CDZ Germany Prosecutes Auschwitz Guard. Good Thing or Not?

So Germany is putting a 93yr old man on trial for his role during the war at Auschwitz.

since I have little interest in parlor babble and the usual mountains of trash rhetoric on these types of subjects can you get directly to the point and cite the evidence the state believes it has against this man?
So Germany is putting a 93yr old man on trial for his role during the war at Auschwitz. His job was to collect money from the arriving Jews, most of whom were killed within hours of arrival.
My question is, is this really worthwhile? They will spend large amounts of money to prosecute an elderly man because he was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time on the wrong side. If he were complicit in raids that killed Jews or helped round them up, sure. Not much of an issue. But he has lived openly in Germany since the war and spoken about his role.
What will they punish him with? Life in prison? That's absurd for a 93yr old.
The best thing they could do is take a complete oral history from him of what exactly he did, why he did it, what the circumstances were, what he remembers from it and everything else they can think of. Then keep that oral history along with the other trillions of documents from that era to demonstrate to future generations that yes it really happened and here's why and here's why we cant let it happen again.
As long as they go get soros as well.

he helped confiscate belongings and has no remorse, so if the guard is guilty, so is soros.

but to leftist, it will be different, somehow, magically
His job at the camp was to collect the suitcases and other belongings of people when they exited the train cars.

He was never involved with any alleged abuse of the inmates.

That is why no charges were brought against his by the Allies after the war.

Basically just a soldier following lawful orders. ...... :cool:
I think the orders weren't lawful, depending on how one defines "lawful"
The man was a patriotic hero who fought for his country against foreign invaders.

Sadly, the radical juden now want to smear his name and make him out to be a monster. ...... :cool:
How on Earth was he defending his country from invaders?
He was simply a cog in the evil machine who had no say in the proceedings. Given that his role wasn't all that different than the guards at U.S. Japanese interment camps, I believe he shouldn't be prosecuted.

did the internment camps

routinely gas the captives

Was it this guard's duty to gas the captives?
This guy shoots the holocaust denier's claims all to hell.

Auschwitz guard trial: Oskar Groening admits 'moral guilt'

'I saw the gas chambers'

The nonagenarian has achieved notoriety as one of the few Germans to speak out about their role in the genocide, a decision he say he took to stop Holocaust deniers.

"I saw the gas chambers. I saw the crematoria," he told the BBC in the 2005 documentary Auschwitz: the Nazis and the "Final Solution".

"I was on the ramp when the selections [for the gas chambers] took place."....

Mr Groening served at Auschwitz between May and June 1944, when some 425,000 Jews from Hungary were brought there and at least 300,000 almost immediately gassed to death.

Auschwitz guard trial Oskar Groening admits moral guilt - BBC News

Where was he when Mel Merlemenstein was forced to go to a judge to prove there were gas chambers because of the denial of their existence? Why didn't he speak up back then? The revisionists had a hey day because of his silence.

He waits until he is 93 yrs. old to admit that he saw these gas chambers and was there on the ramp when the selections took place? No. This is wrong. He should be put on trial and given the death penalty. This man was a Nazi. It would not matter if he were 110 years old. He did nothing to save the Jews and afterwards he did nothing to alleviate their suffering - he could have told the world long ago he saw the gas chambers. Long ago. He didn't.
His job at the camp was to collect the suitcases and other belongings of people when they exited the train cars.

He was never involved with any alleged abuse of the inmates.

That is why no charges were brought against his by the Allies after the war.

Basically just a soldier following lawful orders. ...... :cool:
You mean to confiscate property from people that were illegally detained and being sent illegally to their deaths.

There is no excuse unless he is mentally retarded and didn't know what he was doing. And that is not the case.
No they were legally detained and legally sent to their deaths. Germans are very law abiding.
That was his job. I really dont see a reason to prosecute him other than to put ona show.

I disagree with you. There is a higher law than that of Hitler. It's called God's Law and we do not give ourselves to an evil ruler to gather up innocent Jewish men, women and children knowing they are going to be sent to be tortured, to be starved to death or sent to the gas chambers.

That is not obeying the law of the land. That is obeying the commands of a mad man and any one who went along with it is "not a law abiding citizen" but an accomplice to cold blooded murder! If a President of America made a law to find every Jew and Christian inside the USA and turn them in so that they could be sent to concentration camps with their children and executed would you obey the law or would you defy the order of that wicked President and get busy saving lives???!

