Get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

i didn't say you knew.

i said you're seeing things in a manner that you feel proper, i'm sure, but lead to guilt.

"i notice he didn't say a thing about russia!"

you're *looking* for reasons to find him guilty. you can deny it, i really don't care. but that's what i see you doing.
Just an observation. One more observation in the "coincidences." He's obviously got a mancrush on Putin, and maybe that's all this is. We'll see.

WTF is wrong with you? do you have a "girlcrush" on the hildebeast?
Nuthin wrong with me. More deflecting to Hillary, huh? Is that ALL you got?

that all YOU got? when you take people to the land of stupid with phantom investigations, don't expect intelligent answers.

LOL - "lord you ^^^ can't help but be a condescending asshole".
bye felicia.
i didn't say you knew.

i said you're seeing things in a manner that you feel proper, i'm sure, but lead to guilt.

"i notice he didn't say a thing about russia!"

you're *looking* for reasons to find him guilty. you can deny it, i really don't care. but that's what i see you doing.
Just an observation. One more observation in the "coincidences." He's obviously got a mancrush on Putin, and maybe that's all this is. We'll see.

WTF is wrong with you? do you have a "girlcrush" on the hildebeast?
Nuthin wrong with me. More deflecting to Hillary, huh? Is that ALL you got?

that all YOU got? when you take people to the land of stupid with phantom investigations, don't expect intelligent answers.

LOL - "lord you ^^^ can't help but be a condescending asshole".

Holy fuck! :eek:

Guys that wear grass kilts shouldn't play with matches since they may burn their glass stones.....
i didn't say you knew.

i said you're seeing things in a manner that you feel proper, i'm sure, but lead to guilt.

"i notice he didn't say a thing about russia!"

you're *looking* for reasons to find him guilty. you can deny it, i really don't care. but that's what i see you doing.
Just an observation. One more observation in the "coincidences." He's obviously got a mancrush on Putin, and maybe that's all this is. We'll see.

WTF is wrong with you? do you have a "girlcrush" on the hildebeast?
Nuthin wrong with me. More deflecting to Hillary, huh? Is that ALL you got?


that all YOU got? when you take people to the land of stupid with phantom investigations, don't expect intelligent answers.
What's "phantom" about the Mueller investigation?
pretty much all of it. nothing there. he's chasing butthurt phantoms and all you have so far is coincidences.

and your hate.

stay warm. winter is coming. :)
Would the people of Haiti agree?

You tell me. You're obviously trying to make a point.
There was a Haitian delegation outside of the DNC convention that the MSM mistakenly covered once, and then promptly avoided. The Haitians were there to protest the Clinton foundation for profiteering from Haitian misery after an earthquake. Does that refresh your memory?

Sure. Now what's your point?
If you have not gotten the point yet there is no hope for you. You may return to your safe space

You made no point. You told a story of protesters.
The point is that contrary to your assertions about the Clinton foundation, the Haitian people (who the Clintons supposedly "helped") would disagree. Need it drawn in crayon?
You tell me. You're obviously trying to make a point.
There was a Haitian delegation outside of the DNC convention that the MSM mistakenly covered once, and then promptly avoided. The Haitians were there to protest the Clinton foundation for profiteering from Haitian misery after an earthquake. Does that refresh your memory?

Sure. Now what's your point?
If you have not gotten the point yet there is no hope for you. You may return to your safe space

You made no point. You told a story of protesters.
holy fk, you really don't understand what the point was he made. It is as fking clear as glass. hint, it had to do with the clinton foundation stealing money from haitians. and the media not reporting the protest about that. to hide hitlery's corruption. but don't let me spell it out for you, you should learn to read.

You just did the same exact thing.
Post the freaking story not your dopey narrative.
Then don't.
hey - you jumped into my convo this am. i gave a nice long reply and didn't hear from you again.

seems to be your MO.
it's all of their MO's. they don't want to discuss anything. they just wish to make stupid statements and watch us respond. it's what they do really well. it all means the same thing as what it means when I wipe my ass everyday. shit.
well it's especially funny here given her history of her telling me i never back up what i say. or that i ride the middle and just kinda taunt both sides. she'll dive in, get a shot in, i'll try to be respectful and give an honest, thought out reply, and she doesn't answer.

maybe she has an oldlady crush on me. :)
Don't flatter yourself. Show me what I haven't answered, liar.
too easy.

Get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

you really need to check yourself and your facts before you lob the LIAR tag around.

that's where you started talking *to me* and i tried, in good faith, to give a well thought out answer. you went on playing forum-tag and didn't bother.

it's ok. i'm used to it from my #1 fan in here.

now take it back since i didn't lie. :) you can do it!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.

This is what I said. If you don't agree, fine. There is no reason for the troll attacks from you and some others here.
You tell me. You're obviously trying to make a point.
There was a Haitian delegation outside of the DNC convention that the MSM mistakenly covered once, and then promptly avoided. The Haitians were there to protest the Clinton foundation for profiteering from Haitian misery after an earthquake. Does that refresh your memory?

