Germany to Ban “Hate Speech Against Muslims” on Social Media

Police are searching for a fourth suspect believed to be the man’s 15-year-old brother. None of those involved have been named under German privacy laws.

The suspects are not asylum-seekers. The 21-year-old man and his brother are long-term German residents, while the two 14-year-olds live in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Prosecutors say they do not believe the incident is connected to the outbreak of sexual assaults against women in Cologne and other German cities over the New Year.

In addition to the more than 120 criminal complaints filed in Cologne, there have been reports of attacks on women across the country.

More than 50 criminal complaints have been filed by women in the northern city of Hamburg, 39 of them for sexual assault.

Two teenage girls gang-raped by four 'Syrian nationals' in southern Germany

says here long term German residents.

It doesn't matter that the Syrians are not asylum seekers, it doesn't matter that they've lived in Germany and the others in the Netherlands and Switzerland. What matters is that, none of them are European they're Syrian and Muslim savages, as non-Europeans, they do NOT belong on our Continent in the first place.

All of them, deport them back to Syria and if they get blown-up there, who gives a crap.

I think they want to go back, its too bad their country is destroyed. Are you saying only Germans should live in Germany??

I don't give a crap about their country.

I'm saying that only Europeans should essentially live in Europa, this means ANY European can live in Germany or any other European nation, we are a European family of European peoples.

I have no problem with Australians, New Zealanders, Argentines, Chileans, Chinese, Japanese or North Americans including Canadians in that, no problem with any of these nationalities living in Europe. These nationalities do not in general cause harm and chaos, and they work, they're not welfare queens and with the exception of the Chinese and Japanese, the others will almost certainly be of European ancestry.

The Muslims and those of black African ancestry, no, they don't belong on our Continent and never have and they need to be deported, IF ANY were born in Europe, doesn't matter, they're NOT European, they need to be deported back to the lands of their ancestry.

Wow...that sounds like you really are channeling Nazi racist propoganda. So a black European, who has lived there for many generations - should be deported?

Yes if they show any allegiance to another country, or speak out against their adopted countries culture. We have had many black people migrate to Europe that have integrated and become good citizens, bringing their culture and tastes with them. These have been changed to suit European tastes and we are better for it. But when they start saying things like " in my country I am allowed to murder my wife" then they don't see themselves as being part of their adopted country.
Police are searching for a fourth suspect believed to be the man’s 15-year-old brother. None of those involved have been named under German privacy laws.

The suspects are not asylum-seekers. The 21-year-old man and his brother are long-term German residents, while the two 14-year-olds live in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Prosecutors say they do not believe the incident is connected to the outbreak of sexual assaults against women in Cologne and other German cities over the New Year.

In addition to the more than 120 criminal complaints filed in Cologne, there have been reports of attacks on women across the country.

More than 50 criminal complaints have been filed by women in the northern city of Hamburg, 39 of them for sexual assault.

Two teenage girls gang-raped by four 'Syrian nationals' in southern Germany

says here long term German residents.

It doesn't matter that the Syrians are not asylum seekers, it doesn't matter that they've lived in Germany and the others in the Netherlands and Switzerland. What matters is that, none of them are European they're Syrian and Muslim savages, as non-Europeans, they do NOT belong on our Continent in the first place.

All of them, deport them back to Syria and if they get blown-up there, who gives a crap.

I think they want to go back, its too bad their country is destroyed. Are you saying only Germans should live in Germany??

I don't give a crap about their country.

I'm saying that only Europeans should essentially live in Europa, this means ANY European can live in Germany or any other European nation, we are a European family of European peoples.

I have no problem with Australians, New Zealanders, Argentines, Chileans, Chinese, Japanese or North Americans including Canadians in that, no problem with any of these nationalities living in Europe. These nationalities do not in general cause harm and chaos, and they work, they're not welfare queens and with the exception of the Chinese and Japanese, the others will almost certainly be of European ancestry.

The Muslims and those of black African ancestry, no, they don't belong on our Continent and never have and they need to be deported, IF ANY were born in Europe, doesn't matter, they're NOT European, they need to be deported back to the lands of their ancestry.

