Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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three farts in a row from the trolls,:9::banana: they can only sling shit in defeat as their handlers pay them to knowing they are cornered against the wall with nowhere to run no matter how many times this is posted below.:lmao::haha:

that many expert pilots from around the world have said THEY could not have done those magical moves in the air ignoring that an JET AIRLINER "CANNOT" do those feats.

What magical moves?

They are trying to say that the aircraft went inverted and spiraled down into the Pentagon, flying like a fighter jet during combat.

Well..................they did have a small part of it right. I was watching the History Channel's documentary about the attack on the Pentagon, and they said that the pilots had used the autopilot to get to DC, but there was no beacon that led to the Pentagon, it led to the airport. When the terrorists saw that they were going to overshoot the Pentagon, they took it off of autopilot, and then did a spiral maneuver (kind of like a car riding down a spiral ramp, because they stayed nose down but didn't go inverted), and that is how they were able to correct course to hit the Pentagon.

No, there weren't any "magical" maneuvers.


There should not have been any radical maneuvers required as the Pentagon is located practically next to the northern boundaries of Reagan National. It is called a "turn". That would be really hard to do.

According to the documentary, they made a big circle in the sky, and then pointed the nose of the aircraft at the Pentagon.

And, like I said before, the reason that commercial aircraft cruise at 30 to 35,000 feet isn't because they will come apart in the higher density air at lower altitudes, they do it for fuel conservation and to save money.

These conspiracy theory nutters really need to give it a rest Admiral. We've already shown that aircraft can go at high speeds at low altitudes as reflected in the one in PA that hit the ground at 580 mph.

But, I guess a good conspiracy is hard to let go for some.
three farts in a row from the trolls,:9::banana: they can only sling shit in defeat as their handlers pay them to knowing they are cornered against the wall with nowhere to run no matter how many times this is posted below.:lmao::haha:

that many expert pilots from around the world have said THEY could not have done those magical moves in the air ignoring that an JET AIRLINER "CANNOT" do those feats.

What magical moves?

They are trying to say that the aircraft went inverted and spiraled down into the Pentagon, flying like a fighter jet during combat.

Well..................they did have a small part of it right. I was watching the History Channel's documentary about the attack on the Pentagon, and they said that the pilots had used the autopilot to get to DC, but there was no beacon that led to the Pentagon, it led to the airport. When the terrorists saw that they were going to overshoot the Pentagon, they took it off of autopilot, and then did a spiral maneuver (kind of like a car riding down a spiral ramp, because they stayed nose down but didn't go inverted), and that is how they were able to correct course to hit the Pentagon.

No, there weren't any "magical" maneuvers.


There should not have been any radical maneuvers required as the Pentagon is located practically next to the northern boundaries of Reagan National. It is called a "turn". That would be really hard to do.

According to the documentary, they made a big circle in the sky, and then pointed the nose of the aircraft at the Pentagon.

And, like I said before, the reason that commercial aircraft cruise at 30 to 35,000 feet isn't because they will come apart in the higher density air at lower altitudes, they do it for fuel conservation and to save money.

These conspiracy theory nutters really need to give it a rest Admiral. We've already shown that aircraft can go at high speeds at low altitudes as reflected in the one in PA that hit the ground at 580 mph.

But, I guess a good conspiracy is hard to let go for some.

You are correct! It's just like the idiots who claimed our ship's nav systems were hacked when they had those collisions, but it was just a massive fuck-up by people who should know better.
three farts in a row from the trolls,:9::banana: they can only sling shit in defeat as their handlers pay them to knowing they are cornered against the wall with nowhere to run no matter how many times this is posted below.:lmao::haha:

that many expert pilots from around the world have said THEY could not have done those magical moves in the air ignoring that an JET AIRLINER "CANNOT" do those feats.

What magical moves?

Turning, diving, things that planes can't do.
I am going to go with the opinions of experienced pilots that say that planes cannot fly at over 500 MPH at ground level without breaking up if it's all the same to you.

as i said they can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are since what EXPERTS say mean nothing to them,only what their corrupt government agencys and the LAMESTREAM media tell them.comedy gold don they EVER get tired of all the shit they end up with on their faces?.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I am going to go with the opinions of experienced pilots that say that planes cannot fly at over 500 MPH at ground level without breaking up

Can you post some of these experts claiming that these planes would break up over 500 mph?
And how quickly they'd break up.
5 seconds? 5 minutes? 5 hours?

They think that because the aircraft generally cruises at 30,000 to 35,000 feet up in the air where it is thin, and they think the aircraft will break apart at lower levels where the air is thicker in density.

They cite slow speeds when an aircraft lands as "proof" of this concept. Only trouble is, the aircraft has to slow down it's inertia because runways are limited in length.

And yes, an aircraft CAN hit those kinds of speeds at lower altitudes. The main reason that they cruise at 30,000 to 35,000 ft where the air is thin is because of fuel conservation.

There. Mystery solved for all you idiots that think the Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile.

They think modern aircraft are made of balsa wood, instead of being incredibly robust pieces of
high tech equipment.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't use the word "think" when discussing these morons.
Here you go, dumb ass.......break out a dictionary for the multi-syllable says nothing about an elevator repairman, dipshit.

View attachment 171052
The other documents you posted DID say include an affidavit from an elevator repairman.

This one is merely passing on information from the media which was confused in the immediate aftermath as everyone was.

So they were confused when they removed two unexploded devices? HOLY fuck but are you stupid........View attachment 171055
Yes you posted them multiple times and guess that they say?

They clearly says they were gathering information from the media AND that they had an affidavit from an elevator repairman.

They did not say they removed two other bombs. They were passing on what was heard you idiot.

That is exactly what your documents state.

You are such a fucking tool.

Here you go, dumb ass.......break out a dictionary for the multi-syllable says nothing about an elevator repairman, dipshit.

View attachment 171052
There you do JUST as I said.

No report of two bombs being found and removed.

Instead what you have is someone reported what they HEARD through the media.

Which of course was reporting in the immediate aftermath which was a time of chaos and confusion so it is meaningless and proof of NOTHING.

So seriously fool, when will you post some evidence for your stupid claims?

You have not done so yet and your horseshit about being an expert is wasted air because you do not know jack shit.

Just like you are proven wrong about 911.

You are beyond fucking stupid....those reports that I have posted are official reports. 1250 pounds of ANFO would not have created that type of damage and the amount of ammonium nitrate to create that type of damage would have not only blown up the Murrah building but surrounding buildings that were not as solid as the Murrah building and the air would not have been breathable without a gas mask. An ANFO bomb loses PSI (pounds per square inch) as it meets up against a resisting force. They changed the amount of ANFO used from 1250 pounds to 4800 and that STILL would not have done that kind of damage. They found powerdized rebar that was encased in concrete on the 9th floor which is a fucking impossibility.

