Get ready for a new Biden surge on the border as Title 42 end is coming

Get ready folks, there's supposed to be some "new measures" in place, but we all know what's really going to happen.

Biden administration seeks new path as end of Title 42 looms​

The border is closed.
Well you would be wrong then.

Why the US expects a border surge next week and is deploying troops​

Migrant surge expected​

The surge of migrants is expected because Title 42, the Trump-era policy that allowed the government to quickly turn away certain migrants at the border during the Covid-19 pandemic, is expiring.

Anyone not crossing at a secure border site should be shot
I can't imagine people south of the Rio Grande saying to each other "Is title 42 in effect? Is it safe to cross the river now?"

No. Those waiting are being restrained by the Mexican federales. Just like they were stopped recently at the bridge. Those crossing have paid one of the cartels to bring them across. Either paid in cash or with servitude.
Get ready folks, there's supposed to be some "new measures" in place, but we all know what's really going to happen.

Biden administration seeks new path as end of Title 42 looms​

The main place these illegals can end up staying at are homeless shelters around the country and little to no vacancy is left there for them.
A clusterfuck on steroids is descending!!
We need to donate more buses to Texas.

I appreciate the sentiment but in the end it solves nothing to ship the illegals around. The leaders and politicians don't care because they won't allow them in their own personal communities. And unless you inconvenience them personally on a individual basis they don't give a shit.

Even when they shipped them to Martha's vineyard they threw a fit and sent them away and never spoke of it again.

Texas can bus out 10,000,000 illegals but the people in charge of it all won't do shit because they will make sure it doesn't effect their personal lives.

People in the Biden administration and most democrats do not care if the whole country is buried under a tidal wave of raw diarrhea as long it's hot and sunny in their backyard

All bussing illegals does it cost tax payers money, erode away our society, cause problems for every day Americans.

But I don't blame Texas. I'd do the same thing if I could. I'd get the illegals the fuck out of my state one way or another.
I appreciate the sentiment but in the end it solves nothing to ship the illegals around. The leaders and politicians don't care because they won't allow them in their own personal communities. And unless you inconvenience them personally on a individual basis they don't give a shit.

Even when they shipped them to Martha's vineyard they threw a fit and sent them away and never spoke of it again.

Texas can bus out 10,000,000 illegals but the people in charge of it all won't do shit because they will make sure it doesn't effect their personal lives.

People in the Biden administration and most democrats do not care if the whole country is buried under a tidal wave of raw diarrhea as long it's hot and sunny in their backyard

All bussing illegals does it cost tax payers money, erode away our society, cause problems for every day Americans.

But I don't blame Texas. I'd do the same thing if I could. I'd get the illegals the fuck out of my state one way or another.

But if you continue to bus them to places where the locals howl, you get news coverage, and eventually more people will begin to see that this crisis isn't just in border towns.
They need to continue the bussing, and they need to end up in blue states where the "compassionate" people live.
No. Those waiting are being restrained by the Mexican federales. Just like they were stopped recently at the bridge. Those crossing have paid one of the cartels to bring them across. Either paid in cash or with servitude.
You misspelled 'coyotes'. Cartels smuggle guns and drugs.
I would say the day No Border Joe invited all these illegals into the US.
If they were invited, why pay anyone to ship them? The cartels apparently made 500 million moving people in 2018. It's supposed to be 13 billion a year now. They mostly do sex trafficking. It pays way more than sneaking José and Maria across the border.
If they were invited, why pay anyone to ship them? The cartels apparently made 500 million moving people in 2018. It's supposed to be 13 billion a year now. They mostly do sex trafficking. It pays way more than sneaking José and Maria across the border.

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.

It's here.

Fear and confusion reign along southern border ahead of Title 42's end​

El Paso, Texas — A record increase in unauthorized arrivals along the U.S.-Mexico border and the imminent end of Title 42 border restrictions have left local officials and volunteers worried about their ability to help the new arrivals, and migrants confused about how the looming shift in U.S. policy will affect them.

Most of them are unarmed but why can't we treat it like the invasion it certainly is. The use of tanks and poison gas is nothing new. The FBI used them to obliterate American citizens in Waco. Why can't we use them on invaders?

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