CDZ Germany Prosecutes Auschwitz Guard. Good Thing or Not?

He knew what was going on,he counted all the loot.
He could reaonably guess, which is not the same thing. His job was to collect and account for personal assets taken. He was a clerk. He probably never saw a live prisoner up close.
We probably wouldn't be talking about this guy if he hadn't brought attention to himself by starting a public debate with holocaust deniers He had escaped capture as a guard because he had transferred to a regular combat unit towards to end of the war and managed to get captured by British as a regular soldier. It was only when he learned of the deniers that he began to speak out as a witness to the holocaust and by doing so exposed himself as a former guard. Seems he is making his own restitution and peace with his past.
He wasn't a guard!! He was the guy that counted all the money and jewels that were stolen,he is not an innocent putz that was in the wrong place at the wrong time,he was an official of the worst of the worst .
So anyone who worked as a clerk in the Gernan Treausry also should be prosecuted? I dont think so.
Really your going with that<once again the guy worked at the camp counting stolen money after they were murdered,do you think our legal system would let him slide?
We probably wouldn't be talking about this guy if he hadn't brought attention to himself by starting a public debate with holocaust deniers He had escaped capture as a guard because he had transferred to a regular combat unit towards to end of the war and managed to get captured by British as a regular soldier. It was only when he learned of the deniers that he began to speak out as a witness to the holocaust and by doing so exposed himself as a former guard. Seems he is making his own restitution and peace with his past.
He wasn't a guard!! He was the guy that counted all the money and jewels that were stolen,he is not an innocent putz that was in the wrong place at the wrong time,he was an official of the worst of the worst .
So anyone who worked as a clerk in the Gernan Treausry also should be prosecuted? I dont think so.
Really your going with that<once again the guy worked at the camp counting stolen money after they were murdered,do you think our legal system would let him slide?
Obviously it did.
What law did he break? He didnt commit genocide. He didnt shoot anyone. He didnt gas anyone. He didnt order anyone to do those things. He was no more significant than the engineer on the train that brought the Jews to the camps.
We probably wouldn't be talking about this guy if he hadn't brought attention to himself by starting a public debate with holocaust deniers He had escaped capture as a guard because he had transferred to a regular combat unit towards to end of the war and managed to get captured by British as a regular soldier. It was only when he learned of the deniers that he began to speak out as a witness to the holocaust and by doing so exposed himself as a former guard. Seems he is making his own restitution and peace with his past.
He wasn't a guard!! He was the guy that counted all the money and jewels that were stolen,he is not an innocent putz that was in the wrong place at the wrong time,he was an official of the worst of the worst .
So anyone who worked as a clerk in the Gernan Treausry also should be prosecuted? I dont think so.
Really your going with that<once again the guy worked at the camp counting stolen money after they were murdered,do you think our legal system would let him slide?
Obviously it did.
What law did he break? He didnt commit genocide. He didnt shoot anyone. He didnt gas anyone. He didnt order anyone to do those things. He was no more significant than the engineer on the train that brought the Jews to the camps.
He facilitated and participated in genocide. He's a coward and an accomplice.
We probably wouldn't be talking about this guy if he hadn't brought attention to himself by starting a public debate with holocaust deniers He had escaped capture as a guard because he had transferred to a regular combat unit towards to end of the war and managed to get captured by British as a regular soldier. It was only when he learned of the deniers that he began to speak out as a witness to the holocaust and by doing so exposed himself as a former guard. Seems he is making his own restitution and peace with his past.
He wasn't a guard!! He was the guy that counted all the money and jewels that were stolen,he is not an innocent putz that was in the wrong place at the wrong time,he was an official of the worst of the worst .
So anyone who worked as a clerk in the Gernan Treausry also should be prosecuted? I dont think so.
Really your going with that<once again the guy worked at the camp counting stolen money after they were murdered,do you think our legal system would let him slide?
Obviously it did.
What law did he break? He didnt commit genocide. He didnt shoot anyone. He didnt gas anyone. He didnt order anyone to do those things. He was no more significant than the engineer on the train that brought the Jews to the camps.
He facilitated and participated in genocide. He's a coward and an accomplice.
Virtually all Germans would fall into that category. It's a non starter.
He wasn't a guard!! He was the guy that counted all the money and jewels that were stolen,he is not an innocent putz that was in the wrong place at the wrong time,he was an official of the worst of the worst .
So anyone who worked as a clerk in the Gernan Treausry also should be prosecuted? I dont think so.
Really your going with that<once again the guy worked at the camp counting stolen money after they were murdered,do you think our legal system would let him slide?
Obviously it did.
What law did he break? He didnt commit genocide. He didnt shoot anyone. He didnt gas anyone. He didnt order anyone to do those things. He was no more significant than the engineer on the train that brought the Jews to the camps.
He facilitated and participated in genocide. He's a coward and an accomplice.
Virtually all Germans would fall into that category. It's a non starter.
Not all Germans avoided the front lines by agreeing to work processing Jews for destruction.
So anyone who worked as a clerk in the Gernan Treausry also should be prosecuted? I dont think so.
Really your going with that<once again the guy worked at the camp counting stolen money after they were murdered,do you think our legal system would let him slide?
Obviously it did.
What law did he break? He didnt commit genocide. He didnt shoot anyone. He didnt gas anyone. He didnt order anyone to do those things. He was no more significant than the engineer on the train that brought the Jews to the camps.
He facilitated and participated in genocide. He's a coward and an accomplice.
Virtually all Germans would fall into that category. It's a non starter.
Not all Germans avoided the front lines by agreeing to work processing Jews for destruction.

