geroge zimmerman turns 15 minutes into infamy

I still hope he lives the rest of his miserable life with a sore neck from looking over his sholder.
I don’t and I wish him a peaceful life if he knows how to live one…


Simple, he is just another slug in life that can not find peace because like so many like him they must have attention no matter the negativity!

So peace be with him and also with you Bill!
I don’t and I wish him a peaceful life if he knows how to live one…


Simple, he is just another slug in life that can not find peace because like so many like him they must have attention no matter the negativity!

So peace be with him and also with you Bill!
Zimmerman is a sug that deserves salt sprinkled over him.
True, but that goes for most of humanity…

It seem society is more hell bent of embracing those like Zimmerman than turning it back on the monster…

So maybe society need a dose of salt seeing so many are like Zimmerman…
There Is No Such Thing As a Land of the Free That Is Not Also a Home of the Brave

Zim is a hero in a land filled with gutless boytoys of the self-appointed ruling class
Yea it takes a real hero to chase down and murder a 17yr old kid.
Martin was not murdered, and Zimmerman did not chase him down.

As --you-- said
“Zimmerman told [the police] he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words. Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police. Trayvon then said, ‘Well, you do now’ or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose . . ."

According to --your-- post, -Martin sought out Zimmerman ...
...who, per --your-- description, had lost contact with Martin...
...and then, according to --your-- post, Martin confronted him...
...and then, per --your-- post, Martin initiated violence with an assault.

Thus, your post, quoted above, is a lie.
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