Germany wants to lock up quarantine objectors in psychiatric hospitals guarded by police


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
NWO unmasked.
Do you still not believe Covid-19 is a fake pandemic and you are not gonna to wake up in communist prison?
Why Germany wants to send 'objectors' to psychiatric hospitals?
Because they lose immediately all their civil rights and NWO can do with them anything it pleases:
For example a lunatic, or simple murder you

The goal of the fake pandemic is destroying of industry, imposing of NWO dictatorship and 'vaccination' which transforms you to a NWO robot.

Anyone who has to go into quarantine in Saxony and does not comply with it must now expect severe punishments.
The state has vacated almost two dozen rooms in psychiatric clinics, where the police will guard those who cannot be taught.

Today in Germany

Benefits for NWO by putting of a dissent to psychiatric hospitals

1. A citizen can be treated indefinite time
2. No law, no court are necessary
3. Completely destroying of person
4. No one employer can hire a 'mentally ill' after 'treatment'
5. A murder, no problem
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History has a way of repeating itself.

Good stuff about how psychiatry is abused for political purposes in the article above.

If Germany would have the Second Amendment the criminal Merkel NWO gang does not dared to send opposition to psychiatric hospitals
It's like Hitler never left

The same will be in ANY country where NWO imposes quarantine due to the fake Covid-19 pandemic.
In USA, Russia, Turkey, France etc. etc. etc.
So, what's the plan to stop this take-over? Psychological warfare is a hard tactic to counter.

It is a good question.
As long most of folks believe MS presstitutes and their fairy tale about Covid-19 it is difficult to make a plan
It's like Hitler never left

The same will be in ANY country where NWO imposes quarantine due to the fake Covid-19 pandemic.
In USA, Russia, Turkey, France etc. etc. etc.
So, what's the plan to stop this take-over? Psychological warfare is a hard tactic to counter.

Saying Germans have no guns is akin to saying there is no cocaine in merrykuhh, because it's illegal
75 years ago yesterday (9 April 1945), Deitrich Bonhoeffer was executed by the German government for being a dissident, a non-complient, a resister.

Not much has changed since then, though while the strain of tyranny lurked largely unseen over the years, it still permeates from the head on down today, and is not limited to the borders of Germany.

Can't let a crisis go without pushing the boundaries of tyranny for the supposed "good of the people" now, can we?

"We have been silent witnesses of evil deeds: we have been drenched by many storms; we have learnt the arts of equivocation and pretence; experience has made us suspicious of others and kept us from being truthful and open; intolerable conflicts have worn us down and even made us cynical. Are we still of any use? What we shall need is not geniuses, or cynics, or misanthropes, or clever tacticians, but plain, honest, straightforward men. Will our inward power of resistance be strong enough, and our honesty with ourselves remoreseless enough, for us to find our way back to simplicity and straightforwardness?" - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
NWO unmasked.
Do you still not believe Covid-19 is a fake pandemic and you are not gonna to wake up in communist prison?
Why Germany wants to send 'objectors' to psychiatric hospitals?
Because they lose immediately all their civil rights and NWO can do with them anything it pleases:
For example a lunatic, or simple murder you

The goal of the fake pandemic is destroying of industry, imposing of NWO dictatorship and 'vaccination' which transforms you to a NWO robot.

Anyone who has to go into quarantine in Saxony and does not comply with it must now expect severe punishments.
The state has vacated almost two dozen rooms in psychiatric clinics, where the police will guard those who cannot be taught.

Today in Germany

Benefits for NWO by putting of a dissent to psychiatric hospitals

1. A citizen can be treated indefinite time
2. No law, no court are necessary
3. Completely destroying of person
4. No one employer can hire a 'mentally ill' after 'treatment'
5. A murder, no problem

Communists lock you up forever. Germany just wants to keep people off the streets until the pandemic passes. They arent actually legally deeming them to be insane. If you believe that, you must be... insane.
NWO unmasked.
Do you still not believe Covid-19 is a fake pandemic and you are not gonna to wake up in communist prison?
Why Germany wants to send 'objectors' to psychiatric hospitals?
Because they lose immediately all their civil rights and NWO can do with them anything it pleases:
For example a lunatic, or simple murder you

The goal of the fake pandemic is destroying of industry, imposing of NWO dictatorship and 'vaccination' which transforms you to a NWO robot.

Anyone who has to go into quarantine in Saxony and does not comply with it must now expect severe punishments.
The state has vacated almost two dozen rooms in psychiatric clinics, where the police will guard those who cannot be taught.

