Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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My mother lived through Pearl harbor, most people that lived through that era agree. 9/11 was WORSE. u
Nope. Not debatable. Have a nice day! :D
The reality is we are debating it now, and that's what this thread is about, isn't it?

No. I can't debate with that level of ignorance. If you can't provide valid information, why bother talking to you?
Ignorance? The facts ARE out there, why are you pushing this nonsense? The attack 9/11 was by ghosts and far out conspirators? It was by Bin Laden, he was a rich Wahhabi Saudi and all the rest were Muslims of different ilks . Fact. You are deluded if you think otherwise, kiddo.

Bin Laden and his family are Yemeni, and he was just born in Saudi Arabia. His father only had 52 children. Man, I'll bet his Dad was tired all the time!

The Saudis wanted Bin Laden just as much as we did. He was too militant for their taste and took away his passport. The royal family was scared of his jihadi tendencies.

See? Little facts like that just get in the way of your ridiculous conspiracy theories. You try to just use what little knowledge you have and that is where you fail to get to the nuts and bolts of the issues.
You are serious asking that QUESTION. WE INVADED Iraq as a ruse. Friends of mine fought in Iraq. Kids. man children, good people that were deceived. Don't go there.

Changing the subject now? The only question I asked was "See?"

What's "man children"?

You want to discuss Iraq, that's fine, but I thought I would educate you on your misconceptions on this topic first.
My mother lived through Pearl harbor, most people that lived through that era agree. 9/11 was WORSE. u
The reality is we are debating it now, and that's what this thread is about, isn't it?

No. I can't debate with that level of ignorance. If you can't provide valid information, why bother talking to you?
Ignorance? The facts ARE out there, why are you pushing this nonsense? The attack 9/11 was by ghosts and far out conspirators? It was by Bin Laden, he was a rich Wahhabi Saudi and all the rest were Muslims of different ilks . Fact. You are deluded if you think otherwise, kiddo.

Bin Laden and his family are Yemeni, and he was just born in Saudi Arabia. His father only had 52 children. Man, I'll bet his Dad was tired all the time!

The Saudis wanted Bin Laden just as much as we did. He was too militant for their taste and took away his passport. The royal family was scared of his jihadi tendencies.

See? Little facts like that just get in the way of your ridiculous conspiracy theories. You try to just use what little knowledge you have and that is where you fail to get to the nuts and bolts of the issues.
You are serious asking that QUESTION. WE INVADED Iraq as a ruse. Friends of mine fought in Iraq. Kids. man children, good people that were deceived. Don't go there.

Changing the subject now? The only question I asked was "See?"

What's "man children"?

You want to discuss Iraq, that's fine, but I thought I would educate you on your misconceptions on this topic first.
Yet here we are. Japan clearly attacked us in 1941, Saudi Arabia clearly did so did so on 9/11 but we clearly ignore THAT. WHY? Political expediency? We invade Iraq instead. WHY?
My mother lived through Pearl harbor, most people that lived through that era agree. 9/11 was WORSE. u
No. I can't debate with that level of ignorance. If you can't provide valid information, why bother talking to you?
Ignorance? The facts ARE out there, why are you pushing this nonsense? The attack 9/11 was by ghosts and far out conspirators? It was by Bin Laden, he was a rich Wahhabi Saudi and all the rest were Muslims of different ilks . Fact. You are deluded if you think otherwise, kiddo.

Bin Laden and his family are Yemeni, and he was just born in Saudi Arabia. His father only had 52 children. Man, I'll bet his Dad was tired all the time!

The Saudis wanted Bin Laden just as much as we did. He was too militant for their taste and took away his passport. The royal family was scared of his jihadi tendencies.

See? Little facts like that just get in the way of your ridiculous conspiracy theories. You try to just use what little knowledge you have and that is where you fail to get to the nuts and bolts of the issues.
You are serious asking that QUESTION. WE INVADED Iraq as a ruse. Friends of mine fought in Iraq. Kids. man children, good people that were deceived. Don't go there.

Changing the subject now? The only question I asked was "See?"

What's "man children"?