I PERSONALLY met with Brigadier General Benton Partin in August of 2004 and had dinner with him and his wife at Ft Belvoir just outside of Alexandria, Virginia and he very patiently went into great detail on how ANFO did not do the damage. I have talked with the surviving members of Officer Terry Yeakey's family that were intimidated into silence. Yeah, I know more than you. This has NOTHING to do with partisan politics. This has to do with the truth and what those that really pull the strings are able to do.

I am reading Cody Snodgres's book on PDF until a publisher is found. Cody claims he was approached in late 1994 and offered 500,000 dollars upfront and another 500K after it was done to take done the Murrah building because it was housing very incriminating evidence having to do with the Mena cocaine operation of the CIA and documentation of the failed anthrax vaccines (that was never properly vetted) and given to our soldiers before they went to Iraq for Desert Storm that along with depleted uranium weapons caused them to come down "Gulf War Syndrome". Those weapons were never properly researched and the masks that our soldier wore only prevent 10 microns or more from penetrating into their lungs. Uranium poisoning goes right into the testes of a man and when they came home afterwards, they were passing on this poison to their wives and girlfriends. The monetary implications if this ever made it into court could have potentially cost "da gubermint" hundreds of billions of dollars if not trillions. All those records of those that might have been infected were destroyed or simply carried away when the other two bombs failed to go off. A lot of this I already knew before Cody's book but I had no clue that records of those that might be infected due to the Gulf War were destroyed because of this false flag.

I don't give a flying fuck whether YOU believe it or not........I KNOW how this corporate entity that we call "gubermint" and the shadow government actually works. Cody Snodgres was a black ops vet that contracted with the deep state to carry out various operations outside of the USA. He refused the assignment and then became a threat. Look up his interviews on youtube because he is doing the radio talk show circuit because that is a way to keep him is one that I will post......listen to it and then refute it. I dare's very, VERY detailed.

the amount of ammonium nitrate to create that type of damage would have not only blown up the Murrah building but surrounding buildings that were not as solid as the Murrah building and the air would not have been breathable without a gas mask.

The reaction doesn't produce ammonia as a by product.

Presumably he is saying that such an explosion would create some other type of poisonous gas as a by product but what sort of chemical reaction would cause this is something he simply cannot explain or reference or supply a citation for.

Presumably he is saying that such an explosion would create some other type of poisonous gas as a by product

In a previous post, he did say ammonia.
Other, unhealthy compounds are possible, but he's too stupid to know what those are......
or how quickly they'd dissipate.
three farts in a row from the trolls,:9::banana: they can only sling shit in defeat as their handlers pay them to knowing they are cornered against the wall with nowhere to run no matter how many times this is posted below.:lmao::haha:

that many expert pilots from around the world have said THEY could not have done those magical moves in the air ignoring that an JET AIRLINER "CANNOT" do those feats.

What magical moves?

They are trying to say that the aircraft went inverted and spiraled down into the Pentagon, flying like a fighter jet during combat.

Well..................they did have a small part of it right. I was watching the History Channel's documentary about the attack on the Pentagon, and they said that the pilots had used the autopilot to get to DC, but there was no beacon that led to the Pentagon, it led to the airport. When the terrorists saw that they were going to overshoot the Pentagon, they took it off of autopilot, and then did a spiral maneuver (kind of like a car riding down a spiral ramp, because they stayed nose down but didn't go inverted), and that is how they were able to correct course to hit the Pentagon.

No, there weren't any "magical" maneuvers.


There should not have been any radical maneuvers required as the Pentagon is located practically next to the northern boundaries of Reagan National. It is called a "turn". That would be really hard to do.

According to the documentary, they made a big circle in the sky, and then pointed the nose of the aircraft at the Pentagon.

And, like I said before, the reason that commercial aircraft cruise at 30 to 35,000 feet isn't because they will come apart in the higher density air at lower altitudes, they do it for fuel conservation and to save money.

These conspiracy theory nutters really need to give it a rest Admiral. We've already shown that aircraft can go at high speeds at low altitudes as reflected in the one in PA that hit the ground at 580 mph.

But, I guess a good conspiracy is hard to let go for some.

Probably too many made-for-TV movies.
I'll bet they think a bullet hole from a gun inside the cabin would cause
the bad guy to get sucked out of the plane........LOL!
Go back through the thread and you will see FEMA reports declaring that two other unexploded bombs were removed from the scene...........due your due diligence, little fella.
No they did not.

They reported information obtained from the media and from an elevator repairman AND THAT IS WHAT YOU POSTED.

You are out right lying like the dishonest coward you are AGAIN

Look again, moron...............look again. I posted NUMEROUS documents.
Yes you posted them multiple times and guess that they say?

They clearly says they were gathering information from the media AND that they had an affidavit from an elevator repairman.

They did not say they removed two other bombs. They were passing on what was heard you idiot.

That is exactly what your documents state.

You are such a fucking tool.

Here you go, dumb ass.......break out a dictionary for the multi-syllable says nothing about an elevator repairman, dipshit.

View attachment 171052
There you do JUST as I said.

No report of two bombs being found and removed.

Instead what you have is someone reported what they HEARD through the media.

Which of course was reporting in the immediate aftermath which was a time of chaos and confusion so it is meaningless and proof of NOTHING.

So seriously fool, when will you post some evidence for your stupid claims?

You have not done so yet and your horseshit about being an expert is wasted air because you do not know jack shit.

Just like you are proven wrong about 911.

Read, "son"......

This is the letter that Seargent Terry Yeakey wrote to his ex wife shortly before he was "suicided"........

Dear Ramona, I hope that whatever you hear now and in the future will not change your opinions about myself or others with the Oklahoma Police Department, although some of the things I am about to tell you about is very disturbing. I don’t know if you recall everything that happened that morning or not... The man that you and I were talking about in the pictures I have, made the mistake of asking too many questions as to his role in the bombing, and was told to back off. I was told by several officers he was an ATF agent who was overseeing the bombing plot and at the time the photos were taken he was calling his report of what just went down! I think my days as a police officer are numbered because of the way my supervisors are acting and there is a lot of secrets floating around now about my mental state of mind... Knowing what I know now, and understanding fully just what went down that morning, makes me ashamed to wear a badge from Oklahoma City’s Police Department. I took an oath to uphold the Law and to enforce the Law to the best of my ability. This is something I cannot honestly do and hold my head up proud any longer if I keep my silence as I am ordered to do... because it was the Feds that did this and not the locals, is the reason it’s ok... you should know it’s going to be one-hell-of-a fight... Everyone was behind you until you started asking questions as I did, as to how many Federal agents arrived at the scene at the same time... Don’t make the mistake as I did and ask the wrong people... I worry about you and your family... I would not be afraid to say at this time that you and your family could be harmed if you get any closer to the truth. At this time I think for your well being it is best for you to distance yourself and others from those of us who have stirred up too many questions about the altering and falsifying of the Federal investigation’s reports. I truly believe there are other officers like me out there who would not settle for anything but the truth, it is just a matter of finding them. The only problem as I see it is, who do we turn to then?... The sad truth of the matter is that they have so many police officers convinced that by covering up the truth about the operation gone wrong, that they are actually doing their citizens a favor. What I want to know is how many other operations have they had that blew up in their faces? Makes you stop and take another look at Waco. I would consider it to be an insult to my profession as a police officer and to the citizens of Oklahoma for ANY of the City, State, or Federal agents that stood by and let this happen to be recognized as any other than their part in participation in letting this happen. For those who ran from the scene to change their attire to hide the fact that they were there, should be judged as cowards. If our history books and records are ever truly corrected about that day it will show this and even maybe some lame excuse as to why it happened... Even if I tried to explain it to you the way it was explained to me, and the ridiculous reason for having our own police departments falsify reports to their fellow officers, to the citizens of the city and to our country, you would understand why I feel the way I do about all of this... I am sad to say that I believe my days as a police officer are numbered because of all of this... ”

