Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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Wow. I feel giddy.
I have a soft spot for jewish latina's.

You can board a boat in International Waters if it is trying to commit an illegal act. The boarding was to steer the boat to the port seeing as the crew were not going to do that themselves.

Here the passengers state their goal is to break the blockade or become martyrs trying.

Evidence: IHH Leader Urges Men to Throw Israelis Overboard 30May2010 - YouTube
The illegal act, is the blockade itself. In fact, the blockade, is a war crime.

Show me where it say's you can board a vessel in international waters.

You will find it in the Helsinki Principles on the Law of Maritime Neutrality.
Billo_Really, et al,


The Palmer Report was all propaganda. They didn't even interview anyone on the boat. They got all their information, from the Israeli propaganda machine.

It wasn't propaganda. The report was never cleared for public release and was never intended for public release. It was UN classified (Strictly Confidential).

The fact is, the vessel was in international waters when Israeli commando's attacked. There is no law that allows you to board a vessel, sailing under the flag of a sovereign nation, in international waters. That's piracy. They were carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza and that was it. There was no resistance, no terrorists, no one but people who cared about humanity. And if you would like me to post the video of the American being shot, just say the word and I'll let you have it!

In fact, you are wrong. The blockade was duly registered in accordance with Admiralty Law and Maritime Notices published accordingly.

Second, the interdiction was pursuant to the ANNEX Plan of Action, to the Resolution 60/288, adopted by the General Assembly on 8 September 2006 The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

There is a question if the IHH ever really wanted to reach Gaza, but instead, wanted to intensionally promote a violent confrontation.

As far as the fishermen go, they were being shot at in Gazan territorial waters, where the IDF has no legal presence to be. How fucked do you have to be, to shoot at people fishing?

Again, you have to know what you are looking at. In the video, you clearly see that the an Israel Navy Patrol Boat (Boat 836, a Dvora Mark 3 vessel) making an Radar Directed high speed intercept of a small fishing vessel. It appears that, according to customary law, the patrol boat took up station on the seaward side of the blockage, and when the fishing boat failed to respond and turn about, warning shot were fire across the bow in front of the boat. This is much different from being "shot at." All mariners are familiar with this attention getting method.


This particular Israeli Naval High Speed Patrol Boat #836, and its crew,
are very well known to the Gazian Fishermen in the Region,
particularly those that play this confrontation game for the media. It has appeared in several articles and movies.

Now here they are shooting at people farming!

In the farmer video, you can clearly see that it was a staged confrontation. Again, this was a case of warning fire. If the IDF had wanted to shoot a farmer, from that range, they could hardly miss. No, the farmers know that if they stray to close to the demarcation line, they will be warned-off.

(NOTE) In terms of "propaganda!"

  • The fishing boat wanted to make a video of an intercept; and so they did.
  • The non-farmers wanted to make a video of the IDF interdiction. They made their movie and left.

Stages confrontations for the purpose of making a propaganda video.

That is fucked!

Foolish actions have consequences.

Most Respectfully,
There are Jews worldwide who believe they can get the love and appreciation of the Gentiles by turning a back on their own nation.

Does not come as a surprise.
That's not it at all. They don't want to be associated with a racist, apartheid regime, that doesn't give a shit about human rights and international law.

Ergo, Israel today, doesn't jive with their jewry.

You say that's not it at all.

How do you know it is not the reason? I can tell from my knowledge discussion with Jews outside of Israel, that it is very much a reason for it.

In history, Jews have been known for at times to "sell themselves out", even turn their backs in their heritage, because it was a survival mechanism.

I know students in the united states keeping themselves out of Israel sympathizing, not because they are "rejecting" it, but because they simply are terrified of the anti-Israeli spirits surrounding them.

Like one or two other fairly active anti-Israel bloggers hereabouts, I believe that Billo WANTS there to be a weakening of resolve on the part of Israel, and that he therefore interprets lightweight and scattered reports of such weakening as systemic and widespread and attributable to Revisionist Equivalencies with South Africa and the like, where no such Equivalencies or widespread weakening exist... but that's just a personal impression on my part.
"...There seems to be a lot of famous jews, who can't stand zionists..."
Privileged types, sheltered from the Holocaust Camps, living the high life elsewhere, who do not feel their Faith nor their Kindred nor the pull of the Homeland, with little or no actual or emotional stake in the outcome, who would rather Switch than Fight, in large part, quite possibly.