You want to discuss Iraq, that's fine, but I thought I would educate you on your misconceptions on this topic first.
Yet here we are. Japan clearly attacked us in 1941, Saudi Arabia clearly did so did so on 9/11 but we clearly ignore THAT. WHY? Political expediency? We invade Iraq instead. WHY?

Japan's military attacked us in 1941. Did Saudi Arabia's military attack us in 2001? No. Your statement is therefore false, or better known in this case as a lie.

You do realize that we invaded Iraq in 2003 and not in 2001, right?
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

Citation needed.

Your word is not enough. You lack credibility.

Terrance Yeakey
Not a word at that site about your claims of a Yeakey letter to his wife or his being "tailed by FBI agents." Nothing about a gov't "false flag event" or cover-up. So if your conspiracy theory has legs, why do you feel the need to fabricate shit?

What I did find was plenty about his emotional instability and the sense that the usual suspects such as Infowars, Prisonplanet, and Riflewarrior have once again used tragic deaths to advance their self-serving agendas (with Hoffman getting the book deal).

Y'all are little more than grave-robbers ... maybe less.
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Dear LaDexter:
So what happened to the passengers on Flight 77?
All of them conveniently crashed or disappeared elsewhere?

FALSE: Pentagon Attack Faked

American Airlines Flight 77 - Wikipedia

LaDexter if you really believe all the Pentagon survivors and personnel are lying, let's make a bet on this. And post it publicly.

You put your name and money down betting that it's all a cover up and lie.

And let's have the FAMILIES and SURVIVORS of this tragic incident at the Pentagon on the other side of this wager.

Are you willing to bet 1 million dollars you are right, and all of them are lying? How about 10 million?

If you are so sure, there is no limit to what you would bet if you are so sure you are going to win and there's no way you can be wrong.

100 million?

I'd love to see you and all your buddies making such claims,
make a bet and offer to raise 100 million to help survivors of 9/11.

If you are right, you can claim that much for you and other skeptics.

How much are you willing to bet?
If you are so sure you are right, and everyone else is wrong or lying?
Citation needed.

Your word is not enough. You lack credibility.

Terrance Yeakey

Your link is a conspiracy theorist website filled with total bullshit. It mentions him suffering from sickle cell anemia and it being blood sugar related, causing seizures. Exactly NONE of that is true. If the author makes such a ridiculous mistake, how can anything else in that article be trusted?

The rest of the story is long on innuendo and short on facts. It is obvious this officer suffered from mental issues, most likely PTSD.

Try this website. It appears to be written by someone with an IQ above room temperature.

Terrance Yeakey – the hero being used by idiots

Terry Yeakey was mentally unstable but yet stable enough to perform his duties as a policeman? He cut his wrists and bled in his car and then dragged himself a mile and then shot himself? Makes perfect sense to betcha. I guess his wife was just making shit up that she was under surveillance and was not being harassed to the point that she has had to move several times. You really are naive. We also have the case of Michael Loudenslager that worked at the Murrah building and was in court that day but came to help look for victims. Michael was also observed having an angry conversation with someone there from the BATF but yet he was declared a casualty. Three witnesses that validated the fact that Michael was one of the rescuers have since died under rather suspicious circumstances. You should watch this and try debunking it when you get the chance......these are people that were there that day. It also contains proof by Brigadier General Benton Partin that the alleged amount of ANFO used couldn't have possibly done that amount of damage.

Get off you conspiracy nut websites and maybe we would give some credence to your mental meanderings.

With all due respect to the general, he may know Air Force bombs but doesn't know shit about demolition of buildings or ANFO bombs. I would trust an experienced E-6's expertise more than him. The general is out of his league and speculating.

Why would we blow up a federal building? That question alone makes all of these far-fetched theories laughable.

There were multiple reasons as to why this Operation Gladio event happened. Records were stored there having to do with Iran/Contra and the cocaine being flown into Mena, Arkansas. The records of 480,000 soldiers that were given an anthrax vaccine that had not been properly tested and fast tracked by the FDA in order to prepare them for Desert Storm coupled with the fact that our soldiers did not have adequate ventilation masks due to using weapons with depleted uranium. That was the cause of Gulf War Syndrome and "da gubermint" was on the hook to pay for medical care not only for those suffering from it but their spouses as well. Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk. This corporate entity that we call "gubermint" was on the hook for billions if not trillions in damages and future medical care.

