Germany to Ban “Hate Speech Against Muslims” on Social Media

possibly----but there is a growing ANTI IMMIGRATION AND ANTI EU
sentiment in both Austria and Germany that preceded the Syrian thing.
Their Nazism does not seem to be based on IMPERIALIST AMBITIONS---
<<<< that's Syria and iran and russia

Alldeutsche Bewegung, Pan-Germanism, a uniting of all Germanic peoples, we are kin, we belong together as a unit, forever. Großdeutschland.

We also are Christian and we know that Islam has never belonged on our Continent....oil and water, not meant to mix, it's about Heritage, Blood, Culture and Future.

oh-----ok It is Nazism------just as Nazi as Baathism is Nazi. blood???
Germanic people? by what criterion ??? blood does not do it

Only Blacks, gangs and terrorists are against nazism of world.

Nothing wrong with nazism.

In Sweden with the terrible situation you're experiencing, is it any wonder the Sverigedemokraterna are leading the polls.


There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.
Islamist are on way to European citizens and will kills. So dump, dump.

I am totally aware of that Kipper.

But whatever you say...please DO NOT bring Nazism back on the table ...ok?

On that one, I will never see eye to eye with you.

I think only until America get's the Islam type situation that we in Europa are unfortunately experiencing, will Americans fully understand the danger we ALL face from this crowd.

I now spend much time worrying about friends and relatives in Germany, this is not pleasant and I never thought I'd have to have such distress.

I understand. I agree that the Islamic invasion should be stop immediately!

But Nazism is another topic.

Do not revive past Nazi ghosts. What 's buried in the bunker remains in the bunker.
I have always thought the German people were special, everything they lived through in WWI and WWII, and now as well. It can't be easy having a flood of immigration all at a time. I have a great respect for the German people and how well they have survived and rebuilt. They are very smart, use to be the center of learning in Europe, and maybe still is.

You remain an idiot. What is your mother tongue? You butcher the English
Alldeutsche Bewegung, Pan-Germanism, a uniting of all Germanic peoples, we are kin, we belong together as a unit, forever. Großdeutschland.

We also are Christian and we know that Islam has never belonged on our Continent....oil and water, not meant to mix, it's about Heritage, Blood, Culture and Future.

oh-----ok It is Nazism------just as Nazi as Baathism is Nazi. blood???
Germanic people? by what criterion ??? blood does not do it

Only Blacks, gangs and terrorists are against nazism of world.

Nothing wrong with nazism.

In Sweden with the terrible situation you're experiencing, is it any wonder the Sverigedemokraterna are leading the polls.


There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades. You cannot murder them
Islamist are on way to European citizens and will kills. So dump, dump.

I am totally aware of that Kipper.

But whatever you say...please DO NOT bring Nazism back on the table ...ok?

On that one, I will never see eye to eye with you.

I think only until America get's the Islam type situation that we in Europa are unfortunately experiencing, will Americans fully understand the danger we ALL face from this crowd.

I now spend much time worrying about friends and relatives in Germany, this is not pleasant and I never thought I'd have to have such distress.

I understand. I agree that the Islamic invasion should be stop immediately!

But Nazism is another topic.

Do not revive past Nazi ghosts. What 's buried in the bunker remains in the bunker.

Situations, mega crisis situations though do awaken ghosts, the music must be faced by many, they mightn't be comfortable with that, but the whole thing has a life of it's own....almost a Supernatural Phenomena.

The Traitor's like Merkel, they are essentially finished....others around them who mightn't be Traitor's, they have proven themselves weaklings, by the very nature that they have been too frightened to remove the Traitor's like Merkel....can we have ANY of them leading this fight? No.

Throughout our history, at times where our peoples have been afraid and nervous, time and time again, this situation has resulted in only one thing, a Strong-Man coming forward, to take charge, lead and deal with the situation.

