Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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"...Israel treats the Palestinian's, like the nazis treated the jews. As far as human rights go, that's pretty bad."
Wake me up when the Israelis start gassing the Palestinians and cremating their remains...

Gaza = Warsaw Ghetto.

Really? Take a look at Gaza, Ali.

[ame=]Roots Club - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Fun on the beach at Gaza Summer Games - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Parks Of Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
This is more like the reality there, not some IDF propaganda piece...

[ame=]BUILD UP TO WWIII Israeli air strikes in Gaza intensifty - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Israeli air strikes in Gaza enter fourth day - YouTube[/ame]

Here they are hitting a house that killed a 12 year old boy

[ame=]Child killed in Israeli airstrike - YouTube[/ame]

I guess he won't be going to the mall today?
Gaza is not comparable to the Warsaw Ghetto. Israel reluctantly pulled out of Gaza in August 2005 in the hope of peace, but all they got is rockets into Israel (a war crime). Therefore Israel is at war with Gaza who commonly use human shields.
Gaza is not comparable to the Warsaw Ghetto.
Yes it is. Gazan's can't leave. It's like one big open air prison.

Israel reluctantly pulled out of Gaza in August 2005 in the hope of peace, but all they got is rockets into Israel (a war crime).
Did they end the illegal and immoral blockade? No.

Did they end the weekly air strikes? No.

Did they stop shooting at people fishing and farming? No.

Israel never left. They just pulled their troops out of sight, but they still maintain effective control of that entire area.

Therefore Israel is at war with Gaza who commonly use human shields.
An "occupation", is not a war.

And there is no evidence they used human shields. That's a bullshit lie!

However, there is a lot of evidence of the IDF's use of "johnnies".

Testimony 1 – Human Shield

People are called “Johnnie. They’re Palestinian civilians” in Gaza neighborhoods. In checking out houses, “we send the neighbor in, the ‘Johnnie,’ and if there are armed men inside, we (use) ‘pressure cooker’ procedures….to get them out alive….to catch the armed men.” When necessary, combat helicopters are called in to fire anti-tank missiles at civilian homes. Then send a “Johnnie” in to check for dead and wounded.

Human shields were also used to check for booby-traps and perform other services. “Sometimes the force would enter while placing rifle barrels on a civilian’s shoulder, advancing into the house and using him as a human shield. Commanders said these were the instructions and we had to do it.”
Walk in with the rifle barrel on their shoulder!

Back to you...
TheBarber, et al,

This is so absurd.

"...Israel treats the Palestinian's, like the nazis treated the jews. As far as human rights go, that's pretty bad."
Wake me up when the Israelis start gassing the Palestinians and cremating their remains...
Gaza = Warsaw Ghetto.

Israel treats the Palestinian according to the threat they represent via the duly elected government that they willing chose. The Palestinians made a "solemn declaration" that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. “The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child." That threat lives on today in the words of the Covenant they actively support and the Charter in which they live.
  • Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.
  • The Arab Palestinian people, expressing themselves by armed Palestinian revolution, reject all solutions which are substitutes for the total liberation of Palestine and reject all proposals aimed at the liquidation of the Palestinian cause, or at its internationalization.
  • There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
  • The Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is an Individual Duty; ... the call of duty while loudly proclaiming: Hail to Jihad. Leaving the circle of struggle with Zionism is high treason, and cursed be he who does that. "for whoso shall turn his back unto them on that day, unless he turneth aside to fight, or retreateth to another party of the faithful, shall draw on himself the indignation of Allah, and his abode shall be hell; an ill journey shall it be thither."
There is no Arab State, anywhere in the Region, that would not consider such language is anything other then the voice of an enemy (Jihadist and Fedayeen). They are treated according, and in a manner much fairer than any Arab counterpart would do.

