Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

The Germans are pissed that America is doing something that they, themselves, lack the balls to do.

What would that be?
Announcing plans to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, to complete the process of recognizing that city as the capital of Israel.

How is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem going to bring forward "Peace" as Trump stated:?
It is far more likely to do the opposite. First it makes almost impossible a two state solution which the US has backed for a half a century and Trump has supported. There are 4.4 million Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Moving the capital is designed to force Palestinians out. Again, the US is the bad guy in the Middle East. There is no doubt the US will be the primary target of terrorist and US influence in the regions will surely decline.
The Germans are pissed that America is doing something that they, themselves, lack the balls to do.

What would that be?
Announcing plans to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, to complete the process of recognizing that city as the capital of Israel.

How is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem going to bring forward "Peace" as Trump stated:?
It is far more likely to do the opposite. First it makes almost impossible a two state solution which the US has backed for a half a century and Trump has supported. There are 4.4 million Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Moving the capital is designed to force Palestinians out. Again, the US is the bad guy in the Middle East. There is no doubt the US will be the primary target of terrorist and US influence in the regions will surely decline.

Why the fuck are we still there? Seriously ... I'm so sick of hearing about that godforsaken wasteland. Let the monsters kill each other. We've wasted enough life and money on their hides.
The Germans are pissed that America is doing something that they, themselves, lack the balls to do.

What would that be?
Announcing plans to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, to complete the process of recognizing that city as the capital of Israel.

How is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem going to bring forward "Peace" as Trump stated:?
It is far more likely to do the opposite. First it makes almost impossible a two state solution which the US has backed for a half a century and Trump has supported. There are 4.4 million Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Moving the capital is designed to force Palestinians out. Again, the US is the bad guy in the Middle East. There is no doubt the US will be the primary target of terrorist and US influence in the regions will surely decline.

Who is moving the capital? It's been there for millennia and has been the Israeli capital since 1949.

The US is not the bad guy. You are simply a dumb ass, so it appears that way.
The Germans are pissed that America is doing something that they, themselves, lack the balls to do.

What would that be?
Announcing plans to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, to complete the process of recognizing that city as the capital of Israel.

How is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem going to bring forward "Peace" as Trump stated:?
It is far more likely to do the opposite. First it makes almost impossible a two state solution which the US has backed for a half a century and Trump has supported. There are 4.4 million Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Moving the capital is designed to force Palestinians out. Again, the US is the bad guy in the Middle East. There is no doubt the US will be the primary target of terrorist and US influence in the regions will surely decline.

Why the fuck are we still there? Seriously ... I'm so sick of hearing about that godforsaken wasteland. Let the monsters kill each other. We've wasted enough life and money on their hides.

Why are we still where? In Israel? We're not.

Have a nice day! :D
What would that be?
Announcing plans to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, to complete the process of recognizing that city as the capital of Israel.

How is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem going to bring forward "Peace" as Trump stated:?
It is far more likely to do the opposite. First it makes almost impossible a two state solution which the US has backed for a half a century and Trump has supported. There are 4.4 million Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Moving the capital is designed to force Palestinians out. Again, the US is the bad guy in the Middle East. There is no doubt the US will be the primary target of terrorist and US influence in the regions will surely decline.

Why the fuck are we still there? Seriously ... I'm so sick of hearing about that godforsaken wasteland. Let the monsters kill each other. We've wasted enough life and money on their hides.

Why are we still where? In Israel? We're not.

Have a nice day! :D

The middle east. Come on ...
Announcing plans to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, to complete the process of recognizing that city as the capital of Israel.

How is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem going to bring forward "Peace" as Trump stated:?
It is far more likely to do the opposite. First it makes almost impossible a two state solution which the US has backed for a half a century and Trump has supported. There are 4.4 million Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Moving the capital is designed to force Palestinians out. Again, the US is the bad guy in the Middle East. There is no doubt the US will be the primary target of terrorist and US influence in the regions will surely decline.

Why the fuck are we still there? Seriously ... I'm so sick of hearing about that godforsaken wasteland. Let the monsters kill each other. We've wasted enough life and money on their hides.

Why are we still where? In Israel? We're not.

Have a nice day! :D

The middle east. Come on ...

We're not really "there" either. Almost all of our troops are in Iraq, and Kuwait, and there are not that many of them. Afghanistan is NOT the Middle East.
How is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem going to bring forward "Peace" as Trump stated:?
It is far more likely to do the opposite. First it makes almost impossible a two state solution which the US has backed for a half a century and Trump has supported. There are 4.4 million Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Moving the capital is designed to force Palestinians out. Again, the US is the bad guy in the Middle East. There is no doubt the US will be the primary target of terrorist and US influence in the regions will surely decline.

Why the fuck are we still there? Seriously ... I'm so sick of hearing about that godforsaken wasteland. Let the monsters kill each other. We've wasted enough life and money on their hides.

Why are we still where? In Israel? We're not.

Have a nice day! :D

The middle east. Come on ...

We're not really "there" either. Almost all of our troops are in Iraq, and Kuwait, and there are not that many of them. Afghanistan is NOT the Middle East.

