Germany to Ban “Hate Speech Against Muslims” on Social Media

Women were also targeted in Hamburg and Stuttgart in similar attacks, but on a smaller scale.

In Cologne at least one woman was raped and many were groped, including a volunteer policewoman.

One man described how his partner and 15-year-old daughter were surrounded by an enormous crowd outside the station and he was unable to help. "The attackers grabbed her and my partner's breasts and groped them between their legs."

Most of the crimes reported to police were robberies.

A policeman told the city's Express news website that he had detained eight suspects. "They were all asylum seekers, carrying copies of their residence certificates," he said.

However, there was no official confirmation that asylum seekers had been involved in the violence. Germany' migrant influx triggered marches by the anti-Islam Pegida movement last year.

Police were deployed outside the station because of the crowds on New Year's Eve, but failed to spot the many attacks, according to reports.
Cologne sex attacks: Merkel disgust at New Year gang assaults - BBC News

Germany's New Year shock - by Damien McGuinness, BBC News Berlin
From what I read, one rape, and groping. Also the story is so different in every article. A couple days later started the complaints, were they from anti Muslims who filed these complaints. Can someone verify. Not even sure they were Muslims.

****We have them strung up already*****.

I would venture to say there was more rapes in Germany and the US that night, but by whom.

Penny-----you and your friends formed a lynch gang?
For these Arab rapists ....every woman walking alone on the street is fair prey.

They are totally sick!!!
German politics do wrong. Mouslims like terrorists.

Sweden is becoming the lunatic asylum of Europa, your previous PM Fredrik Reinfeldt current PM Stefan Löfven along with the Foreign Minister Wallström are determined to turn Sweden from First World Nation into Third World Nation, by 2030 you at this rate will be a minority in your OWN nation.
Wasn't the stabbing by an anti Muslim activist?

you got a link? there has been a growing ANTI IMMIGRANT movement in
Germany for a very long time------sorta ANTI EU. Long before the face of
immigration to Germany became specifically "muslim". I had a colleague---
something like 12 years ago who LEFT to get out of the EU

Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des means Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident.

Pegida, good people.

Pegida is nothing more than a racist bunch of neo-nazi's.

possibly----but there is a growing ANTI IMMIGRATION AND ANTI EU
sentiment in both Austria and Germany that preceded the Syrian thing.
Their Nazism does not seem to be based on IMPERIALIST AMBITIONS---
<<<< that's Syria and iran and russia

Alldeutsche Bewegung, Pan-Germanism, a uniting of all Germanic peoples, we are kin, we belong together as a unit, forever. Großdeutschland.

We also are Christian and we know that Islam has never belonged on our Continent....oil and water, not meant to mix, it's about Heritage, Blood, Culture and Future.

oh-----ok It is Nazism------just as Nazi as Baathism is Nazi. blood???
Germanic people? by what criterion ??? blood does not do it
I have always thought the German people were special, everything they lived through in WWI and WWII, and now as well. It can't be easy having a flood of immigration all at a time. I have a great respect for the German people and how well they have survived and rebuilt. They are very smart, use to be the center of learning in Europe, and maybe still is.
you got a link? there has been a growing ANTI IMMIGRANT movement in
Germany for a very long time------sorta ANTI EU. Long before the face of
immigration to Germany became specifically "muslim". I had a colleague---
something like 12 years ago who LEFT to get out of the EU

Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des means Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident.

Pegida, good people.

Pegida is nothing more than a racist bunch of neo-nazi's.

possibly----but there is a growing ANTI IMMIGRATION AND ANTI EU
sentiment in both Austria and Germany that preceded the Syrian thing.
Their Nazism does not seem to be based on IMPERIALIST AMBITIONS---
<<<< that's Syria and iran and russia

Alldeutsche Bewegung, Pan-Germanism, a uniting of all Germanic peoples, we are kin, we belong together as a unit, forever. Großdeutschland.