"...I wonder why that is?..."

The 2,000 -year-old habit of keeping your head down like Good Little Dhimmis dies hard.

The braver and better ones managed to shake off that funk in 1948 and beyond.
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The UN is a petting zoo for decadent Hate Whitey multiculties. The League of Nations proved that such an organization never should have been formed.

Israel doesn't owe its existence to the illegitimate UN. It owes its existence to the British Mandate and the will, intelligence, and bravery of the Zionists who forced the resurgent Appeasement Generation of British leaders to honor the promise made by the Churchill Generation.
Are you aware that the League of Nations transferred all its authority (which includes the Mandate) over to the UN?

And did you also know that the Mandate had a caveat that zionists could have a jewish homeland in Palestine, as long as they didn't compromise the rights of all the non-jews living in the area?

It is really ignorant to take these multicultie organizations seriously. Carving up the Ottoman Empire was the West's reward for 600 years defending civilization against the Mongoloid subhumans who had emigrated to Turkey from literally No Man's Land.

The caveat was a contradiction. How could they grant a homeland with the right to terrorize granted to those whose homeland it wasn't? But that's what happens when British Petroleum and weakling Dhimmi patsy pushovers corrupt a foreign policy.
The Arabs don't need any reason. Like snakes and sharks, they are born bloodthirsty. Get rid of the Jews and their addiction to violence will drive them into sectarian violence. Let one sect win and the desert bandits will go tribe against tribe or invade their Arab neighbors. This is their history, this is their DNA.
You're nuts! There's never been a violent baby born in the history of this planet.

They are taught to hate and you're a pretty good teacher of that.

It must be nice living on a warm and fuzzy planet like Kumbaya. Did you have to make it Jew-free and White-free before everybody started loving one another and holding hands?
But you're not President.

And you won't be ending this.

Neither will anybody who thinks like you in this context.

Next slide, please.
I'm sorry sir, you're gonna have to leave the theatre, we're getting complaints from the other patrons.

What's showing? Some touchy-feely cartoon for 6-year olds? As soon as the kids come outside, they'll break into a zoo and dance with the wolves.

Life is beautiful
Lalaluhluh lah
Lalaluhluh lah
I do find it interesting that Sigmond Freud blamed zionists for arab hostilities.

In February 1930 Freud was asked, as a distinguished Jew, to contribute to a petition condemning Arab riots of 1929, in which over a hundred Jewish settlers were killed. This was his reply:

Letter to the Keren Hajessod (Dr. Chaim Koffler)

Vienna: 26 February 1930

Dear Sir,

I cannot do as you wish. I am unable to overcome my aversion to burdening the public with my name, and even the present critical time does not seem to me to warrant it. Whoever wants to influence the masses must give them something rousing and inflammatory and my sober judgement of Zionism does not permit this. I certainly sympathise with its goals, am proud of our University in Jerusalem and am delighted with our settlement’s prosperity. But, on the other hand, I do not think that Palestine could ever become a Jewish state, nor that the Christian and Islamic worlds would ever be prepared to have their holy places under Jewish care. It would have seemed more sensible to me to establish a Jewish homeland on a less historically-burdened land. But I know that such a rational viewpoint would never have gained the enthusiasm of the masses and the financial support of the wealthy. I concede with sorrow that the baseless fanaticism of our people is in part to be blamed for the awakening of Arab distrust. I can raise no sympathy at all for the misdirected piety which transforms a piece of a Herodian wall into a national relic, thereby offending the feelings of the natives.

Your obediant servant,

There seems to be a lot of famous jews, who can't stand zionists.

I wonder why that is? Misdirected piety? You can see that in almost every post defending Israel.

Degenerates like Freud and Kafka should be blamed for Jewish pacifism during the leadup to the Holocaust. Freud's unmanly Oedipus Complex does not make for a warrior culture, and those Jews needed to be warriors.
Billo_Really, et al,

Your posts are so disjointed and hard to follow, I don't know why I respond to them. It's like you deliberately make them is such away, that it takes extra work to weed out your point and respond to it. You include all these unecessary salutations, fragment my post and then do a data dump and call it a day!

Yes, it is a lot of work trying to dig-out your individual points in order to respond.

There's no reason to assume. I stated the areas in my post and you're missing two.

