Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence. I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt. But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.
You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.
You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event...
...And I'm sure you will but before you begin could you post a primary source link to the letter you think conclusively proves Sgt Yeakey was "suicided," and that the OKC bombing and 9/11 were gov't "false flag events" with millions (or tens of millions) of co-conspirators including but not limited to numerous official federal, state, and local investigators, private professional investigations, and huge swaths of our MSM?
How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

This thread is about 9/11. Please try to keep on track!

OKC was a precursor to 9/11.......anyway.......

There is no timestamp on the video. How do we know that the building shown as WTC 7 is in fact correct?

The link below shows how close it was to the WTC-1 and WTC -2. The video makes the building in question appear to be much farther away. You will also notice the color of the building in the video is incorrect. WTC-7 was red in color.

7 World Trade Center - Wikipedia

Want to try again?

This looks like a collapse caused by office fires? Of course they have also claimed that the structure was weakened by falling debris of WTC one and two but it was on the outer perimeter and collapses in freefall fashion and straight into it's own footprint........I don't buy this shit all.....

What was on the outer perimeter? Where does the video show the side of the building that was facing the Twin Towers? Oops! You can't see that can you because the only angle where you could see it would be blocked by smoke from the fires.

Also, considering it did not fall into its own footprint, why don't you back that truck up? Note the last part of the video as it falls to the right. The fall is asymmetrical.

I have bad news for all of you conspiracy theorists. Gravity works! Buildings don't fall like a tree being chopped down.

Look at this video and tell me that the inside of that building was not a raging inferno!

Still waiting!

And as every one of these 9'11 threads has done over my years here, this one is grinding down to its inevitable end not with a bang but with a whimper. Once again Smith has painted himself into a corner in a vain attempt to defend his belief system by posting half-truths & outright fabrications while - as Skylar noted - "willfully, even desperately" ignoring "mountains of evidence" such as "black boxes, eye witnesses, engineering reports, plane debris, autopsies......anything that doesn't fit into" his "batshit conspiracy wasteland."

The question is all that remains: why would any rational person ignore what Smith and the 9/11 CTs do?
Is it just mental disease, paranoia, or religious fervor, or is there something more insidious driving their agenda?
Firefighters mistaken.........they simply "heard things".....

9/11 Firefighters Reveal Bombs Destroyed WTC lobby

Explosions are not bombs. Every single one of these people had been through a traumatic experience they never anticipated. They are not thinking clearly. Internal collapses in a building sound like explosions. There were no secondary explosions caused by bombs. With all due respect to those firefighters, they are not college educated in physics or structural engineering to make those determinations.

Just like the people on WTC-7 said that there were only small fires in the building when I posted the conspiracy theorist videos showing, through the broken windows, a raging inferno across the entire length and width of the building just before it collapsed. The dishonesty of those making the video was readily apparent. You can see the fires with your own eyes. Why pretend they were not there?
Firefighters mistaken.........they simply "heard things".....

9/11 Firefighters Reveal Bombs Destroyed WTC lobby

Explosions are not bombs. Every single one of these people had been through a traumatic experience they never anticipated. They are not thinking clearly. Internal collapses in a building sound like explosions. There were no secondary explosions caused by bombs. With all due respect to those firefighters, they are not college educated in physics or structural engineering to make those determinations.

Just like the people on WTC-7 said that there were only small fires in the building when I posted the conspiracy theorist videos showing, through the broken windows, a raging inferno across the entire length and width of the building just before it collapsed. The dishonesty of those making the video was readily apparent. You can see the fires with your own eyes. Why pretend they were not there?

If you say so....if planes hitting the 82nd floor of a high rise causes explosions in the basements of the buildings that were hit? Well, there just HAS to be a scientific reason....because after all, it was just a happenstance of unfortunate
Firefighters mistaken.........they simply "heard things".....

9/11 Firefighters Reveal Bombs Destroyed WTC lobby

Explosions are not bombs. Every single one of these people had been through a traumatic experience they never anticipated. They are not thinking clearly. Internal collapses in a building sound like explosions. There were no secondary explosions caused by bombs. With all due respect to those firefighters, they are not college educated in physics or structural engineering to make those determinations.

Just like the people on WTC-7 said that there were only small fires in the building when I posted the conspiracy theorist videos showing, through the broken windows, a raging inferno across the entire length and width of the building just before it collapsed. The dishonesty of those making the video was readily apparent. You can see the fires with your own eyes. Why pretend they were not there?

