Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: "We no longer recognize the United States as a Superpower."

Lying Donald Trump has utterly destroyed America's image around the world in less than a year. Germany has in fact become the leader of the free world now. And now he has also united the entire arab world against us. So...does this make Americans more safe? Or less safe?

Cons don't bother answering you live in fantasy world. For everyone else these are the consequences of sitting on your ass and not voting if you didn't vote. There is a leper colony in the White House now that all the world hates.
Germany is more oppressive towards its own native people than the Soviet Union.

You do understand that, right?
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!
Today's Germany doesn't like Nazi's.
Germany today is full blown communist.

China has a freer Internet than Germany does.
"I don’t care about globalist pigs like Germans."

Not all Germans are Globalists and if Germany was a Sovereign nation and not Occupied Territory within several months Germany would be Nationalist once again, just like you are an American Nationalist, but the International Globalists who control your Armed Forces will not allow your Armed Forces to leave Germany because the International Globalists know that the fire is still in the stomach, that the same DNA is there and things are just dormant but at any moment can awake.

The International Globalists hate you also because you are an American Nationalist, they hate Nationalists because they do not want people being Patriotic, having love of nation, having Communities of like minded, which is why they push Multiculturalism on ALL Western nations, Multiculturalism means death of the Dominant Culture that has existed for Centuries, so no nation states, no borders, nothing to bind communities together, just One World of Nothing and then Death.
No one hates you because you are patriotic. They recognize the stupidity of your ideas.

This country is multicultural & will always be despite your ilk's plans for a white USA.

You must be a youngster. This country was mostly caucasian till the racial balance of immigrants was changed to bring in darker skinned people from the third world back in the mid '60s.

No youngster. I see through your arguments to your white supremacy views.

How does my telling you what things were like at one time in America make me a racist? That word sure gets flung around these forums by both dems and repubs. I'm 73 and except in certain isolated areas, this was a majority caucasian country until non caucasian third worlders came here starting in the mid 60's. Most all the politicians, judges, doctors, nurses, school teachers, engineers, craftsman, on and on. Blacks stayed amongst their own, in their own neighborhoods and schools which were segregated etc. Very few asians also. This was not a multiculture society. I'm not even saying that was a good thing, just the way it was.

You was not a Multicultural society until the below, until the below you were a nation predominantly of those of European descent, the below stopped that and you then started to Import know.

View attachment 165009

^^^^ Not unintentionally alter the demographic mix of America, it was INTENTIONALLY designed to alter the demographic mix of America which is now why you are full of tens of millions of Mexicans, Africans, Islamists from the Middle East.

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

It would be good if The Donald could somehow void that 1965 policy and restore America to this one:

View attachment 165011

Emergency Quota Act - Wikipedia
No country’s demographics have ever been altered faster than Germany’s.

You should be calling for Merkel’s head. It literally all happened during her reign.
We are doing things RIGHT. YES. Fuck those commies!!!
Germany is not a communist nation, they turn out to vote better than we do.
If Germany wasn’t Communist Merkel would not have direct control of German Facebook pages.

Germany's an ANTIFA nation as I'd call it... Something like an Anti-Fascist government which is Totalitarian to stop Fascism.
We are doing things RIGHT. YES. Fuck those commies!!!
Germany is not a communist nation, they turn out to vote better than we do.
If Germany wasn’t Communist Merkel would not have direct control of German Facebook pages.

Germany's an ANTIFA nation as I'd call it... Something like an Anti-Fascist government which is Totalitarian to stop Fascism.

But, they still have property rights, and business rights.
The Germans are pissed that America is doing something that they, themselves, lack the balls to do.

What would that be?
Announcing plans to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, to complete the process of recognizing that city as the capital of Israel.

How is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem going to bring forward "Peace" as Trump stated:?
It's not about Peace.

It's about assisting the Israelis to complete the conquest of Eretz Yisrael - fulfilling the 1922 League of Nations proposal for division of Old Palestine.
German "schwein" are so morally repugnant, that pleasing the ultimate Jew-killing bloodbath, Islam, is more important to them than their own innocent daughters. While spewing dehumanizing hatred at Americans as the muslim rape their female relatives. While putting their own citizens in jail for having the wrong opinion of their Jew-killing muslims - once a Nazi always a Nazi My favorite qualities of both England and Russia is that in WWII both annihilated a multi-digit number of krauts.
The Germans are pissed that America is doing something that they, themselves, lack the balls to do.

What would that be?
Announcing plans to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, to complete the process of recognizing that city as the capital of Israel.

How is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem going to bring forward "Peace" as Trump stated:?
It's not about Peace.

It's about assisting the Israelis to complete the conquest of Eretz Yisrael - fulfilling the 1922 League of Nations proposal for division of Old Palestine.

That's not peaceful, that's garbage colonialism.
German "schwein" are so morally repugnant, that pleasing the ultimate Jew-killing bloodbath, Islam, is more important to them than their own innocent daughters. While spewing dehumanizing hatred at Americans as the muslim rape their female relatives. While putting their own citizens in jail for having the wrong opinion of their Jew-killing muslims - once a Nazi always a Nazi My favorite qualities of both England and Russia is that in WWII both annihilated a multi-digit number of krauts.

Any Germans wanna comment on this? I'd be very interested to hear a rational, informed voice on the issue.
We are doing things RIGHT. YES. Fuck those commies!!!
Germany is not a communist nation, they turn out to vote better than we do.
If Germany wasn’t Communist Merkel would not have direct control of German Facebook pages.

Germany's an ANTIFA nation as I'd call it... Something like an Anti-Fascist government which is Totalitarian to stop Fascism.

But, they still have property rights, and business rights.
Unless the government decides you are a “Nazi” or a “racist”...
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

In fact fuck everyone but OUR CITIZENS.

What’s most laughable in all of this is that Donald Trump is fucking US citizens first. Hence the attempt to repeal the ACA and the current bill to cut taxes for the wealthy on the backs of working people.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
ACA is bullshit that was strapped to the back of working people. Democrats support the lame and lazy welfare state. Democrats have ruined our education system,ruined our Christian culture, and ruined our military.

Actually ACA is mostly working class, the non-working people get Medicaid.
And the working class got screwed by the law. Premiums went up, services went down.
The only real impact it had for the positive was preexisting conditions and rather than fucking everyone over for that to be achieved a law could have been passed saying the government would subsidize those specific scenarios.
German "schwein" are so morally repugnant, that pleasing the ultimate Jew-killing bloodbath, Islam, is more important to them than their own innocent daughters. While spewing dehumanizing hatred at Americans as the muslim rape their female relatives. While putting their own citizens in jail for having the wrong opinion of their Jew-killing muslims - once a Nazi always a Nazi My favorite qualities of both England and Russia is that in WWII both annihilated a multi-digit number of krauts.
German accommodation to Muslim sensibilities does not stem from anti-Semitism in our modern age.

German accommodation to Muslim sensibilities stems from impotent cowardice.

They admitted hundreds of thousands of Turks during their post-war Rebuilding Era and then stupidly allowed the Turks to stay in large numbers.

That gave Islam the foothold it needed in Germany to bully and browbeat their hosts, as more millions flooded in over the next 30-40 years.

Nowadays, the Germans don't dare act like the Christian Nation that they once were.

And they surrendered their country to former East German communist apparatchiks.

The Germans are what we made them over into - a nation of wussified, pussified scared-$hitless types that wouldn't fight even if forced to.

Metaphorically speaking, we, and the French, and the Russians, and the British, cut their collective Balls off, after 1945.

After 50+ years of living under the American Shield in Europe... nowadays, they're all Bark, and no Bite.

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