I honestly don't think "agreement" was a pre-requisite in the German Army of the time, you obeyed orders, full stop. :)

I'm on the fence about this and no comment or argument put forward on this thread has swayed me one way or the other. The SS were proscribed as a criminal organisation and members were prosecuted and persecuted both inside and outside of Germany as a result. I'm fine with that.

In this case however the authorities knew about his past for years and did nothing. The man is 93, and no matter what he did what public interest is served by bringing him to trial now? If he is convicted:
  • To neo-Nazis and other anti-Semites he will be a martyr or "hero"
  • To any surviving SS, a warning to keep in hiding.
  • To the German public, yet another reminder of their dark past that most of them would prefer to forget.
  • To Justice, well certainly it's being seen to be done, but perhaps tarnished a little due to his age and infirmity.
  • To the victims, well they're dead so don't really have an opinion.
  • To the surviving relatives of the victims, perhaps a little closure.
  • To the German government, further "proof" that Nazism is still dead and Germany is not Anti-Semitic.
What is the overall benefit? I don't know.
It is nonsense. Law has changed in 2011 and now they make this lawsuit. He is accused of complicity to murder in 300.000 (!!) cases and can expect 3 (!!) years of jail. He said, he heard about mass killings and gas chambers on his arrival but - honestly - what could he have done without becoming the next victim?
What you said about the wrong place is very true.
Sentenced to 4 years of jail.
At his age he's pretty soon dead anyway. He didn't torture anybody, was probably just trying to get by. Leave him be is what I think.
At his age he's pretty soon dead anyway. He didn't torture anybody, was probably just trying to get by. Leave him be is what I think.
If you think it's okay to participate in the heinous abuse, torture and murder of people in 'order to get by' you're a nazi yourself. Do you think one should EVER opt out of evil????
At his age he's pretty soon dead anyway. He didn't torture anybody, was probably just trying to get by. Leave him be is what I think.
If you think it's okay to participate in the heinous abuse, torture and murder of people in 'order to get by' you're a nazi yourself. Do you think one should EVER opt out of evil????

Ancient history. If you're for looking something to worry about, look into our torture program with waterboarding. Plenty of present day participants involved in that, and it is unconstitutional.
At his age he's pretty soon dead anyway. He didn't torture anybody, was probably just trying to get by. Leave him be is what I think.
If you think it's okay to participate in the heinous abuse, torture and murder of people in 'order to get by' you're a nazi yourself. Do you think one should EVER opt out of evil????

Ancient history. If you're for looking something to worry about, look into our torture program with waterboarding. Plenty of present day participants involved in that, and it is unconstitutional.
There's no statute of limitations on crimes against humanity. Waterboarding doesn't come close. Besides, your attitude of 'meh just trying to get by' would apply to that, as well.
He was simply a cog in the evil machine who had no say in the proceedings. Given that his role wasn't all that different than the guards at U.S. Japanese interment camps, I believe he shouldn't be prosecuted.
He was simply a cog in the evil machine who had no say in the proceedings. Given that his role wasn't all that different than the guards at U.S. Japanese interment camps, I believe he shouldn't be prosecuted.
Stupidity is not a defense. Auschwitz guards were not forced into service. In fact, no nazis were. They chose the party and believed in what was going on there or they wouldn't have been there.
He was simply a cog in the evil machine who had no say in the proceedings. Given that his role wasn't all that different than the guards at U.S. Japanese interment camps, I believe he shouldn't be prosecuted.

did the internment camps

routinely gas the captives
He was simply a cog in the evil machine who had no say in the proceedings. Given that his role wasn't all that different than the guards at U.S. Japanese interment camps, I believe he shouldn't be prosecuted.
Internees were not being exterminated at Japanese internment camps. However wrong the internment of Japanese Americans was, it does not compare to Nazi death camps.
The zionist Jews are just trying to keep the Holohoax myth alive by dragging out the last of the geriatric nazis for show trials.

It's the only way to keep money pouring into the holocaust ponzi scheme.

Because the new generation of millennial youth could care less about Juden pseudo history.

And soon the bucks will stop flowing. ....... :cool:
Germany prosecuted this old man because it was obligated by vow and promise to chase down the WWII criminals to the last man. The concept is that when crimes against humanity are committed the perpetrators will never have a day that they are not aware that they are being hunted. They are setting the precedent that will be used into the future. There are no statute of limitations for war crimes.

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