What two?


The barriers are a means of non-lethal separation of Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoAP) from targeting sovereign Israeli interests.

The Israel never said the Palestinian does not have the right to resist. It is a matter of how they "appropriately" resist that is controversial. Remembering that international law provides for the detention and punishment for HoAP that intentionally do harm.

No one says that the Palestinian does not have a prima facie case relative to Settlement issue. (Understanding that the settlement issue is not a crime of the same magnitude as murder, hijacking, piracy, and terrorism.)

Relative to the "fishing and farming" comment, these are blanket complaints with no specifics attached. I assume the fishing deals with the naval blockade of Gaza which is a logical extension of the security barrier. Given the "ends justifies the means" policy of the HoAP, and the established past criminal and terrorist behaviors demonstrated by the HoAP, such a blockage is a prudent security measure that quarantines the potential threat of the HoAP from this avenue of exploitation.

This one got me particularly irritated...
How do you have the nerve to list something like that, after what Israel did to the Mavi Mamara? They borded a vessel in international waters and summarily executed a 19 year old American. You don't call that piracy?

This event (May 2010 MV Mavi Mamara) was a planned voyage with the mission of - intentional confrontation with the Israeli blockade over Gaza. The MV Mavi Mamara was a vessel known to have been involved with the Humanitarian Relief Fund in Turkish (IHH), an NGO with known terrorist ties. The MV Mavi Mamara had a known past history of smuggling arms for insurgent and terrorist groups. Its mission was no secret and widely publicized in print media and television coverage.
The UN Palmer Committee on the Mavi Marmara Report was subsequently leaked to the NY Times. I would not discourage you from reading it, but I would like to call your attention to Pages 38 thru 45, beginning with Paragraph 67 and ending with Paragraph 82 (below).

Report of the Secretary-General’s Panel of Inquiry on the 31 May 2010 Flotilla Incident said:
82. The fundamental principle of the freedom of navigation on the high seas is subject to only certain limited exceptions under international law. Israel faces a real threat to its security from militant groups in Gaza. The naval blockade was imposed as a legitimate security measure in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza by sea and its implementation complied with the requirements of international law.

SOURCE: Palmer Report (Strictly Confidential) in NYT

Inappropriate behaviors and a history of past criminal activity often have consequence when a new direct confrontation is provoked. The case of the MV Mavi Mamara in May 2010 was just such a case.

Most Respectfully,

Because of the insanity against profiling, the terrorist boat racing towards the USS Cole was allowed to get close enough to kill. Rules of Engagement like this shows how much contempt our leaders have for those risking their lives to protect the leaders' comfortable lives.
"...There seems to be a lot of famous jews, who can't stand zionists..."
Privileged types, sheltered from the Holocaust Camps, living the high life elsewhere, who do not feel their Faith nor their Kindred nor the pull of the Homeland, with little or no actual or emotional stake in the outcome, who would rather Switch than Fight, in large part, quite possibly.

"...I wonder why that is?..."

The 2,000 -year-old habit of keeping your head down like Good Little Dhimmis dies hard.

The braver and better ones managed to shake off that funk in 1948 and beyond.

The moral point of Spielberg's Munich was so silly and ignorable that I enjoyed it as an exciting pro-Mossad action movie. That spoiled Arab girl going to her expensive piano lessons had her whole lifestyle paid for with the blood of Israeli children.
"...There seems to be a lot of famous jews, who can't stand zionists..."
Privileged types, sheltered from the Holocaust Camps, living the high life elsewhere, who do not feel their Faith nor their Kindred nor the pull of the Homeland, with little or no actual or emotional stake in the outcome, who would rather Switch than Fight, in large part, quite possibly.

"...I wonder why that is?..."
The 2,000 -year-old habit of keeping your head down like Good Little Dhimmis dies hard.

The braver and better ones managed to shake off that funk in 1948 and beyond.

The moral point of Spielberg's Munich was so silly and ignorable that I enjoyed it as an exciting pro-Mossad action movie. That spoiled Arab girl going to her expensive piano lessons had her whole lifestyle paid for with the blood of Israeli children.

Here is the trailer for Munich.

[ame=]Munich [HD 1080p Official Trailer] - YouTube[/ame]
This guy has got the zionist propaganda machine down pat!

He know's Israeli dogma!