This letter was several pages long, but the excerpts printed here should be enough for you readers to get the drift. Of course, none of this was ever printed in the mainstream media - only “spin control” articles like the one printed in the New York Times on May 11, 1996. It was titled “A Policeman Who Rescued 4 in Bombing Kills Himself”. As usual, it left out many facts, distorted truth, and explained away the “suicide” because “he was living with emotional pain, because he could not do more to help the people injured in the bombing, and that he was suffering fro intense survivor guilt which he was unable to manage”!!! Wow - nice journalistic work - writers who all get their paychecks from the New York Times - owned/controlled by the corporations/International Bankers.

Excerpts from Cody Snodgres's book..........
No they did not.

They reported information obtained from the media and from an elevator repairman AND THAT IS WHAT YOU POSTED.

You are out right lying like the dishonest coward you are AGAIN

Look again, moron...............look again. I posted NUMEROUS documents.
Yes you posted them multiple times and guess that they say?

They clearly says they were gathering information from the media AND that they had an affidavit from an elevator repairman.

They did not say they removed two other bombs. They were passing on what was heard you idiot.

That is exactly what your documents state.

You are such a fucking tool.

Here you go, dumb ass.......break out a dictionary for the multi-syllable says nothing about an elevator repairman, dipshit.

View attachment 171052
There you do JUST as I said.

No report of two bombs being found and removed.

Instead what you have is someone reported what they HEARD through the media.

Which of course was reporting in the immediate aftermath which was a time of chaos and confusion so it is meaningless and proof of NOTHING.

So seriously fool, when will you post some evidence for your stupid claims?

You have not done so yet and your horseshit about being an expert is wasted air because you do not know jack shit.

Just like you are proven wrong about 911.

Read, "son"......

This is the letter that Seargent Terry Yeakey wrote to his ex wife shortly before he was "suicided"........

Dear Ramona, I hope that whatever you hear now and in the future will not change your opinions about myself or others with the Oklahoma Police Department, although some of the things I am about to tell you about is very disturbing. I don’t know if you recall everything that happened that morning or not... The man that you and I were talking about in the pictures I have, made the mistake of asking too many questions as to his role in the bombing, and was told to back off. I was told by several officers he was an ATF agent who was overseeing the bombing plot and at the time the photos were taken he was calling his report of what just went down! I think my days as a police officer are numbered because of the way my supervisors are acting and there is a lot of secrets floating around now about my mental state of mind... Knowing what I know now, and understanding fully just what went down that morning, makes me ashamed to wear a badge from Oklahoma City’s Police Department. I took an oath to uphold the Law and to enforce the Law to the best of my ability. This is something I cannot honestly do and hold my head up proud any longer if I keep my silence as I am ordered to do... because it was the Feds that did this and not the locals, is the reason it’s ok... you should know it’s going to be one-hell-of-a fight... Everyone was behind you until you started asking questions as I did, as to how many Federal agents arrived at the scene at the same time... Don’t make the mistake as I did and ask the wrong people... I worry about you and your family... I would not be afraid to say at this time that you and your family could be harmed if you get any closer to the truth. At this time I think for your well being it is best for you to distance yourself and others from those of us who have stirred up too many questions about the altering and falsifying of the Federal investigation’s reports. I truly believe there are other officers like me out there who would not settle for anything but the truth, it is just a matter of finding them. The only problem as I see it is, who do we turn to then?... The sad truth of the matter is that they have so many police officers convinced that by covering up the truth about the operation gone wrong, that they are actually doing their citizens a favor. What I want to know is how many other operations have they had that blew up in their faces? Makes you stop and take another look at Waco. I would consider it to be an insult to my profession as a police officer and to the citizens of Oklahoma for ANY of the City, State, or Federal agents that stood by and let this happen to be recognized as any other than their part in participation in letting this happen. For those who ran from the scene to change their attire to hide the fact that they were there, should be judged as cowards. If our history books and records are ever truly corrected about that day it will show this and even maybe some lame excuse as to why it happened... Even if I tried to explain it to you the way it was explained to me, and the ridiculous reason for having our own police departments falsify reports to their fellow officers, to the citizens of the city and to our country, you would understand why I feel the way I do about all of this... I am sad to say that I believe my days as a police officer are numbered because of all of this... ”

This letter was several pages long, but the excerpts printed here should be enough for you readers to get the drift. Of course, none of this was ever printed in the mainstream media - only “spin control” articles like the one printed in the New York Times on May 11, 1996. It was titled “A Policeman Who Rescued 4 in Bombing Kills Himself”. As usual, it left out many facts, distorted truth, and explained away the “suicide” because “he was living with emotional pain, because he could not do more to help the people injured in the bombing, and that he was suffering fro intense survivor guilt which he was unable to manage”!!! Wow - nice journalistic work - writers who all get their paychecks from the New York Times - owned/controlled by the corporations/International Bankers.

Excerpts from Cody Snodgres's book..........

It is also meaningless.

A letter which you wrote and no copy which you claim was taken from book written by a nobody.

You go from no evidence to manufactured crap.
Look again, moron...............look again. I posted NUMEROUS documents.
Yes you posted them multiple times and guess that they say?

They clearly says they were gathering information from the media AND that they had an affidavit from an elevator repairman.

They did not say they removed two other bombs. They were passing on what was heard you idiot.

That is exactly what your documents state.

You are such a fucking tool.

Here you go, dumb ass.......break out a dictionary for the multi-syllable says nothing about an elevator repairman, dipshit.

View attachment 171052
There you do JUST as I said.

No report of two bombs being found and removed.

Instead what you have is someone reported what they HEARD through the media.

Which of course was reporting in the immediate aftermath which was a time of chaos and confusion so it is meaningless and proof of NOTHING.

