Germany to Ban “Hate Speech Against Muslims” on Social Media

There is nothing wrong with Nationalism, it's Patriotism, what is wrong with this? Nothing. Wanting to keep your national identity, your national heritage and your national culture, is all perfectly natural and completely normal.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

The largest nationality in the US is Germans and then Irish, for how long I don't know.
The British brought Germans over to fight, and the Germans stayed.

I forgot, Donald Trump is one of them, American of German descent.

yes from his father-------Scottish from his mother.. George Washington
smashed the Hessian pigs .. Most people with german ancestry in
the USA came as migrants escaping religious persecution OR seeking
nice farmland---------most got culturally assimilated------the "religion" groups--
in some cases still speak German
There is nothing wrong with Socialism either. There is lots wrong with both
when they become a totalitarian ideology. No question, Germany and Austria
have both created a nightmare for themselves in the past few decades by
making themselves a HAVEN for "benefits" seeking "refugees"-----but
face facts----you guys did it to yourselves. You have been AMASSING
parasitical "refugees" for decades.
You cannot murder them

Absolute nonsense....ALL of it. We have been very much against Economic Migrants....until August 2015 when Merkel decided to turn Traitor once she got her orders from outside Europa from The Hidden Hand coupled with the NSA blackmail material -11 years of listening into her PERSONAL phone calls.

Murder them? They will murder us eventually....the latest Holy Roman Empire is arising darling.

We only now await our Karl der Große, or as France calls him Charlemagne.

View attachment 59130

The "holy roman empire" has been responsible for hundreds of millions dead
in genocides since its inception. Your filth became manifest even in the
Americas--------murderers---- "the hidden hand"???? "NSA"?

The largest nationality in the US is Germans and then Irish, for how long I don't know.
The British brought Germans over to fight, and the Germans stayed.

I forgot, Donald Trump is one of them, American of German descent.

yes from his father-------Scottish from his mother.. George Washington
smashed the Hessian pigs .. Most people with german ancestry in
the USA came as migrants escaping religious persecution OR seeking
nice farmland---------most got culturally assimilated------the "religion" groups--
in some cases still speak German

Children raped in Weil am Rhein, another thread.

WTF it's 12.26am.

Gute Nacht, süße Träume.
Wasn't the stabbing by an anti Muslim activist?

you got a link? there has been a growing ANTI IMMIGRANT movement in
Germany for a very long time------sorta ANTI EU. Long before the face of
immigration to Germany became specifically "muslim". I had a colleague---
something like 12 years ago who LEFT to get out of the EU

Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des means Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident.

Pegida, good people.

Pegida is nothing more than a racist bunch of neo-nazi's.

possibly----but there is a growing ANTI IMMIGRATION AND ANTI EU
sentiment in both Austria and Germany that preceded the Syrian thing.
Their Nazism does not seem to be based on IMPERIALIST AMBITIONS---
<<<< that's Syria and iran and russia

Alldeutsche Bewegung, Pan-Germanism, a uniting of all Germanic peoples, we are kin, we belong together as a unit, forever. Großdeutschland.

We also are Christian and we know that Islam has never belonged on our Continent....oil and water, not meant to mix, it's about Heritage, Blood, Culture and Future.'re channeling the Nazi's with that.
Islamist are on way to European citizens and will kills. So dump, dump.

I am totally aware of that Kipper.

But whatever you say...please DO NOT bring Nazism back on the table ...ok?

On that one, I will never see eye to eye with you.

I think only until America get's the Islam type situation that we in Europa are unfortunately experiencing, will Americans fully understand the danger we ALL face from this crowd.

I now spend much time worrying about friends and relatives in Germany, this is not pleasant and I never thought I'd have to have such distress.

I understand. I agree that the Islamic invasion should be stop immediately!

But Nazism is another topic.

Do not revive past Nazi ghosts. What 's buried in the bunker remains in the bunker.

Situations, mega crisis situations though do awaken ghosts, the music must be faced by many, they mightn't be comfortable with that, but the whole thing has a life of it's own....almost a Supernatural Phenomena.

The Traitor's like Merkel, they are essentially finished....others around them who mightn't be Traitor's, they have proven themselves weaklings, by the very nature that they have been too frightened to remove the Traitor's like Merkel....can we have ANY of them leading this fight? No.

Throughout our history, at times where our peoples have been afraid and nervous, time and time again, this situation has resulted in only one thing, a Strong-Man coming forward, to take charge, lead and deal with the situation.