We also are Christian and we know that Islam has never belonged on our Continent....oil and water, not meant to mix, it's about Heritage, Blood, Culture and Future.

oh-----ok It is Nazism------just as Nazi as Baathism is Nazi. blood???
Germanic people? by what criterion ??? blood does not do it

What? Germanic people yes, historically connected by blood and have been since well....500 BC.

Blood and DNA are everything, so what are you talking about?

You don't know what you're talking about, you have no concept at all, your comment shows this.
I have always thought the German people were special, everything they lived through in WWI and WWII, and now as well. It can't be easy having a flood of immigration all at a time. I have a great respect for the German people and how well they have survived and rebuilt. They are very smart, use to be the center of learning in Europe, and maybe still is.

Thank you, your comments here are most wonderful and they're correct of course :wink:
you got a link? there has been a growing ANTI IMMIGRANT movement in
Germany for a very long time------sorta ANTI EU. Long before the face of
immigration to Germany became specifically "muslim". I had a colleague---
something like 12 years ago who LEFT to get out of the EU

Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des means Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident.

Pegida, good people.

Pegida is nothing more than a racist bunch of neo-nazi's.

possibly----but there is a growing ANTI IMMIGRATION AND ANTI EU
sentiment in both Austria and Germany that preceded the Syrian thing.
Their Nazism does not seem to be based on IMPERIALIST AMBITIONS---
<<<< that's Syria and iran and russia

Alldeutsche Bewegung, Pan-Germanism, a uniting of all Germanic peoples, we are kin, we belong together as a unit, forever. Großdeutschland.

We also are Christian and we know that Islam has never belonged on our Continent....oil and water, not meant to mix, it's about Heritage, Blood, Culture and Future.

oh-----ok It is Nazism------just as Nazi as Baathism is Nazi. blood???
Germanic people? by what criterion ??? blood does not do it

Only Blacks, gangs and terrorists are against nazism of world.

Nothing wrong with nazism.
Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des means Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident.

Pegida, good people.

Pegida is nothing more than a racist bunch of neo-nazi's.

possibly----but there is a growing ANTI IMMIGRATION AND ANTI EU
sentiment in both Austria and Germany that preceded the Syrian thing.
Their Nazism does not seem to be based on IMPERIALIST AMBITIONS---
<<<< that's Syria and iran and russia

Alldeutsche Bewegung, Pan-Germanism, a uniting of all Germanic peoples, we are kin, we belong together as a unit, forever. Großdeutschland.

We also are Christian and we know that Islam has never belonged on our Continent....oil and water, not meant to mix, it's about Heritage, Blood, Culture and Future.

oh-----ok It is Nazism------just as Nazi as Baathism is Nazi. blood???
Germanic people? by what criterion ??? blood does not do it

Only Blacks, gangs and terrorists are against nazism of world.

Nothing wrong with nazism.


You must be joking surely.
Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des means Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident.

Pegida, good people.

Pegida is nothing more than a racist bunch of neo-nazi's.

possibly----but there is a growing ANTI IMMIGRATION AND ANTI EU
sentiment in both Austria and Germany that preceded the Syrian thing.
Their Nazism does not seem to be based on IMPERIALIST AMBITIONS---
<<<< that's Syria and iran and russia

Alldeutsche Bewegung, Pan-Germanism, a uniting of all Germanic peoples, we are kin, we belong together as a unit, forever. Großdeutschland.

We also are Christian and we know that Islam has never belonged on our Continent....oil and water, not meant to mix, it's about Heritage, Blood, Culture and Future.

oh-----ok It is Nazism------just as Nazi as Baathism is Nazi. blood???
Germanic people? by what criterion ??? blood does not do it

Only Blacks, gangs and terrorists are against nazism of world.

Nothing wrong with nazism.

In Sweden with the terrible situation you're experiencing, is it any wonder the Sverigedemokraterna are leading the polls.
Pegida is nothing more than a racist bunch of neo-nazi's.

possibly----but there is a growing ANTI IMMIGRATION AND ANTI EU
sentiment in both Austria and Germany that preceded the Syrian thing.
Their Nazism does not seem to be based on IMPERIALIST AMBITIONS---
<<<< that's Syria and iran and russia

Alldeutsche Bewegung, Pan-Germanism, a uniting of all Germanic peoples, we are kin, we belong together as a unit, forever. Großdeutschland.