What is the center of their complaint:
  • The partition of Palestine in 1947, and the establishment of the state of Israel are entirely illegal, regardless of the passage of time, because they were contrary to the will of the Palestinian people and its natural right in their homeland, and were inconsistent with the principles embodied in the Charter of the United Nations, particularly the right to self-determination.
  • The Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate, and everything that has been based on them, are deemed null and void. The Arab Higher Committee is determined to persist in its rejection of the partition plan and in its refusal to recognize the resolution of the Assembly and “anything deriving therefrom.
  • Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit; and is the homeland of the Arab Palestinian people.
Israel was constituted in accordance with the UN Partition Plan [Resolution 181(II)] and the Hostile Arab Palestinian have opened a conflict in direct opposition to this UN Plan under which the State of Israel was recognized.

It appear you are confused in terms of comparison. The Warsaw Ghetto had a death rate of near total extermination. By contrast, the Gaza Strip has a growing population with a death rate slightly below that of Saudi Arabia and slightly higher then that of Jordan. One would say there is no comparison at all, let alone an equality between the Warsaw Ghetto and the Gaza Strip. (A very poor attempt at inflammatory propaganda.)

  • Warsaw Ghetto (3.4 sq km); The death toll among the Jewish inhabitants of the Ghetto, between deportations to extermination camps, Großaktion Warschau, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and the subsequent razing of the ghetto, is estimated to be at least 300,000. The death rate was 93%. No immigration allowed in the case of any internee.
  • Gaza Strip (360 sq km); with a population of 1,763,387 (July 2013 est.) and a growth rate of 3.01% (2013 est.); and a Birth rate of 33.27 births/1,000 population (2013 est.).
    Death Rate: 3.15/1,000 population. Gazaian can immigrate according to law, and has border crossings.

Most Respectfully,
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Gaza is not comparable to the Warsaw Ghetto.
Yes it is. Gazan's can't leave. It's like one big open air prison.

Israel reluctantly pulled out of Gaza in August 2005 in the hope of peace, but all they got is rockets into Israel (a war crime).
Did they end the illegal and immoral blockade? No.

Did they end the weekly air strikes? No.

Did they stop shooting at people fishing and farming? No.

Israel never left. They just pulled their troops out of sight, but they still maintain effective control of that entire area.

Therefore Israel is at war with Gaza who commonly use human shields.
An "occupation", is not a war.

And there is no evidence they used human shields. That's a bullshit lie!

However, there is a lot of evidence of the IDF's use of "johnnies".

Testimony 1 – Human Shield

People are called “Johnnie. They’re Palestinian civilians” in Gaza neighborhoods. In checking out houses, “we send the neighbor in, the ‘Johnnie,’ and if there are armed men inside, we (use) ‘pressure cooker’ procedures….to get them out alive….to catch the armed men.” When necessary, combat helicopters are called in to fire anti-tank missiles at civilian homes. Then send a “Johnnie” in to check for dead and wounded.

Human shields were also used to check for booby-traps and perform other services. “Sometimes the force would enter while placing rifle barrels on a civilian’s shoulder, advancing into the house and using him as a human shield. Commanders said these were the instructions and we had to do it.”
Walk in with the rifle barrel on their shoulder!

Back to you...

When was peace declared between Israel and Gaza? :eusa_whistle:

You know Gazans get medical treatment in Israel don't you.

And you know full well Gazans have used human shields, plus they admit they do and are proud to sacrifice their women, elderly and children.

[ame=]Hamas - Human Shield Confession - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Hamas Exploitation of Civilians as Human Shields - YouTube[/ame]
Israel treats the Palestinian according to the threat they represent via the duly elected government that they willing chose.
No one should be punished for a crime they did not commit. What was the crime Gazan's committed in a legally held, democratic election? And what gives Israel the right to decide who Gazan's choose to represent them? And lets not forget, that "duly elected government", was created by the Israeli's.

The Palestinians made a "solemn declaration" that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. “The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child." That threat lives on today in the words of the Covenant they actively support and the Charter in which they live.

Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.
The Arab Palestinian people, expressing themselves by armed Palestinian revolution, reject all solutions which are substitutes for the total liberation of Palestine and reject all proposals aimed at the liquidation of the Palestinian cause, or at its internationalization.
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
The Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is an Individual Duty; ... the call of duty while loudly proclaiming: Hail to Jihad. Leaving the circle of struggle with Zionism is high treason, and cursed be he who does that. "for whoso shall turn his back unto them on that day, unless he turneth aside to fight, or retreateth to another party of the faithful, shall draw on himself the indignation of Allah, and his abode shall be hell; an ill journey shall it be thither."
Why do you keep bringing that up when Palestinian leaders have said they're willing to accept a two-state solution and that there are parts of their Charter that are outdated and no longer used as policy?

There is no Arab State, anywhere in the Region, that would not consider such language is anything other then the voice of an enemy (Jihadist and Fedayeen). They are treated according, and in a manner much fairer than any Arab counterpart would do.
Why is it, when that "voice" say's things that are the opposite of an "enemy", they fall on deaf ears? It seems to me, the only thing you want to hear, is the voice from an enemy.

What is the center of their complaint:

The partition of Palestine in 1947, and the establishment of the state of Israel are entirely illegal, regardless of the passage of time, because they were contrary to the will of the Palestinian people and its natural right in their homeland, and were inconsistent with the principles embodied in the Charter of the United Nations, particularly the right to self-determination.
That's a pretty good complaint. Why can't Israel honor that?

The Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate, and everything that has been based on them, are deemed null and void. The Arab Higher Committee is determined to persist in its rejection of the partition plan and in its refusal to recognize the resolution of the Assembly and “anything deriving therefrom.
It was never a fair offer in the first place. No one in their right mind would give up 2/3's of their land to someone who just moved into the neighborhood.

Israel was constituted in accordance with the UN Partition Plan [Resolution 181(II)] and the Hostile Arab Palestinian have opened a conflict in direct opposition to this UN Plan under which the State of Israel was recognized.
It's not as simple as that.

It appear you are confused in terms of comparison. The Warsaw Ghetto had a death rate of near total extermination. By contrast, the Gaza Strip has a growing population with a death rate slightly below that of Saudi Arabia and slightly higher then that of Jordan. One would say there is no comparison at all, let alone an equality between the Warsaw Ghetto and the Gaza Strip.
Not according to the "boots on the ground" that were there.

Testimony 9 – Rules of Engagement & House Demolitions

“From the onset….the brigade commander and other officers made it very clear to us that any movement must entail gunfire” with or without being shot at. Alerts were given about a suicide bomber or sniper in the area, but “none of (these) materialized as far as our company was concerned.”

“Houses were demolished everywhere.” They were fired at “with tremendous power. We didn’t see a single house that remained intact….The entire infrastructure, tracks, fields, roads (were) in total ruin.” D-9 bulldozers demolished everything “in our designated area. It looked awful, like in those World War II films where nothing remained. A totally destroyed city.”
Like Warsaw.
When was peace declared between Israel and Gaza? :eusa_whistle:
There have been many ceasefires and Israel broke them all.

You know Gazans get medical treatment in Israel don't you.
And many Palestinian's have died (on their way to the hospital) at check points, because they were denied passage.

And you know full well Gazans have used human shields, plus they admit they do and are proud to sacrifice their women, elderly and children.
The Goldstone Report found no evidence of this.

That's a bullshit propaganda video I've seen several times and it doesn't say what you think it say's.

This is another bullshit propaganda video that shows Israel's hypocrisy.

It claims surgical air strikes, but in the link I posted, you have individual IDF soldiers saying they bulldozed down entire neighborhoods.

The video also claims the rocket attempts were deliberately targeting civilian populations. This is also a crock of shit. Because, I don't know if you noticed, but those rockets have no guidance systems. They have no control over where they go (or land). That's why they're considered war crimes. They are indescriminate weapons.

Why is it, I can specifically address all your points, but you can't reciprocate?
When was peace declared between Israel and Gaza? :eusa_whistle:
There have been many ceasefires and Israel broke them all.

You know Gazans get medical treatment in Israel don't you.
And many Palestinian's have died (on their way to the hospital) at check points, because they were denied passage.

The Goldstone Report found no evidence of this.