We are still wasting tremendous amounts of money on airstrikes and special ops. Still bombing innocents and making the locals hate our guts. Still creating new terrorists we'll have to kill later.

And Afghanistan isn't the middle east? You sure? Google is telling me otherwise.
The Germans are pissed that America is doing something that they, themselves, lack the balls to do.

What would that be?
Announcing plans to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, to complete the process of recognizing that city as the capital of Israel.

How is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem going to bring forward "Peace" as Trump stated:?
It is far more likely to do the opposite. First it makes almost impossible a two state solution which the US has backed for a half a century and Trump has supported. There are 4.4 million Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Moving the capital is designed to force Palestinians out. Again, the US is the bad guy in the Middle East. There is no doubt the US will be the primary target of terrorist and US influence in the regions will surely decline.

Yeah, I'd agree that considering that Palestine has already called Jerusalem it's capital, I can only see this decision bringing about the opposite of peace..
Didn't one of their leaders murder millions of people?

Fuck Germany.
How many Killed Thump´s best friends Mongols of Juchi? are you ok with 60 m killed by Koba?

Hitler definitely killed more than 20 million.

More like he killed over 20 million in Russia alone, and another 20 million outside of Russia.
Didn't one of their leaders murder millions of people?

Fuck Germany.
How many Killed Thump´s best friends Mongols of Juchi? are you ok with 60 m killed by Koba?

Hitler definitely killed more than 20 million.

More like he killed over 20 million in Russia alone, and another 20 million outside of Russia.

Peace time civilians.

Hitler's regime killed about 14 million.

Mao about 35 million.

Stalin about 65 million.

War is it's own category.
I don’t know any American that hates Poland. None. Who are these “usual suspects”?

The International Globalists who's HQ is New York City.

Perhaps, but they hardly represent Americans.

You gave the Funny to my comment though, why are you one of them or something is that why you are squatting in Germany?

I’m an American nationalist, and I don’t care about globalist pigs like Germans. I’m here because I work for the military, supporting our mission of killing Islamic terrorists. Only anti-Americans, globalists, homo-progressives, and pro-Islamists would have a problem with that.

"I don’t care about globalist pigs like Germans."

Not all Germans are Globalists and if Germany was a Sovereign nation and not Occupied Territory within several months Germany would be Nationalist once again, just like you are an American Nationalist, but the International Globalists who control your Armed Forces will not allow your Armed Forces to leave Germany because the International Globalists know that the fire is still in the stomach, that the same DNA is there and things are just dormant but at any moment can awake.

The International Globalists hate you also because you are an American Nationalist, they hate Nationalists because they do not want people being Patriotic, having love of nation, having Communities of like minded, which is why they push Multiculturalism on ALL Western nations, Multiculturalism means death of the Dominant Culture that has existed for Centuries, so no nation states, no borders, nothing to bind communities together, just One World of Nothing and then Death.

Rockerfeller's were GERM-Mans.
Nothing more globalist than that scumbag.

Did you read that.

You're a psychopath.



Duetschaphobia is real.

Germans are a menace, always have been, always will be.

You are just jealous because Germanic peoples we are everything the Polish have always wanted to be but have never been: World famous for many many CENTURIES for being successful in everything from music both Classical and Opera, literature, science, art, architecture, fashion design, aviation, engineering, sport and especially in the production of autos.

Also half of Poland in 1939 still did not have adequate roads and sanitation until we got there and put it there for you, half of Poland were literally peasants.

Poland was ahead of Germans in all aspects in the Renaissance.... If Germany hadn't stolen half of Poland's brains, and oppressed Poland by denying them education, and jobs... I wouldn't really doubt Poland would've been far ahead of these GERM-Mans.

"Poland was ahead of Germans in all aspects in the Renaissance"


"If Germany hadn't stolen half of Poland's brains, and oppressed Poland by denying them education, and jobs..."

Why would we have needed to steal half of Poland's brains, considering we have always been intellectual superior to you, aw did we oppress you did we? :itsok:

The most superior Germans were obviously Eastern Germans historically.

DNA analysis puts East Germans as a different people, more like Czechs, and Silesian Poles, rather than with even West, or Southern Germans.

East German (Prussians, and Teutons) unified Germany.

They also produced the greatest Germans, philosophers like Kant, Schopenhaeur, Nietzsche, Wolf, and Leibniz all were East German.

Best German rocket scientists were also East German like Wernher Von Braun, or Herman Oberth.

Best German geneticists were East German like Rudolf Jaenisch, or Gregor Mendel.

Ferdinand Porsche was East German who produced some of the best German cars.

Konrad Zuse who produced the earliest of computers was an East German.

Many of the best German leaders, and generals were East Germans including leaders Friedrich the Great, Von Bismarck, Von Hindenberg, or including generals like Helmuth Von Moltke the Elder, Helmuth Von Moltke the Younger, Karl Friedrich Von Steinmetz. Gebhard Leberecht Von Blutcher etc.
Didn't one of their leaders murder millions of people?

Fuck Germany.
How many Killed Thump´s best friends Mongols of Juchi? are you ok with 60 m killed by Koba?

