Get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

TRUMP: Six million Mexicans voted in California, completely undetected!

RUBE: I totally bleev it because I want it to be true!

REPORT: The sun is rising in the east.

RUBE: Fake liberal news media lies! Where's the proof?

POSTER: Hey, dumbshit, look out the window.

RUBE: Hillary lover!
Hillary is the one who started this whole Russian thing because she ran out of excuses about her inappropriate use of e-mails

Yep, she got it out there early. Well before the election just in case she lost. She even managed to get the entire Intel community, the FBI, the president and the Congress on board as well.

It is contrary to my ethics to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. So have a nice day tard.

You've proved to have earned a trophy, in a very short time the evidence is incontrovertible, you're an angry hack whose education is several years shy of a degree. Wear the Dunce Cap with pride!
My last post goes for you as well....

Any my comment on your low level of education is provided more evidence; thanks for proving you inability to write an expository*** response.

Google "expository essay" and you might / maybe / possibly understand.
well said, this is almost legible.
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.

Wrong. This has everything to do with Hillary losing. There is nothing "unprecedented" about Russia's meddling in our election, and there's nothing "tremendous" about the number of contacts the campaign staff had with Russian nationals.
Hillary is the one who started this whole Russian thing because she ran out of excuses about her inappropriate use of e-mails

Yep, she got it out there early. Well before the election just in case she lost. She even managed to get the entire Intel community, the FBI, the president and the Congress on board as well.

It is contrary to my ethics to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. So have a nice day tard.

You're the one unarmed. All you have is a dopey conspiracy narrative.
Sure. Now what's your point?
If you have not gotten the point yet there is no hope for you. You may return to your safe space

You made no point. You told a story of protesters.
holy fk, you really don't understand what the point was he made. It is as fking clear as glass. hint, it had to do with the clinton foundation stealing money from haitians. and the media not reporting the protest about that. to hide hitlery's corruption. but don't let me spell it out for you, you should learn to read.

You just did the same exact thing.
Post the freaking story not your dopey narrative.
i believe that was his fking point there was no fking story by the press even though they were there.

Dopes will be dopes I guess.
If there's no story, then what is it you think you know about Haiti and the foundation and how do you know it?
If you have not gotten the point yet there is no hope for you. You may return to your safe space

You made no point. You told a story of protesters.
holy fk, you really don't understand what the point was he made. It is as fking clear as glass. hint, it had to do with the clinton foundation stealing money from haitians. and the media not reporting the protest about that. to hide hitlery's corruption. but don't let me spell it out for you, you should learn to read.

You just did the same exact thing.
Post the freaking story not your dopey narrative.
i believe that was his fking point there was no fking story by the press even though they were there.

Dopes will be dopes I guess.
If there's no story, then what is it you think you know about Haiti and the foundation and how do you know it?
because we all read other sources, not MSM that ignores news that isn't popular with their base.
it's all of their MO's. they don't want to discuss anything. they just wish to make stupid statements and watch us respond. it's what they do really well. it all means the same thing as what it means when I wipe my ass everyday. shit.
well it's especially funny here given her history of her telling me i never back up what i say. or that i ride the middle and just kinda taunt both sides. she'll dive in, get a shot in, i'll try to be respectful and give an honest, thought out reply, and she doesn't answer.

maybe she has an oldlady crush on me. :)
Don't flatter yourself. Show me what I haven't answered, liar.
anything. how's that. what evidence do you have the russians did anything? for one.

what did they influence is two?
I have no evidence. That is what the Special Investigation is for. The investigation was started because of all these hmmmm..... coincidences. And behind the scenes information on some of the players in the campaign that were being investigated. We don't know yet what they did either, but we know Manafort, for one, is being indicted for SOMETHING. I'm willing to wait and if the investigation comes back with no collusion by Trump or his team, I'm fine with that.
Out of what I've actually said, I don't know how you came to any different conclusions.
so basically you don't know if there is fish in the pond or not right? so why are you posting that there is fish in the pond? What we're saying is that you don't have any clue on anything. yep there is a mewler and that's about all you know. you don't even know what he is even investigating. I will tell you that right now at this present time in the world, there is no evidence that russia did anything. now, if you wish to go back on a tangent about russia, please provide evidence that makes you say it. that's all.
What I don't get is why you can say "there is no evidence Russia did anything" when you go batshit crazy on posters here that say there IS evidence. How is it okay for you to draw conclusions from an incomplete investigation about which we know squat, but you are busting lefties' balls for the drawing conclusions from the other side?
If you have not gotten the point yet there is no hope for you. You may return to your safe space

You made no point. You told a story of protesters.
holy fk, you really don't understand what the point was he made. It is as fking clear as glass. hint, it had to do with the clinton foundation stealing money from haitians. and the media not reporting the protest about that. to hide hitlery's corruption. but don't let me spell it out for you, you should learn to read.

