyshevsky district of the DPR’s capital in close vicinity to the Donetsk airport and had an opportunity to communicate with those few remaining residents, to see the destroyed houses and ruins of the Iversky Monastery destroyed last spring by brisk Ukrainian shellings, and fragments of gravestones it the local cemetery.

Parliamentarians told that large German media don't present a faithful picture of the events in Donbass.

"We work at the coverage of events to go public to the full, and we will do our best for people to know the truth they can thus far only guess," resumed Gerke.

Bundestag deputies deprived of easy sleep once having seen shelled Donetsk | Donbass International News Agency

Andrew Junco, a representative of the European Parliament pointed out that the action was supported by a large number of German citizens who are opposed to the unleashed mass slaughter.

Junco said that after their first visit to the DPR, which took place in February, the Ukrainian deputies in the European Council launched against them the “sharp company”:

“They shouted that we are destroying the sovereignty of Ukraine by our visit here and even made an attempt to exclude me from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. But a lot of deputies supported us – that’s why Ukrainians attempt failed. However, I was blacklisted.”

The deputies of the Bundestag: German people do not support the slaughter in the Donbass

‘Upon return home we will insist on Germany assisting the termination of this war and developing further relations with Russia", claimed Gerke.

That is a great idea!! Get Putin to pull his troops out of Ukraine, the war will end.
I guess once Russia cooperates, further relations will be okay.

Andrew Junco, a representative of the European Parliament pointed out that the action was supported by a large number of German citizens who are opposed to the unleashed mass slaughter.

Large numbers all over the world are opposed to Russia's mass slaughters.
Donetsk, November 21. The destructions of the residential sector on the outskirts of Donetsk caused by the Ukrainian attacks blow the mind – claimed the Bundestag Left-wing party members Wolfgang Gerke and Andrei Hunco during their fact-finding mission over vicinities of the Donetsk airport.

"I have never witnessed such a scene previously. After having visited these places I will hardly be able to sleep easily," admitted Hunco.

‘Upon return home we will insist on Germany assisting the termination of this war and developing further relations with Russia", claimed Gerke.

In the course of their mission the German politicians visited Kuibyshevsky district of the DPR’s capital in close vicinity to the Donetsk airport and had an opportunity to communicate with those few remaining residents, to see the destroyed houses and ruins of the Iversky Monastery destroyed last spring by brisk Ukrainian shellings, and fragments of gravestones it the local cemetery.

Parliamentarians told that large German media don't present a faithful picture of the events in Donbass.

"We work at the coverage of events to go public to the full, and we will do our best for people to know the truth they can thus far only guess," resumed Gerke.

Bundestag deputies deprived of easy sleep once having seen shelled Donetsk | Donbass International News Agency

Andrew Junco, a representative of the European Parliament pointed out that the action was supported by a large number of German citizens who are opposed to the unleashed mass slaughter.

Junco said that after their first visit to the DPR, which took place in February, the Ukrainian deputies in the European Council launched against them the “sharp company”:

“They shouted that we are destroying the sovereignty of Ukraine by our visit here and even made an attempt to exclude me from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. But a lot of deputies supported us – that’s why Ukrainians attempt failed. However, I was blacklisted.”

The deputies of the Bundestag: German people do not support the slaughter in the Donbass

‘Upon return home we will insist on Germany assisting the termination of this war and developing further relations with Russia", claimed Gerke.

That is a great idea!! Get Putin to pull his troops out of Ukraine, the war will end.
I guess once Russia cooperates, further relations will be okay.

Andrew Junco, a representative of the European Parliament pointed out that the action was supported by a large number of German citizens who are opposed to the unleashed mass slaughter.

Large numbers all over the world are opposed to Russia's mass slaughters.
Why do you post such nonsense? Are you a misanthrope?
Donetsk, November 21. The destructions of the residential sector on the outskirts of Donetsk caused by the Ukrainian attacks blow the mind – claimed the Bundestag Left-wing party members Wolfgang Gerke and Andrei Hunco during their fact-finding mission over vicinities of the Donetsk airport.

