Get Ready for WW3: Pentagon can activate reservists for Russia deterrence, Biden says!


Yeah, yeah yeah. ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!
Indeed. Which is why you continue to face such vigorous opposition from a combination of (D)s and Indies and Purple-types.

Send Rump back to the locker room and that all goes away.

You're just another demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie IDIOT!!!!!
Thank you for your opinion on the subject.
Explain how exactly the WAR in Ukraine benefits the American PEOPLE!!!
Stopping the Russians in Ukraine avoids having to defend Europe later, and it keeps the Russian barbarians from growing dangerously powerful again.

What the FUCK is the point in our seemingly endless spending our treasurers there????
We can spend a trillion now, or two dozen-trillion (and untold thousands of American and Allied lives) later... I say we spend the trillion now.

Intelligent Americans understand the potential similarities between the present Ukrainian situation and Munich in 1938.

Fortunately, the Neville Chamnberlain types (such as yourself) are not in-charge at the moment.

Are YOU all in on the kick backs from the war pig's trough?????
Immaterial. War profiteers gonna war profiteer. But that doesn't change the Munich 1938 metrics.
Eat up more road kill, you fucking moron!
Is that the best you've got, pi$$ant? Disappointing. :auiqs.jpg:
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Seems our brain dead Usurper's handlers seem willing to involve us in a war with Russia to take the heat off of Hunter and the rest of the Biden crime family. Get ready folks!

nah, he'll say that his FBI has gotten tips that there's going to be a right wing insurrection and they have to be ready to tamp it down
Indeed. Which is why you continue to face such vigorous opposition from a combination of (D)s and Indies and Purple-types.

Send Rump back to the locker room and that all goes away.

Thank you for your opinion on the subject.

Stopping the Russians in Ukraine avoids having to defense Europe later, and it keeps the Russian barbarians from growing dangerously powerful again.

We can spend a trillion now, or two dozen-trillion (and untold thousands of American and Allied lives) later... I say we spend the trillion now.

Intelligent Americans understand the potential similarities between the present Ukrainian situation and Munich in 1938.

Fortunately, the Neville Chamnberlain types (such as yourself) are not in-charge at the moment.

Immaterial. War profiteers gonna war profiteer. But that doesn't change the Munich 1938 metrics.

Is that the best you've got, pi$$ant? Disappointing. :auiqs.jpg:
Ok, more RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA paranoid FANTASY BULLSHIT from you demented assholes!
You are nothing but a Swamp enabler.
No better than the demented LEFT Marxist ASSHOLES.
Russia, INVADED Ukraine.
Russia is the one who escalated the situation.
Teabaggers, of course, blame the US.

Sure comrade..............just let your dear leader, do what he wants.

THAT would be RUSSIA, not Ukraine.
When Ukraine got rid of the Russians that ran Ukraine, they got rid of the corruption.

As all teabaggers wish, just let Putin take over everything..........Teabaggers would rejoice.
You back up Progs for no reason. All of the anti war Dems of the 1960's are venomous war mongers now. You are Archie bunker.
No, carrion crow, Biden and the Swamp creatures are indeed usurper war mongering criminals!
Your terminal TDS hallucinations only further the death and destruction in Ukraine, and FOR WHAT?????
The demented LEFT are fucking psychopaths and here you are joining them just because of your retarded HATRED of Orange Man BAD.
Liberals, not the left, but OTW, yes.
Trump did no such thing.

Donald Trump Is Dropping Bombs at Unprecedented Levels

View attachment 804381
Foreign Policy › 2017/08/09 › donald-trump-i...
Aug 9, 2017 — Under Trump, the United States has dropped about 20,650 bombs through July 31, or 80 percent the number dropped under Obama for the entirety of ...

US drops biggest bomb on IS, as Trump denies it sends ...

View attachment 804382
Middle East Eye › news › us-drops-bigg...
Apr 14, 2017 — The US on Thursday dropped it largest non-nuclear bomb to kill dozens of Islamic State militants in Afghanistan, as Donald Trump said he cared ...
so you have a problem with Trump destroying terrorists and the Isis Caliphate eh ? you remember dont you ? the same caliphate that raged and terrorized the world for years undent the Obama Biden admin ? the same caliphate that was destroyed in months after Trump took office ?
All of the anti war Dems of the 1960's are venomous war mongers now.
Sounds like a talking point. A failed one at that. Here's what Sweet William Ayers has to say...

*“We strongly condemn this premeditated act of aggression by Russia. While
tensions in and around Ukraine have a long historical origin, there is no
justification for this international act of aggression.....

The methodical and clear military preparations by Russia for
this action over the last few months, despite extensive diplomacy to
de-escalate and diplomatic offramps offered by the international community,
make clear that any further conflict is a war of Russia’s choosing.”*

--but in reality he sounds more like Roger Waters

"This is a war of more than one government’s choosing. As the current CIA
director said years ago (but would never say now) and as thousands of
thoughtful people have said since Germany reunited, expanding NATO would
amount to choosing this war. There was no war until the U.S. and NATO came
to the rescue, influencing elections, facilitating a coup, pouring in
weapons, militarizing the region, and insisting on adding Ukraine to NATO.

*“We urge all parties to immediately cease hostilities and seek a
diplomatic resolution to the current conflict. Diplomacy remains the only
hope to avoid further catastrophic conflict, including the possible
expansion of this war both throughout Ukraine and beyond its borders. An
immediate ceasefire is the only way to mitigate the risk of full-scale war,
and the U.S. should engage in robust diplomacy to secure one. Diplomacy can
and should include broader issues of concern for the parties that enable
not just a temporary ceasefire but ultimately a lasting and sustainable
peace. It is key to ensure that civil society be included in conversations
around a lasting and sustainable peace.”*

Diplomacy that ignores the very reasonable demand to go away please, the
very same demand that the United States would make if there were Russian
missiles in Ontario, and did make when there were Soviet missiles in Cuba,...."
Most Americans prefer peace over war. When are you going to volunteer to fight in Ukraine?
I also prefer peace over war. I have already worn a uniform for Sammy. I support Ukraine so that our own boys and girls do not have to do the fighting later.

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