So seriously fool, when will you post some evidence for your stupid claims?

You have not done so yet and your horseshit about being an expert is wasted air because you do not know jack shit.

Just like you are proven wrong about 911.

Read, "son"......

This is the letter that Seargent Terry Yeakey wrote to his ex wife shortly before he was "suicided"........

Dear Ramona, I hope that whatever you hear now and in the future will not change your opinions about myself or others with the Oklahoma Police Department, although some of the things I am about to tell you about is very disturbing. I don’t know if you recall everything that happened that morning or not... The man that you and I were talking about in the pictures I have, made the mistake of asking too many questions as to his role in the bombing, and was told to back off. I was told by several officers he was an ATF agent who was overseeing the bombing plot and at the time the photos were taken he was calling his report of what just went down! I think my days as a police officer are numbered because of the way my supervisors are acting and there is a lot of secrets floating around now about my mental state of mind... Knowing what I know now, and understanding fully just what went down that morning, makes me ashamed to wear a badge from Oklahoma City’s Police Department. I took an oath to uphold the Law and to enforce the Law to the best of my ability. This is something I cannot honestly do and hold my head up proud any longer if I keep my silence as I am ordered to do... because it was the Feds that did this and not the locals, is the reason it’s ok... you should know it’s going to be one-hell-of-a fight... Everyone was behind you until you started asking questions as I did, as to how many Federal agents arrived at the scene at the same time... Don’t make the mistake as I did and ask the wrong people... I worry about you and your family... I would not be afraid to say at this time that you and your family could be harmed if you get any closer to the truth. At this time I think for your well being it is best for you to distance yourself and others from those of us who have stirred up too many questions about the altering and falsifying of the Federal investigation’s reports. I truly believe there are other officers like me out there who would not settle for anything but the truth, it is just a matter of finding them. The only problem as I see it is, who do we turn to then?... The sad truth of the matter is that they have so many police officers convinced that by covering up the truth about the operation gone wrong, that they are actually doing their citizens a favor. What I want to know is how many other operations have they had that blew up in their faces? Makes you stop and take another look at Waco. I would consider it to be an insult to my profession as a police officer and to the citizens of Oklahoma for ANY of the City, State, or Federal agents that stood by and let this happen to be recognized as any other than their part in participation in letting this happen. For those who ran from the scene to change their attire to hide the fact that they were there, should be judged as cowards. If our history books and records are ever truly corrected about that day it will show this and even maybe some lame excuse as to why it happened... Even if I tried to explain it to you the way it was explained to me, and the ridiculous reason for having our own police departments falsify reports to their fellow officers, to the citizens of the city and to our country, you would understand why I feel the way I do about all of this... I am sad to say that I believe my days as a police officer are numbered because of all of this... ”

This letter was several pages long, but the excerpts printed here should be enough for you readers to get the drift. Of course, none of this was ever printed in the mainstream media - only “spin control” articles like the one printed in the New York Times on May 11, 1996. It was titled “A Policeman Who Rescued 4 in Bombing Kills Himself”. As usual, it left out many facts, distorted truth, and explained away the “suicide” because “he was living with emotional pain, because he could not do more to help the people injured in the bombing, and that he was suffering fro intense survivor guilt which he was unable to manage”!!! Wow - nice journalistic work - writers who all get their paychecks from the New York Times - owned/controlled by the corporations/International Bankers.

Excerpts from Cody Snodgres's book..........

It is also meaningless.

A letter which you wrote and no copy which you claim was taken from book written by a nobody.

You go from no evidence to manufactured crap.

Why don't you ask some of the members of Terry Yeakey's family? They have been interviewed and you can see them on youtube...but I guess they and Eric Snodgres and the other "suicided" people that knew that the official OKC story was bullshit as well.

But what the fuck ever....if it makes you feel better and sleep better at night to be one of the duped sheeple? Knock yourself the fuck's no skin off of my teeth..... but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you think that the likes of you will ever stop me from talking about it. Your "uh-uh?!?!" bullshit hasn't swayed me in the least....not even slightly. Are we clear?
Yes you posted them multiple times and guess that they say?

They clearly says they were gathering information from the media AND that they had an affidavit from an elevator repairman.

They did not say they removed two other bombs. They were passing on what was heard you idiot.

That is exactly what your documents state.

You are such a fucking tool.

Here you go, dumb ass.......break out a dictionary for the multi-syllable says nothing about an elevator repairman, dipshit.

View attachment 171052
There you do JUST as I said.

No report of two bombs being found and removed.

Instead what you have is someone reported what they HEARD through the media.

Which of course was reporting in the immediate aftermath which was a time of chaos and confusion so it is meaningless and proof of NOTHING.

So seriously fool, when will you post some evidence for your stupid claims?

You have not done so yet and your horseshit about being an expert is wasted air because you do not know jack shit.

Just like you are proven wrong about 911.

Read, "son"......

This is the letter that Seargent Terry Yeakey wrote to his ex wife shortly before he was "suicided"........

Dear Ramona, I hope that whatever you hear now and in the future will not change your opinions about myself or others with the Oklahoma Police Department, although some of the things I am about to tell you about is very disturbing. I don’t know if you recall everything that happened that morning or not... The man that you and I were talking about in the pictures I have, made the mistake of asking too many questions as to his role in the bombing, and was told to back off. I was told by several officers he was an ATF agent who was overseeing the bombing plot and at the time the photos were taken he was calling his report of what just went down! I think my days as a police officer are numbered because of the way my supervisors are acting and there is a lot of secrets floating around now about my mental state of mind... Knowing what I know now, and understanding fully just what went down that morning, makes me ashamed to wear a badge from Oklahoma City’s Police Department. I took an oath to uphold the Law and to enforce the Law to the best of my ability. This is something I cannot honestly do and hold my head up proud any longer if I keep my silence as I am ordered to do... because it was the Feds that did this and not the locals, is the reason it’s ok... you should know it’s going to be one-hell-of-a fight... Everyone was behind you until you started asking questions as I did, as to how many Federal agents arrived at the scene at the same time... Don’t make the mistake as I did and ask the wrong people... I worry about you and your family... I would not be afraid to say at this time that you and your family could be harmed if you get any closer to the truth. At this time I think for your well being it is best for you to distance yourself and others from those of us who have stirred up too many questions about the altering and falsifying of the Federal investigation’s reports. I truly believe there are other officers like me out there who would not settle for anything but the truth, it is just a matter of finding them. The only problem as I see it is, who do we turn to then?... The sad truth of the matter is that they have so many police officers convinced that by covering up the truth about the operation gone wrong, that they are actually doing their citizens a favor. What I want to know is how many other operations have they had that blew up in their faces? Makes you stop and take another look at Waco. I would consider it to be an insult to my profession as a police officer and to the citizens of Oklahoma for ANY of the City, State, or Federal agents that stood by and let this happen to be recognized as any other than their part in participation in letting this happen. For those who ran from the scene to change their attire to hide the fact that they were there, should be judged as cowards. If our history books and records are ever truly corrected about that day it will show this and even maybe some lame excuse as to why it happened... Even if I tried to explain it to you the way it was explained to me, and the ridiculous reason for having our own police departments falsify reports to their fellow officers, to the citizens of the city and to our country, you would understand why I feel the way I do about all of this... I am sad to say that I believe my days as a police officer are numbered because of all of this... ”