"I have never witnessed such a scene previously. After having visited these places I will hardly be able to sleep easily," admitted Hunco.

‘Upon return home we will insist on Germany assisting the termination of this war and developing further relations with Russia", claimed Gerke.

In the course of their mission the German politicians visited Kuibyshevsky district of the DPR’s capital in close vicinity to the Donetsk airport and had an opportunity to communicate with those few remaining residents, to see the destroyed houses and ruins of the Iversky Monastery destroyed last spring by brisk Ukrainian shellings, and fragments of gravestones it the local cemetery.

Parliamentarians told that large German media don't present a faithful picture of the events in Donbass.

"We work at the coverage of events to go public to the full, and we will do our best for people to know the truth they can thus far only guess," resumed Gerke.

Bundestag deputies deprived of easy sleep once having seen shelled Donetsk | Donbass International News Agency

Andrew Junco, a representative of the European Parliament pointed out that the action was supported by a large number of German citizens who are opposed to the unleashed mass slaughter.

Junco said that after their first visit to the DPR, which took place in February, the Ukrainian deputies in the European Council launched against them the “sharp company”:

“They shouted that we are destroying the sovereignty of Ukraine by our visit here and even made an attempt to exclude me from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. But a lot of deputies supported us – that’s why Ukrainians attempt failed. However, I was blacklisted.”

The deputies of the Bundestag: German people do not support the slaughter in the Donbass

‘Upon return home we will insist on Germany assisting the termination of this war and developing further relations with Russia", claimed Gerke.

That is a great idea!! Get Putin to pull his troops out of Ukraine, the war will end.
I guess once Russia cooperates, further relations will be okay.

Andrew Junco, a representative of the European Parliament pointed out that the action was supported by a large number of German citizens who are opposed to the unleashed mass slaughter.

Large numbers all over the world are opposed to Russia's mass slaughters.
Why do you post such nonsense? Are you a misanthrope?

Russia sucks. Putin sucks.
Get Putin to pull his troops out of Ukraine, the war will end.

Hey, you forgot that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine. All other statements are just Western propaganda. You don’t believe me? Then you should watch RT and read Sputnik as much as you can and you will be able to see the truth.
Two Russian sponsored websites publish a propaganda piece and the idiots line up to claim it is a reality. Putin thrives on stupid people.

Get Putin to pull his troops out of Ukraine, the war will end.

Hey, you forgot that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine. All other statements are just Western propaganda. You don’t believe me? Then you should watch RT and read Sputnik as much as you can and you will be able to see the truth.

Two Russian sponsored websites publish a propaganda piece and the idiots line up to claim it is a reality. Putin thrives on stupid people.

1. Oct,7 2015 (which was BTW Putin's birthday) :
The Russian ministry of defense posted this video that it said shows launches of Kalibr-NK cruise missiles from ships deployed in the Caspian sea. The strikes said to have reached targets in Syria, which means that the range of the missiles is definitely more than 500 km. Indeed, the minister of defense told the president that the actual range was "more than 1500 km."

Syria strikes, Kalibr-NK, and the INF treaty - Blog - Russian strategic nuclear forces
Video attached ^

Before Oct 7 some NATO generals kept saying: "If Russian troops really were present in Donbass, they would reach Kiev in 3 days". After Oct 7 it became obvious (for those who have some brains), it would be done much quicker than in 3 days.

2. To go to Donbass German parliamentarians had to take a longer route through Russia because official Kiev “could not guarantee their security.” And if you read post#1 to the end you'll find out that:

Junco said that after their first visit to the DPR, which took place in February, the Ukrainian deputies in the European Council launched against them the “sharp company”:
“They shouted that we are destroying the sovereignty of Ukraine by our visit here and even made an attempt to exclude me from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. But a lot of deputies supported us – that’s why Ukrainians attempt failed. However, I was blacklisted.”

Why? May be because official Kiev didn't want its European "partners" to see the real situation in Donbass and knew there were no Russian troops there?

3. In case you two Decus and Esay don't know German, you may ask Bleipriester to translate this for you:
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"If Russian troops really were present in Donbass, they would reach Kiev in 3 days". After Oct 7 it became obvious (for those who have some brains), it would be done much quicker than in 3 days.