Sure. Now what's your point?
If you have not gotten the point yet there is no hope for you. You may return to your safe space

You made no point. You told a story of protesters.
The point is that contrary to your assertions about the Clinton foundation, the Haitian people (who the Clintons supposedly "helped") would disagree. Need it drawn in crayon?

You just did it again.
What I need is a point. A story or article. You just keep saying Haitians would disagree.
Are they stupid to continue to attack Mueller and his investigation, or paid by Russia as agent provocateurs?

The former seems most likely, but every avenue ought to be investigated. One hopes that Mueller's team will not only investigate FACE BOOK but also other Social Media to determine if treason is more far reaching than we can imagine.
There was a Haitian delegation outside of the DNC convention that the MSM mistakenly covered once, and then promptly avoided. The Haitians were there to protest the Clinton foundation for profiteering from Haitian misery after an earthquake. Does that refresh your memory?

Sure. Now what's your point?
If you have not gotten the point yet there is no hope for you. You may return to your safe space

You made no point. You told a story of protesters.
The point is that contrary to your assertions about the Clinton foundation, the Haitian people (who the Clintons supposedly "helped") would disagree. Need it drawn in crayon?

You just did it again.
What I need is a point. A story or article. You just keep saying Haitians would disagree.
What you need is a brain. As I have already said, the MSM buried it! So there is no story fool!
Have a nice day!
Then don't.
hey - you jumped into my convo this am. i gave a nice long reply and didn't hear from you again.

seems to be your MO.
it's all of their MO's. they don't want to discuss anything. they just wish to make stupid statements and watch us respond. it's what they do really well. it all means the same thing as what it means when I wipe my ass everyday. shit.
well it's especially funny here given her history of her telling me i never back up what i say. or that i ride the middle and just kinda taunt both sides. she'll dive in, get a shot in, i'll try to be respectful and give an honest, thought out reply, and she doesn't answer.

maybe she has an oldlady crush on me. :)
Don't flatter yourself. Show me what I haven't answered, liar.
anything. how's that. what evidence do you have the russians did anything? for one.

what did they influence is two?
I have no evidence. That is what the Special Investigation is for. The investigation was started because of all these hmmmm..... coincidences. And behind the scenes information on some of the players in the campaign that were being investigated. We don't know yet what they did either, but we know Manafort, for one, is being indicted for SOMETHING. I'm willing to wait and if the investigation comes back with no collusion by Trump or his team, I'm fine with that.
Out of what I've actually said, I don't know how you came to any different conclusions.
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.

Wrong. This has everything to do with Hillary losing. There is nothing "unprecedented" about Russia's meddling in our election, and there's nothing "tremendous" about the number of contacts the campaign staff had with Russian nationals.
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.

Wrong. This has everything to do with Hillary losing. There is nothing "unprecedented" about Russia's meddling in our election, and there's nothing "tremendous" about the number of contacts the campaign staff had with Russian nationals.
Hillary is the one who started this whole Russian thing because she ran out of excuses about her inappropriate use of e-mails
Dear Trumpbots;

Office memo - go with PHANTOM.

THATS A GOOD ONE !!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

lemme write that one down - P-H-A-N-T-O-M ---------- GOT IT.

(getting difficult for your shit to get any damn dumber, but at least you're trying to be the planets biggest idiots)
Sure. Now what's your point?
If you have not gotten the point yet there is no hope for you. You may return to your safe space

You made no point. You told a story of protesters.
The point is that contrary to your assertions about the Clinton foundation, the Haitian people (who the Clintons supposedly "helped") would disagree. Need it drawn in crayon?

You just did it again.
What I need is a point. A story or article. You just keep saying Haitians would disagree.
What you need is a brain. As I have already said, the MSM buried it! So there is no story fool!
Have a nice day!

What evidence do you have that the "MSM buried it"? It's the question of the day, opinions are opinions only, when not supported by evidence. You post your opinion as a fact, no one with any sense finds that credible.
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.

Wrong. This has everything to do with Hillary losing. There is nothing "unprecedented" about Russia's meddling in our election, and there's nothing "tremendous" about the number of contacts the campaign staff had with Russian nationals.
Okay. The only reason I think it's "unprecedented" is the number of Dems AND Repubs as well as the intelligence agencies (which know a lot more about it than any of us) that are saying it was unprecedented. If you don't accept that, I guess that's your choice. Who we trust to give us information is what is fueling this debate.
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.

Wrong. This has everything to do with Hillary losing. There is nothing "unprecedented" about Russia's meddling in our election, and there's nothing "tremendous" about the number of contacts the campaign staff had with Russian nationals.
Hillary is the one who started this whole Russian thing because she ran out of excuses about her inappropriate use of e-mails

Yep, she got it out there early. Well before the election just in case she lost. She even managed to get the entire Intel community, the FBI, the president and the Congress on board as well.

You made no point. You told a story of protesters.
The point is that contrary to your assertions about the Clinton foundation, the Haitian people (who the Clintons supposedly "helped") would disagree. Need it drawn in crayon?

You just did it again.
What I need is a point. A story or article. You just keep saying Haitians would disagree.
What you need is a brain. As I have already said, the MSM buried it! So there is no story fool!
Have a nice day!