You just did the same exact thing.
Post the freaking story not your dopey narrative.
i believe that was his fking point there was no fking story by the press even though they were there.

Dopes will be dopes I guess.
If there's no story, then what is it you think you know about Haiti and the foundation and how do you know it?
here from the BBC

The Clintons and Haiti: What really happened?

""The Clinton family, they are crooks, they are thieves, they are liars," says Haitian activist Dahoud Andre.

He has been leading protests outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign base in Brooklyn for the last two years.

He said protesters from his small activist group, the Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti, will continue to level their allegations - so far all unproven - if the Democratic candidate wins the White House."

Now your challenge is to post up one MSM story on it. key jeapordy music
well it's especially funny here given her history of her telling me i never back up what i say. or that i ride the middle and just kinda taunt both sides. she'll dive in, get a shot in, i'll try to be respectful and give an honest, thought out reply, and she doesn't answer.

maybe she has an oldlady crush on me. :)
Don't flatter yourself. Show me what I haven't answered, liar.
anything. how's that. what evidence do you have the russians did anything? for one.

what did they influence is two?
I have no evidence. That is what the Special Investigation is for. The investigation was started because of all these hmmmm..... coincidences. And behind the scenes information on some of the players in the campaign that were being investigated. We don't know yet what they did either, but we know Manafort, for one, is being indicted for SOMETHING. I'm willing to wait and if the investigation comes back with no collusion by Trump or his team, I'm fine with that.
Out of what I've actually said, I don't know how you came to any different conclusions.
so basically you don't know if there is fish in the pond or not right? so why are you posting that there is fish in the pond? What we're saying is that you don't have any clue on anything. yep there is a mewler and that's about all you know. you don't even know what he is even investigating. I will tell you that right now at this present time in the world, there is no evidence that russia did anything. now, if you wish to go back on a tangent about russia, please provide evidence that makes you say it. that's all.
What I don't get is why you can say "there is no evidence Russia did anything" when you go batshit crazy on posters here that say there IS evidence. How is it okay for you to draw conclusions from an incomplete investigation about which we know squat, but you are busting lefties' balls for the drawing conclusions from the other side?
well for one, do you have evidence? if not, then how is it I'm bat shit crazy for saying you have no evidence? holy fk.
You made no point. You told a story of protesters.
holy fk, you really don't understand what the point was he made. It is as fking clear as glass. hint, it had to do with the clinton foundation stealing money from haitians. and the media not reporting the protest about that. to hide hitlery's corruption. but don't let me spell it out for you, you should learn to read.

You just did the same exact thing.
Post the freaking story not your dopey narrative.
i believe that was his fking point there was no fking story by the press even though they were there.

Dopes will be dopes I guess.
If there's no story, then what is it you think you know about Haiti and the foundation and how do you know it?
because we all read other sources, not MSM that ignores news that isn't popular with their base.

Well make a point then, dope. :laugh2:
You made no point. You told a story of protesters.
holy fk, you really don't understand what the point was he made. It is as fking clear as glass. hint, it had to do with the clinton foundation stealing money from haitians. and the media not reporting the protest about that. to hide hitlery's corruption. but don't let me spell it out for you, you should learn to read.

You just did the same exact thing.
Post the freaking story not your dopey narrative.
i believe that was his fking point there was no fking story by the press even though they were there.

Dopes will be dopes I guess.
If there's no story, then what is it you think you know about Haiti and the foundation and how do you know it?
here from the BBC

The Clintons and Haiti: What really happened?

""The Clinton family, they are crooks, they are thieves, they are liars," says Haitian activist Dahoud Andre.

He has been leading protests outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign base in Brooklyn for the last two years.

He said protesters from his small activist group, the Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti, will continue to level their allegations - so far all unproven - if the Democratic candidate wins the White House."

Now your challenge is to post up one MSM story on it. key jeapordy music

That is a MSM source, dope.
You still have made no point. Use that article to show us what the foundation did.
well it's especially funny here given her history of her telling me i never back up what i say. or that i ride the middle and just kinda taunt both sides. she'll dive in, get a shot in, i'll try to be respectful and give an honest, thought out reply, and she doesn't answer.

maybe she has an oldlady crush on me. :)
Don't flatter yourself. Show me what I haven't answered, liar.
anything. how's that. what evidence do you have the russians did anything? for one.

