Get the federal government out of education and let parents chose.

Find the country with the smartest students in the world and adopt their criteria for education, then go above and beyond.
I bet you won't find one safey room, coloring book, or politically motivated protest march at the schools producing the brightest students in the world. Make America great again. Make Americans smart again.

The best schools in the world beat their students. Is that what you really want?

I am pretty sure we could figure out how to teach without beating the students.........

They don't!

Imagine how many students I could get to do their classwork and homework if they knew they were going be whipped with a cane if they did not do it!

I am being facetious of course, but if the incentive is not there, some kids are simply content to remain rocks.
We don't need education in america anyway, only the aristocracy should be educated.
No. Education is absolutly needed. Look, you cant even read and retain a couple of sentences. I never said no education, but my position is that the states have the right to establishe their own regulations on education. Parents have the right to chose where they send their kids. Please share your position, but if your position is to misrepresent what I say and call names then we cant sharpen ideas very well can we?

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app
No one called you any names love, calm down.
Allow states to establish their own education standards as is their constitutional domain. Then, if States allowed parents to shop schools you would see schools competing for students. Compitition breeds improvement.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app
And that "better" school gets filled up and the rest of the students end up back in their not so good home school, and that school has lost a lot of its funding due to the "better" school taking it, so that home school is even weaker than it was before.
I don't see what was wrong with the Common Core Standards; okay, if you don't want them tied to federal funding, fine. However, we live in a highly mobile society and I feel bad for kids whose parents move from state to state and are at a disadvantage when the two states have completely different curriculums. The other concern I have is that the Common Core Standards are pushing the skills needed for our workforce, which at this time our schools are NOT producing. So the less participation, the worse off we'll be, potentially, down the road. Do I trust all states to WANT to produce students ready for the workforce? Do they have the expertise to do it? I don't know.
Not true. The good school would expand as they wouldnt want to miss out on the tuition. Not only that but the bad schools would either change in order to compete or be replaced by new schools. Competition opens a market and investors would see the potential.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app
To be honest, changing states could pose inconveniences but free markets do work those things out. Buisness always wants your money but unlike the government you have to buy what they are selling.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

You cannot run schools like a business unless you want to fail to educate anyone and go bankrupt at the same time.
Private schools beat the shit out of your public schools. Currently. Private everything is better than anything run by bureaucrat s. Your smug attitude toward a simple confersation is laughable. Public schools are monopolizing the education market so that shitty teachers cant be held responsible for the academic prosperity of their students.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

All of american society should just be turned over to for profit corporations and Wall Street. Relax hon, we haven't all that far to go. You're gonna love fascism.
And that "better" school gets filled up and the rest of the students end up back in their not so good home school, and that school has lost a lot of its funding due to the "better" school taking it, so that home school is even weaker than it was before.
I don't see what was wrong with the Common Core Standards; okay, if you don't want them tied to federal funding, fine. However, we live in a highly mobile society and I feel bad for kids whose parents move from state to state and are at a disadvantage when the two states have completely different curriculums. The other concern I have is that the Common Core Standards are pushing the skills needed for our workforce, which at this time our schools are NOT producing. So the less participation, the worse off we'll be, potentially, down the road. Do I trust all states to WANT to produce students ready for the workforce? Do they have the expertise to do it? I don't know.
Not true. The good school would expand as they wouldnt want to miss out on the tuition. Not only that but the bad schools would either change in order to compete or be replaced by new schools. Competition opens a market and investors would see the potential.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app
To be honest, changing states could pose inconveniences but free markets do work those things out. Buisness always wants your money but unlike the government you have to buy what they are selling.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

You cannot run schools like a business unless you want to fail to educate anyone and go bankrupt at the same time.
Private schools beat the shit out of your public schools. Currently. Private everything is better than anything run by bureaucrat s. Your smug attitude toward a simple confersation is laughable. Public schools are monopolizing the education market so that shitty teachers cant be held responsible for the academic prosperity of their students.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