If you say so....if planes hitting the 82nd floor of a high rise causes explosions in the basements of the buildings that were hit? Well, there just HAS to be a scientific reason....because after all, it was just a happenstance of unfortunate

Ever hear of elevators? In the WTC, the structural support for the building was the area containing the elevator shafts. Do you know how a chimney works? It allow air to be drawn into a fire from below and makes it burn even more intensely. The floor beams extended from the center support structure to the exterior walls of the building. Once the outer walls were weakened by the plane tearing through them on multiple sides of the building, collapse was inevitable. Those floors collapsing downward would sound like huge explosions to those down below. That is why both buildings "pancaked" downward.
I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

This thread is about 9/11. Please try to keep on track!

OKC was a precursor to 9/11.......anyway.......

There is no timestamp on the video. How do we know that the building shown as WTC 7 is in fact correct?

The link below shows how close it was to the WTC-1 and WTC -2. The video makes the building in question appear to be much farther away. You will also notice the color of the building in the video is incorrect. WTC-7 was red in color.

7 World Trade Center - Wikipedia

Want to try again?

This looks like a collapse caused by office fires? Of course they have also claimed that the structure was weakened by falling debris of WTC one and two but it was on the outer perimeter and collapses in freefall fashion and straight into it's own footprint........I don't buy this shit all.....

Of course they have also claimed that the structure was weakened by falling debris of WTC one and two

The debris didn't weaken it? Why was it bulging long before the collapse?
Firefighters mistaken.........they simply "heard things".....

9/11 Firefighters Reveal Bombs Destroyed WTC lobby

Explosions are not bombs. Every single one of these people had been through a traumatic experience they never anticipated. They are not thinking clearly. Internal collapses in a building sound like explosions. There were no secondary explosions caused by bombs. With all due respect to those firefighters, they are not college educated in physics or structural engineering to make those determinations.

Just like the people on WTC-7 said that there were only small fires in the building when I posted the conspiracy theorist videos showing, through the broken windows, a raging inferno across the entire length and width of the building just before it collapsed. The dishonesty of those making the video was readily apparent. You can see the fires with your own eyes. Why pretend they were not there?

If you say so....if planes hitting the 82nd floor of a high rise causes explosions in the basements of the buildings that were hit? Well, there just HAS to be a scientific reason....because after all, it was just a happenstance of unfortunate

if planes hitting the 82nd floor of a high rise causes explosions in the basements of the buildings that were hit? Well, there just HAS to be a scientific reason....

Only because tens of thousands of gallons of jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts and set fires in the lobby.
There you do JUST as I said.

No report of two bombs being found and removed.

Instead what you have is someone reported what they HEARD through the media.

Which of course was reporting in the immediate aftermath which was a time of chaos and confusion so it is meaningless and proof of NOTHING.

So seriously fool, when will you post some evidence for your stupid claims?

You have not done so yet and your horseshit about being an expert is wasted air because you do not know jack shit.

Just like you are proven wrong about 911.

Read, "son"......

This is the letter that Seargent Terry Yeakey wrote to his ex wife shortly before he was "suicided"........

Dear Ramona, I hope that whatever you hear now and in the future will not change your opinions about myself or others with the Oklahoma Police Department, although some of the things I am about to tell you about is very disturbing. I don’t know if you recall everything that happened that morning or not... The man that you and I were talking about in the pictures I have, made the mistake of asking too many questions as to his role in the bombing, and was told to back off. I was told by several officers he was an ATF agent who was overseeing the bombing plot and at the time the photos were taken he was calling his report of what just went down! I think my days as a police officer are numbered because of the way my supervisors are acting and there is a lot of secrets floating around now about my mental state of mind... Knowing what I know now, and understanding fully just what went down that morning, makes me ashamed to wear a badge from Oklahoma City’s Police Department. I took an oath to uphold the Law and to enforce the Law to the best of my ability. This is something I cannot honestly do and hold my head up proud any longer if I keep my silence as I am ordered to do... because it was the Feds that did this and not the locals, is the reason it’s ok... you should know it’s going to be one-hell-of-a fight... Everyone was behind you until you started asking questions as I did, as to how many Federal agents arrived at the scene at the same time... Don’t make the mistake as I did and ask the wrong people... I worry about you and your family... I would not be afraid to say at this time that you and your family could be harmed if you get any closer to the truth. At this time I think for your well being it is best for you to distance yourself and others from those of us who have stirred up too many questions about the altering and falsifying of the Federal investigation’s reports. I truly believe there are other officers like me out there who would not settle for anything but the truth, it is just a matter of finding them. The only problem as I see it is, who do we turn to then?... The sad truth of the matter is that they have so many police officers convinced that by covering up the truth about the operation gone wrong, that they are actually doing their citizens a favor. What I want to know is how many other operations have they had that blew up in their faces? Makes you stop and take another look at Waco. I would consider it to be an insult to my profession as a police officer and to the citizens of Oklahoma for ANY of the City, State, or Federal agents that stood by and let this happen to be recognized as any other than their part in participation in letting this happen. For those who ran from the scene to change their attire to hide the fact that they were there, should be judged as cowards. If our history books and records are ever truly corrected about that day it will show this and even maybe some lame excuse as to why it happened... Even if I tried to explain it to you the way it was explained to me, and the ridiculous reason for having our own police departments falsify reports to their fellow officers, to the citizens of the city and to our country, you would understand why I feel the way I do about all of this... I am sad to say that I believe my days as a police officer are numbered because of all of this... ”