This letter was several pages long, but the excerpts printed here should be enough for you readers to get the drift. Of course, none of this was ever printed in the mainstream media - only “spin control” articles like the one printed in the New York Times on May 11, 1996. It was titled “A Policeman Who Rescued 4 in Bombing Kills Himself”. As usual, it left out many facts, distorted truth, and explained away the “suicide” because “he was living with emotional pain, because he could not do more to help the people injured in the bombing, and that he was suffering fro intense survivor guilt which he was unable to manage”!!! Wow - nice journalistic work - writers who all get their paychecks from the New York Times - owned/controlled by the corporations/International Bankers.

Excerpts from Cody Snodgres's book..........

It is also meaningless.

A letter which you wrote and no copy which you claim was taken from book written by a nobody.

You go from no evidence to manufactured crap.

Why don't you ask some of the members of Terry Yeakey's family? They have been interviewed and you can see them on youtube...but I guess they and Eric Snodgres and the other "suicided" people that knew that the official OKC story was bullshit as well.

But what the fuck ever....if it makes you feel better and sleep better at night to be one of the duped sheeple? Knock yourself the fuck's no skin off of my teeth..... but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you think that the likes of you will ever stop me from talking about it. Your "uh-uh?!?!" bullshit hasn't swayed me in the least....not even slightly. Are we clear?

Laughing.....more unverified 'evidence' that only you have access to?

Do you have any idea how often you quote YOURSELF as primary source?
Yes you posted them multiple times and guess that they say?

They clearly says they were gathering information from the media AND that they had an affidavit from an elevator repairman.

They did not say they removed two other bombs. They were passing on what was heard you idiot.

That is exactly what your documents state.

You are such a fucking tool.

Here you go, dumb ass.......break out a dictionary for the multi-syllable says nothing about an elevator repairman, dipshit.

View attachment 171052
There you do JUST as I said.

No report of two bombs being found and removed.

Instead what you have is someone reported what they HEARD through the media.

Which of course was reporting in the immediate aftermath which was a time of chaos and confusion so it is meaningless and proof of NOTHING.

So seriously fool, when will you post some evidence for your stupid claims?

You have not done so yet and your horseshit about being an expert is wasted air because you do not know jack shit.

Just like you are proven wrong about 911.

Read, "son"......

This is the letter that Seargent Terry Yeakey wrote to his ex wife shortly before he was "suicided"........

Dear Ramona, I hope that whatever you hear now and in the future will not change your opinions about myself or others with the Oklahoma Police Department, although some of the things I am about to tell you about is very disturbing. I don’t know if you recall everything that happened that morning or not... The man that you and I were talking about in the pictures I have, made the mistake of asking too many questions as to his role in the bombing, and was told to back off. I was told by several officers he was an ATF agent who was overseeing the bombing plot and at the time the photos were taken he was calling his report of what just went down! I think my days as a police officer are numbered because of the way my supervisors are acting and there is a lot of secrets floating around now about my mental state of mind... Knowing what I know now, and understanding fully just what went down that morning, makes me ashamed to wear a badge from Oklahoma City’s Police Department. I took an oath to uphold the Law and to enforce the Law to the best of my ability. This is something I cannot honestly do and hold my head up proud any longer if I keep my silence as I am ordered to do... because it was the Feds that did this and not the locals, is the reason it’s ok... you should know it’s going to be one-hell-of-a fight... Everyone was behind you until you started asking questions as I did, as to how many Federal agents arrived at the scene at the same time... Don’t make the mistake as I did and ask the wrong people... I worry about you and your family... I would not be afraid to say at this time that you and your family could be harmed if you get any closer to the truth. At this time I think for your well being it is best for you to distance yourself and others from those of us who have stirred up too many questions about the altering and falsifying of the Federal investigation’s reports. I truly believe there are other officers like me out there who would not settle for anything but the truth, it is just a matter of finding them. The only problem as I see it is, who do we turn to then?... The sad truth of the matter is that they have so many police officers convinced that by covering up the truth about the operation gone wrong, that they are actually doing their citizens a favor. What I want to know is how many other operations have they had that blew up in their faces? Makes you stop and take another look at Waco. I would consider it to be an insult to my profession as a police officer and to the citizens of Oklahoma for ANY of the City, State, or Federal agents that stood by and let this happen to be recognized as any other than their part in participation in letting this happen. For those who ran from the scene to change their attire to hide the fact that they were there, should be judged as cowards. If our history books and records are ever truly corrected about that day it will show this and even maybe some lame excuse as to why it happened... Even if I tried to explain it to you the way it was explained to me, and the ridiculous reason for having our own police departments falsify reports to their fellow officers, to the citizens of the city and to our country, you would understand why I feel the way I do about all of this... I am sad to say that I believe my days as a police officer are numbered because of all of this... ”

This letter was several pages long, but the excerpts printed here should be enough for you readers to get the drift. Of course, none of this was ever printed in the mainstream media - only “spin control” articles like the one printed in the New York Times on May 11, 1996. It was titled “A Policeman Who Rescued 4 in Bombing Kills Himself”. As usual, it left out many facts, distorted truth, and explained away the “suicide” because “he was living with emotional pain, because he could not do more to help the people injured in the bombing, and that he was suffering fro intense survivor guilt which he was unable to manage”!!! Wow - nice journalistic work - writers who all get their paychecks from the New York Times - owned/controlled by the corporations/International Bankers.

Excerpts from Cody Snodgres's book..........

It is also meaningless.

A letter which you wrote and no copy which you claim was taken from book written by a nobody.

You go from no evidence to manufactured crap.

Why don't you ask some of the members of Terry Yeakey's family? They have been interviewed and you can see them on youtube...but I guess they and Eric Snodgres and the other "suicided" people that knew that the official OKC story was bullshit as well.

But what the fuck ever....if it makes you feel better and sleep better at night to be one of the duped sheeple? Knock yourself the fuck's no skin off of my teeth..... but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you think that the likes of you will ever stop me from talking about it. Your "uh-uh?!?!" bullshit hasn't swayed me in the least....not even slightly. Are we clear?
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.
Here you go, dumb ass.......break out a dictionary for the multi-syllable says nothing about an elevator repairman, dipshit.

View attachment 171052
There you do JUST as I said.

No report of two bombs being found and removed.

Instead what you have is someone reported what they HEARD through the media.

