CDZ Germany Prosecutes Auschwitz Guard. Good Thing or Not?

The Bible teaches nothing about taking away consequences for murder. This man was a Nazi - he was complicit in the murder of Jews and sending them to the gas chambers.
You only want this innocent German man murdered because he didn't help the Juden. ..... :cool:
He was simply a cog in the evil machine who had no say in the proceedings. Given that his role wasn't all that different than the guards at U.S. Japanese interment camps, I believe he shouldn't be prosecuted.

did the internment camps

routinely gas the captives

Was it this guard's duty to gas the captives?

he went along with it

he should be hung until dead

A large portion of the entire nation went along with it as well.

Should we gather anyone that supported Hitler in his rise to power? Any civilian that sat complacently by? How about those that worked in the factories that produced the weapons that the soldiers carried or the uniforms they wore?

The question that I really am interested in is where the line is drawn – where do you start putting people for death for war crimes and letting people off entirely?

the masses and masses of sheep that knew about it but did nothing

or very little have to live with it

many had to clean up the mess they allowed

civilians that used slave labor are war criminals as wa as those

that worked the camps

executed the people

hauled them to their deaths

all war criminals

it is a little off topic but have you seen

Alfred Hitchcock holocaust film

it came out last January
Oskar Groenig was actually a bookkeeper. I can't imagine why the MSM is calling him a guard.

Oh wait. Yes, I can imagine why they are doing that.
The Bible teaches nothing about taking away consequences for murder. This man was a Nazi - he was complicit in the murder of Jews and sending them to the gas chambers.
You only want this innocent German man murdered because he didn't help the Juden. ..... :cool:

innocent? He was a nazi, Sunni man. He was complicit in the murder of the Jews, he kept the existence of the gas chambers a secret until he was a very old man facing eternity and the judgment of God (while he escaped the judgment of the courts here on earth all this time) and caused even more damage by his secrecy. It's a horrific story. He should be tried, found guilty and executed.
Oskar Groenig was actually a bookkeeper. I can't imagine why the MSM is calling him a guard.

Oh wait. Yes, I can imagine why they are doing that.
Who cares what he was? He admitted to being a part of it. He's guilty. Stop trying to lessen what he did. It won't work.
He was simply a cog in the evil machine who had no say in the proceedings. Given that his role wasn't all that different than the guards at U.S. Japanese interment camps, I believe he shouldn't be prosecuted.

did the internment camps

routinely gas the captives

Was it this guard's duty to gas the captives?

he went along with it

he should be hung until dead

A large portion of the entire nation went along with it as well.

Should we gather anyone that supported Hitler in his rise to power? Any civilian that sat complacently by? How about those that worked in the factories that produced the weapons that the soldiers carried or the uniforms they wore?

The question that I really am interested in is where the line is drawn – where do you start putting people for death for war crimes and letting people off entirely?

the masses and masses of sheep that knew about it but did nothing

or very little have to live with it

many had to clean up the mess they allowed

civilians that used slave labor are war criminals as wa as those

that worked the camps

executed the people

hauled them to their deaths

all war criminals

it is a little off topic but have you seen

Alfred Hitchcock holocaust film

it came out last January

I didn't but I did see the boy in the striped pajamas, did you see that film? Also - did you see the film, Good. That was another one that really uncovered the truth about what mindset the German people had during that time. (many of them)
He admitted it only if you believe the zio clan media account. I don't buy a word of it.

Why didn't the media tell the world he was a guard? Why didn't they admit the truth?
He admitted it only if you believe the zio clan media account. I don't buy a word of it.

Why didn't the media tell the world he was a guard? Why didn't they admit the truth?

Zio clan media? Are you kidding me? What a thing to say. You've obviously got an agenda, Bobby. I'm not buying a word of what you say.
I think the media is putting words in his mouth since the gas chambers weren't constructed by the Russians (for propaganda purposes) until after the war had ended.
Do you project a lot, Jerry?

You know what projection is, right?

You say I have an agenda while you're projecting?

Oh, the irony.
He admitted it only if you believe the zio clan media account. I don't buy a word of it.

Why didn't the media tell the world he was a guard? Why didn't they admit the truth?

They did. The story has been complete and consistent the entire time that I have followed it. I don’t know where you are getting your info from.
Tell us, Jerry? Are you conversant with the 25 Rules of Disinformation?

I think you are since you just used RoD #2.

2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the “How dare you!” gambit.
If the story was complete and consistent the media would have admitted Groenig was a bookkeeper and not a guard.
So Germany is putting a 93yr old man on trial for his role during the war at Auschwitz. His job was to collect money from the arriving Jews, most of whom were killed within hours of arrival.
My question is, is this really worthwhile? They will spend large amounts of money to prosecute an elderly man because he was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time on the wrong side. If he were complicit in raids that killed Jews or helped round them up, sure. Not much of an issue. But he has lived openly in Germany since the war and spoken about his role.
What will they punish him with? Life in prison? That's absurd for a 93yr old.
The best thing they could do is take a complete oral history from him of what exactly he did, why he did it, what the circumstances were, what he remembers from it and everything else they can think of. Then keep that oral history along with the other trillions of documents from that era to demonstrate to future generations that yes it really happened and here's why and here's why we cant let it happen again.

No statute of limitations for murder.

"- Menachem, let's be honest here. No one gives a damn anymore. He'll die by himself soon enough."

Menachem: "I want to get him before God does."

- "Walk on Water" (2004)
innocent? He was a nazi, Sunni man. He was complicit in the murder of the Jews, he kept the existence of the gas chambers a secret until he was a very old man facing eternity and the judgment of God (while he escaped the judgment of the courts here on earth all this time) and caused even more damage by his secrecy. It's a horrific story. He should be tried, found guilty and executed.
Being a member of the Nazi Party wasn't considered a criminal act by the Allied powers after the war. ...... :cool:
So Germany is putting a 93yr old man on trial for his role during the war at Auschwitz. His job was to collect money from the arriving Jews, most of whom were killed within hours of arrival.
My question is, is this really worthwhile? They will spend large amounts of money to prosecute an elderly man because he was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time on the wrong side. If he were complicit in raids that killed Jews or helped round them up, sure. Not much of an issue. But he has lived openly in Germany since the war and spoken about his role.
What will they punish him with? Life in prison? That's absurd for a 93yr old.
The best thing they could do is take a complete oral history from him of what exactly he did, why he did it, what the circumstances were, what he remembers from it and everything else they can think of. Then keep that oral history along with the other trillions of documents from that era to demonstrate to future generations that yes it really happened and here's why and here's why we cant let it happen again.
My question is why did they wait so long? This guy is probably senile and can't remember a thing! They should send him to a Jewish nursing home and be done with it!

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