This time is no different, our Continent, thanks to Traitor Merkel, is about to re-live our history again....the Strong-Man will appear, probably this Autumn, he will take charge, lead....we will follow, he will save our peoples and our beloved Continent, our beautiful Europa.

There is a fine line to observe here, but as long as sensible policies are used which don't attract skin heads and nazi thugs, then a firm right wing solution is absolutely necessary - as for example the party lead by Geert Wilders in Holland.
Islamist are on way to European citizens and will kills. So dump, dump.

I am totally aware of that Kipper.

But whatever you say...please DO NOT bring Nazism back on the table ...ok?

On that one, I will never see eye to eye with you.

I think only until America get's the Islam type situation that we in Europa are unfortunately experiencing, will Americans fully understand the danger we ALL face from this crowd.

I now spend much time worrying about friends and relatives in Germany, this is not pleasant and I never thought I'd have to have such distress.

I understand. I agree that the Islamic invasion should be stop immediately!

But Nazism is another topic.

Do not revive past Nazi ghosts. What 's buried in the bunker remains in the bunker.

Situations, mega crisis situations though do awaken ghosts, the music must be faced by many, they mightn't be comfortable with that, but the whole thing has a life of it's own....almost a Supernatural Phenomena.

The Traitor's like Merkel, they are essentially finished....others around them who mightn't be Traitor's, they have proven themselves weaklings, by the very nature that they have been too frightened to remove the Traitor's like Merkel....can we have ANY of them leading this fight? No.

Throughout our history, at times where our peoples have been afraid and nervous, time and time again, this situation has resulted in only one thing, a Strong-Man coming forward, to take charge, lead and deal with the situation.

This time is no different, our Continent, thanks to Traitor Merkel, is about to re-live our history again....the Strong-Man will appear, probably this Autumn, he will take charge, lead....we will follow, he will save our peoples and our beloved Continent, our beautiful Europa.

There is a fine line to observe here, but as long as sensible policies are used which don't attract skin heads and nazi thugs, then a firm right wing solution is absolutely necessary - as for example the party lead by Geert Wilders in Holland.

There's no difference between Geert and the skin heads - other than the fact he has more hair and you happen to agree with the group he chooses to demonize.
I am totally aware of that Kipper.

But whatever you say...please DO NOT bring Nazism back on the table ...ok?

On that one, I will never see eye to eye with you.

I think only until America get's the Islam type situation that we in Europa are unfortunately experiencing, will Americans fully understand the danger we ALL face from this crowd.

I now spend much time worrying about friends and relatives in Germany, this is not pleasant and I never thought I'd have to have such distress.

I understand. I agree that the Islamic invasion should be stop immediately!

But Nazism is another topic.

Do not revive past Nazi ghosts. What 's buried in the bunker remains in the bunker.

Situations, mega crisis situations though do awaken ghosts, the music must be faced by many, they mightn't be comfortable with that, but the whole thing has a life of it's own....almost a Supernatural Phenomena.

The Traitor's like Merkel, they are essentially finished....others around them who mightn't be Traitor's, they have proven themselves weaklings, by the very nature that they have been too frightened to remove the Traitor's like Merkel....can we have ANY of them leading this fight? No.

Throughout our history, at times where our peoples have been afraid and nervous, time and time again, this situation has resulted in only one thing, a Strong-Man coming forward, to take charge, lead and deal with the situation.

This time is no different, our Continent, thanks to Traitor Merkel, is about to re-live our history again....the Strong-Man will appear, probably this Autumn, he will take charge, lead....we will follow, he will save our peoples and our beloved Continent, our beautiful Europa.

There is a fine line to observe here, but as long as sensible policies are used which don't attract skin heads and nazi thugs, then a firm right wing solution is absolutely necessary - as for example the party lead by Geert Wilders in Holland.

There's no difference between Geert and the skin heads - other than the fact he has more hair and you happen to agree with the group he chooses to demonize.

I disagree.

Again....I have my opinion you have yours.
I think only until America get's the Islam type situation that we in Europa are unfortunately experiencing, will Americans fully understand the danger we ALL face from this crowd.

I now spend much time worrying about friends and relatives in Germany, this is not pleasant and I never thought I'd have to have such distress.

I understand. I agree that the Islamic invasion should be stop immediately!

But Nazism is another topic.

