Germany: The COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
The gang of Merkel has already murdered more as 100,000, lowered GDP by 10 percent and transformed the country to a socialist dictatorship. Many honest doctors stand up to NWO schizophrenics who 24/7 lie to citizens and force them to accept the 'vaccine' of Gates.Don't believe NWO 'politicians', they want to kill you by Gates's brew.

.... Dr. Bodo Schiffmann:Thank you very much, Mr. SCHÖNING,Why is the CoronaExtra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committeenecessary?Because we are dealing with a lack of proportionality. Governments have to make decisions, and in emergency situations –such as during a pandemic –they must also take measures that may momentarily restrict fundamental rights. But they are also obliged to constantly verify these measures and to lift them as quickly as possible to prevent collateral damage as mentioned by my colleague Dr. SCHÖNING.Instead, we receive out-of-context numbers, numbers that are only capable of fueling fear by simply adding up cases of illness and not showing that there is a mismatch between the number of people tested and those actually infected. Existing, well-functioning structures, such as the Infection Protection Act, are simply suspended and replaced with something new, far more drastic. And the only thing we hear from the government is the constant call for a vaccination for a disease that we now know very well –through many international studies –that it is very comparable to flu diseases, that the death rates are no higher than during strong flu waves and that the measures cannot be justified. It is a terrifying ignorance where recognized international studies and experts from all fields –virologists, bacteriologists, epidemiologists,or economists –are simply not heard or ignored. Even worse, they are called liars, charlatans, or conspiracy theorists, which is likely to be the non-word of the year 2020.Instead, the government promotes a vaccination that can be highly dangerous, a vaccination without medical necessity for lack of evidence. There is not even a sufficient number of people in Germany getting sick to be tested for a vaccine. Plus, it is a new form of vaccination, a so-called RNA vaccination, which, unlike previous vaccinations, is able to change the genetic code and can cause undeniable damage to ....

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BTW: NWOtube & Co remove videos about this Committee within few minutes.

The Gift of Merkel to German people. Take 'vaccine' and you will be within few months inside of it.


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