Wow...that sounds like you really are channeling Nazi racist propoganda. So a black European, who has lived there for many generations - should be deported?

There are people, black Americans who want to be in their terms "re-patriated" to Africa.
Police are searching for a fourth suspect believed to be the man’s 15-year-old brother. None of those involved have been named under German privacy laws.

The suspects are not asylum-seekers. The 21-year-old man and his brother are long-term German residents, while the two 14-year-olds live in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Prosecutors say they do not believe the incident is connected to the outbreak of sexual assaults against women in Cologne and other German cities over the New Year.

In addition to the more than 120 criminal complaints filed in Cologne, there have been reports of attacks on women across the country.

More than 50 criminal complaints have been filed by women in the northern city of Hamburg, 39 of them for sexual assault.

Two teenage girls gang-raped by four 'Syrian nationals' in southern Germany

says here long term German residents.

It doesn't matter that the Syrians are not asylum seekers, it doesn't matter that they've lived in Germany and the others in the Netherlands and Switzerland. What matters is that, none of them are European they're Syrian and Muslim savages, as non-Europeans, they do NOT belong on our Continent in the first place.

All of them, deport them back to Syria and if they get blown-up there, who gives a crap.

I think they want to go back, its too bad their country is destroyed. Are you saying only Germans should live in Germany??

I don't give a crap about their country.

I'm saying that only Europeans should essentially live in Europa, this means ANY European can live in Germany or any other European nation, we are a European family of European peoples.

I have no problem with Australians, New Zealanders, Argentines, Chileans, Chinese, Japanese or North Americans including Canadians in that, no problem with any of these nationalities living in Europe. These nationalities do not in general cause harm and chaos, and they work, they're not welfare queens and with the exception of the Chinese and Japanese, the others will almost certainly be of European ancestry.

The Muslims and those of black African ancestry, no, they don't belong on our Continent and never have and they need to be deported, IF ANY were born in Europe, doesn't matter, they're NOT European, they need to be deported back to the lands of their ancestry.

Wow...that sounds like you really are channeling Nazi racist propoganda. So a black European, who has lived there for many generations - should be deported?

Yes if they show any allegiance to another country, or speak out against their adopted countries culture. We have had many black people migrate to Europe that have integrated and become good citizens, bringing their culture and tastes with them. These have been changed to suit European tastes and we are better for it. But when they start saying things like " in my country I am allowed to murder my wife" then they don't see themselves as being part of their adopted country.

Exactly. I hear them on the television saying "I'm Nigerian, I'm British but I'm Nigerian". I think go back to Nigeria then.

They are either Nigerian OR British, they can't be both, when they ramble on about how great Nigeria and it's culture are, you think, so why aren't you back in Nigeria?
Would someone please answer the question.

Who gets to describe what "hate speech" is? :bang3::bang3:

The Leftists, and of course if anyone disagrees with the Leftists then it's also "hate speech". They are seemingly offended by nearly absolutely everything.
Lucy - let's say it like it is - They are Muslims and out to destroy the fabric of European society.

Exactly, and this is why Merkel is a Traitor and anyone supporting and/or enabling Merkel's monumental historically disaster policy, they are all Traitor's also.
Blatte ones are stupid against music lovers. He is dump, dump. :mad:

:confused-84: Hey you might just need a quadruple Espresso darling :wink:

Serbs are only normathinking and communists.

In Western world heres are raise.

Nobody communism in USA, Canada, Denmark, Norway and UK.

Real rules in this five western country.

A number of people believe Obama is a Marxist, and Trudeau Jr. in Canada is certainly a Leftist crazy.
Police are searching for a fourth suspect believed to be the man’s 15-year-old brother. None of those involved have been named under German privacy laws.

The suspects are not asylum-seekers. The 21-year-old man and his brother are long-term German residents, while the two 14-year-olds live in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Prosecutors say they do not believe the incident is connected to the outbreak of sexual assaults against women in Cologne and other German cities over the New Year.