His job at the camp was to collect the suitcases and other belongings of people when they exited the train cars.

He was never involved with any alleged abuse of the inmates.

That is why no charges were brought against his by the Allies after the war.

Basically just a soldier following lawful orders. ...... :cool:
You mean to confiscate property from people that were illegally detained and being sent illegally to their deaths.

There is no excuse unless he is mentally retarded and didn't know what he was doing. And that is not the case.
No they were legally detained and legally sent to their deaths. Germans are very law abiding.
That was his job. I really dont see a reason to prosecute him other than to put ona show.

I'm very disappointed in you. I would not expect to hear this from you.
He waits until he is 93 yrs. old to admit that he saw these gas chambers and was there on the ramp when the selections took place? No. This is wrong. He should be put on trial and given the death penalty. This man was a Nazi. It would not matter if he were 110 years old. He did nothing to save the Jews and afterwards he did nothing to alleviate their suffering - he could have told the world long ago he saw the gas chambers. Long ago. He didn't.
LOL....... Jeremiah the fake Christian hasn't ever read the part of the Bible about forgiveness and praying for your enemies. ..... :cool:
He was simply a cog in the evil machine who had no say in the proceedings. Given that his role wasn't all that different than the guards at U.S. Japanese interment camps, I believe he shouldn't be prosecuted.

did the internment camps

routinely gas the captives

Was it this guard's duty to gas the captives?

he went along with it

he should be hung until dead

A large portion of the entire nation went along with it as well.

Should we gather anyone that supported Hitler in his rise to power? Any civilian that sat complacently by? How about those that worked in the factories that produced the weapons that the soldiers carried or the uniforms they wore?

The question that I really am interested in is where the line is drawn – where do you start putting people for death for war crimes and letting people off entirely?
He waits until he is 93 yrs. old to admit that he saw these gas chambers and was there on the ramp when the selections took place? No. This is wrong. He should be put on trial and given the death penalty. This man was a Nazi. It would not matter if he were 110 years old. He did nothing to save the Jews and afterwards he did nothing to alleviate their suffering - he could have told the world long ago he saw the gas chambers. Long ago. He didn't.
LOL....... Jeremiah the fake Christian hasn't ever read the part of the Bible about forgiveness and praying for your enemies. ..... :cool:

to what part do you refer -----sunnazi ?
He waits until he is 93 yrs. old to admit that he saw these gas chambers and was there on the ramp when the selections took place? No. This is wrong. He should be put on trial and given the death penalty. This man was a Nazi. It would not matter if he were 110 years old. He did nothing to save the Jews and afterwards he did nothing to alleviate their suffering - he could have told the world long ago he saw the gas chambers. Long ago. He didn't.
LOL....... Jeremiah the fake Christian hasn't ever read the part of the Bible about forgiveness and praying for your enemies. ..... :cool:

The Bible teaches nothing about taking away consequences for murder. This man was a Nazi - he was complicit in the murder of Jews and sending them to the gas chambers. He should be put on trial, found guilty and put to death. In that order. If he has truly repented and been forgiven by God he is no different from Karla Faye Tucker and can see Jesus when he leaves this earth.
The germans are very FASTIDIOUS people------they do not like to leave a speck of
There are people who are fastidious about everything external and yet inside of them - in their heart there is murder, adultery, lies, hatred, lust and this is what makes them unclean. Not anything to do with the outside. It's most prevalent with the religious in cults. They think everything is perfectly in order until one day they meet God and he says I never knew you. Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity. It's always been about the heart. Jesus said, Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Now we can reverse that and say Cursed are the impure of heart for they shall not see God. They shall not see God. The Catholic Nazi's under Hitler's command believed they were doing the will of God (as sick as that is - it's true - in fact it is so sick the world simply refuses to believe it) as do all cults who murder in the name of God - and for their reward - they believe they will gain heaven yet the bible teaches the exact opposite. Whose right? God? Or some man who made his own book, his own rules and then found people who were naive enough to follow him?

God said, My people perish for lack of knowledge. As we all have access to a King James Bible there is no excuse. This test was open book. No excuses.

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