Today in Germany

Benefits for NWO by putting of a dissent to psychiatric hospitals

1. A citizen can be treated indefinite time
2. No law, no court are necessary
3. Completely destroying of person
4. No one employer can hire a 'mentally ill' after 'treatment'
5. A murder, no problem

I dont get you conspiracy theorists. Your predictions are ALWAYS wrong. You guys have been saying this for years and it never happens.

This is whats going to happen. NOTHING! The virus will pass and we will go back to business as usual, at which point you and this thread are going to look stupid as fuck. When that happens, maybe you ought to stop believing in conspiracies, unless you are incapable of learning from your past mistakes.
Communists lock you up forever. Germany just wants to keep people off the streets until the pandemic passes. They arent actually legally deeming them to be insane. If you believe that, you must be... insane.
What do you base all this on? Your intimate first hand knowledge of the German authorities in charge?

Put that bull shit on your roses. They will do some good there, at least.

Once deemed proper to send you to a psychiatric facility you lose all rights and you are at the mercy of the
administrators there. Your "sanity" is entirely theirs to interpret however they will once you are on their turf. Wake up, jackass!
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Communists lock you up forever. Germany just wants to keep people off the streets until the pandemic passes. They arent actually legally deeming them to be insane. If you believe that, you must be... insane.
What do you base all this on? Your intimate first hand knowledge of the German authorities in charge?

Put that bull shit on your roses. They will do some good there, at least.

Once deemed proper to send you to a psychiatric facility you lose all rights and you are at the mercy of the
administrators there. Your "sanity" is entirely theirs to interpret however they will once you are on their turf. Wake up, jackass!
Where is your evidence that they are declaring sane people to be insane? What youre saying sounds like a bunch of nutty conspiracy bullshit to me.
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NWO unmasked.
Do you still not believe Covid-19 is a fake pandemic and you are not gonna to wake up in communist prison?
Why Germany wants to send 'objectors' to psychiatric hospitals?
Because they lose immediately all their civil rights and NWO can do with them anything it pleases:
For example a lunatic, or simple murder you

The goal of the fake pandemic is destroying of industry, imposing of NWO dictatorship and 'vaccination' which transforms you to a NWO robot.

Anyone who has to go into quarantine in Saxony and does not comply with it must now expect severe punishments.
The state has vacated almost two dozen rooms in psychiatric clinics, where the police will guard those who cannot be taught.

Today in Germany

Benefits for NWO by putting of a dissent to psychiatric hospitals

1. A citizen can be treated indefinite time
2. No law, no court are necessary
3. Completely destroying of person
4. No one employer can hire a 'mentally ill' after 'treatment'
5. A murder, no problem

I dont get you conspiracy theorists. Your predictions are ALWAYS wrong. You guys have been saying this for years and it never happens.

This is whats going to happen. NOTHING! The virus will pass and we will go back to business as usual, at which point you and this thread are going to look stupid as fuck. When that happens, maybe you ought to stop believing in conspiracies, unless you are incapable of learning from your past mistakes.

I hear what you're saying, but Epstein still didn't kill himself.
NWO unmasked.
Do you still not believe Covid-19 is a fake pandemic and you are not gonna to wake up in communist prison?
Why Germany wants to send 'objectors' to psychiatric hospitals?
Because they lose immediately all their civil rights and NWO can do with them anything it pleases:
For example a lunatic, or simple murder you

The goal of the fake pandemic is destroying of industry, imposing of NWO dictatorship and 'vaccination' which transforms you to a NWO robot.

Anyone who has to go into quarantine in Saxony and does not comply with it must now expect severe punishments.
The state has vacated almost two dozen rooms in psychiatric clinics, where the police will guard those who cannot be taught.

Today in Germany

Benefits for NWO by putting of a dissent to psychiatric hospitals

1. A citizen can be treated indefinite time
2. No law, no court are necessary
3. Completely destroying of person
4. No one employer can hire a 'mentally ill' after 'treatment'
5. A murder, no problem

I dont get you conspiracy theorists. Your predictions are ALWAYS wrong. You guys have been saying this for years and it never happens.

This is whats going to happen. NOTHING! The virus will pass and we will go back to business as usual, at which point you and this thread are going to look stupid as fuck. When that happens, maybe you ought to stop believing in conspiracies, unless you are incapable of learning from your past mistakes.

I hear what you're saying, but Epstein still didn't kill himself.

Yes he did.

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