This time is no different, our Continent, thanks to Traitor Merkel, is about to re-live our history again....the Strong-Man will appear, probably this Autumn, he will take charge, lead....we will follow, he will save our peoples and our beloved Continent, our beautiful Europa.
Pegida is nothing more than a racist bunch of neo-nazi's.

possibly----but there is a growing ANTI IMMIGRATION AND ANTI EU
sentiment in both Austria and Germany that preceded the Syrian thing.
Their Nazism does not seem to be based on IMPERIALIST AMBITIONS---
<<<< that's Syria and iran and russia

Alldeutsche Bewegung, Pan-Germanism, a uniting of all Germanic peoples, we are kin, we belong together as a unit, forever. Großdeutschland.

We also are Christian and we know that Islam has never belonged on our Continent....oil and water, not meant to mix, it's about Heritage, Blood, Culture and Future.

oh-----ok It is Nazism------just as Nazi as Baathism is Nazi. blood???
Germanic people? by what criterion ??? blood does not do it

Only Blacks, gangs and terrorists are against nazism of world.

Nothing wrong with nazism.

In Sweden with the terrible situation you're experiencing, is it any wonder the Sverigedemokraterna are leading the polls.

Sweden did it to itself---------for decades. Its nothing new-------there is a lot wrong
with Nazism --------once you got people------and you welcomed those people---and you provided for them--------you cannot kill them.
In the USA------our violent blacks and our violent gangs and our terrorists
are NAZIS ---------they tend to love your hero ADOLF
oh-----ok It is Nazism------just as Nazi as Baathism is Nazi. blood???
Germanic people? by what criterion ??? blood does not do it

Only Blacks, gangs and terrorists are against nazism of world.

Nothing wrong with nazism.

In Sweden with the terrible situation you're experiencing, is it any wonder the Sverigedemokraterna are leading the polls.


There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

Only Blacks, gangs and terrorists are against nazism of world.

Nothing wrong with nazism.

In Sweden with the terrible situation you're experiencing, is it any wonder the Sverigedemokraterna are leading the polls.


There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?
possibly----but there is a growing ANTI IMMIGRATION AND ANTI EU
sentiment in both Austria and Germany that preceded the Syrian thing.
Their Nazism does not seem to be based on IMPERIALIST AMBITIONS---
<<<< that's Syria and iran and russia

Alldeutsche Bewegung, Pan-Germanism, a uniting of all Germanic peoples, we are kin, we belong together as a unit, forever. Großdeutschland.

We also are Christian and we know that Islam has never belonged on our Continent....oil and water, not meant to mix, it's about Heritage, Blood, Culture and Future.

oh-----ok It is Nazism------just as Nazi as Baathism is Nazi. blood???
Germanic people? by what criterion ??? blood does not do it

Only Blacks, gangs and terrorists are against nazism of world.

Nothing wrong with nazism.

In Sweden with the terrible situation you're experiencing, is it any wonder the Sverigedemokraterna are leading the polls.

Sweden did it to itself---------for decades. Its nothing new-------there is a lot wrong
with Nazism --------once you got people------and you welcomed those people---and you provided for them--------you cannot kill them.
In the USA------our violent blacks and our violent gangs and our terrorists
are NAZIS ---------they tend to love your hero ADOLF

WE didn't welcome them, actually the majority of our peoples across Europa were never consulted about any of this, for years most opinion polls have shown that a majority of people across every nation in Europa are anti-Immigration....the Traitor leaders have stabbed our peoples in the back and crapped on our wishes.

Adolf? A cousin of mine is named Adolf, he's a ski instructor in the Glocknergruppe.

Have you ever been skiing? I have skied down the Großes Wiesbachhorn at Midnight, an almost suicidal mountain, now, that was marvellous.
In Sweden with the terrible situation you're experiencing, is it any wonder the Sverigedemokraterna are leading the polls.


There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

Have you noticed my avatar? Do you know what it is?
Islamist are on way to European citizens and will kills. So dump, dump.

I am totally aware of that Kipper.

