Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Pretty disgusting comments in this thread, I'm no fan of Merkel and her insane Open Borders policy but some comments in this thread illustrate what is referred to as The Ugly American.
We are getting ugly on most threads now a days!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is why I like the non controversal ones like what are you listening to? Thanks for that Lucy, I am not sure you were the OP but you are all over it and I enjoyed it.

I'm on the Right, most of this bashing and ugliness coming from others on the Right in this thread, we have the usual crap:

But but but HITLER!

But but but WE Americans have Small Penis Syndrome and we keep our bases there to keep them in line, Rah Rah Rah.

Pathetic, this is what we call Ugly American Syndrome, I happen to like Americans or at least the ones I have met, but all this Chest Beating is very ugly and Americans have their head in the sand they think they can do NO wrong and they have a RIGHT to dictate to the rest of the world or it's sanctions or Bombs Away.

How many innocent people has America killed in the past 72 years beginning with dropping Atomic Bombs on Japan up to this day with the slaughter toll of innocent women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan?

We could even go back to the slaughter of Native Americans, considering Americans like bringing up shit about Germanic people that is NOT relevant to today.

Karma is a bitch and America's Karma is going to be the bitch of bitches.

Ironic that you bring up the atomic bombs on the 76th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Payback is a bitch, don't you agree?

I really want to know who these innocent women and children are in Iraq and Afghanistan that you think we are killing? We do not target innocent women and children, and never have. We don't target innocent civilians of any kind. Your comments are insulting to the troops like my children who have fought in those conflicts.
If there were no Pearl Harbor, there would have been no atomic bombs dropped. Don’t start some if you don’t fucking want none!

FDR had advance warning about Pearl Harbour and chose not to tell the US Navy so they would be bombed and he had an excuse to get into a war, he needed an excuse because the majority of Americans didn't want to get involved in that war. He even campaigned on keeping America out because he would have lost campaigning on getting America in.

FDR was a Communist or at the least a Communist sympathiser.

We hate Commies, my family fought Commies in the streets in the 1920s and I'm proud to state they killed many of them in those streets, the only good Commie is a dead Commie.
Fully agreed!
I'm on the Right, most of this bashing and ugliness coming from others on the Right in this thread, we have the usual crap:

But but but HITLER!

But but but WE Americans have Small Penis Syndrome and we keep our bases there to keep them in line, Rah Rah Rah.

Pathetic, this is what we call Ugly American Syndrome, I happen to like Americans or at least the ones I have met, but all this Chest Beating is very ugly and Americans have their head in the sand they think they can do NO wrong and they have a RIGHT to dictate to the rest of the world or it's sanctions or Bombs Away.

How many innocent people has America killed in the past 72 years beginning with dropping Atomic Bombs on Japan up to this day with the slaughter toll of innocent women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan?

We could even go back to the slaughter of Native Americans, considering Americans like bringing up shit about Germanic people that is NOT relevant to today.

Karma is a bitch and America's Karma is going to be the bitch of bitches.

Ironic that you bring up the atomic bombs on the 76th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Payback is a bitch, don't you agree?

I really want to know who these innocent women and children are in Iraq and Afghanistan that you think we are killing? We do not target innocent women and children, and never have. We don't target innocent civilians of any kind. Your comments are insulting to the troops like my children who have fought in those conflicts.

Why should I discuss anything with you, I know already you fanatically hate Europeans, I still remember a previous thread.

"Your comments are insulting to the troops like my children who have fought in those conflicts."

Your comments are insulting to my Ancestors.

I don't hate Europeans. I just don't see the appeal of living stacked on top of one another in homes so small that you have to go outside to change your mind. Probably the worst place in the world I have ever visited was Italy, and I have been in enough cities around the country to know that "nasty" is simply a way of life. Does that mean it is all bad? Not really.

I would not live in several places in the US if you paid me a million bucks.