We also had the rise of the militia after Waco fiasco and what happened at Ruby to attempt to sway public opinion, the militia movement and pro- 2nd amendment activists needed to be demonized and marginalized. Bill "drop trou" had a domestic terrorism bill that he wanted passed that had been languishing in Congress but found easy passage after OKC. It was really nothing less than a scaled down version of the Patriot Act that was written in advance of 9/11/01.

Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk.

Putting them at risk of what?
Be specific.

Your link is a conspiracy theorist website filled with total bullshit. It mentions him suffering from sickle cell anemia and it being blood sugar related, causing seizures. Exactly NONE of that is true. If the author makes such a ridiculous mistake, how can anything else in that article be trusted?

The rest of the story is long on innuendo and short on facts. It is obvious this officer suffered from mental issues, most likely PTSD.

Try this website. It appears to be written by someone with an IQ above room temperature.

Terrance Yeakey – the hero being used by idiots

Terry Yeakey was mentally unstable but yet stable enough to perform his duties as a policeman? He cut his wrists and bled in his car and then dragged himself a mile and then shot himself? Makes perfect sense to betcha. I guess his wife was just making shit up that she was under surveillance and was not being harassed to the point that she has had to move several times. You really are naive. We also have the case of Michael Loudenslager that worked at the Murrah building and was in court that day but came to help look for victims. Michael was also observed having an angry conversation with someone there from the BATF but yet he was declared a casualty. Three witnesses that validated the fact that Michael was one of the rescuers have since died under rather suspicious circumstances. You should watch this and try debunking it when you get the chance......these are people that were there that day. It also contains proof by Brigadier General Benton Partin that the alleged amount of ANFO used couldn't have possibly done that amount of damage.

Get off you conspiracy nut websites and maybe we would give some credence to your mental meanderings.

With all due respect to the general, he may know Air Force bombs but doesn't know shit about demolition of buildings or ANFO bombs. I would trust an experienced E-6's expertise more than him. The general is out of his league and speculating.

Why would we blow up a federal building? That question alone makes all of these far-fetched theories laughable.

There were multiple reasons as to why this Operation Gladio event happened. Records were stored there having to do with Iran/Contra and the cocaine being flown into Mena, Arkansas. The records of 480,000 soldiers that were given an anthrax vaccine that had not been properly tested and fast tracked by the FDA in order to prepare them for Desert Storm coupled with the fact that our soldiers did not have adequate ventilation masks due to using weapons with depleted uranium. That was the cause of Gulf War Syndrome and "da gubermint" was on the hook to pay for medical care not only for those suffering from it but their spouses as well. Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk. This corporate entity that we call "gubermint" was on the hook for billions if not trillions in damages and future medical care.

We also had the rise of the militia after Waco fiasco and what happened at Ruby to attempt to sway public opinion, the militia movement and pro- 2nd amendment activists needed to be demonized and marginalized. Bill "drop trou" had a domestic terrorism bill that he wanted passed that had been languishing in Congress but found easy passage after OKC. It was really nothing less than a scaled down version of the Patriot Act that was written in advance of 9/11/01.

Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk.

Putting them at risk of what?
Be specific.

Depleted uranium is a heavy metal projectile with very little radioactivity. I worked on Navy ships and was constantly around the CIWS which used depleted uranium rounds? Why do all my children have 10 fingers and 10 toes, and were perfectly healthy if this stuff is so hazardous?

Why have I not died of cancer in the past 23 years?
Your link is a conspiracy theorist website filled with total bullshit. It mentions him suffering from sickle cell anemia and it being blood sugar related, causing seizures. Exactly NONE of that is true. If the author makes such a ridiculous mistake, how can anything else in that article be trusted?

The rest of the story is long on innuendo and short on facts. It is obvious this officer suffered from mental issues, most likely PTSD.

Try this website. It appears to be written by someone with an IQ above room temperature.