All of american society should just be turned over to for profit corporations and Wall Street. Relax hon, we haven't all that far to go. You're gonna love fascism.
Capitalism is not fascism. The nazis were statists. I am for as little government interference as possible. Closer to fascism are those other types of statists: Socialist( like the national socialists cerca 1938) and communist. If you are against states choice and parent choice then you are closer to Orwell's nightmare than I wanna be. And 20 years experience as a public teacher means nothing to me. I dont trust public workers. Bureaucracies exist to grow and protect themselves.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app
Not true. The good school would expand as they wouldnt want to miss out on the tuition. Not only that but the bad schools would either change in order to compete or be replaced by new schools. Competition opens a market and investors would see the potential.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app
To be honest, changing states could pose inconveniences but free markets do work those things out. Buisness always wants your money but unlike the government you have to buy what they are selling.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

You cannot run schools like a business unless you want to fail to educate anyone and go bankrupt at the same time.
Private schools beat the shit out of your public schools. Currently. Private everything is better than anything run by bureaucrat s. Your smug attitude toward a simple confersation is laughable. Public schools are monopolizing the education market so that shitty teachers cant be held responsible for the academic prosperity of their students.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

All of american society should just be turned over to for profit corporations and Wall Street. Relax hon, we haven't all that far to go. You're gonna love fascism.
Capitalism is not fascism. The nazis were statists. I am for as little government interference as possible. Closer to fascism are those other types of statists: Socialist( like the national socialists cerca 1938) and communist. If you are against states choice and parent choice then you are closer to Orwell's nightmare than I wanna be. And 20 years experience as a public teacher means nothing to me. I dont trust public workers. Bureaucracies exist to grow and protect themselves.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

Parents have always had a choice as to where to send their kids. It is called a school attendance zone. When I was in the military, the first thing I checked out when looking for a new place to live was the schools. If they didn't measure up, I looked elsewhere. Why are people too lazy to do their due diligence?
And that "better" school gets filled up and the rest of the students end up back in their not so good home school, and that school has lost a lot of its funding due to the "better" school taking it, so that home school is even weaker than it was before.
I don't see what was wrong with the Common Core Standards; okay, if you don't want them tied to federal funding, fine. However, we live in a highly mobile society and I feel bad for kids whose parents move from state to state and are at a disadvantage when the two states have completely different curriculums. The other concern I have is that the Common Core Standards are pushing the skills needed for our workforce, which at this time our schools are NOT producing. So the less participation, the worse off we'll be, potentially, down the road. Do I trust all states to WANT to produce students ready for the workforce? Do they have the expertise to do it? I don't know.
Not true. The good school would expand as they wouldnt want to miss out on the tuition. Not only that but the bad schools would either change in order to compete or be replaced by new schools. Competition opens a market and investors would see the potential.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app
To be honest, changing states could pose inconveniences but free markets do work those things out. Buisness always wants your money but unlike the government you have to buy what they are selling.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

You cannot run schools like a business unless you want to fail to educate anyone and go bankrupt at the same time.
Private schools beat the shit out of your public schools. Currently. Private everything is better than anything run by bureaucrat s. Your smug attitude toward a simple confersation is laughable. Public schools are monopolizing the education market so that shitty teachers cant be held responsible for the academic prosperity of their students.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

All of american society should just be turned over to for profit corporations and Wall Street. Relax hon, we haven't all that far to go. You're gonna love fascism.

Then all of the gains we made in the early to mid 20th century will be wiped away....Our middle class will be gone and the few percent at the top will have it all.

That is the dream of the loserterian....One big low class that is uneducated to control as serfs!
Not true. The good school would expand as they wouldnt want to miss out on the tuition. Not only that but the bad schools would either change in order to compete or be replaced by new schools. Competition opens a market and investors would see the potential.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app
To be honest, changing states could pose inconveniences but free markets do work those things out. Buisness always wants your money but unlike the government you have to buy what they are selling.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

You cannot run schools like a business unless you want to fail to educate anyone and go bankrupt at the same time.
Private schools beat the shit out of your public schools. Currently. Private everything is better than anything run by bureaucrat s. Your smug attitude toward a simple confersation is laughable. Public schools are monopolizing the education market so that shitty teachers cant be held responsible for the academic prosperity of their students.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

