‘Get rid of her!’ Recording links Trump to Yovanovitch ouster

Jul 26, 2010
North Carolina

NEW YORK — President Donald Trump can be heard in a taped 2018 conversation saying he wants to get rid of the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, whose removal a year later emerged as an issue in Trump’s impeachment. The president was talking with a small group that included Lev Parnas, an associate of his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, according to a report Friday about the audio recording.

Trump demanded the removal of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch at an April 2018 dinner at his hotel in Washington, according to ABC News, which reported on the recording. The recording appears to contradict the president’s statements that he did not know Parnas, a key figure in the investigation.

Parnas appears to say on the recording: “The biggest problem there, I think where we need to start is we gotta get rid of the ambassador. She’s still left over from the Clinton administration.”

He later can be heard telling Trump. “She’s basically walking around telling everybody ‘Wait, he’s gonna get impeached, just wait.”

ABC said a speaker who appears to be Trump says on the recording, “Get rid of her! Get her out tomorrow. I don’t care. Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. OK? Do it.”

“I don’t know Parnas other than I guess I had pictures taken, which I do with thousands of people,” Trump said last week. “But I just met him. I don’t know him at all. Don’t know what he’s about, don’t know where he comes from, know nothing about him. I can only tell you this thing is a big hoax.”

'Get rid of her!' Recording links Trump, Yovanovitch ouster

Is this a Breitfart doctored tape?

If true are Trump Humpers going to continue to defend this type of behavior?

How is it you don't remember someone you had dinner with.

NEW YORK — President Donald Trump can be heard in a taped 2018 conversation saying he wants to get rid of the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, whose removal a year later emerged as an issue in Trump’s impeachment. The president was talking with a small group that included Lev Parnas, an associate of his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, according to a report Friday about the audio recording.

Trump demanded the removal of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch at an April 2018 dinner at his hotel in Washington, according to ABC News, which reported on the recording. The recording appears to contradict the president’s statements that he did not know Parnas, a key figure in the investigation.

Parnas appears to say on the recording: “The biggest problem there, I think where we need to start is we gotta get rid of the ambassador. She’s still left over from the Clinton administration.”

He later can be heard telling Trump. “She’s basically walking around telling everybody ‘Wait, he’s gonna get impeached, just wait.”

ABC said a speaker who appears to be Trump says on the recording, “Get rid of her! Get her out tomorrow. I don’t care. Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. OK? Do it.”

“I don’t know Parnas other than I guess I had pictures taken, which I do with thousands of people,” Trump said last week. “But I just met him. I don’t know him at all. Don’t know what he’s about, don’t know where he comes from, know nothing about him. I can only tell you this thing is a big hoax.”

'Get rid of her!' Recording links Trump, Yovanovitch ouster

Is this a Breitfart doctored tape?

If true are Trump Humpers going to continue to defend this type of behavior?

How is it you don't remember someone you had dinner with.
So? Who cares? Are you under the impression that this was a crime or something? :laugh:
Kinda odd, if you ask me.

If he wanted to get rid of her, all he had to do was pick up the phone and say

No need to wait a year.
Not odd at all. Trump wanted to extort a nation state and had to get rid of the honest and competent ambassador that was standing in his way. It is nothing a POS mob boss wouldn’t have done.
Kinda odd, if you ask me.

If he wanted to get rid of her, all he had to do was pick up the phone and say

No need to wait a year.
Not odd at all. Trump wanted to extort a nation state and had to get rid of the honest and competent ambassador that was standing in his way. It is nothing a POS mob boss wouldn’t have done.
He had every right to fire any ambassador he wanted to fire..............SO WHAT..........

Ask Obama who put in his stooges wherever he wanted..........didn't hear the left bitching then........bunch of Hypocrites.............
Kinda odd, if you ask me.

If he wanted to get rid of her, all he had to do was pick up the phone and say

No need to wait a year.
Not odd at all. Trump wanted to extort a nation state and had to get rid of the honest and competent ambassador that was standing in his way. It is nothing a POS mob boss wouldn’t have done.

He wanted to get rid of her, and waited a year to tell her she was fired?

Doesn't sound like Trump to me.
Kinda odd, if you ask me.

If he wanted to get rid of her, all he had to do was pick up the phone and say

No need to wait a year.
Not odd at all. Trump wanted to extort a nation state and had to get rid of the honest and competent ambassador that was standing in his way. It is nothing a POS mob boss wouldn’t have done.