That's a bullshit propaganda video I've seen several times and it doesn't say what you think it say's.

This is another bullshit propaganda video that shows Israel's hypocrisy.

It claims surgical air strikes, but in the link I posted, you have individual IDF soldiers saying they bulldozed down entire neighborhoods.

The video also claims the rocket attempts were deliberately targeting civilian populations. This is also a crock of shit. Because, I don't know if you noticed, but those rockets have no guidance systems. They have no control over where they go (or land). That's why they're considered war crimes. They are indescriminate weapons.

Why is it, I can specifically address all your points, but you can't reciprocate?

When was peace declared between Israel and Gaza? :eusa_whistle:
There have been many ceasefires and Israel broke them all.

You know Gazans get medical treatment in Israel don't you.
And many Palestinian's have died (on their way to the hospital) at check points, because they were denied passage.

The Goldstone Report found no evidence of this.

That's a bullshit propaganda video I've seen several times and it doesn't say what you think it say's.

This is another bullshit propaganda video that shows Israel's hypocrisy.

It claims surgical air strikes, but in the link I posted, you have individual IDF soldiers saying they bulldozed down entire neighborhoods.

The video also claims the rocket attempts were deliberately targeting civilian populations. This is also a crock of shit. Because, I don't know if you noticed, but those rockets have no guidance systems. They have no control over where they go (or land). That's why they're considered war crimes. They are indescriminate weapons.

Why is it, I can specifically address all your points, but you can't reciprocate?

1. Show me where Israel have broken ceasefires.
2. Show me where Palestinians have died while at a checkpoint waiting for treatment in an Israeli hospital.
3. Evidence of human shields, (yet again).
Israel Matzav: The Goldstone Commission on human shields: Lies and damned lies
4. Rockets from Gaza to Israel are for anyone who happens to be in the vicinity - military or civilian, hence Code Red sirens in Israel when one is launched from Gaza. 15 - 30 seconds for Israelis to find shelter or safety.
Because you say it is? Stupidity is spewed by stupid people. Congratulations you're an expert.
Pick any one of those points I listed and argue it isn't true.

You know god-damn well you can't, so cut the crap!

Boy are you dumb...all the Arabs in Gaza had to do was build a normal, functioning, society, but instead they chose to elected a terrorist organization to run the place, and to lob rockets onto Israeli citizens (including Arabs) they are being supplied with weapons from Iran among others get your head out of your ass boy, you embarrass yourself :cuckoo:
No one should be punished for a crime they did not commit. What was the crime Gazan's committed in a legally held, democratic election?
Well, they get what they elect, of course, don't they? Elect Obama - get obamacare. Simple.
And what gives Israel the right to decide who Gazan's choose to represent them?
Indeed, gazabadians are free to elect anyone, but they tend to forget that collective choices entail collective responsibilities, of course.
And lets not forget, that "duly elected government", was created by the Israeli's.
This is a sign of the gazabadian immature behavior - they excercise their choice and blame others for it. They just never seem to be growing up, indeed, they wanna be a "nation", while absolving themselves of the national responsibilities. A sure sign they're neither a nation, nor a people, of course.
Privileged types, sheltered from the Holocaust Camps, living the high life elsewhere, who do not feel their Faith nor their Kindred nor the pull of the Homeland, with little or no actual or emotional stake in the outcome, who would rather Switch than Fight, in large part, quite possibly.

The 2,000 -year-old habit of keeping your head down like Good Little Dhimmis dies hard.

The braver and better ones managed to shake off that funk in 1948 and beyond.

The moral point of Spielberg's Munich was so silly and ignorable that I enjoyed it as an exciting pro-Mossad action movie. That spoiled Arab girl going to her expensive piano lessons had her whole lifestyle paid for with the blood of Israeli children.

Here is the trailer for Munich.

[ame=]Munich [HD 1080p Official Trailer] - YouTube[/ame]

I doubt if any Mossad agents have even a trace of the yellow streak that would make them drown themselves in warm and fuzzy false-guilt. The Nazislamis are pleased with such a Dhimmi movie, but these weakling pushovers can also be shoved into obscurity by us patriots.
The UN is a petting zoo for decadent Hate Whitey multiculties. The League of Nations proved that such an organization never should have been formed.