What evidence do you have that the "MSM buried it"? It's the question of the day, opinions are opinions only, when not supported by evidence. You post your opinion as a fact, no one with any sense finds that credible.

"No one with any sense"
Well, that excludes you.

Really? Why is that? Do you believe your's or my opinions carry the weight of probative evidence? Opinions need to be thoughtful or thought provoking; your immediate post is nothing more than a logical fallacy, i.e. an ad hominem.
There was a Haitian delegation outside of the DNC convention that the MSM mistakenly covered once, and then promptly avoided. The Haitians were there to protest the Clinton foundation for profiteering from Haitian misery after an earthquake. Does that refresh your memory?

Sure. Now what's your point?
If you have not gotten the point yet there is no hope for you. You may return to your safe space

You made no point. You told a story of protesters.
holy fk, you really don't understand what the point was he made. It is as fking clear as glass. hint, it had to do with the clinton foundation stealing money from haitians. and the media not reporting the protest about that. to hide hitlery's corruption. but don't let me spell it out for you, you should learn to read.

You just did the same exact thing.
Post the freaking story not your dopey narrative.
i believe that was his fking point there was no fking story by the press even though they were there.

hey - you jumped into my convo this am. i gave a nice long reply and didn't hear from you again.

seems to be your MO.
it's all of their MO's. they don't want to discuss anything. they just wish to make stupid statements and watch us respond. it's what they do really well. it all means the same thing as what it means when I wipe my ass everyday. shit.
well it's especially funny here given her history of her telling me i never back up what i say. or that i ride the middle and just kinda taunt both sides. she'll dive in, get a shot in, i'll try to be respectful and give an honest, thought out reply, and she doesn't answer.

maybe she has an oldlady crush on me. :)
Don't flatter yourself. Show me what I haven't answered, liar.
anything. how's that. what evidence do you have the russians did anything? for one.

what did they influence is two?
I have no evidence. That is what the Special Investigation is for. The investigation was started because of all these hmmmm..... coincidences. And behind the scenes information on some of the players in the campaign that were being investigated. We don't know yet what they did either, but we know Manafort, for one, is being indicted for SOMETHING. I'm willing to wait and if the investigation comes back with no collusion by Trump or his team, I'm fine with that.
Out of what I've actually said, I don't know how you came to any different conclusions.
so basically you don't know if there is fish in the pond or not right? so why are you posting that there is fish in the pond? What we're saying is that you don't have any clue on anything. yep there is a mewler and that's about all you know. you don't even know what he is even investigating. I will tell you that right now at this present time in the world, there is no evidence that russia did anything. now, if you wish to go back on a tangent about russia, please provide evidence that makes you say it. that's all.
Don't you care if Russia meddled in our elections?
Frankly I'm not sure who meddled more The Russians, or the DNC.
I tend to think it was both.
Did you watch the DNC convention? I did. And it gave a pretty clear impression of a corrupt political party that would stoop to any length to retain power. DWS stepping down on the first night of the convention was hilarious. The Bernie supporters walking out was hilarious. The half empty convention hall was hilarious. Filling the vacant seats via an advertisement on Craig's list was hilarious.
Maybe the Russians were working for the DNC. (DNC/FSB)

So you are not sure?

Don't you want to know what the Mueller investigation finds in terms of an election influenced by a foreign nation?

How do you think the Russians "influenced" our election? What exactly do you think they did?

That is NOT the point, and most people know it. Only hacks and fools argue the Russian's "influenced" our election [Unless the investigation uncovers facts that they did covertly "stuff" the ballot box]. We don't know yet how far the investigation goes or who is culpable.

before any investigation begins there must be a suspicion of some wrong doing. I am merely asking what you THINK the Russians did and how that had an affect on the outcome of our election. Unless there is some suspicion, the investigation is truly a waste of money and a witchhunt. Clinton was investigated because there was proof they he defiled the oval office with a young intern and then lied under oath about it.

So, what exactly is this investigation about? What do the "investigators" think happened?

is it the wikileaks leak of the data on the DNC servers that proved corruption? What are they looking for?

Please take your head out of the ground and start reading the news papers on this....there has been some Pulitzer prize winning investigative articles from the Washington post, wall street journal, New York Times, and even Politico.

Russians hacked the DNC emails, wrote fake news stories about the emails, then used their 40, 000 bots they created and trolls to spread the lies on social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter and then to right wing media who then spread the fake news further...

The Russians bought ad space on Facebook for fake news stories they wrote on Hillary and pro Bernie to cause division within the party.

The Russians pretended to be Americans and formed groups, gathering Americans to support their made up cause and then organized real live rallies in contentious "purple" states

They, the Russians organized the California EXIT, secession movement from the USA....

They allegedly stole voter rolls in many different states and directed ads and propaganda at these voters through social media.

They dumped the stolen emails with the fake stories at the precise time to hurt Hillary the most and help Trump the most, like the Podesta emails dropped on the same day the access Hollywood video was revealed....

There is tons and tons more....

Start reading!!!

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