In addition to the more than 120 criminal complaints filed in Cologne, there have been reports of attacks on women across the country.

More than 50 criminal complaints have been filed by women in the northern city of Hamburg, 39 of them for sexual assault.

Two teenage girls gang-raped by four 'Syrian nationals' in southern Germany

says here long term German residents.

It doesn't matter that the Syrians are not asylum seekers, it doesn't matter that they've lived in Germany and the others in the Netherlands and Switzerland. What matters is that, none of them are European they're Syrian and Muslim savages, as non-Europeans, they do NOT belong on our Continent in the first place.

All of them, deport them back to Syria and if they get blown-up there, who gives a crap.

I think they want to go back, its too bad their country is destroyed. Are you saying only Germans should live in Germany??

I don't give a crap about their country.

I'm saying that only Europeans should essentially live in Europa, this means ANY European can live in Germany or any other European nation, we are a European family of European peoples.

I have no problem with Australians, New Zealanders, Argentines, Chileans, Chinese, Japanese or North Americans including Canadians in that, no problem with any of these nationalities living in Europe. These nationalities do not in general cause harm and chaos, and they work, they're not welfare queens and with the exception of the Chinese and Japanese, the others will almost certainly be of European ancestry.

The Muslims and those of black African ancestry, no, they don't belong on our Continent and never have and they need to be deported, IF ANY were born in Europe, doesn't matter, they're NOT European, they need to be deported back to the lands of their ancestry.

Wow...that sounds like you really are channeling Nazi racist propoganda. So a black European, who has lived there for many generations - should be deported?

There are people, black Americans who want to be in their terms "re-patriated" to Africa.

But only if someone else will pay their costs, and give them a large sum of money for doing so and have a return ticket "just in case"
Police are searching for a fourth suspect believed to be the man’s 15-year-old brother. None of those involved have been named under German privacy laws.

The suspects are not asylum-seekers. The 21-year-old man and his brother are long-term German residents, while the two 14-year-olds live in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Prosecutors say they do not believe the incident is connected to the outbreak of sexual assaults against women in Cologne and other German cities over the New Year.

In addition to the more than 120 criminal complaints filed in Cologne, there have been reports of attacks on women across the country.

More than 50 criminal complaints have been filed by women in the northern city of Hamburg, 39 of them for sexual assault.

Two teenage girls gang-raped by four 'Syrian nationals' in southern Germany

says here long term German residents.

It doesn't matter that the Syrians are not asylum seekers, it doesn't matter that they've lived in Germany and the others in the Netherlands and Switzerland. What matters is that, none of them are European they're Syrian and Muslim savages, as non-Europeans, they do NOT belong on our Continent in the first place.

All of them, deport them back to Syria and if they get blown-up there, who gives a crap.

I think they want to go back, its too bad their country is destroyed. Are you saying only Germans should live in Germany??

I don't give a crap about their country.

I'm saying that only Europeans should essentially live in Europa, this means ANY European can live in Germany or any other European nation, we are a European family of European peoples.

I have no problem with Australians, New Zealanders, Argentines, Chileans, Chinese, Japanese or North Americans including Canadians in that, no problem with any of these nationalities living in Europe. These nationalities do not in general cause harm and chaos, and they work, they're not welfare queens and with the exception of the Chinese and Japanese, the others will almost certainly be of European ancestry.

The Muslims and those of black African ancestry, no, they don't belong on our Continent and never have and they need to be deported, IF ANY were born in Europe, doesn't matter, they're NOT European, they need to be deported back to the lands of their ancestry.

Wow...that sounds like you really are channeling Nazi racist propoganda. So a black European, who has lived there for many generations - should be deported?

Yes if they show any allegiance to another country, or speak out against their adopted countries culture. We have had many black people migrate to Europe that have integrated and become good citizens, bringing their culture and tastes with them. These have been changed to suit European tastes and we are better for it. But when they start saying things like " in my country I am allowed to murder my wife" then they don't see themselves as being part of their adopted country. one should be allowed to speak out against their country's culture?

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