But whatever you say...please DO NOT bring Nazism back on the table ...ok?

On that one, I will never see eye to eye with you.

I think only until America get's the Islam type situation that we in Europa are unfortunately experiencing, will Americans fully understand the danger we ALL face from this crowd.

I now spend much time worrying about friends and relatives in Germany, this is not pleasant and I never thought I'd have to have such distress.

I understand. I agree that the Islamic invasion should be stop immediately!

But Nazism is another topic.

Do not revive past Nazi ghosts. What 's buried in the bunker remains in the bunker.

Situations, mega crisis situations though do awaken ghosts, the music must be faced by many, they mightn't be comfortable with that, but the whole thing has a life of it's own....almost a Supernatural Phenomena.

The Traitor's like Merkel, they are essentially finished....others around them who mightn't be Traitor's, they have proven themselves weaklings, by the very nature that they have been too frightened to remove the Traitor's like Merkel....can we have ANY of them leading this fight? No.

Throughout our history, at times where our peoples have been afraid and nervous, time and time again, this situation has resulted in only one thing, a Strong-Man coming forward, to take charge, lead and deal with the situation.

This time is no different, our Continent, thanks to Traitor Merkel, is about to re-live our history again....the Strong-Man will appear, probably this Autumn, he will take charge, lead....we will follow, he will save our peoples and our beloved Continent, our beautiful Europa.

I have to admit, Merkel sold those subs to Israel on the cheap. There comes a time when one stops being a victim of the past. Germany doesn't owe anyone anything.

There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

Have you noticed my avatar? Do you know what it is?

There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

Have you noticed my avatar? Do you know what it is?

I have seen slobs in methadone clinics and hospital prison wards decorated
with similar symbols. Medals in that shape come along with people
in handcuffs
In Sweden with the terrible situation you're experiencing, is it any wonder the Sverigedemokraterna are leading the polls.


There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

The largest nationality in the US is Germans and then Irish, for how long I don't know.
The British brought Germans over to fight, and the Germans stayed.
In Sweden with the terrible situation you're experiencing, is it any wonder the Sverigedemokraterna are leading the polls.


There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

Imperial Banner des Heiligen Römischen Reich....Imperial Banner of The Holy Roman Empire:

There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

Have you noticed my avatar? Do you know what it is?
There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

Have you noticed my avatar? Do you know what it is?

I have seen slobs in methadone clinics and hospital prison wards decorated
with similar symbols. Medals in that shape come along with people
in handcuffs

Yes, I knew you wouldn't know what my avatar was....which is why I just posted about it to your other posting.

There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

Imperial Banner des Heiligen Römischen Reich....Imperial Banner of The Holy Roman Empire:

View attachment 59137

was that the first, second or third REICH?. The symbols did not change
much over time or over the piles of dead bodies

There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

The largest nationality in the US is Germans and then Irish, for how long I don't know.
The British brought Germans over to fight, and the Germans stayed.

Yes I think you have 65 million of our Germanic kin, the Americans of German descent, we consider these our people also, their blood you know....blood is of wonderful importance, it's the future for generations to come, so we can continue. You are your blood, it's what makes you.
There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

Imperial Banner des Heiligen Römischen Reich....Imperial Banner of The Holy Roman Empire:

View attachment 59137

was that the first, second or third REICH?. The symbols did not change
much over time or over the piles of dead bodies

Seriously darling :smiliehug:
There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

The largest nationality in the US is Germans and then Irish, for how long I don't know.
The British brought Germans over to fight, and the Germans stayed.

Yes I think you have 65 million of our Germanic kin, the Americans of German descent, we considered these our people also, their blood you know....blood is of wonderful importance, it's the future for generations to come, so we can continue. You are your blood, it's what makes you.

"you are your blood..." ------I am AB +

There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

The largest nationality in the US is Germans and then Irish, for how long I don't know.
The British brought Germans over to fight, and the Germans stayed.

I forgot, Donald Trump is one of them, American of German descent.

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