Terrance Yeakey – the hero being used by idiots

Terry Yeakey was mentally unstable but yet stable enough to perform his duties as a policeman? He cut his wrists and bled in his car and then dragged himself a mile and then shot himself? Makes perfect sense to betcha. I guess his wife was just making shit up that she was under surveillance and was not being harassed to the point that she has had to move several times. You really are naive. We also have the case of Michael Loudenslager that worked at the Murrah building and was in court that day but came to help look for victims. Michael was also observed having an angry conversation with someone there from the BATF but yet he was declared a casualty. Three witnesses that validated the fact that Michael was one of the rescuers have since died under rather suspicious circumstances. You should watch this and try debunking it when you get the chance......these are people that were there that day. It also contains proof by Brigadier General Benton Partin that the alleged amount of ANFO used couldn't have possibly done that amount of damage.

Get off you conspiracy nut websites and maybe we would give some credence to your mental meanderings.

With all due respect to the general, he may know Air Force bombs but doesn't know shit about demolition of buildings or ANFO bombs. I would trust an experienced E-6's expertise more than him. The general is out of his league and speculating.

Why would we blow up a federal building? That question alone makes all of these far-fetched theories laughable.

There were multiple reasons as to why this Operation Gladio event happened. Records were stored there having to do with Iran/Contra and the cocaine being flown into Mena, Arkansas. The records of 480,000 soldiers that were given an anthrax vaccine that had not been properly tested and fast tracked by the FDA in order to prepare them for Desert Storm coupled with the fact that our soldiers did not have adequate ventilation masks due to using weapons with depleted uranium. That was the cause of Gulf War Syndrome and "da gubermint" was on the hook to pay for medical care not only for those suffering from it but their spouses as well. Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk. This corporate entity that we call "gubermint" was on the hook for billions if not trillions in damages and future medical care.

We also had the rise of the militia after Waco fiasco and what happened at Ruby to attempt to sway public opinion, the militia movement and pro- 2nd amendment activists needed to be demonized and marginalized. Bill "drop trou" had a domestic terrorism bill that he wanted passed that had been languishing in Congress but found easy passage after OKC. It was really nothing less than a scaled down version of the Patriot Act that was written in advance of 9/11/01.

Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk.

Putting them at risk of what?
Be specific.

Depleted uranium is a heavy metal projectile with very little radioactivity. I worked on Navy ships and was constantly around the CIWS which used depleted uranium rounds? Why do all my children have 10 fingers and 10 toes, and were perfectly healthy if this stuff is so hazardous?

Why have I not died of cancer in the past 23 years?

Not everyone's genetics are the same....some are more prone to the consequences of this type of poisonous toxin (including the untested anthrax shot) the fn others. The records of soldiers that were given this untested anthrax shot and the exposure to the after-affects of depleted uranium weapons where the masks used would only stop 10 microns from entering the system is something you can investigate for yourself.
Terry Yeakey was mentally unstable but yet stable enough to perform his duties as a policeman? He cut his wrists and bled in his car and then dragged himself a mile and then shot himself? Makes perfect sense to betcha. I guess his wife was just making shit up that she was under surveillance and was not being harassed to the point that she has had to move several times. You really are naive. We also have the case of Michael Loudenslager that worked at the Murrah building and was in court that day but came to help look for victims. Michael was also observed having an angry conversation with someone there from the BATF but yet he was declared a casualty. Three witnesses that validated the fact that Michael was one of the rescuers have since died under rather suspicious circumstances. You should watch this and try debunking it when you get the chance......these are people that were there that day. It also contains proof by Brigadier General Benton Partin that the alleged amount of ANFO used couldn't have possibly done that amount of damage.

Get off you conspiracy nut websites and maybe we would give some credence to your mental meanderings.

With all due respect to the general, he may know Air Force bombs but doesn't know shit about demolition of buildings or ANFO bombs. I would trust an experienced E-6's expertise more than him. The general is out of his league and speculating.

Why would we blow up a federal building? That question alone makes all of these far-fetched theories laughable.

There were multiple reasons as to why this Operation Gladio event happened. Records were stored there having to do with Iran/Contra and the cocaine being flown into Mena, Arkansas. The records of 480,000 soldiers that were given an anthrax vaccine that had not been properly tested and fast tracked by the FDA in order to prepare them for Desert Storm coupled with the fact that our soldiers did not have adequate ventilation masks due to using weapons with depleted uranium. That was the cause of Gulf War Syndrome and "da gubermint" was on the hook to pay for medical care not only for those suffering from it but their spouses as well. Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk. This corporate entity that we call "gubermint" was on the hook for billions if not trillions in damages and future medical care.