"I just don't see the appeal of living stacked on top of one another in homes so small"

I have or Mr. Lucy and I have 62 rooms, I was born and grew up in a place with 280 rooms my parents and my youngest brother are there now, my Grandparents have 260 rooms and my Great Grand Parents who are still alive have 220 rooms and my Great Grand Mother was born and grew up in a place with 890 rooms.

You obviously are not of any Social Standing or you would have probably been on the Guest List of people we know in Italy.

Excuse me, Miss Snobbery. I was referring to what you would call your middle class in Europe. That group of people whose living conditions are far worse than any American we would call the poor.

I do not know any of that type of person, if I have met them I am polite of course but I don't socialise with them because my family would not approve.

I'm sure they live in tiny places but that's not my problem that they do.
The International Globalists who's HQ is New York City.

Perhaps, but they hardly represent Americans.

You gave the Funny to my comment though, why are you one of them or something is that why you are squatting in Germany?

I’m an American nationalist, and I don’t care about globalist pigs like Germans. I’m here because I work for the military, supporting our mission of killing Islamic terrorists. Only anti-Americans, globalists, homo-progressives, and pro-Islamists would have a problem with that.

"I don’t care about globalist pigs like Germans."

Not all Germans are Globalists and if Germany was a Sovereign nation and not Occupied Territory within several months Germany would be Nationalist once again, just like you are an American Nationalist, but the International Globalists who control your Armed Forces will not allow your Armed Forces to leave Germany because the International Globalists know that the fire is still in the stomach, that the same DNA is there and things are just dormant but at any moment can awake.

The International Globalists hate you also because you are an American Nationalist, they hate Nationalists because they do not want people being Patriotic, having love of nation, having Communities of like minded, which is why they push Multiculturalism on ALL Western nations, Multiculturalism means death of the Dominant Culture that has existed for Centuries, so no nation states, no borders, nothing to bind communities together, just One World of Nothing and then Death.
No one hates you because you are patriotic. They recognize the stupidity of your ideas.

This country is multicultural & will always be despite your ilk's plans for a white USA.

You must be a youngster. This country was mostly caucasian till the racial balance of immigrants was changed to bring in darker skinned people from the third world back in the mid '60s.
We are getting ugly on most threads now a days!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is why I like the non controversal ones like what are you listening to? Thanks for that Lucy, I am not sure you were the OP but you are all over it and I enjoyed it.

I'm on the Right, most of this bashing and ugliness coming from others on the Right in this thread, we have the usual crap:

But but but HITLER!

But but but WE Americans have Small Penis Syndrome and we keep our bases there to keep them in line, Rah Rah Rah.

Pathetic, this is what we call Ugly American Syndrome, I happen to like Americans or at least the ones I have met, but all this Chest Beating is very ugly and Americans have their head in the sand they think they can do NO wrong and they have a RIGHT to dictate to the rest of the world or it's sanctions or Bombs Away.

How many innocent people has America killed in the past 72 years beginning with dropping Atomic Bombs on Japan up to this day with the slaughter toll of innocent women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan?

We could even go back to the slaughter of Native Americans, considering Americans like bringing up shit about Germanic people that is NOT relevant to today.

Karma is a bitch and America's Karma is going to be the bitch of bitches.

Ironic that you bring up the atomic bombs on the 76th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Payback is a bitch, don't you agree?

I really want to know who these innocent women and children are in Iraq and Afghanistan that you think we are killing? We do not target innocent women and children, and never have. We don't target innocent civilians of any kind. Your comments are insulting to the troops like my children who have fought in those conflicts.
If there were no Pearl Harbor, there would have been no atomic bombs dropped. Don’t start some if you don’t fucking want none!

FDR had advance warning about Pearl Harbour and chose not to tell the US Navy so they would be bombed and he had an excuse to get into a war, he needed an excuse because the majority of Americans didn't want to get involved in that war. He even campaigned on keeping America out because he would have lost campaigning on getting America in.