This letter was several pages long, but the excerpts printed here should be enough for you readers to get the drift. Of course, none of this was ever printed in the mainstream media - only “spin control” articles like the one printed in the New York Times on May 11, 1996. It was titled “A Policeman Who Rescued 4 in Bombing Kills Himself”. As usual, it left out many facts, distorted truth, and explained away the “suicide” because “he was living with emotional pain, because he could not do more to help the people injured in the bombing, and that he was suffering fro intense survivor guilt which he was unable to manage”!!! Wow - nice journalistic work - writers who all get their paychecks from the New York Times - owned/controlled by the corporations/International Bankers.

Excerpts from Cody Snodgres's book..........

It is also meaningless.

A letter which you wrote and no copy which you claim was taken from book written by a nobody.

You go from no evidence to manufactured crap.

Why don't you ask some of the members of Terry Yeakey's family? They have been interviewed and you can see them on youtube...but I guess they and Eric Snodgres and the other "suicided" people that knew that the official OKC story was bullshit as well.

But what the fuck ever....if it makes you feel better and sleep better at night to be one of the duped sheeple? Knock yourself the fuck's no skin off of my teeth..... but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you think that the likes of you will ever stop me from talking about it. Your "uh-uh?!?!" bullshit hasn't swayed me in the least....not even slightly. Are we clear?
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.
No you could not.

You have no such evidence to post.

There is no such evidence.

The evidence all proves you wrong
It is also meaningless.

A letter which you wrote and no copy which you claim was taken from book written by a nobody.

You go from no evidence to manufactured crap.

Why don't you ask some of the members of Terry Yeakey's family? They have been interviewed and you can see them on youtube...but I guess they and Eric Snodgres and the other "suicided" people that knew that the official OKC story was bullshit as well.

But what the fuck ever....if it makes you feel better and sleep better at night to be one of the duped sheeple? Knock yourself the fuck's no skin off of my teeth..... but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you think that the likes of you will ever stop me from talking about it. Your "uh-uh?!?!" bullshit hasn't swayed me in the least....not even slightly. Are we clear?
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

Citation needed.

Your word is not enough. You lack credibility.
Why don't you ask some of the members of Terry Yeakey's family? They have been interviewed and you can see them on youtube...but I guess they and Eric Snodgres and the other "suicided" people that knew that the official OKC story was bullshit as well.

But what the fuck ever....if it makes you feel better and sleep better at night to be one of the duped sheeple? Knock yourself the fuck's no skin off of my teeth..... but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you think that the likes of you will ever stop me from talking about it. Your "uh-uh?!?!" bullshit hasn't swayed me in the least....not even slightly. Are we clear?
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

Citation needed.

Your word is not enough. You lack credibility.

Terrance Yeakey
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

Citation needed.

Your word is not enough. You lack credibility.

Terrance Yeakey

Your link is a conspiracy theorist website filled with total bullshit. It mentions him suffering from sickle cell anemia and it being blood sugar related, causing seizures. Exactly NONE of that is true. If the author makes such a ridiculous mistake, how can anything else in that article be trusted?

The rest of the story is long on innuendo and short on facts. It is obvious this officer suffered from mental issues, most likely PTSD.

Try this website. It appears to be written by someone with an IQ above room temperature.

Terrance Yeakey – the hero being used by idiots
Last edited:
You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

Citation needed.

Your word is not enough. You lack credibility.

