Germany Puts Hold On Nord Stream 2 Pipeline

France decided to return to nuclear energy months before Putain decided to invade a sovereign nation. This crap with Russia should push more EU nations back to investing and developing nuclear energy.

You need uranium for nuclear energy, and France mines uranium in Africa. And, there is a problem with Africa - the Russians came there, too.
How to deal with Putin and also China ( where Skew resides ) is to take all their toys away…

Cut off their ability to make money and take their friends in low places away like Iran, North Korea, Syria, Mexico and so on and then watch both countries come crawling.

Cutting off a future pipeline has little effect at all and you need to crush them hard and fast with true crippling sanctions!
On Tuesday, Germany announced they are revoking certification for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a major project to import Russian gas into Europe, in retaliation for the Russian invasion of Ukraine — a move NATO has been threatening for weeks, and a serious threat to Russia's energy sector.

Good news. I hear the oligarchs are acting like these sanctions arent bothering them. I’m sure a few hundred billion should be no problem, right guys?
I love frozen Germans.
- Joseph Stalin
You need uranium for nuclear energy, and France mines uranium in Africa. And, there is a problem with Africa - the Russians came there, too.

Newer designs can use spent nuclear fuel to generate power - ie: molten salt reactors. There is plenty of spent fuel in Europe sitting in underground storage facilities.

Today’s (Tues. Feb. 22) Ukrainian update, regarding Ukrainian/Russian status:

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that martial law would be introduced in the case of a large-scale invasion.
He said this during a briefing, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"Regarding the state of war, it's very simple. This issue is clear to us, we believe that there will be no powerful war against Ukraine and there will be no wide escalation by the Russian Federation. If it does, then martial law will be introduced," the statement says.

He also noted that Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian Federation, but in the case of a large-scale attack, there will be martial law.

How about if we allow for peaceful negotiations (meanwhile, domestic media drumming us up for war) because a peaceful solution is reportedly still possible.

Trying to gage the true situation on the ground is not the same thing as listening to domestic media sources. Ukrainian media sources…. if anyone knows of an alternative one to the 2 I’ve used (Kyiv Post tracks timely actions, 2nd source below) please share.

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For what? What laws had Russia violated? Do you fools not see what's happening here? If we just throw around sanctions like children throwing toys in a tantrum, we diminish ourselves and the purpose of sanctions. We diminish the rule of law. That is not how superpowers lead.

What laws did they break? Other than illegally occupying the land of a democratically controlled country, and now illegally invading more of the country with military force, none at all.

Russia has now become a Cold War aggressor and must be dealt with as such.

on top of that, there now needs to be an entire global effort by the entire western coalition, to restructure world energy supply. This could happen easily in one year by more domestic production, ramping up subsidies for wind and solar, and ending sanctions on Venuzeulan, and Iranian oil production. Iran is also a large producer natural gas, and a proposed pipeline to Western Europe in the past, could be constructed.

contrary to popular belief, Russias gas is not needed. Simply ending sanctions on Venezuela, and Iran production would immediately cut oil prices putting Russia, and Saudi Arabia in a bad position.
What laws did they break? Other than illegally occupying the land of a democratically controlled country, and now illegally invading more of the country with military force, none at all.

Russia has now become a Cold War aggressor and must be dealt with as such.

on top of that, there now needs to be an entire global effort by the entire western coalition, to restructure world energy supply. This could happen easily in one year by more domestic production, ramping up subsidies for wind and solar, and ending sanctions on Venuzeulan, and Iranian oil production. Iran is also a large producer natural gas, and a proposed pipeline to Western Europe in the past, could be constructed.

contrary to popular belief, Russias gas is not needed. Simply ending sanctions on Venezuela, and Iran production would immediately cut oil prices putting Russia, and Saudi Arabia in a bad position.
Do you really suggest to simultaneously support regimes in Ukraine (where Zelenskiy opress all opposition and commit ethnic cleansing in Donbass, suggest to build nuclear weapons), in Venezuela (Marxism and dictatorship), in Iran (Radical Islamism, almost achieved nuclear weapon capability) just to make a little inconvenience to Russia who will sell their gas and oil in India and China?
On Tuesday, Germany announced they are revoking certification for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a major project to import Russian gas into Europe, in retaliation for the Russian invasion of Ukraine — a move NATO has been threatening for weeks, and a serious threat to Russia's energy sector.