Do not revive past Nazi ghosts. What 's buried in the bunker remains in the bunker.

Situations, mega crisis situations though do awaken ghosts, the music must be faced by many, they mightn't be comfortable with that, but the whole thing has a life of it's own....almost a Supernatural Phenomena.

The Traitor's like Merkel, they are essentially finished....others around them who mightn't be Traitor's, they have proven themselves weaklings, by the very nature that they have been too frightened to remove the Traitor's like Merkel....can we have ANY of them leading this fight? No.

Throughout our history, at times where our peoples have been afraid and nervous, time and time again, this situation has resulted in only one thing, a Strong-Man coming forward, to take charge, lead and deal with the situation.

This time is no different, our Continent, thanks to Traitor Merkel, is about to re-live our history again....the Strong-Man will appear, probably this Autumn, he will take charge, lead....we will follow, he will save our peoples and our beloved Continent, our beautiful Europa.

There is a fine line to observe here, but as long as sensible policies are used which don't attract skin heads and nazi thugs, then a firm right wing solution is absolutely necessary - as for example the party lead by Geert Wilders in Holland.

There's no difference between Geert and the skin heads - other than the fact he has more hair and you happen to agree with the group he chooses to demonize.

I disagree.

Again....I have my opinion you have yours.

And I'm allowed to post mine as are you :)
I understand. I agree that the Islamic invasion should be stop immediately!

But Nazism is another topic.

Do not revive past Nazi ghosts. What 's buried in the bunker remains in the bunker.

Situations, mega crisis situations though do awaken ghosts, the music must be faced by many, they mightn't be comfortable with that, but the whole thing has a life of it's own....almost a Supernatural Phenomena.

The Traitor's like Merkel, they are essentially finished....others around them who mightn't be Traitor's, they have proven themselves weaklings, by the very nature that they have been too frightened to remove the Traitor's like Merkel....can we have ANY of them leading this fight? No.

Throughout our history, at times where our peoples have been afraid and nervous, time and time again, this situation has resulted in only one thing, a Strong-Man coming forward, to take charge, lead and deal with the situation.

This time is no different, our Continent, thanks to Traitor Merkel, is about to re-live our history again....the Strong-Man will appear, probably this Autumn, he will take charge, lead....we will follow, he will save our peoples and our beloved Continent, our beautiful Europa.

There is a fine line to observe here, but as long as sensible policies are used which don't attract skin heads and nazi thugs, then a firm right wing solution is absolutely necessary - as for example the party lead by Geert Wilders in Holland.

There's no difference between Geert and the skin heads - other than the fact he has more hair and you happen to agree with the group he chooses to demonize.

I disagree.

Again....I have my opinion you have yours.

And I'm allowed to post mine as are you :)

Nobody is saying otherwise Coyote! :)
Islamist are on way to European citizens and will kills. So dump, dump.

I am totally aware of that Kipper.

But whatever you say...please DO NOT bring Nazism back on the table ...ok?

On that one, I will never see eye to eye with you.

I think only until America get's the Islam type situation that we in Europa are unfortunately experiencing, will Americans fully understand the danger we ALL face from this crowd.

I now spend much time worrying about friends and relatives in Germany, this is not pleasant and I never thought I'd have to have such distress.

I understand. I agree that the Islamic invasion should be stop immediately!

But Nazism is another topic.

Do not revive past Nazi ghosts. What 's buried in the bunker remains in the bunker.

Situations, mega crisis situations though do awaken ghosts, the music must be faced by many, they mightn't be comfortable with that, but the whole thing has a life of it's own....almost a Supernatural Phenomena.

The Traitor's like Merkel, they are essentially finished....others around them who mightn't be Traitor's, they have proven themselves weaklings, by the very nature that they have been too frightened to remove the Traitor's like Merkel....can we have ANY of them leading this fight? No.

Throughout our history, at times where our peoples have been afraid and nervous, time and time again, this situation has resulted in only one thing, a Strong-Man coming forward, to take charge, lead and deal with the situation.

This time is no different, our Continent, thanks to Traitor Merkel, is about to re-live our history again....the Strong-Man will appear, probably this Autumn, he will take charge, lead....we will follow, he will save our peoples and our beloved Continent, our beautiful Europa.

There is a fine line to observe here, but as long as sensible policies are used which don't attract skin heads and nazi thugs, then a firm right wing solution is absolutely necessary - as for example the party lead by Geert Wilders in Holland.