Terrance Yeakey

Your link is a conspiracy theorist website filled with total bullshit. It mentions him suffering from sickle cell anemia and it being blood sugar related, causing seizures. Exactly NONE of that is true. If the author makes such a ridiculous mistake, how can anything else in that article be trusted?

The rest of the story is long on innuendo and short on facts. It is obvious this officer suffered from mental issues, most likely PTSD.

Try this website. It appears to be written by someone with an IQ above room temperature.

Terrance Yeakey – the hero being used by idiots

Terry Yeakey was mentally unstable but yet stable enough to perform his duties as a policeman? He cut his wrists and bled in his car and then dragged himself a mile and then shot himself? Makes perfect sense to betcha. I guess his wife was just making shit up that she was under surveillance and was not being harassed to the point that she has had to move several times. You really are naive. We also have the case of Michael Loudenslager that worked at the Murrah building and was in court that day but came to help look for victims. Michael was also observed having an angry conversation with someone there from the BATF but yet he was declared a casualty. Three witnesses that validated the fact that Michael was one of the rescuers have since died under rather suspicious circumstances. You should watch this and try debunking it when you get the chance......these are people that were there that day. It also contains proof by Brigadier General Benton Partin that the alleged amount of ANFO used couldn't have possibly done that amount of damage.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

Citation needed.

Your word is not enough. You lack credibility.

Terrance Yeakey

Your link is a conspiracy theorist website filled with total bullshit. It mentions him suffering from sickle cell anemia and it being blood sugar related, causing seizures. Exactly NONE of that is true. If the author makes such a ridiculous mistake, how can anything else in that article be trusted?

The rest of the story is long on innuendo and short on facts. It is obvious this officer suffered from mental issues, most likely PTSD.

Try this website. It appears to be written by someone with an IQ above room temperature.

Terrance Yeakey – the hero being used by idiots

Terry Yeakey was mentally unstable but yet stable enough to perform his duties as a policeman? He cut his wrists and bled in his car and then dragged himself a mile and then shot himself? Makes perfect sense to betcha. I guess his wife was just making shit up that she was under surveillance and was not being harassed to the point that she has had to move several times. You really are naive. We also have the case of Michael Loudenslager that worked at the Murrah building and was in court that day but came to help look for victims. Michael was also observed having an angry conversation with someone there from the BATF but yet he was declared a casualty. Three witnesses that validated the fact that Michael was one of the rescuers have since died under rather suspicious circumstances. You should watch this and try debunking it when you get the chance......these are people that were there that day. It also contains proof by Brigadier General Benton Partin that the alleged amount of ANFO used couldn't have possibly done that amount of damage.

Once again your word is not enough you need to provide evidence for these silly claims as you have no credibility or expertise.
I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

Citation needed.

Your word is not enough. You lack credibility.

Terrance Yeakey

Your link is a conspiracy theorist website filled with total bullshit. It mentions him suffering from sickle cell anemia and it being blood sugar related, causing seizures. Exactly NONE of that is true. If the author makes such a ridiculous mistake, how can anything else in that article be trusted?

The rest of the story is long on innuendo and short on facts. It is obvious this officer suffered from mental issues, most likely PTSD.

Try this website. It appears to be written by someone with an IQ above room temperature.

Terrance Yeakey – the hero being used by idiots

Terry Yeakey was mentally unstable but yet stable enough to perform his duties as a policeman? He cut his wrists and bled in his car and then dragged himself a mile and then shot himself? Makes perfect sense to betcha. I guess his wife was just making shit up that she was under surveillance and was not being harassed to the point that she has had to move several times. You really are naive. We also have the case of Michael Loudenslager that worked at the Murrah building and was in court that day but came to help look for victims. Michael was also observed having an angry conversation with someone there from the BATF but yet he was declared a casualty. Three witnesses that validated the fact that Michael was one of the rescuers have since died under rather suspicious circumstances. You should watch this and try debunking it when you get the chance......these are people that were there that day. It also contains proof by Brigadier General Benton Partin that the alleged amount of ANFO used couldn't have possibly done that amount of damage.

Get off you conspiracy nut websites and maybe we would give some credence to your mental meanderings.

With all due respect to the general, he may know Air Force bombs but doesn't know shit about demolition of buildings or ANFO bombs. I would trust an experienced E-6's expertise more than him. The general is out of his league and speculating.

Why would we blow up a federal building? That question alone makes all of these far-fetched theories laughable.

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