Israel doesn't owe its existence to the illegitimate UN. It owes its existence to the British Mandate and the will, intelligence, and bravery of the Zionists who forced the resurgent Appeasement Generation of British leaders to honor the promise made by the Churchill Generation.



Uh, oh, looks like my mind is growing again. The third world is all over the UN begging, begging, and begging. They never realize that the West has what it does because, we built, built, built. Third-world Muslims can not control their overpopulation, or begin to clean up their slums. Can anyone name an accomplishment of Muslims to match the invention of the light bulb, television, or putting a man on the moon. Until they help themselves, we should do nothing for them. That is not a tough political statement, that is the law of nature. I bet it is somewhere in the Qur'an.


The most significant passage in Satanic Verses was when the Ayatollah condemned science as a mutilation of the perfect world Allah created for us. The real reason Muslims hate the benefits of scientific progress is that they are genetically incapable of thinking beyond the Stone Age. Their brief advances in the Middle Ages all came from the Dhimmis they had conquered.
It must be nice living on a warm and fuzzy planet like Kumbaya. Did you have to make it Jew-free and White-free before everybody started loving one another and holding hands?
Not at all. Jews and whites are all completely welcome in my world, because I don't fear other cultures.

Its neighboring planets refer to Kumbaya as Dim Dhimmiland.
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Wake me up when the Israelis start gassing the Palestinians and cremating their remains...
Well, they're already using Willie Peat.

What difference does the method of extermination make? Dead is dead. When people are gone, they're gone.

Holocaust victims must be looking at Israel today going, "WTF is this shit! I guess my death meant nothing to them?"

You know that Israel is not exterminating Palestinians - who's numbers are growing as others have pointed out. So why do you keep telling this absurd lie Billo? Is it that you are a follower of Dr. Goebbles, who was of the the opinion that if one tells a big enough lie, and repeats it often enough, some people will believe it?
Washington’s Will Is Done: Bloody Terrorists Freed

October 31, 2013 By P. David Hornik


Just after midnight on Wednesday, Israel Hayom reports, 26 Palestinian security prisoners were set free by Israel. Twenty-one were sent to the West Bank, five to Gaza.

All of these prisoners were convicted either of murder or attempted murder. They constitute the second of four groups of 26 prisoners who are being released periodically during the current Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. For Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, freeing them was an iron-clad condition for entering the talks at all. Israel acceded to it under heavy U.S. pressure, spearheaded by Secretary of State John Kerry.

“…Palestinians in Ramallah and Gaza,” Israel Hayom informs us,

celebrated the release of the prisoners. The 21 prisoners returning to the West Bank attended an official reception at the Mukataa in Ramallah, where…Abbas greeted them personally.

“We welcome our brothers the heroes coming from behind the bars to a world of freedom and liberty,” Abbas was quoted as saying.

None of the American diplomatic personnel in Israel attended this reception. That may not seem worth pointing out. Wouldn’t it be a diplomatic slap to Israel? And wouldn’t it contradict American values to attend a celebratory reception for terrorist killers?

Indeed, it would. But why, then, did it not unacceptably contradict American values to pressure Israel to free them in the first place?

Indeed, these 26 are a nasty lot. Here are just a few examples from a partial list compiled by Israel National News:


Just how difficult it has been to get along with the Obama administration on the Iranian issue was evident this week in Kerry’s thinly veiled reference to Netanyahu’s “fear tactics.”

It may seem like “fear tactics” to those who split their time between Washington and Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket. To Israelis, the “fear” induced by batches of freed terrorists and Iranian genocidal threats is quite real. At some points in Israeli history deferring to America has turned out to be more dangerous and costly than not doing so. This may be one of them.

Washington?s Will Is Done: Bloody Terrorists Freed | FrontPage Magazine

If we equate retaliation with terrorism, then the Nazislamis have a blank check, just like their Nazi role models had a blank Czech after Munich.
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Wake me up when the Israelis start gassing the Palestinians and cremating their remains...
Well, they're already using Willie Peat.