Our people do NOT associate with skinheads, period. They are not our type, they are primarily uneducated and just want to have a fight.

Our people are educated, there are a very many professional class, also an abundance of Aristocrats, we are sophisticated and we think before acting.
I am totally aware of that Kipper.

But whatever you say...please DO NOT bring Nazism back on the table ...ok?

On that one, I will never see eye to eye with you.

I think only until America get's the Islam type situation that we in Europa are unfortunately experiencing, will Americans fully understand the danger we ALL face from this crowd.

I now spend much time worrying about friends and relatives in Germany, this is not pleasant and I never thought I'd have to have such distress.

I understand. I agree that the Islamic invasion should be stop immediately!

But Nazism is another topic.

Do not revive past Nazi ghosts. What 's buried in the bunker remains in the bunker.

Situations, mega crisis situations though do awaken ghosts, the music must be faced by many, they mightn't be comfortable with that, but the whole thing has a life of it's own....almost a Supernatural Phenomena.

The Traitor's like Merkel, they are essentially finished....others around them who mightn't be Traitor's, they have proven themselves weaklings, by the very nature that they have been too frightened to remove the Traitor's like Merkel....can we have ANY of them leading this fight? No.

Throughout our history, at times where our peoples have been afraid and nervous, time and time again, this situation has resulted in only one thing, a Strong-Man coming forward, to take charge, lead and deal with the situation.

This time is no different, our Continent, thanks to Traitor Merkel, is about to re-live our history again....the Strong-Man will appear, probably this Autumn, he will take charge, lead....we will follow, he will save our peoples and our beloved Continent, our beautiful Europa.

There is a fine line to observe here, but as long as sensible policies are used which don't attract skin heads and nazi thugs, then a firm right wing solution is absolutely necessary - as for example the party lead by Geert Wilders in Holland.

There's no difference between Geert and the skin heads - other than the fact he has more hair and you happen to agree with the group he chooses to demonize.

With all due respect, you don't know how wrong you are regarding Geert Wilders.
I think only until America get's the Islam type situation that we in Europa are unfortunately experiencing, will Americans fully understand the danger we ALL face from this crowd.

I now spend much time worrying about friends and relatives in Germany, this is not pleasant and I never thought I'd have to have such distress.

I understand. I agree that the Islamic invasion should be stop immediately!

But Nazism is another topic.

Do not revive past Nazi ghosts. What 's buried in the bunker remains in the bunker.

Situations, mega crisis situations though do awaken ghosts, the music must be faced by many, they mightn't be comfortable with that, but the whole thing has a life of it's own....almost a Supernatural Phenomena.

The Traitor's like Merkel, they are essentially finished....others around them who mightn't be Traitor's, they have proven themselves weaklings, by the very nature that they have been too frightened to remove the Traitor's like Merkel....can we have ANY of them leading this fight? No.

Throughout our history, at times where our peoples have been afraid and nervous, time and time again, this situation has resulted in only one thing, a Strong-Man coming forward, to take charge, lead and deal with the situation.

This time is no different, our Continent, thanks to Traitor Merkel, is about to re-live our history again....the Strong-Man will appear, probably this Autumn, he will take charge, lead....we will follow, he will save our peoples and our beloved Continent, our beautiful Europa.

There is a fine line to observe here, but as long as sensible policies are used which don't attract skin heads and nazi thugs, then a firm right wing solution is absolutely necessary - as for example the party lead by Geert Wilders in Holland.

There's no difference between Geert and the skin heads - other than the fact he has more hair and you happen to agree with the group he chooses to demonize.

I disagree.

Again....I have my opinion you have yours.

We have four Syrians, aged between 14 and 21, now arrested for the gang rape of two teenage girls in Weil am Rhein on New Year's Eve.

They are savages, even 14 year-old boys, savages....and we're supposed to what, play nice with this?

Johanna Mikl-Leitner, she's my Interior Minister, Austria. Mikl-Leitner has now announced a "zero tolerance" approach, which is exactly what is needed.
Police are searching for a fourth suspect believed to be the man’s 15-year-old brother. None of those involved have been named under German privacy laws.

The suspects are not asylum-seekers. The 21-year-old man and his brother are long-term German residents, while the two 14-year-olds live in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Prosecutors say they do not believe the incident is connected to the outbreak of sexual assaults against women in Cologne and other German cities over the New Year.