They would need the order to do such things. But Russia (and what is more important –Russian elite) is heavily dependent on the West. And that is why the Russian troops are now present at neither Kiev nor Kharkov nor Odessa, for example. I remember the offensive against Mariupol in the first days of the September of 2014 and very few people had doubts that the city would be in the rebels’ hands soon. But the offensive was halted in a couple of days and the rebels and so-called “otpuskniki” stopped halfway and the first Minsk agreements were signed. Very interesting coincidence, isn’t it? (It is a rhetorical question).
You may be right, but then it does not make any sense for Russian troops (or “otpuskniki”) to be present in Donbass.
Actually, all that noise about Russian troops in Dondass became boring long ago. Some believe that there were and still are these troops, some think the opposite. You can believe in everything you want.
Here is a German media account of what is happening in eastern Ukraine:

"Almost every week, negotiators from Kiev, Moscow and the rebel strongholds Donetsk and Luhansk argue about the detailed implementation of the Minsk ceasefire agreement. It may look good on paper but in practice, when the OSCE observers arrive in eastern Ukraine, they face uncooperative local despots, as they did this week in the occupied territory of Luhansk."

Playing with fire in Donbass | Europe | DW.COM | 19.11.2015

But its not just German media that see eastern Ukraine for what it is. This is from the Washington Post published four days ago:

"Now the Russian guns are firing again. In the past week there have been dozens of incidents daily in which the supposedly withdrawn weapons, including heavy mortars and Grad rockets, have been fired at Ukrainian positions. Nine Ukrainian soldiers have been reported killed. Having proved in September that he could switch off the shooting in Ukraine when it suited him, Russian President Vladimir Putin has now, at a minimum, allowed it to resume. It’s a development that Western governments contemplating an alliance with the Russian ruler in the Middle East cannot afford to ignore."

Russia opens fire on Ukraine again as the West stands by

Putin loves stupid people.

Get Putin to pull his troops out of Ukraine, the war will end.

Hey, you forgot that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine. All other statements are just Western propaganda. You don’t believe me? Then you should watch RT and read Sputnik as much as you can and you will be able to see the truth.

Hey, you forgot that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine.

That's funny, thanks for the laugh.
Now get the Russian troops out of Ukraine.

You don’t believe me? Then you should watch RT and read Sputnik

Yes, Russian propaganda is very useful when searching for the truth of Russia's crimes.
Get Putin to pull his troops out of Ukraine, the war will end.

Hey, you forgot that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine. All other statements are just Western propaganda. You don’t believe me? Then you should watch RT and read Sputnik as much as you can and you will be able to see the truth.

Hey, you forgot that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine.

That's funny, thanks for the laugh.
Now get the Russian troops out of Ukraine.

You don’t believe me? Then you should watch RT and read Sputnik

Yes, Russian propaganda is very useful when searching for the truth of Russia's crimes.
What is your mission in Ukraine, "Patriot". Serving Obama or serving the Nazis?
Get Putin to pull his troops out of Ukraine, the war will end.

Hey, you forgot that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine. All other statements are just Western propaganda. You don’t believe me? Then you should watch RT and read Sputnik as much as you can and you will be able to see the truth.

Hey, you forgot that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine.

That's funny, thanks for the laugh.
Now get the Russian troops out of Ukraine.

You don’t believe me? Then you should watch RT and read Sputnik

Yes, Russian propaganda is very useful when searching for the truth of Russia's crimes.
What is your mission in Ukraine, "Patriot". Serving Obama or serving the Nazis?

What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?
That's funny, thanks for the laugh.
Now get the Russian troops out of Ukraine.

Unfortunately, I can’t do that.
Maybe you will be surprised, but the current Ukrainian rulers aren’t interested in these troops being withdrawn from Ukraine.
What ever the Left party does in Ukraine, let´s not forget, it is a tool of western imperialism that cannot be trusted. The higher their ranks within the party, the lower burns their flame of ideology. Some are completely rotten. They invented automates with sets of cutlery for heroin junkies while they demand better conditions for foreigners. They also are the Wests dirty little helper in Syria, calling for a no fly zone, establishing connections to Germany for the terrorists, etc.