FDR was a Communist or at the least a Communist sympathiser.

We hate Commies, my family fought Commies in the streets in the 1920s and I'm proud to state they killed many of them in those streets, the only good Commie is a dead Commie.
Fully agreed!

There are many of us who have many situations that we could tell of what some members of our family did during the Second War, but because our family all wore those uniforms because of Patriotism you Americans do not want to hear because you have a Narrative you have been taught and that Narrative is that you MUST HATE all Germanics forever, that everyone is evil FOREVER and as such the ultimate aim of America is to eventually kill all of us so you rid the world of us forever. This is why we do not trust Americans because of this motive we feel you have.

Perhaps you disagree but this is what many of us feel but in face to face situations we never comment, an anonymous Internet Forum I can comment.
FDR had advance warning about Pearl Harbour and chose not to tell the US Navy so they would be bombed and he had an excuse to get into a war, he needed an excuse because the majority of Americans didn't want to get involved in that war. He even campaigned on keeping America out because he would have lost campaigning on getting America in.

FDR was a Communist or at the least a Communist sympathiser.

We hate Commies, my family fought Commies in the streets in the 1920s and I'm proud to state they killed many of them in those streets, the only good Commie is a dead Commie.
It's embarrassing when foreign nationals like you know our history better than many of us.

I 100% agree with this entire statement.
FDR had advance warning about Pearl Harbour and chose not to tell the US Navy so they would be bombed and he had an excuse to get into a war, he needed an excuse because the majority of Americans didn't want to get involved in that war. He even campaigned on keeping America out because he would have lost campaigning on getting America in.

FDR was a Communist or at the least a Communist sympathiser.

We hate Commies, my family fought Commies in the streets in the 1920s and I'm proud to state they killed many of them in those streets, the only good Commie is a dead Commie.
It's embarrassing when foreign nationals like you know our history better than many of us.

I 100% agree with this entire statement.

I am not embarrassed----I grew up in a part of the USA which was the EPICENTER of "anti-war" in the 1930s. The propaganda they promulgated in ENDLESS pamphlets thru the 1930s and into the 1950s varied from simple isolationism to out-right Nazism and actual support for Herr Hitler and into
"if only adolf would have won..." fantasies. The little groceries in town sold foods I had never known-----like
"blut-wurst" besides "silent night"---the popular Christmas
carol was 'O Tannenbaum. Way back during the revolutionary war (war of American independence) the town had been a site of battle------old cannons decorated the public
park areas--------I think that the core population was actually
HESSIANS ----left over from George Washington's attack across the Delaware River. I know Lucy well
From the statement:

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”​

Well, duh! Even after Trump is gone, the clowns who voted for him will still be around and have no more sense and no more awareness of the world in which we all live then than they have thus shown.

Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever.
-- The Emperor's Club
Oh that's okay, Rodrigo Duterte still thinks very highly of Donnie Dangerously.

Besides why woiuld we need a military base in Germany?

Germany has no say in whether or not we have a base there. We have a base there to keep them in line

Pretty disgusting comments in this thread, I'm no fan of Merkel and her insane Open Borders policy but some comments in this thread illustrate what is referred to as The Ugly American.
We are getting ugly on most threads now a days!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is why I like the non controversal ones like what are you listening to? Thanks for that Lucy, I am not sure you were the OP but you are all over it and I enjoyed it.

I'm on the Right, most of this bashing and ugliness coming from others on the Right in this thread, we have the usual crap:

But but but HITLER!

But but but WE Americans have Small Penis Syndrome and we keep our bases there to keep them in line, Rah Rah Rah.

Pathetic, this is what we call Ugly American Syndrome, I happen to like Americans or at least the ones I have met, but all this Chest Beating is very ugly and Americans have their head in the sand they think they can do NO wrong and they have a RIGHT to dictate to the rest of the world or it's sanctions or Bombs Away.