In addition to the more than 120 criminal complaints filed in Cologne, there have been reports of attacks on women across the country.

More than 50 criminal complaints have been filed by women in the northern city of Hamburg, 39 of them for sexual assault.

Two teenage girls gang-raped by four 'Syrian nationals' in southern Germany

says here long term German residents.
Police are searching for a fourth suspect believed to be the man’s 15-year-old brother. None of those involved have been named under German privacy laws.

The suspects are not asylum-seekers. The 21-year-old man and his brother are long-term German residents, while the two 14-year-olds live in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Prosecutors say they do not believe the incident is connected to the outbreak of sexual assaults against women in Cologne and other German cities over the New Year.

In addition to the more than 120 criminal complaints filed in Cologne, there have been reports of attacks on women across the country.

More than 50 criminal complaints have been filed by women in the northern city of Hamburg, 39 of them for sexual assault.

Two teenage girls gang-raped by four 'Syrian nationals' in southern Germany

says here long term German residents.

It doesn't matter that the Syrians are not asylum seekers, it doesn't matter that they've lived in Germany and the others in the Netherlands and Switzerland. What matters is that, none of them are European they're Syrian and Muslim savages, as non-Europeans, they do NOT belong on our Continent in the first place.

All of them, deport them back to Syria and if they get blown-up there, who gives a crap.
Police are searching for a fourth suspect believed to be the man’s 15-year-old brother. None of those involved have been named under German privacy laws.

The suspects are not asylum-seekers. The 21-year-old man and his brother are long-term German residents, while the two 14-year-olds live in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Prosecutors say they do not believe the incident is connected to the outbreak of sexual assaults against women in Cologne and other German cities over the New Year.

In addition to the more than 120 criminal complaints filed in Cologne, there have been reports of attacks on women across the country.

More than 50 criminal complaints have been filed by women in the northern city of Hamburg, 39 of them for sexual assault.

Two teenage girls gang-raped by four 'Syrian nationals' in southern Germany

says here long term German residents.

It doesn't matter that the Syrians are not asylum seekers, it doesn't matter that they've lived in Germany and the others in the Netherlands and Switzerland. What matters is that, none of them are European they're Syrian and Muslim savages, as non-Europeans, they do NOT belong on our Continent in the first place.

All of them, deport them back to Syria and if they get blown-up there, who gives a crap.

I think they want to go back, its too bad their country is destroyed. Are you saying only Germans should live in Germany, or rather just Europeans??
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Police are searching for a fourth suspect believed to be the man’s 15-year-old brother. None of those involved have been named under German privacy laws.

The suspects are not asylum-seekers. The 21-year-old man and his brother are long-term German residents, while the two 14-year-olds live in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Prosecutors say they do not believe the incident is connected to the outbreak of sexual assaults against women in Cologne and other German cities over the New Year.

In addition to the more than 120 criminal complaints filed in Cologne, there have been reports of attacks on women across the country.

More than 50 criminal complaints have been filed by women in the northern city of Hamburg, 39 of them for sexual assault.

Two teenage girls gang-raped by four 'Syrian nationals' in southern Germany

says here long term German residents.

It doesn't matter that the Syrians are not asylum seekers, it doesn't matter that they've lived in Germany and the others in the Netherlands and Switzerland. What matters is that, none of them are European they're Syrian and Muslim savages, as non-Europeans, they do NOT belong on our Continent in the first place.

All of them, deport them back to Syria and if they get blown-up there, who gives a crap.

I think they want to go back, its too bad their country is destroyed. Are you saying only Germans should live in Germany??

I don't give a crap about their country.

I'm saying that only Europeans should essentially live in Europa, this means ANY European can live in Germany or any other European nation, we are a European family of European peoples.

I have no problem with Australians, New Zealanders, Argentines, Chileans, Chinese, Japanese or North Americans including Canadians in that, no problem with any of these nationalities living in Europe. These nationalities do not in general cause harm and chaos, and they work, they're not welfare queens and with the exception of the Chinese and Japanese, the others will almost certainly be of European ancestry.

The Muslims and those of black African ancestry, no, they don't belong on our Continent and never have and they need to be deported, IF ANY were born in Europe, doesn't matter, they're NOT European, they need to be deported back to the lands of their ancestry.
You gotta be kidding me!!! Well, Facebook seems to be going along but no reaction yet from Google and Twitter. What bothers me is when will Obama's “anti-radical czar” try to do the same thing here?