Good news. I hear the oligarchs are acting like these sanctions arent bothering them. I’m sure a few hundred billion should be no problem, right guys?

This wouldn't have even happened if Joe Biden hadn't given the pipeline to his boss Vlad Putin on his very first day in office.
Yep. This was an agreement we made with Germany with the understanding that if Putin did anything like he is doing now, Germany would stop the pipeline from operating.

And now they have done so.

This is how it should work.
Never should have bee given to Russia in the first place. Biden did that because he was shutting down production in the U.S. and forcing the U.S. to buy from Russia and the Middle East. Biden is an egghead. Democrats have no understanding of economics.
Never should have bee given to Russia in the first place. Biden did that because he was shutting down production in the U.S. and forcing the U.S. to buy from Russia and the Middle East.

You people are literally insane.

US oil production since Feb 2021 up 16%.
US NG production sing Feb 2021 up 13%.

Democrats have no understanding of economics.

And you have no connection to reality.
On Tuesday, Germany announced they are revoking certification for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a major project to import Russian gas into Europe, in retaliation for the Russian invasion of Ukraine — a move NATO has been threatening for weeks, and a serious threat to Russia's energy sector.

Good news. I hear the oligarchs are acting like these sanctions arent bothering them. I’m sure a few hundred billion should be no problem, right guys?
You sound as if this is good news...don't you know what the price to heat your home will do because of this? will go up even higher than it already has....unless we make up the difference which doesn't seem likely with Joe at the helm....look for global shortages by the end of 2024...
Some western talking-head experts believe that Putin sees sanctions as an act of war.
If true, then Germany ends up dead meat, again!!

Fortunately for Germany, western experts are anymore stupid.
You people are literally insane.

US oil production since Feb 2021 up 16%.
US NG production sing Feb 2021 up 13%.

And you have no connection to reality.
HOUSTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) - "The chiefs of major U.S. oil companies Occidental Petroleum Corp and ConocoPhillips (COP.N) offered differing outlooks on the growth of U.S. oil output at a conference on Monday, as the industry rebounds from shutdowns during the first stage of the coronavirus pandemic."

So, oil production is up because we shut down production due to the Covid19 Virus! So, it's up from a dip in production meaning, we are most likely producing less oil than in 2019 and part of 2020. LOL! It's you with no connection to reality. :auiqs.jpg:

We are no longer energy independent because of Biden's oil policies. Biden had to go and beg Iran and his buddies to produce more and they refused him.
HOUSTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) - "The chiefs of major U.S. oil companies Occidental Petroleum Corp and ConocoPhillips (COP.N) offered differing outlooks on the growth of U.S. oil output at a conference on Monday, as the industry rebounds from shutdowns during the first stage of the coronavirus pandemic."

So, oil production is up because we shut down production due to the Covid19 Virus! So, it's up from a dip in production meaning, we are most likely producing less oil than in 2019 and part of 2020. LOL! It's you with no connection to reality. :auiqs.jpg:

We are no longer energy independent because of Biden's oil policies. Biden had to go and beg Iran and his buddies to produce more and they refused him.

And he doubled the import from Russia as compared to Trump!
So, oil production is up because we shut down production due to the Covid19 Virus! So, it's up from a dip in production meaning, we are most likely producing less oil than in 2019 and part of 2020. LOL! It's you with no connection to reality.

It take a while for these things to ramp back up. At the current growth rate of US oil production we will be back to the the very peak of production under Trump by Nov of this year

We are no longer energy independent because of Biden's oil policies.

We were never energy independent, energy independence is a myth.

Biden had to go and beg Iran and his buddies to produce more and they refused him.

If only Trump had not gotten them to slash production in 2020. Turns out to be a rather short sighted move now
And he doubled the import from Russia as compared to Trump!

In Feb of 2017, Trump's first full month in office we imported 9,262,000 barrels from Russia.

In Jan of 2021, Trump's last month in office we imported 20,104,000 barrels from Russia. An increase of 117% in 4 years while Trump was president. (117% means it more than doubled)

In Feb of 2021, Biden's first full month in office we imported 12,691,000 barrels from Russia.

In Nov of 2021, the last month we have data for, that number was up to 17,855,000.

Those are the actual facts


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