Which of course was reporting in the immediate aftermath which was a time of chaos and confusion so it is meaningless and proof of NOTHING.

So seriously fool, when will you post some evidence for your stupid claims?

You have not done so yet and your horseshit about being an expert is wasted air because you do not know jack shit.

Just like you are proven wrong about 911.

Read, "son"......

This is the letter that Seargent Terry Yeakey wrote to his ex wife shortly before he was "suicided"........

Dear Ramona, I hope that whatever you hear now and in the future will not change your opinions about myself or others with the Oklahoma Police Department, although some of the things I am about to tell you about is very disturbing. I don’t know if you recall everything that happened that morning or not... The man that you and I were talking about in the pictures I have, made the mistake of asking too many questions as to his role in the bombing, and was told to back off. I was told by several officers he was an ATF agent who was overseeing the bombing plot and at the time the photos were taken he was calling his report of what just went down! I think my days as a police officer are numbered because of the way my supervisors are acting and there is a lot of secrets floating around now about my mental state of mind... Knowing what I know now, and understanding fully just what went down that morning, makes me ashamed to wear a badge from Oklahoma City’s Police Department. I took an oath to uphold the Law and to enforce the Law to the best of my ability. This is something I cannot honestly do and hold my head up proud any longer if I keep my silence as I am ordered to do... because it was the Feds that did this and not the locals, is the reason it’s ok... you should know it’s going to be one-hell-of-a fight... Everyone was behind you until you started asking questions as I did, as to how many Federal agents arrived at the scene at the same time... Don’t make the mistake as I did and ask the wrong people... I worry about you and your family... I would not be afraid to say at this time that you and your family could be harmed if you get any closer to the truth. At this time I think for your well being it is best for you to distance yourself and others from those of us who have stirred up too many questions about the altering and falsifying of the Federal investigation’s reports. I truly believe there are other officers like me out there who would not settle for anything but the truth, it is just a matter of finding them. The only problem as I see it is, who do we turn to then?... The sad truth of the matter is that they have so many police officers convinced that by covering up the truth about the operation gone wrong, that they are actually doing their citizens a favor. What I want to know is how many other operations have they had that blew up in their faces? Makes you stop and take another look at Waco. I would consider it to be an insult to my profession as a police officer and to the citizens of Oklahoma for ANY of the City, State, or Federal agents that stood by and let this happen to be recognized as any other than their part in participation in letting this happen. For those who ran from the scene to change their attire to hide the fact that they were there, should be judged as cowards. If our history books and records are ever truly corrected about that day it will show this and even maybe some lame excuse as to why it happened... Even if I tried to explain it to you the way it was explained to me, and the ridiculous reason for having our own police departments falsify reports to their fellow officers, to the citizens of the city and to our country, you would understand why I feel the way I do about all of this... I am sad to say that I believe my days as a police officer are numbered because of all of this... ”

This letter was several pages long, but the excerpts printed here should be enough for you readers to get the drift. Of course, none of this was ever printed in the mainstream media - only “spin control” articles like the one printed in the New York Times on May 11, 1996. It was titled “A Policeman Who Rescued 4 in Bombing Kills Himself”. As usual, it left out many facts, distorted truth, and explained away the “suicide” because “he was living with emotional pain, because he could not do more to help the people injured in the bombing, and that he was suffering fro intense survivor guilt which he was unable to manage”!!! Wow - nice journalistic work - writers who all get their paychecks from the New York Times - owned/controlled by the corporations/International Bankers.

Excerpts from Cody Snodgres's book..........

It is also meaningless.

A letter which you wrote and no copy which you claim was taken from book written by a nobody.

You go from no evidence to manufactured crap.

Why don't you ask some of the members of Terry Yeakey's family? They have been interviewed and you can see them on youtube...but I guess they and Eric Snodgres and the other "suicided" people that knew that the official OKC story was bullshit as well.

But what the fuck ever....if it makes you feel better and sleep better at night to be one of the duped sheeple? Knock yourself the fuck's no skin off of my teeth..... but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you think that the likes of you will ever stop me from talking about it. Your "uh-uh?!?!" bullshit hasn't swayed me in the least....not even slightly. Are we clear?
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.
There you do JUST as I said.

No report of two bombs being found and removed.

Instead what you have is someone reported what they HEARD through the media.

Which of course was reporting in the immediate aftermath which was a time of chaos and confusion so it is meaningless and proof of NOTHING.

So seriously fool, when will you post some evidence for your stupid claims?

You have not done so yet and your horseshit about being an expert is wasted air because you do not know jack shit.

Just like you are proven wrong about 911.

Read, "son"......

This is the letter that Seargent Terry Yeakey wrote to his ex wife shortly before he was "suicided"........

Dear Ramona, I hope that whatever you hear now and in the future will not change your opinions about myself or others with the Oklahoma Police Department, although some of the things I am about to tell you about is very disturbing. I don’t know if you recall everything that happened that morning or not... The man that you and I were talking about in the pictures I have, made the mistake of asking too many questions as to his role in the bombing, and was told to back off. I was told by several officers he was an ATF agent who was overseeing the bombing plot and at the time the photos were taken he was calling his report of what just went down! I think my days as a police officer are numbered because of the way my supervisors are acting and there is a lot of secrets floating around now about my mental state of mind... Knowing what I know now, and understanding fully just what went down that morning, makes me ashamed to wear a badge from Oklahoma City’s Police Department. I took an oath to uphold the Law and to enforce the Law to the best of my ability. This is something I cannot honestly do and hold my head up proud any longer if I keep my silence as I am ordered to do... because it was the Feds that did this and not the locals, is the reason it’s ok... you should know it’s going to be one-hell-of-a fight... Everyone was behind you until you started asking questions as I did, as to how many Federal agents arrived at the scene at the same time... Don’t make the mistake as I did and ask the wrong people... I worry about you and your family... I would not be afraid to say at this time that you and your family could be harmed if you get any closer to the truth. At this time I think for your well being it is best for you to distance yourself and others from those of us who have stirred up too many questions about the altering and falsifying of the Federal investigation’s reports. I truly believe there are other officers like me out there who would not settle for anything but the truth, it is just a matter of finding them. The only problem as I see it is, who do we turn to then?... The sad truth of the matter is that they have so many police officers convinced that by covering up the truth about the operation gone wrong, that they are actually doing their citizens a favor. What I want to know is how many other operations have they had that blew up in their faces? Makes you stop and take another look at Waco. I would consider it to be an insult to my profession as a police officer and to the citizens of Oklahoma for ANY of the City, State, or Federal agents that stood by and let this happen to be recognized as any other than their part in participation in letting this happen. For those who ran from the scene to change their attire to hide the fact that they were there, should be judged as cowards. If our history books and records are ever truly corrected about that day it will show this and even maybe some lame excuse as to why it happened... Even if I tried to explain it to you the way it was explained to me, and the ridiculous reason for having our own police departments falsify reports to their fellow officers, to the citizens of the city and to our country, you would understand why I feel the way I do about all of this... I am sad to say that I believe my days as a police officer are numbered because of all of this... ”

This letter was several pages long, but the excerpts printed here should be enough for you readers to get the drift. Of course, none of this was ever printed in the mainstream media - only “spin control” articles like the one printed in the New York Times on May 11, 1996. It was titled “A Policeman Who Rescued 4 in Bombing Kills Himself”. As usual, it left out many facts, distorted truth, and explained away the “suicide” because “he was living with emotional pain, because he could not do more to help the people injured in the bombing, and that he was suffering fro intense survivor guilt which he was unable to manage”!!! Wow - nice journalistic work - writers who all get their paychecks from the New York Times - owned/controlled by the corporations/International Bankers.