what did they influence is two?
I have no evidence. That is what the Special Investigation is for. The investigation was started because of all these hmmmm..... coincidences. And behind the scenes information on some of the players in the campaign that were being investigated. We don't know yet what they did either, but we know Manafort, for one, is being indicted for SOMETHING. I'm willing to wait and if the investigation comes back with no collusion by Trump or his team, I'm fine with that.
Out of what I've actually said, I don't know how you came to any different conclusions.
so basically you don't know if there is fish in the pond or not right? so why are you posting that there is fish in the pond? What we're saying is that you don't have any clue on anything. yep there is a mewler and that's about all you know. you don't even know what he is even investigating. I will tell you that right now at this present time in the world, there is no evidence that russia did anything. now, if you wish to go back on a tangent about russia, please provide evidence that makes you say it. that's all.
What I don't get is why you can say "there is no evidence Russia did anything" when you go batshit crazy on posters here that say there IS evidence. How is it okay for you to draw conclusions from an incomplete investigation about which we know squat, but you are busting lefties' balls for the drawing conclusions from the other side?
how can i draw a conclusion there is no evidence if none has been presented?

none has. fact. will it come? maybe, sure. but to date, none has.
it's all of their MO's. they don't want to discuss anything. they just wish to make stupid statements and watch us respond. it's what they do really well. it all means the same thing as what it means when I wipe my ass everyday. shit.
well it's especially funny here given her history of her telling me i never back up what i say. or that i ride the middle and just kinda taunt both sides. she'll dive in, get a shot in, i'll try to be respectful and give an honest, thought out reply, and she doesn't answer.

maybe she has an oldlady crush on me. :)
Don't flatter yourself. Show me what I haven't answered, liar.
too easy.

Get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

you really need to check yourself and your facts before you lob the LIAR tag around.

that's where you started talking *to me* and i tried, in good faith, to give a well thought out answer. you went on playing forum-tag and didn't bother.

it's ok. i'm used to it from my #1 fan in here.

now take it back since i didn't lie. :) you can do it!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.

This is what I said. If you don't agree, fine. There is no reason for the troll attacks from you and some others here.
troll attacks? like calling someone a liar?

what you point to is what i responded to. my response is what you did NOT reply to so you couid go snark off on the one-liners.

so yes, i did give you a reply and no, you didn't respond.

and i'm the troll/liar.

$5 says you don't apologize and ignore me again.
What was the question, whiner?
well it's especially funny here given her history of her telling me i never back up what i say. or that i ride the middle and just kinda taunt both sides. she'll dive in, get a shot in, i'll try to be respectful and give an honest, thought out reply, and she doesn't answer.

maybe she has an oldlady crush on me. :)
Don't flatter yourself. Show me what I haven't answered, liar.
too easy.

Get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

you really need to check yourself and your facts before you lob the LIAR tag around.

that's where you started talking *to me* and i tried, in good faith, to give a well thought out answer. you went on playing forum-tag and didn't bother.

it's ok. i'm used to it from my #1 fan in here.

now take it back since i didn't lie. :) you can do it!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.

This is what I said. If you don't agree, fine. There is no reason for the troll attacks from you and some others here.
troll attacks? like calling someone a liar?

what you point to is what i responded to. my response is what you did NOT reply to so you couid go snark off on the one-liners.

so yes, i did give you a reply and no, you didn't respond.

and i'm the troll/liar.

$5 says you don't apologize and ignore me again.
What was the question, whiner?
i suppose "why are you such a bitch"?

you see, i've admitted when wrong and apologized. not a problem for me.

yet in this thread, i indicate i gave a thought out response to your reply to my post. you ignored it. i said so and you said you replied and called me a liar saying you did reply. i showed you the reply you did NOT reply to and you go off into bitchland, still bitching at me and never going "oops, my bad".

i guess i shouldn't expect common decency from you anymore.
Don't flatter yourself. Show me what I haven't answered, liar.
too easy.

Get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

you really need to check yourself and your facts before you lob the LIAR tag around.

that's where you started talking *to me* and i tried, in good faith, to give a well thought out answer. you went on playing forum-tag and didn't bother.

it's ok. i'm used to it from my #1 fan in here.

now take it back since i didn't lie. :) you can do it!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.

This is what I said. If you don't agree, fine. There is no reason for the troll attacks from you and some others here.
troll attacks? like calling someone a liar?

what you point to is what i responded to. my response is what you did NOT reply to so you couid go snark off on the one-liners.

so yes, i did give you a reply and no, you didn't respond.

and i'm the troll/liar.

$5 says you don't apologize and ignore me again.
What was the question, whiner?
i suppose "why are you such a bitch"?

you see, i've admitted when wrong and apologized. not a problem for me.

yet in this thread, i indicate i gave a thought out response to your reply to my post. you ignored it. i said so and you said you replied and called me a liar saying you did reply. i showed you the reply you did NOT reply to and you go off into bitchland, still bitching at me and never going "oops, my bad".

i guess i shouldn't expect common decency from you anymore.
You are unbelievable.
Okay, I've given you a chance twice to show me what I didn't respond to. Twice you've just whined and not told me what the question is that you are so broken hearted I didn't reply to.
I'm sick of playing games with you.
too easy.