Read the story @ Germany springs to action over hate speech against migrants

And it seem that Twitter is now going to give you 1,000 characters to do it in.
From the nation that brought us two world wars. Some things never change, they still side with evil.
You gotta be kidding me!!! Well, Facebook seems to be going along but no reaction yet from Google and Twitter. What bothers me is when will Obama's “anti-radical czar” try to do the same thing here?

Read the story @ Germany springs to action over hate speech against migrants

And it seem that Twitter is now going to give you 1,000 characters to do it in.
From the nation that brought us two world wars. Some things never change, they still side with evil.

Things have changed, fundamentally though haven't they? This difference being, Traitor Merkel is siding with evil AGAINST the German people, which is why she and her ilk are Traitors.

Things have changed and not for the good. Traitor Merkel herself is now pure evil, she obviously intends mortal harm to the German people.

This bitch is beneath contempt. Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell awaits her and the filth that are pulling her strings, the latter group, I can guarantee you are from OUTSIDE of Europa and are NOT Christians....they are "Other".

No European wants to destroy Europa, no European would want to destroy and put European peoples in danger. If you know the group that historically has hated Europa and it's Christian values, especially we Germanics, that's the group who are pulling Traitor Merkel's strings and she's following their dictates.
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You gotta be kidding me!!! Well, Facebook seems to be going along but no reaction yet from Google and Twitter. What bothers me is when will Obama's “anti-radical czar” try to do the same thing here?

Read the story @ Germany springs to action over hate speech against migrants

And it seem that Twitter is now going to give you 1,000 characters to do it in.
From the nation that brought us two world wars. Some things never change, they still side with evil.

Things have changed, fundamentally though haven't they? This difference being, Traitor Merkel is siding with evil AGAINST the German people, which is why she and her ilk are Traitors.

Things have changed and not for the good. Traitor Merkel herself is now pure evil, she obviously intends mortal harm to the German people.

This bitch is beneath contempt. Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell awaits her and the filth that are pulling her strings, the latter group, I can guarantee you are from OUTSIDE of Europa and are NOT Christians....they are "Other".

No European wants to destroy Europa, no European would want to destroy and put European peoples in danger. If you know the group that historically has hated Europa and it's Christian values, especially we Germanics, that's the group who are pulling Traitor Merkel's strings and she's following their dictates.
Unfortunately as has happened in the past the German people will end up going along with their evil leadership. Those that oppose will be made examples of, this law being a start.
You gotta be kidding me!!! Well, Facebook seems to be going along but no reaction yet from Google and Twitter. What bothers me is when will Obama's “anti-radical czar” try to do the same thing here?

Read the story @ Germany springs to action over hate speech against migrants

And it seem that Twitter is now going to give you 1,000 characters to do it in.
From the nation that brought us two world wars. Some things never change, they still side with evil.

Things have changed, fundamentally though haven't they? This difference being, Traitor Merkel is siding with evil AGAINST the German people, which is why she and her ilk are Traitors.

Things have changed and not for the good. Traitor Merkel herself is now pure evil, she obviously intends mortal harm to the German people.

This bitch is beneath contempt. Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell awaits her and the filth that are pulling her strings, the latter group, I can guarantee you are from OUTSIDE of Europa and are NOT Christians....they are "Other".

No European wants to destroy Europa, no European would want to destroy and put European peoples in danger. If you know the group that historically has hated Europa and it's Christian values, especially we Germanics, that's the group who are pulling Traitor Merkel's strings and she's following their dictates.
Unfortunately as has happened in the past the German people will end up going along with their evil leadership. Those that oppose will be made examples of, this law being a start.

I respectfully must disagree. Earlier I was speaking with a friend in Leipzig and they're saying that even some of the Left-Wing groups are upset at the law, saying that this censorship and this law in general is going too far.

Of course, we anticipated this months ago, we knew that the Traitor's were going to over-reach, most of the German people are now aware they are being lied to by central Government and equally Traitor MSM, New Years Eve events showed this. So now Traitor Merkel not only wants to silence any debate, she wants to attempt another cover-up when the next mass sexual assaults happen....she's going to fail with both.
Nazism are only wrong for gangs, blacks and terrorists.

Maybe to by communists in Russia and Poland how believe to destroy nazism far away. They do nothing close to one musician like me.

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