What difference does the method of extermination make? Dead is dead. When people are gone, they're gone.

Holocaust victims must be looking at Israel today going, "WTF is this shit! I guess my death meant nothing to them?"

I dedicate this refrain to all you Dhimmis and to the USMB chorus of "Springtime for Hitler""

Roll me over in the clover,
Roll me over, lay me down, and do it again.
Gaza is not comparable to the Warsaw Ghetto. Israel reluctantly pulled out of Gaza in August 2005 in the hope of peace, but all they got is rockets into Israel (a war crime). Therefore Israel is at war with Gaza who commonly use human shields.

Just as it was with the League of Nations, according to the UN when the Jews fight back, it is a war crime.
Billo_Really, et al,

Israel treats the Palestinian according to the threat they represent via the duly elected government that they willing chose.
No one should be punished for a crime they did not commit. What was the crime Gazan's committed in a legally held, democratic election? And what gives Israel the right to decide who Gazan's choose to represent them? And lets not forget, that "duly elected government", was created by the Israeli's.
Relative to the:

  • crime they did not commit: financing, encouraging or tolerating terrorist activities and to take appropriate practical measures to ensure that our respective territories are not used for terrorist installations or training camps, or for the preparation or organization of terrorist acts intended to be committed against other States or their citizens.

  • Gazan's choose to represent them: Terrorist supporting government. As an example, the The Israel's, nor anyone else, is saying that the Palestinians cannot elect their own government. What is said is that if the Palestinian People democratically choose to be State Sponsors of Terrorism, there is a consequence.

The Palestinians made a "solemn declaration" that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. “The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child." That threat lives on today in the words of the Covenant they actively support and the Charter in which they live.

Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.
The Arab Palestinian people, expressing themselves by armed Palestinian revolution, reject all solutions which are substitutes for the total liberation of Palestine and reject all proposals aimed at the liquidation of the Palestinian cause, or at its internationalization.
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
The Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is an Individual Duty; ... the call of duty while loudly proclaiming: Hail to Jihad. Leaving the circle of struggle with Zionism is high treason, and cursed be he who does that. "for whoso shall turn his back unto them on that day, unless he turneth aside to fight, or retreateth to another party of the faithful, shall draw on himself the indignation of Allah, and his abode shall be hell; an ill journey shall it be thither."
Why do you keep bringing that up when Palestinian leaders have said they're willing to accept a two-state solution and that there are parts of their Charter that are outdated and no longer used as policy?

Did they? Or did they just say they did.

In an article published July 16, 2013 on, a website affiliated with Hamas, Hamas Refugee Affairs Department head Dr 'Issam 'Adwan argued that Hamas had the right to attack Israeli embassies and interests as well as senior Israeli officials anywhere in the world. He added that the resistance is also entitled to harm the interests of Israel's allies, headed by the U.S.​

This is the axiom: The Cause JUSTIFIES the MEANS. (Terrorist supported by Senior HAMAS Official.)

Why is it, when that "voice" say's things that are the opposite of an "enemy", they fall on deaf ears? It seems to me, the only thing you want to hear, is the voice from an enemy.

That's a pretty good complaint. Why can't Israel honor that?

There is a strong case to be made for some of the claims and complaints behind the Palestinian movement. But their methodology and the strategy of in pursuit of these cause of actions is both illegal and morally repugnant.

It was a UN Plan, not an Israeli/Jewish Plan. The establishment of the Jewish State followed the protocols outlined in the UN Plan.

It was never a fair offer in the first place. No one in their right mind would give up 2/3's of their land to someone who just moved into the neighborhood.