We also had the rise of the militia after Waco fiasco and what happened at Ruby to attempt to sway public opinion, the militia movement and pro- 2nd amendment activists needed to be demonized and marginalized. Bill "drop trou" had a domestic terrorism bill that he wanted passed that had been languishing in Congress but found easy passage after OKC. It was really nothing less than a scaled down version of the Patriot Act that was written in advance of 9/11/01.

Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk.

Putting them at risk of what?
Be specific.

Depleted uranium is a heavy metal projectile with very little radioactivity. I worked on Navy ships and was constantly around the CIWS which used depleted uranium rounds? Why do all my children have 10 fingers and 10 toes, and were perfectly healthy if this stuff is so hazardous?

Why have I not died of cancer in the past 23 years?

Not everyone's genetics are the same....some are more prone to the consequences of this type of poisonous toxin (including the untested anthrax shot) the fn others. The records of soldiers that were given this untested anthrax shot and the exposure to the after-affects of depleted uranium weapons where the masks used would only stop 10 microns from entering the system is something you can investigate for yourself.

Not everyone's genetics are the same...

Why were the wives and girlfriends at risk?
Terry Yeakey was mentally unstable but yet stable enough to perform his duties as a policeman? He cut his wrists and bled in his car and then dragged himself a mile and then shot himself? Makes perfect sense to betcha. I guess his wife was just making shit up that she was under surveillance and was not being harassed to the point that she has had to move several times. You really are naive. We also have the case of Michael Loudenslager that worked at the Murrah building and was in court that day but came to help look for victims. Michael was also observed having an angry conversation with someone there from the BATF but yet he was declared a casualty. Three witnesses that validated the fact that Michael was one of the rescuers have since died under rather suspicious circumstances. You should watch this and try debunking it when you get the chance......these are people that were there that day. It also contains proof by Brigadier General Benton Partin that the alleged amount of ANFO used couldn't have possibly done that amount of damage.

Get off you conspiracy nut websites and maybe we would give some credence to your mental meanderings.

With all due respect to the general, he may know Air Force bombs but doesn't know shit about demolition of buildings or ANFO bombs. I would trust an experienced E-6's expertise more than him. The general is out of his league and speculating.

Why would we blow up a federal building? That question alone makes all of these far-fetched theories laughable.

There were multiple reasons as to why this Operation Gladio event happened. Records were stored there having to do with Iran/Contra and the cocaine being flown into Mena, Arkansas. The records of 480,000 soldiers that were given an anthrax vaccine that had not been properly tested and fast tracked by the FDA in order to prepare them for Desert Storm coupled with the fact that our soldiers did not have adequate ventilation masks due to using weapons with depleted uranium. That was the cause of Gulf War Syndrome and "da gubermint" was on the hook to pay for medical care not only for those suffering from it but their spouses as well. Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk. This corporate entity that we call "gubermint" was on the hook for billions if not trillions in damages and future medical care.

We also had the rise of the militia after Waco fiasco and what happened at Ruby to attempt to sway public opinion, the militia movement and pro- 2nd amendment activists needed to be demonized and marginalized. Bill "drop trou" had a domestic terrorism bill that he wanted passed that had been languishing in Congress but found easy passage after OKC. It was really nothing less than a scaled down version of the Patriot Act that was written in advance of 9/11/01.

Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk.

Putting them at risk of what?
Be specific.

Depleted uranium is a heavy metal projectile with very little radioactivity. I worked on Navy ships and was constantly around the CIWS which used depleted uranium rounds? Why do all my children have 10 fingers and 10 toes, and were perfectly healthy if this stuff is so hazardous?

Why have I not died of cancer in the past 23 years?

Not everyone's genetics are the same....some are more prone to the consequences of this type of poisonous toxin (including the untested anthrax shot) the fn others. The records of soldiers that were given this untested anthrax shot and the exposure to the after-affects of depleted uranium weapons where the masks used would only stop 10 microns from entering the system is something you can investigate for yourself.