Apparantly, some Israeli's really freak out, when other Israeli's refuse to go kill Palestinian's.

But first, a brief history to put this in perspective.
Open Letter to American Jews

Yesterday I was informed of an interesting phenomenon: a peace-supporting Jewish organization called Tikkun published an ad in favor of us, the Israeli reservist refuseniks, and was immediately bombarded with hate mails and phones from other American Jews. What's more interesting is that even other Jews considering themselves supporters of peace have denounced the Tikkun ad

I've heard and read so many specific arguments about specific aspects of our act. They range from petty nit-picking to plain ludicrous, and each and every one of them can be refuted to dust in a matter of minutes.

But the moment you refute them, new specific arguments sprout up like mushrooms.

It is clear that there is something very general and non-specific behind all this criticism. Therefore, if you allow me, I will start from the general and only later turn to a couple of these specific issues.
And now, we go inside the zionist head and see how they view the world. Take notes, because this is worth the price of admission.

In regards to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict...

The general theme is the tribal theme. A very very loud voice (and in Israel nowadays, it is the only voice that is allowed to be fully heard) keeps shouting that we are in the midst of a war between two tribes: a tribe of human beings, of pure good - the Israelis - and a tribe of sub-human beings, of pure evil - the Palestinians. To those who find this black-and-white picture a bit hard to believe, the same voice shouts that this is a war of life and death. Only one tribe will survive, and so even if we are not purely good, we must lay morality and conscience to sleep, shut up and fight to kill - or else, the Palestinians will throw us into the sea.

Does this ring a bell to you? [Lipbush] It does to me. As a little child growing up in Israel under Golda Meir and Moshe Dayan, all I heard was that the Arabs are inhuman monsters who want to throw us into the sea, they understand only force, and since our wonderful IDF [Israel defense Force] has won the Six Day War they know not to mess with us anymore - or else. And of course, we must keep the Liberated Territories to ourselves, because there's no one to talk with.
This is the Zionist mindset...

the Palestinians are too painfully close, like a rival sibling (and - may I add - because they have always been so weak), we have singled them out for a special treatment. Having them under our rule, we've allowed ourselves to trample them like dirt, like dogs. We've been doing it even to our own Palestinian citizens (especially before 1966), but we have perfected our treatment in this strange no man's land created in 1967, and known as the Occupied Territories. There we have created an entirely hallucinatory reality, in which the true humans, members of the Nation of Masters, could move and settle freely and safely, while the sub-humans, the Nation of Slaves, were shoved into the corners, and kept invisible and controlled under our IDF boots.
Would they be jackboots?

And now the truth about the occupation...
Since 1987, this cruel, impossible, unnatural, insulting reality in the Territories has been exploding in our face. But because of our unshakeable belief that the Palestinians are monsters who want to throw us into the sea, we reacted by trying to maintain what we've created at all costs. This meant of course employing more and more and more force, with the natural result of receiving more and more and more force in return. When a fledgling and hesitating peace process tried to work its way through this mess, one major factor (perhaps THE factor) that undermined it and voided its meaning was our establishment's endless fear and suspicion of The Other. To resolve this fear and suspicion, we chose the insane route of demanding full control of The Other throughout the process.
This is where I do my best work, showing people who want "full control", that they don't have any at all.
The UN is a petting zoo for decadent Hate Whitey multiculties. The League of Nations proved that such an organization never should have been formed.

Israel doesn't owe its existence to the illegitimate UN. It owes its existence to the British Mandate and the will, intelligence, and bravery of the Zionists who forced the resurgent Appeasement Generation of British leaders to honor the promise made by the Churchill Generation.



Uh, oh, looks like my mind is growing again. The third world is all over the UN begging, begging, and begging. They never realize that the West has what it does because, we built, built, built. Third-world Muslims can not control their overpopulation, or begin to clean up their slums. Can anyone name an accomplishment of Muslims to match the invention of the light bulb, television, or putting a man on the moon. Until they help themselves, we should do nothing for them. That is not a tough political statement, that is the law of nature. I bet it is somewhere in the Qur'an.


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This guy has got the zionist propaganda machine down pat!
An 11-year-old letter from a professional pro-Palestinian / anti-Israeli fifth columnist who happens to be Jewish?

I wonder if he'll clap and dance with glee when the Arabs push the Jews into the Med?

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