Wie die Linkspartei den Krieg in Syrien unterstützt - World Socialist Web Site

Of course, this one is located directly next to the day nursery:

You will find this one between the pediatric clinic and McDonalds:
Here is a German media account of what is happening in eastern Ukraine:

"Almost every week, negotiators from Kiev, Moscow and the rebel strongholds Donetsk and Luhansk argue about the detailed implementation of the Minsk ceasefire agreement. It may look good on paper but in practice, when the OSCE observers arrive in eastern Ukraine, they face uncooperative local despots, as they did this week in the occupied territory of Luhansk."

Playing with fire in Donbass | Europe | DW.COM | 19.11.2015

But its not just German media that see eastern Ukraine for what it is. This is from the Washington Post published four days ago:

"Now the Russian guns are firing again. In the past week there have been dozens of incidents daily in which the supposedly withdrawn weapons, including heavy mortars and Grad rockets, have been fired at Ukrainian positions. Nine Ukrainian soldiers have been reported killed. Having proved in September that he could switch off the shooting in Ukraine when it suited him, Russian President Vladimir Putin has now, at a minimum, allowed it to resume. It’s a development that Western governments contemplating an alliance with the Russian ruler in the Middle East cannot afford to ignore."

Russia opens fire on Ukraine again as the West stands by

Putin loves stupid people.


To me your post, Decus, is :offtopic:, but I will comment it regardless.

1. US&EU (who are proud of their democracy!) encouraged and supported the coup in Ukraine. However supporting coups doesn’t have anything to do with democracy.

Putin: We know who had meetings, and worked with people who overthrew Viktor Yanukovych, as well as when and where they did it; we know the ways the assistance was provided, we know how much they paid them, we know which territories and countries hosted trainings and how it was done, we know who the instructors were. We know everything. Well, actually, our US partners are not keeping it a secret. They openly admit to providing assistance, training people, and spending a specific amount of money on it. They are naming large sums of money: up to $5 billion; we are talking about billions of dollars here. This is why it is no longer a secret; no one is trying to argue about that.

We respect the sovereignty of Ukraine, but respecting sovereignty means preventing coups, unconstitutional actions and illegitimate overthrowing of the legitimate government. All these things should be totally prevented.

Sott Exclusive: Full unedited text of Vladimir Putin's interview with Charlie Rose: What CBS left out -- Sott.net

And does anybody has any doubts that after spending so much money and efforts to arrange the coup West will suddenly open its eyes and start telling the truth about events in its geopolitical project of Ukraine (Uk-Ruin, as it’s been called after all)?

2. Nov 20 2015: “Not all heavy armaments have been withdrawn from the disengagement line in east Ukraine”, Deputy Chief Monitor of theSpecial Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Ukraine Alexander Hug said Thursday.

Hug told a briefing that explosions registered by SMM monitors were caused by heavy armaments’ fire. He added that the ceasefire in the area of Kiev’s military operation is very unstable.
Not all heavy armaments pulled back from disengagement line in Donbass — OSCE

FYI, I have friends in Donbass, who live there and see who violates the ceasefire. Western Media should go ahead and post a few interviews with them.

3. Also Ukrainian junta is very afraid now that official Moscow and official Washington may agree about Syria and abandon Ukraine.

Georgian ex-president and Governer of Odessa and Ukrainian citizen Saakashvili hired his Georgian buddies to deliver Ukrainian weapons to Syria through Turkey to shoot an American plane (and after that a Russian one) and to make it look like Russians have done it.

“McCain is waiting for our actions.Otherwise, Obama will not raise his ass, elections are coming soon and he will do nothing. You see, Poroshenko also began to wag his tail in front of Putin,” said Saakashvili.

Ukrainian Wikileaks: McCain and Saakashvili are plotting to shoot down American plane in Syria to blame Russia [transcript]
Ukrainian Wikileaks: McCain and Saakashvili are plotting to shoot down American plane in Syria to blame Russia [transcript] - Fort Russ
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