Hitler definitely killed more than 20 million.

More like he killed over 20 million in Russia alone, and another 20 million outside of Russia.

Peace time civilians.

Hitler's regime killed about 14 million.

Mao about 35 million.

Stalin about 65 million.

War is it's own category.

Hitler's Hunger Plan was genocide upon Russians, and Ukrainians, up to 10's of millions of civilians were killed.

So, what that doesn't matter just because the mad-man did so during a war, he started?
I say we just get it over with; ally with Vladimir Putin, crush Europe, and turn the United States into a totalitarian dictatorship. Might as well hurry the process along.

Let Putin take Western Europe while we take the east. The former Soviet bloc countries have already suffered under Russian domination once. Besides, the Poles and Baltic states seem to give a little bit more about the US than Germany and France.

"Let Putin take Western Europe while we take the east. The former Soviet bloc countries have already suffered under Russian domination once. Besides, the Poles and Baltic states seem to give a little bit more about the US than Germany and France."


An example of why ANY European should not discuss ANYTHING with your ilk, you are as much as a Psychopath as Sobieski is. Oh and the former Soviet Bloc countries suffered under the Communist Devils thanks to you Americans and the British getting into bed with Josef Stalin and sucking his dick and the price he wanted to help you was post-Second War that whole region including Poland.

Maybe you should pay them all compensation for having to suffer under the Communist Devils from 1946-1989.
The US and England would not have had to get in bed with Stalin if your Hitler had not been such a fucking asshole.

YOU should be paying compensation. You still owe for the First World War.

The commies wouldn't have even been a thing if not for Germany and WW1.

Stalin killed 100,000 + Poles in 1937 - 1938 in the Polish Operation of the NKVD, and no one did ANYTHING.

That could have easily been considered the beginning of WW2.

But yeah, Germans are very responsible for the Soviet Union being created... They knocked down Tsarist Russia through war, so they couldn't kick out the Bolsheviks Germany sent to Russia in 1917..
Didn't one of their leaders murder millions of people?

Fuck Germany.
How many Killed Thump´s best friends Mongols of Juchi? are you ok with 60 m killed by Koba?

Hitler definitely killed more than 20 million.

More like he killed over 20 million in Russia alone, and another 20 million outside of Russia.

Peace time civilians.

Hitler's regime killed about 14 million.

Mao about 35 million.

Stalin about 65 million.

War is it's own category.

Hitler's Hunger Plan was genocide upon Russians, and Ukrainians, up to 10's of millions of civilians were killed.

So, what that doesn't matter just because the mad-man did so during a war, he started?

No one (sane) excuses Hitler. The war that he and Stalin started was brutal and a crime against humanity.

Disrupting the supply lines of the enemy is a common tactic, and in fact the one Stalins generals used to defeat the Germans at Stalingrad.
Didn't one of their leaders murder millions of people?

Fuck Germany.
How many Killed Thump´s best friends Mongols of Juchi? are you ok with 60 m killed by Koba?

Hitler definitely killed more than 20 million.

More like he killed over 20 million in Russia alone, and another 20 million outside of Russia.

Peace time civilians.

Hitler's regime killed about 14 million.

Mao about 35 million.

Stalin about 65 million.

War is it's own category.

Hitler's Hunger Plan was genocide upon Russians, and Ukrainians, up to 10's of millions of civilians were killed.

So, what that doesn't matter just because the mad-man did so during a war, he started?

No one (sane) excuses Hitler. The war that he and Stalin started was brutal and a crime against humanity.

Disrupting the supply lines of the enemy is a common tactic, and in fact the one Stalins generals used to defeat the Germans at Stalingrad.

Germans were pretty stupid in WW2...

They got most of their resources from Soviets for their war effort, but then ended up going against their Soviet allies... That was a mistake....

Another big mistake was for Nazi Germany to invaded Poland... Because that provoked Britain, and France to declare war on Germany on Poland's behalf.
How many Killed Thump´s best friends Mongols of Juchi? are you ok with 60 m killed by Koba?

Hitler definitely killed more than 20 million.

More like he killed over 20 million in Russia alone, and another 20 million outside of Russia.

Peace time civilians.

Hitler's regime killed about 14 million.

Mao about 35 million.

Stalin about 65 million.

War is it's own category.

Hitler's Hunger Plan was genocide upon Russians, and Ukrainians, up to 10's of millions of civilians were killed.

So, what that doesn't matter just because the mad-man did so during a war, he started?

No one (sane) excuses Hitler. The war that he and Stalin started was brutal and a crime against humanity.

Disrupting the supply lines of the enemy is a common tactic, and in fact the one Stalins generals used to defeat the Germans at Stalingrad.

Germans were pretty stupid in WW2...

They got most of their resources from Soviets for their war effort, but then ended up going against their Soviet allies... That was a mistake....

Another big mistake was for Nazi Germany to invaded Poland... Because that provoked Britain, and France to declare war on Germany on Poland's behalf.


Hey, did you hear about the two dumb Polski who got lost while they were hunting in the forest?


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