Something is wrong with your figures. Under the Plan, About 77.1% of the original Mandate for Palestine was apportioned to form an Arab State ultimately called the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. That left about 23% remaining. Of that, about 12.6% was apportioned to the Jewish State with the remaining 10.3% going to the new Arab State. (77.1%+12.6%+10.3%=100%) That means that over 88% of the land apportionment went to the Arabs in one form or another. If you compare just the New Arab State to the Jewish State (12.6% to 10.3%) you'll find that works out to about 55% to 45% (not your 2/3's or 66%). However, this apportionment was overtaken by the events of 1948-49 War and the accumulated impact (lost ground as a result of foreign Arab Army intervention and HoAP insurrection) of the two subsequent wars.

It's not as simple as that.

On the contrary, it is that simple. Israel was constituted in accordance with the UN Partition Plan [Resolution 181(II)] and the Hostile Arab Palestinian have opened a conflict in direct opposition to this UN Plan under which the State of Israel was recognized.

Exceprt 273 (III). Admission of Israel to membership in the United Nations said:
Recalling its resolutions of 29 November 1947 3/ and 11 December 1948 4/ and taking note of the declarations and explanations made by the representative of the Government of Israel 5/ before the ad hoc Political Committee in respect of the implementation of the said resolutions,

The General Assembly,

Acting in discharge of its functions under Article 4 of the Charter and rule 125 of its rules of procedure,

1. Decides that Israel is a peace-loving State which accepts the obligations contained in the Charter and is able and willing to carry out those obligations;

2. Decides to admit Israel to membership in the United Nations.​

SOURCE: A/RES/273 (III) 11 May 1949

It appear you are confused in terms of comparison. The Warsaw Ghetto had a death rate of near total extermination. By contrast, the Gaza Strip has a growing population with a death rate slightly below that of Saudi Arabia and slightly higher then that of Jordan. One would say there is no comparison at all, let alone an equality between the Warsaw Ghetto and the Gaza Strip.
Not according to the "boots on the ground" that were there.

Testimony 9 – Rules of Engagement & House Demolitions

“From the onset….the brigade commander and other officers made it very clear to us that any movement must entail gunfire” with or without being shot at. Alerts were given about a suicide bomber or sniper in the area, but “none of (these) materialized as far as our company was concerned

“Houses were demolished everywhere.” They were fired at “with tremendous power. We didn’t see a single house that remained intact….The entire infrastructure, tracks, fields, roads (were) in total ruin.” D-9 bulldozers demolished everything “in our designated area. It looked awful, like in those World War II films where nothing remained. A totally destroyed city
Like Warsaw.

You know as well as I know that the area in question was a very, very small area, identified by Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar (C-RAM) data and Human Intelligence (HUMINT) reports as the point of origin for rocket fire. The City of Gaza was not totally destroyed. It was property used as cover and concealment for hostile rocket launchings.

AND, you know that such limited destruction was fully justified and legal under the Geneva Convention.

Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War said:
Article 53
Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or cooperative organizations, is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.​

SOURCE: ICRC GCIV 12 August 1949

Don't be such a Drama Queen. They launched rockets indiscriminately and the received the traditional counter-strike.

Most Respectfully,
This is another bullshit propaganda video that shows Israel's hypocrisy.

It claims surgical air strikes, but in the link I posted, you have individual IDF soldiers saying they bulldozed down entire neighborhoods.

The video also claims the rocket attempts were deliberately targeting civilian populations. This is also a crock of shit. Because, I don't know if you noticed, but those rockets have no guidance systems. They have no control over where they go (or land). That's why they're considered war crimes. They are indescriminate weapons.

Why is it, I can specifically address all your points, but you can't reciprocate?

1. Show me where Israel have broken ceasefires.
2. Show me where Palestinians have died while at a checkpoint waiting for treatment in an Israeli hospital.
3. Evidence of human shields, (yet again).
Israel Matzav: The Goldstone Commission on human shields: Lies and damned lies
4. Rockets from Gaza to Israel are for anyone who happens to be in the vicinity - military or civilian, hence Code Red sirens in Israel when one is launched from Gaza. 15 - 30 seconds for Israelis to find shelter or safety.

Bluto's getting medical treatment himself. His quack psychiatrists have convinced him that he can stay young by sticking with the mindset of September 10, 2001 for the rest of his days. May he Rest in Peace.
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