He wanted to get rid of her, and waited a year to tell her she was fired?

Doesn't sound like Trump to me.
So I guess you missed the coincidence that he fired her at the same time he was shaking down the Ukraine. C’mon man you’re smarter than that.
Kinda odd, if you ask me.

If he wanted to get rid of her, all he had to do was pick up the phone and say

No need to wait a year.
Not odd at all. Trump wanted to extort a nation state and had to get rid of the honest and competent ambassador that was standing in his way. It is nothing a POS mob boss wouldn’t have done.
Truth is tough to deal with when your whole reality is build on denial.

NEW YORK — President Donald Trump can be heard in a taped 2018 conversation saying he wants to get rid of the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, whose removal a year later emerged as an issue in Trump’s impeachment. The president was talking with a small group that included Lev Parnas, an associate of his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, according to a report Friday about the audio recording.

Trump demanded the removal of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch at an April 2018 dinner at his hotel in Washington, according to ABC News, which reported on the recording. The recording appears to contradict the president’s statements that he did not know Parnas, a key figure in the investigation.

Parnas appears to say on the recording: “The biggest problem there, I think where we need to start is we gotta get rid of the ambassador. She’s still left over from the Clinton administration.”

He later can be heard telling Trump. “She’s basically walking around telling everybody ‘Wait, he’s gonna get impeached, just wait.”

ABC said a speaker who appears to be Trump says on the recording, “Get rid of her! Get her out tomorrow. I don’t care. Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. OK? Do it.”

“I don’t know Parnas other than I guess I had pictures taken, which I do with thousands of people,” Trump said last week. “But I just met him. I don’t know him at all. Don’t know what he’s about, don’t know where he comes from, know nothing about him. I can only tell you this thing is a big hoax.”

'Get rid of her!' Recording links Trump, Yovanovitch ouster

Is this a Breitfart doctored tape?

If true are Trump Humpers going to continue to defend this type of behavior?

How is it you don't remember someone you had dinner with.
Boy did Trump get played by Parnas. He knew exactly what buttons to push.

Ambassador Yovanovitch is saying bad things about you

Trump: Get rid of her
Kinda odd, if you ask me.

If he wanted to get rid of her, all he had to do was pick up the phone and say

No need to wait a year.
Not odd at all. Trump wanted to extort a nation state and had to get rid of the honest and competent ambassador that was standing in his way. It is nothing a POS mob boss wouldn’t have done.

He wanted to get rid of her, and waited a year to tell her she was fired?

Doesn't sound like Trump to me.

So I guess you missed the coincidence that he fired her at the same time he was shaking down the Ukraine. C’mon man you’re smarter than that.

If he wanted her fired, he had no need, nor reason, to delay her firing.

and waiting a year?

Not like him at all.
She got replaced by Taylor..............so the hell what.....he was a witness to nothing in the Impeachment Farse.......and She was given CHOICE OF DUTY when replaced......

And the talking heads of FAKE NEWS tried to make it sound like she was UNEMPLOYED........in the testimony for her confirmation in the Senate...............She admitted under OATH that she was COACHED BY Obama PRACTICE QUESTIONS over HUNTER BIDEN...........

But later to talk about Hunter BS is IMPEACHABLE..........LMAO..........what a lame bunch of Clowns that Dems are.

Her she is reaffirming what I just stated UNDER OATH.....

Nunes lays it out...........she didn't KNOW SQUAT about the call or the PAUSE.

BTW.........Nunes gave away his balance of time and Shifty said NO ......Gagging the time because he didn't like that Nunes called the BS out.
Yovanovitch refused to implement Trump policies. That was reason enough but when the Ukrainian president asked that she be removed Trump pretty much had to do it.
Kinda odd, if you ask me.

If he wanted to get rid of her, all he had to do was pick up the phone and say

No need to wait a year.

Trump had no idea who she was until Parnas brought it up

So? Again......he could say "I hate her name, get rid of her..." and he could get rid of her......she serves at his pleasure, she has no Right to that post....
Kinda odd, if you ask me.

If he wanted to get rid of her, all he had to do was pick up the phone and say

No need to wait a year.
Not odd at all. Trump wanted to extort a nation state and had to get rid of the honest and competent ambassador that was standing in his way. It is nothing a POS mob boss wouldn’t have done.
Truth is tough to deal with when your whole reality is build on denial.
nice quote that means nothing

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