Excerpts from Cody Snodgres's book..........

It is also meaningless.

A letter which you wrote and no copy which you claim was taken from book written by a nobody.

You go from no evidence to manufactured crap.

Why don't you ask some of the members of Terry Yeakey's family? They have been interviewed and you can see them on youtube...but I guess they and Eric Snodgres and the other "suicided" people that knew that the official OKC story was bullshit as well.

But what the fuck ever....if it makes you feel better and sleep better at night to be one of the duped sheeple? Knock yourself the fuck's no skin off of my teeth..... but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you think that the likes of you will ever stop me from talking about it. Your "uh-uh?!?!" bullshit hasn't swayed me in the least....not even slightly. Are we clear?
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.
There you do JUST as I said.

No report of two bombs being found and removed.

Instead what you have is someone reported what they HEARD through the media.

Which of course was reporting in the immediate aftermath which was a time of chaos and confusion so it is meaningless and proof of NOTHING.

So seriously fool, when will you post some evidence for your stupid claims?

You have not done so yet and your horseshit about being an expert is wasted air because you do not know jack shit.

Just like you are proven wrong about 911.

Read, "son"......

This is the letter that Seargent Terry Yeakey wrote to his ex wife shortly before he was "suicided"........

Dear Ramona, I hope that whatever you hear now and in the future will not change your opinions about myself or others with the Oklahoma Police Department, although some of the things I am about to tell you about is very disturbing. I don’t know if you recall everything that happened that morning or not... The man that you and I were talking about in the pictures I have, made the mistake of asking too many questions as to his role in the bombing, and was told to back off. I was told by several officers he was an ATF agent who was overseeing the bombing plot and at the time the photos were taken he was calling his report of what just went down! I think my days as a police officer are numbered because of the way my supervisors are acting and there is a lot of secrets floating around now about my mental state of mind... Knowing what I know now, and understanding fully just what went down that morning, makes me ashamed to wear a badge from Oklahoma City’s Police Department. I took an oath to uphold the Law and to enforce the Law to the best of my ability. This is something I cannot honestly do and hold my head up proud any longer if I keep my silence as I am ordered to do... because it was the Feds that did this and not the locals, is the reason it’s ok... you should know it’s going to be one-hell-of-a fight... Everyone was behind you until you started asking questions as I did, as to how many Federal agents arrived at the scene at the same time... Don’t make the mistake as I did and ask the wrong people... I worry about you and your family... I would not be afraid to say at this time that you and your family could be harmed if you get any closer to the truth. At this time I think for your well being it is best for you to distance yourself and others from those of us who have stirred up too many questions about the altering and falsifying of the Federal investigation’s reports. I truly believe there are other officers like me out there who would not settle for anything but the truth, it is just a matter of finding them. The only problem as I see it is, who do we turn to then?... The sad truth of the matter is that they have so many police officers convinced that by covering up the truth about the operation gone wrong, that they are actually doing their citizens a favor. What I want to know is how many other operations have they had that blew up in their faces? Makes you stop and take another look at Waco. I would consider it to be an insult to my profession as a police officer and to the citizens of Oklahoma for ANY of the City, State, or Federal agents that stood by and let this happen to be recognized as any other than their part in participation in letting this happen. For those who ran from the scene to change their attire to hide the fact that they were there, should be judged as cowards. If our history books and records are ever truly corrected about that day it will show this and even maybe some lame excuse as to why it happened... Even if I tried to explain it to you the way it was explained to me, and the ridiculous reason for having our own police departments falsify reports to their fellow officers, to the citizens of the city and to our country, you would understand why I feel the way I do about all of this... I am sad to say that I believe my days as a police officer are numbered because of all of this... ”

This letter was several pages long, but the excerpts printed here should be enough for you readers to get the drift. Of course, none of this was ever printed in the mainstream media - only “spin control” articles like the one printed in the New York Times on May 11, 1996. It was titled “A Policeman Who Rescued 4 in Bombing Kills Himself”. As usual, it left out many facts, distorted truth, and explained away the “suicide” because “he was living with emotional pain, because he could not do more to help the people injured in the bombing, and that he was suffering fro intense survivor guilt which he was unable to manage”!!! Wow - nice journalistic work - writers who all get their paychecks from the New York Times - owned/controlled by the corporations/International Bankers.

Excerpts from Cody Snodgres's book..........

It is also meaningless.

A letter which you wrote and no copy which you claim was taken from book written by a nobody.

You go from no evidence to manufactured crap.

Why don't you ask some of the members of Terry Yeakey's family? They have been interviewed and you can see them on youtube...but I guess they and Eric Snodgres and the other "suicided" people that knew that the official OKC story was bullshit as well.

But what the fuck ever....if it makes you feel better and sleep better at night to be one of the duped sheeple? Knock yourself the fuck's no skin off of my teeth..... but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you think that the likes of you will ever stop me from talking about it. Your "uh-uh?!?!" bullshit hasn't swayed me in the least....not even slightly. Are we clear?
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

Because we don't accept YOU citing YOU as a primary source.

You making up an imaginary 'letter' isn't 'evidence'. Its an excuse for it. And you willfully, even desperately ignore mountains of evidence contradicting you. Black boxes, eye witnesses, engineering reports, plane debris, autopsies......anything that doesn't fit into your batshit conspiracy wasteland.

But why would a rational person ignore what you do?

Spoiler Alert: They wouldn't.
Read, "son"......

This is the letter that Seargent Terry Yeakey wrote to his ex wife shortly before he was "suicided"........