All of american society should just be turned over to for profit corporations and Wall Street. Relax hon, we haven't all that far to go. You're gonna love fascism.
Capitalism is not fascism. The nazis were statists. I am for as little government interference as possible. Closer to fascism are those other types of statists: Socialist( like the national socialists cerca 1938) and communist. If you are against states choice and parent choice then you are closer to Orwell's nightmare than I wanna be. And 20 years experience as a public teacher means nothing to me. I dont trust public workers. Bureaucracies exist to grow and protect themselves.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app
When concentrated corporate wealth and power essentially becomes your government, you indeed are a fascist state, sorry.
To be honest, changing states could pose inconveniences but free markets do work those things out. Buisness always wants your money but unlike the government you have to buy what they are selling.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

You cannot run schools like a business unless you want to fail to educate anyone and go bankrupt at the same time.
Private schools beat the shit out of your public schools. Currently. Private everything is better than anything run by bureaucrat s. Your smug attitude toward a simple confersation is laughable. Public schools are monopolizing the education market so that shitty teachers cant be held responsible for the academic prosperity of their students.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

All of american society should just be turned over to for profit corporations and Wall Street. Relax hon, we haven't all that far to go. You're gonna love fascism.
Capitalism is not fascism. The nazis were statists. I am for as little government interference as possible. Closer to fascism are those other types of statists: Socialist( like the national socialists cerca 1938) and communist. If you are against states choice and parent choice then you are closer to Orwell's nightmare than I wanna be. And 20 years experience as a public teacher means nothing to me. I dont trust public workers. Bureaucracies exist to grow and protect themselves.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

Parents have always had a choice as to where to send their kids. It is called a school attendance zone. When I was in the military, the first thing I checked out when looking for a new place to live was the schools. If they didn't measure up, I looked elsewhere. Why are people too lazy to do their due diligence?

Oddly enough, these folks are looking for the govt to take care of them.
Not true. The good school would expand as they wouldnt want to miss out on the tuition. Not only that but the bad schools would either change in order to compete or be replaced by new schools. Competition opens a market and investors would see the potential.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app
To be honest, changing states could pose inconveniences but free markets do work those things out. Buisness always wants your money but unlike the government you have to buy what they are selling.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

You cannot run schools like a business unless you want to fail to educate anyone and go bankrupt at the same time.
Private schools beat the shit out of your public schools. Currently. Private everything is better than anything run by bureaucrat s. Your smug attitude toward a simple confersation is laughable. Public schools are monopolizing the education market so that shitty teachers cant be held responsible for the academic prosperity of their students.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

All of american society should just be turned over to for profit corporations and Wall Street. Relax hon, we haven't all that far to go. You're gonna love fascism.

Then all of the gains we made in the early to mid 20th century will be wiped away....Our middle class will be gone and the few percent at the top will have it all.

That is the dream of the loserterian....One big low class that is uneducated to control as serfs!

We're pretty much there now.
To be honest, changing states could pose inconveniences but free markets do work those things out. Buisness always wants your money but unlike the government you have to buy what they are selling.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

You cannot run schools like a business unless you want to fail to educate anyone and go bankrupt at the same time.
Private schools beat the shit out of your public schools. Currently. Private everything is better than anything run by bureaucrat s. Your smug attitude toward a simple confersation is laughable. Public schools are monopolizing the education market so that shitty teachers cant be held responsible for the academic prosperity of their students.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app

All of american society should just be turned over to for profit corporations and Wall Street. Relax hon, we haven't all that far to go. You're gonna love fascism.
Capitalism is not fascism. The nazis were statists. I am for as little government interference as possible. Closer to fascism are those other types of statists: Socialist( like the national socialists cerca 1938) and communist. If you are against states choice and parent choice then you are closer to Orwell's nightmare than I wanna be. And 20 years experience as a public teacher means nothing to me. I dont trust public workers. Bureaucracies exist to grow and protect themselves.

Sent from my LGMS550 using mobile app
When concentrated corporate wealth and power essentially becomes your government, you indeed are a fascist state, sorry.

You have no idea what the term "fascist" means, do you?

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