We also are Christian and we know that Islam has never belonged on our Continent....oil and water, not meant to mix, it's about Heritage, Blood, Culture and Future.

oh-----ok It is Nazism------just as Nazi as Baathism is Nazi. blood???
Germanic people? by what criterion ??? blood does not do it

Only Blacks, gangs and terrorists are against nazism of world.

Nothing wrong with nazism.


You must be joking surely.

Nothing wrong Nazism is cool or funny when they win.
Pegida is nothing more than a racist bunch of neo-nazi's.

possibly----but there is a growing ANTI IMMIGRATION AND ANTI EU
sentiment in both Austria and Germany that preceded the Syrian thing.
Their Nazism does not seem to be based on IMPERIALIST AMBITIONS---
<<<< that's Syria and iran and russia

Alldeutsche Bewegung, Pan-Germanism, a uniting of all Germanic peoples, we are kin, we belong together as a unit, forever. Großdeutschland.

We also are Christian and we know that Islam has never belonged on our Continent....oil and water, not meant to mix, it's about Heritage, Blood, Culture and Future.

oh-----ok It is Nazism------just as Nazi as Baathism is Nazi. blood???
Germanic people? by what criterion ??? blood does not do it

Only Blacks, gangs and terrorists are against nazism of world.

Nothing wrong with nazism.

In Sweden with the terrible situation you're experiencing, is it any wonder the Sverigedemokraterna are leading the polls.

Islamist are on way to European citizens and will kills. So dump, dump.

I am totally aware of that Kipper.

But whatever you say...please DO NOT bring Nazism back on the table ...ok?

On that one, I will never see eye to eye with you.
This after a mayor telling the women they should just get used to rape by muslims.. lol ok

Henriette Reker another Traitor bitch, she got stabbed in the neck whilst campaigning for the office that she has forefeited the right to hold.

She needs to be forced to resign, ditto the Cologne police chief and of course the ENTIRE German Government....ALL volksverräter....hopefully within the year there will be the Revolution and then a Volksgerichtshof to put these Traitors in the dock.

Wasn't the stabbing by an anti Muslim activist?

you got a link? there has been a growing ANTI IMMIGRANT movement in
Germany for a very long time------sorta ANTI EU. Long before the face of
immigration to Germany became specifically "muslim". I had a colleague---
something like 12 years ago who LEFT to get out of the EU

Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des means Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident.

Pegida, good people.

Pegida is nothing more than a racist bunch of neo-nazi's.

You know, this is a slur put forth by the Marxists who have of course infiltrated the MSM.

Also, the only people who turn up to protest Pegida are the Far-Left, the former, calm and peaceful, the latter naturally become violent.

Pegida decent people from ALL walks of life, young and older, wanting to preserve and protect the heritage, the culture and the people....the Far-Left not decent people, Traitors who want to destroy the heritage, the culture and the people.
Islamist are on way to European citizens and will kills. So dump, dump.

I am totally aware of that Kipper.

But whatever you say...please DO NOT bring Nazism back on the table ...ok?

On that one, I will never see eye to eye with you.

I think only until America get's the Islam type situation that we in Europa are unfortunately experiencing, will Americans fully understand the danger we ALL face from this crowd.

I now spend much time worrying about friends and relatives in Germany, this is not pleasant and I never thought I'd have to have such distress.
Germany to Ban “Hate Speech Against Muslims” on Social Media

What a stupid decision.

Just recently there were more than 100 sexual assaults and robberies committed by Arabs in Cologne

So now nobody is allowed to criticize or comment .on this ??

Germany may as well hoist the white flag of submission to Islam together with the black flag of jihad!

All this mess thanks to Angela "Misguided" Merkel and the idiotic PC bleeding hearts, goody-goodies....who should move to the Arab countries....and leave any sensible remaining Germans to govern instead......that is if there is any left!

This is going to happen, mid-2016 the's guaranteed.

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