Dear Ramona, I hope that whatever you hear now and in the future will not change your opinions about myself or others with the Oklahoma Police Department, although some of the things I am about to tell you about is very disturbing. I don’t know if you recall everything that happened that morning or not... The man that you and I were talking about in the pictures I have, made the mistake of asking too many questions as to his role in the bombing, and was told to back off. I was told by several officers he was an ATF agent who was overseeing the bombing plot and at the time the photos were taken he was calling his report of what just went down! I think my days as a police officer are numbered because of the way my supervisors are acting and there is a lot of secrets floating around now about my mental state of mind... Knowing what I know now, and understanding fully just what went down that morning, makes me ashamed to wear a badge from Oklahoma City’s Police Department. I took an oath to uphold the Law and to enforce the Law to the best of my ability. This is something I cannot honestly do and hold my head up proud any longer if I keep my silence as I am ordered to do... because it was the Feds that did this and not the locals, is the reason it’s ok... you should know it’s going to be one-hell-of-a fight... Everyone was behind you until you started asking questions as I did, as to how many Federal agents arrived at the scene at the same time... Don’t make the mistake as I did and ask the wrong people... I worry about you and your family... I would not be afraid to say at this time that you and your family could be harmed if you get any closer to the truth. At this time I think for your well being it is best for you to distance yourself and others from those of us who have stirred up too many questions about the altering and falsifying of the Federal investigation’s reports. I truly believe there are other officers like me out there who would not settle for anything but the truth, it is just a matter of finding them. The only problem as I see it is, who do we turn to then?... The sad truth of the matter is that they have so many police officers convinced that by covering up the truth about the operation gone wrong, that they are actually doing their citizens a favor. What I want to know is how many other operations have they had that blew up in their faces? Makes you stop and take another look at Waco. I would consider it to be an insult to my profession as a police officer and to the citizens of Oklahoma for ANY of the City, State, or Federal agents that stood by and let this happen to be recognized as any other than their part in participation in letting this happen. For those who ran from the scene to change their attire to hide the fact that they were there, should be judged as cowards. If our history books and records are ever truly corrected about that day it will show this and even maybe some lame excuse as to why it happened... Even if I tried to explain it to you the way it was explained to me, and the ridiculous reason for having our own police departments falsify reports to their fellow officers, to the citizens of the city and to our country, you would understand why I feel the way I do about all of this... I am sad to say that I believe my days as a police officer are numbered because of all of this... ”

This letter was several pages long, but the excerpts printed here should be enough for you readers to get the drift. Of course, none of this was ever printed in the mainstream media - only “spin control” articles like the one printed in the New York Times on May 11, 1996. It was titled “A Policeman Who Rescued 4 in Bombing Kills Himself”. As usual, it left out many facts, distorted truth, and explained away the “suicide” because “he was living with emotional pain, because he could not do more to help the people injured in the bombing, and that he was suffering fro intense survivor guilt which he was unable to manage”!!! Wow - nice journalistic work - writers who all get their paychecks from the New York Times - owned/controlled by the corporations/International Bankers.

Excerpts from Cody Snodgres's book..........

It is also meaningless.

A letter which you wrote and no copy which you claim was taken from book written by a nobody.

You go from no evidence to manufactured crap.

Why don't you ask some of the members of Terry Yeakey's family? They have been interviewed and you can see them on youtube...but I guess they and Eric Snodgres and the other "suicided" people that knew that the official OKC story was bullshit as well.

But what the fuck ever....if it makes you feel better and sleep better at night to be one of the duped sheeple? Knock yourself the fuck's no skin off of my teeth..... but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you think that the likes of you will ever stop me from talking about it. Your "uh-uh?!?!" bullshit hasn't swayed me in the least....not even slightly. Are we clear?
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................
It is also meaningless.

A letter which you wrote and no copy which you claim was taken from book written by a nobody.

You go from no evidence to manufactured crap.

Why don't you ask some of the members of Terry Yeakey's family? They have been interviewed and you can see them on youtube...but I guess they and Eric Snodgres and the other "suicided" people that knew that the official OKC story was bullshit as well.

But what the fuck ever....if it makes you feel better and sleep better at night to be one of the duped sheeple? Knock yourself the fuck's no skin off of my teeth..... but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you think that the likes of you will ever stop me from talking about it. Your "uh-uh?!?!" bullshit hasn't swayed me in the least....not even slightly. Are we clear?
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

This thread is about 9/11. Please try to keep on track!
Why don't you ask some of the members of Terry Yeakey's family? They have been interviewed and you can see them on youtube...but I guess they and Eric Snodgres and the other "suicided" people that knew that the official OKC story was bullshit as well.

But what the fuck ever....if it makes you feel better and sleep better at night to be one of the duped sheeple? Knock yourself the fuck's no skin off of my teeth..... but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you think that the likes of you will ever stop me from talking about it. Your "uh-uh?!?!" bullshit hasn't swayed me in the least....not even slightly. Are we clear?
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

This thread is about 9/11. Please try to keep on track!

OKC was a precursor to 9/11.......anyway.......

No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

This thread is about 9/11. Please try to keep on track!

OKC was a precursor to 9/11.......anyway.......

There is no timestamp on the video. How do we know that the building shown as WTC 7 is in fact correct?

The link below shows how close it was to the WTC-1 and WTC -2. The video makes the building in question appear to be much farther away. You will also notice the color of the building in the video is incorrect. WTC-7 was red in color.

7 World Trade Center - Wikipedia

Want to try again?
You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

This thread is about 9/11. Please try to keep on track!

OKC was a precursor to 9/11.......anyway.......

There is no timestamp on the video. How do we know that the building shown as WTC 7 is in fact correct?

The link below shows how close it was to the WTC-1 and WTC -2. The video makes the building in question appear to be much farther away. You will also notice the color of the building in the video is incorrect. WTC-7 was red in color.

7 World Trade Center - Wikipedia

Want to try again?

This looks like a collapse caused by office fires? Of course they have also claimed that the structure was weakened by falling debris of WTC one and two but it was on the outer perimeter and collapses in freefall fashion and straight into it's own footprint........I don't buy this shit all.....

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

This thread is about 9/11. Please try to keep on track!

OKC was a precursor to 9/11.......anyway.......

There is no timestamp on the video. How do we know that the building shown as WTC 7 is in fact correct?

The link below shows how close it was to the WTC-1 and WTC -2. The video makes the building in question appear to be much farther away. You will also notice the color of the building in the video is incorrect. WTC-7 was red in color.

7 World Trade Center - Wikipedia

Want to try again?

This looks like a collapse caused by office fires? Of course they have also claimed that the structure was weakened by falling debris of WTC one and two but it was on the outer perimeter and collapses in freefall fashion and straight into it's own footprint........I don't buy this shit all.....

What was on the outer perimeter? Where does the video show the side of the building that was facing the Twin Towers? Oops! You can't see that can you because the only angle where you could see it would be blocked by smoke from the fires.

Also, considering it did not fall into its own footprint, why don't you back that truck up? Note the last part of the video as it falls to the right. The fall is asymmetrical.

I have bad news for all of you conspiracy theorists. Gravity works! Buildings don't fall like a tree being chopped down.

Look at this video and tell me that the inside of that building was not a raging inferno!

Still waiting!
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