Get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

you really need to check yourself and your facts before you lob the LIAR tag around.

that's where you started talking *to me* and i tried, in good faith, to give a well thought out answer. you went on playing forum-tag and didn't bother.

it's ok. i'm used to it from my #1 fan in here.

now take it back since i didn't lie. :) you can do it!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.

This is what I said. If you don't agree, fine. There is no reason for the troll attacks from you and some others here.
troll attacks? like calling someone a liar?

what you point to is what i responded to. my response is what you did NOT reply to so you couid go snark off on the one-liners.

so yes, i did give you a reply and no, you didn't respond.

and i'm the troll/liar.

$5 says you don't apologize and ignore me again.
What was the question, whiner?
i suppose "why are you such a bitch"?

you see, i've admitted when wrong and apologized. not a problem for me.

yet in this thread, i indicate i gave a thought out response to your reply to my post. you ignored it. i said so and you said you replied and called me a liar saying you did reply. i showed you the reply you did NOT reply to and you go off into bitchland, still bitching at me and never going "oops, my bad".

i guess i shouldn't expect common decency from you anymore.
You are unbelievable.
Okay, I've given you a chance twice to show me what I didn't respond to. Twice you've just whined and not told me what the question is that you are so broken hearted I didn't reply to.
I'm sick of playing games with you.
the link i gave you in this thread was the reply i gave you did not reply to. but gosh, you missed it. YOUR REPLY you showed me, well that was your initial reply to my post where you decided to engage with me. my reply to you is what you ignored. :)

i have provided everything you've asked for. not my fault you were too dense to understand it.

Get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

so you can play and try again to figure this but god damn woman if you can't figure out a forum post, i can see where you'd have trouble figuring out world matters.
too easy.

Get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

you really need to check yourself and your facts before you lob the LIAR tag around.

that's where you started talking *to me* and i tried, in good faith, to give a well thought out answer. you went on playing forum-tag and didn't bother.

it's ok. i'm used to it from my #1 fan in here.

now take it back since i didn't lie. :) you can do it!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.

This is what I said. If you don't agree, fine. There is no reason for the troll attacks from you and some others here.
troll attacks? like calling someone a liar?

what you point to is what i responded to. my response is what you did NOT reply to so you couid go snark off on the one-liners.

so yes, i did give you a reply and no, you didn't respond.

and i'm the troll/liar.

$5 says you don't apologize and ignore me again.
What was the question, whiner?
i suppose "why are you such a bitch"?

you see, i've admitted when wrong and apologized. not a problem for me.

yet in this thread, i indicate i gave a thought out response to your reply to my post. you ignored it. i said so and you said you replied and called me a liar saying you did reply. i showed you the reply you did NOT reply to and you go off into bitchland, still bitching at me and never going "oops, my bad".

i guess i shouldn't expect common decency from you anymore.
You are unbelievable.
Okay, I've given you a chance twice to show me what I didn't respond to. Twice you've just whined and not told me what the question is that you are so broken hearted I didn't reply to.
I'm sick of playing games with you.
well he posted it already. back a couple of pages ago. you should search for it under his name. post #140. I did the search for you. you're welcome. now #188.
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.

This is what I said. If you don't agree, fine. There is no reason for the troll attacks from you and some others here.
troll attacks? like calling someone a liar?

what you point to is what i responded to. my response is what you did NOT reply to so you couid go snark off on the one-liners.

so yes, i did give you a reply and no, you didn't respond.

and i'm the troll/liar.

$5 says you don't apologize and ignore me again.
What was the question, whiner?
i suppose "why are you such a bitch"?

you see, i've admitted when wrong and apologized. not a problem for me.

yet in this thread, i indicate i gave a thought out response to your reply to my post. you ignored it. i said so and you said you replied and called me a liar saying you did reply. i showed you the reply you did NOT reply to and you go off into bitchland, still bitching at me and never going "oops, my bad".

i guess i shouldn't expect common decency from you anymore.
You are unbelievable.
Okay, I've given you a chance twice to show me what I didn't respond to. Twice you've just whined and not told me what the question is that you are so broken hearted I didn't reply to.
I'm sick of playing games with you.
well he posted it already. back a couple of pages ago. you should search for it under his name.
yep. it was on page 1. i replied to someone, she replied to me, i gave a nice reply to her.

Get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

she comes back with what she said which was her INITIAL reply to my post and had nothing to do with my reply she didn't respond to.

and i'm the liar/difficult one.
There's a lot of personal sniping going on here. Need to cut it out before some folks get hurt....

Or warned or banned or some damn thing. 13 posts deleted. TOPICAL CONTENT in EVERY post. Zone2 rules.
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?

So Mueller's not going away? I certainly wouldn't put it beyond a swamp dweller such himself to milk this windfall opportunity for every last penny that he can.

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