How many innocent people has America killed in the past 72 years beginning with dropping Atomic Bombs on Japan up to this day with the slaughter toll of innocent women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan?

We could even go back to the slaughter of Native Americans, considering Americans like bringing up shit about Germanic people that is NOT relevant to today.

Karma is a bitch and America's Karma is going to be the bitch of bitches.

Ironic that you bring up the atomic bombs on the 76th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Payback is a bitch, don't you agree?

I really want to know who these innocent women and children are in Iraq and Afghanistan that you think we are killing? We do not target innocent women and children, and never have. We don't target innocent civilians of any kind. Your comments are insulting to the troops like my children who have fought in those conflicts.

Who were we targeting with the firebombing campaigns before we dropped the bombs?
FDR had advance warning about Pearl Harbour and chose not to tell the US Navy so they would be bombed and he had an excuse to get into a war
And here you were, lecturing all of us about Hollywood movie plots, and you drop this totally fake bullshit on us.
I say we just get it over with; ally with Vladimir Putin, crush Europe, and turn the United States into a totalitarian dictatorship. Might as well hurry the process along.

Let Putin take Western Europe while we take the east. The former Soviet bloc countries have already suffered under Russian domination once. Besides, the Poles and Baltic states seem to give a little bit more about the US than Germany and France.

"Let Putin take Western Europe while we take the east. The former Soviet bloc countries have already suffered under Russian domination once. Besides, the Poles and Baltic states seem to give a little bit more about the US than Germany and France."


An example of why ANY European should not discuss ANYTHING with your ilk, you are as much as a Psychopath as Sobieski is. Oh and the former Soviet Bloc countries suffered under the Communist Devils thanks to you Americans and the British getting into bed with Josef Stalin and sucking his dick and the price he wanted to help you was post-Second War that whole region including Poland.

Maybe you should pay them all compensation for having to suffer under the Communist Devils from 1946-1989.
The US and England would not have had to get in bed with Stalin if your Hitler had not been such a fucking asshole.

YOU should be paying compensation. You still owe for the First World War.

The commies wouldn't have even been a thing if not for Germany and WW1.
Perhaps, but they hardly represent Americans.

You gave the Funny to my comment though, why are you one of them or something is that why you are squatting in Germany?

I’m an American nationalist, and I don’t care about globalist pigs like Germans. I’m here because I work for the military, supporting our mission of killing Islamic terrorists. Only anti-Americans, globalists, homo-progressives, and pro-Islamists would have a problem with that.

"I don’t care about globalist pigs like Germans."

Not all Germans are Globalists and if Germany was a Sovereign nation and not Occupied Territory within several months Germany would be Nationalist once again, just like you are an American Nationalist, but the International Globalists who control your Armed Forces will not allow your Armed Forces to leave Germany because the International Globalists know that the fire is still in the stomach, that the same DNA is there and things are just dormant but at any moment can awake.

The International Globalists hate you also because you are an American Nationalist, they hate Nationalists because they do not want people being Patriotic, having love of nation, having Communities of like minded, which is why they push Multiculturalism on ALL Western nations, Multiculturalism means death of the Dominant Culture that has existed for Centuries, so no nation states, no borders, nothing to bind communities together, just One World of Nothing and then Death.
No one hates you because you are patriotic. They recognize the stupidity of your ideas.

This country is multicultural & will always be despite your ilk's plans for a white USA.

You must be a youngster. This country was mostly caucasian till the racial balance of immigrants was changed to bring in darker skinned people from the third world back in the mid '60s.

No youngster. I see through your arguments to your white supremacy views.

Germany understood, after getting its ass whipped in WW-II that unless it could peacefully dominate all of Europe it could never successfully dominate Russia (and satellites) then take on The U.S. Yup, it's all about world domination and that's all it ever was. Britain figured it out and is working on escape. The day is coming when it will be America and Britain against a European dictatorship hell-bent on world domination. Best to stop feeding it now and prepare for all-out war with it before mid-century.
Sum bitches here think Germany, now a neo Muslim state, having lost it's German culture, run by Globalists, matters.

Like someone above correctly ....fuck Germany and ALL Globalists nations that have enjoyed US Taxpayer welfare to the tune of trillions over the last decades while spitting on our culture.

Anyone in agreement with Germany needs to pack your shit and go there immediately.
You have ZERO business remaining in this country that you loathe, despise and want to harm.
All of you should be on terrorist watch lists as far as I'm concerned.
Lol you know that you living with China's money and other countries debt? The US technically is bankrupt just like Trump. If we pay our dues we will be worse off than Afghanistan.
Sum bitches here think Germany, now a neo Muslim state, having lost it's German culture, run by Globalists, matters.

Like someone above correctly ....fuck Germany and ALL Globalists nations that have enjoyed US Taxpayer welfare to the tune of trillions over the last decades while spitting on our culture.

Anyone in agreement with Germany needs to pack your shit and go there immediately.
You have ZERO business remaining in this country that you loathe, despise and want to harm.
All of you should be on terrorist watch lists as far as I'm concerned.
Lol you know that you living with China's money and other countries debt? The US technically is bankrupt just like Trump. If we pay our dues we will be worse off than Afghanistan.

try to control your JOY-----the USA will not go under
I say we just get it over with; ally with Vladimir Putin, crush Europe, and turn the United States into a totalitarian dictatorship. Might as well hurry the process along.

Let Putin take Western Europe while we take the east. The former Soviet bloc countries have already suffered under Russian domination once. Besides, the Poles and Baltic states seem to give a little bit more about the US than Germany and France.

"Let Putin take Western Europe while we take the east. The former Soviet bloc countries have already suffered under Russian domination once. Besides, the Poles and Baltic states seem to give a little bit more about the US than Germany and France."


An example of why ANY European should not discuss ANYTHING with your ilk, you are as much as a Psychopath as Sobieski is. Oh and the former Soviet Bloc countries suffered under the Communist Devils thanks to you Americans and the British getting into bed with Josef Stalin and sucking his dick and the price he wanted to help you was post-Second War that whole region including Poland.

Maybe you should pay them all compensation for having to suffer under the Communist Devils from 1946-1989.
The US and England would not have had to get in bed with Stalin if your Hitler had not been such a fucking asshole.

YOU should be paying compensation. You still owe for the First World War.

The commies wouldn't have even been a thing if not for Germany and WW1.

Josef Stalin was an asshole, he murder 20 million of his OWN people and that was in the 1920s and 1930s and America and Britain knew that and you still got into bed with him and gave him and his Communist Devils half of the European Continent to terrorise from 1946-1989.

We owe nothing to anyone for the First War, we had a right to declare war because of this:


"The commies wouldn't have even been a thing if not for Germany and WW1."

No there would not because we would have killed the Bolshevik POS during the 1920s. We would have killed the Communist Devils....America and Britain supported them and fed them fuel to terrorise half of this Continent from 1946-1989.

There would have been no Second War if Britain had not interfered in what was not their business in 1914 andl America always gets late to the battle after Britain is on it's knees and nearly starving and needs America to save their buttocks, we would have had situations settled during the First War it had nothing to do with the British.
Sum bitches here think Germany, now a neo Muslim state, having lost it's German culture, run by Globalists, matters.

Like someone above correctly ....fuck Germany and ALL Globalists nations that have enjoyed US Taxpayer welfare to the tune of trillions over the last decades while spitting on our culture.

Anyone in agreement with Germany needs to pack your shit and go there immediately.
You have ZERO business remaining in this country that you loathe, despise and want to harm.
All of you should be on terrorist watch lists as far as I'm concerned.
Lol you know that you living with China's money and other countries debt? The US technically is bankrupt just like Trump. If we pay our dues we will be worse off than Afghanistan.

Of course America is technically bankrupt and living with all those debts but do not expect Americans to realise that.

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