This conspiracy theory is just that. We never used safety masks because bullets are solid. There is no dust, debris or anything else to possibly allow contamination.

I would venture to say that lead bullets probably constitute a much bigger hazard. There have been literally thousands upon thousands of sailors who worked on these systems, and all you have is some crackpot theory that it causes all of these health issues. Why, after all these years, is speculation all you have?

It's sad to think that people can be so stupid!
Get off you conspiracy nut websites and maybe we would give some credence to your mental meanderings.

With all due respect to the general, he may know Air Force bombs but doesn't know shit about demolition of buildings or ANFO bombs. I would trust an experienced E-6's expertise more than him. The general is out of his league and speculating.

Why would we blow up a federal building? That question alone makes all of these far-fetched theories laughable.

There were multiple reasons as to why this Operation Gladio event happened. Records were stored there having to do with Iran/Contra and the cocaine being flown into Mena, Arkansas. The records of 480,000 soldiers that were given an anthrax vaccine that had not been properly tested and fast tracked by the FDA in order to prepare them for Desert Storm coupled with the fact that our soldiers did not have adequate ventilation masks due to using weapons with depleted uranium. That was the cause of Gulf War Syndrome and "da gubermint" was on the hook to pay for medical care not only for those suffering from it but their spouses as well. Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk. This corporate entity that we call "gubermint" was on the hook for billions if not trillions in damages and future medical care.

We also had the rise of the militia after Waco fiasco and what happened at Ruby to attempt to sway public opinion, the militia movement and pro- 2nd amendment activists needed to be demonized and marginalized. Bill "drop trou" had a domestic terrorism bill that he wanted passed that had been languishing in Congress but found easy passage after OKC. It was really nothing less than a scaled down version of the Patriot Act that was written in advance of 9/11/01.

Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk.

Putting them at risk of what?
Be specific.

Depleted uranium is a heavy metal projectile with very little radioactivity. I worked on Navy ships and was constantly around the CIWS which used depleted uranium rounds? Why do all my children have 10 fingers and 10 toes, and were perfectly healthy if this stuff is so hazardous?

Why have I not died of cancer in the past 23 years?

Not everyone's genetics are the same....some are more prone to the consequences of this type of poisonous toxin (including the untested anthrax shot) the fn others. The records of soldiers that were given this untested anthrax shot and the exposure to the after-affects of depleted uranium weapons where the masks used would only stop 10 microns from entering the system is something you can investigate for yourself.

Not everyone's genetics are the same...

Why were the wives and girlfriends at risk?

I guess using their perverted thought processes, that anyone exposed to depleted to depleted uranium, is giving wives and girlfriends high protein injections of depleted uranium altered little swimmers.
No they did not know it like you they were just conspiracy fools claiming it without evidence.

I have no doubt you will always believe that the fiction you spew is truth and no one will ever change your mind. That is the nature of conspiracy theorists. You have a faith based idea which has no supporting evidence of any kind whatsoever but you cannot allow yourself to ever entertain any doubt.

But you will also ALWAYS be debunked and proven wrong as you have been here and nothing can change that.

You are the duped sheeple you fall for scams and con artists without a struggle.

You are an of the sheeple. I could post another hundred pieces of evidence that proves that this was a false flag event and you would still have your head up your ass.

I would be satisfied with just one that could not be disproven in a matter of minutes.

How about the death of OKC officer Terry Yeakey that was being tailed by FBI agents because he had amassed evidence showing the official story to be a lie? Officer Yeakey allegedly slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently decided that he didn't want to die in his car crawled a mile away, climbed a fence and then shot himself do we know that he must have crawled? Muddy grass was found in his wrist wounds that also had bruises consistent with having been handcuffed. His neck appeared to have rope burns as well.

I will start the clock.................

This thread is about 9/11. Please try to keep on track!

OKC was a precursor to 9/11.......anyway.......

Again, Dale....the FDNY anticipated the collapse of WTC 7 by hours. They put a transit on the building, observed the structure leaning and bulging as it structurally failed after being hit by massive chunks of the falling towers and set on fire.

The FDNY pulled their fire fighters out of the WTC 7. They created a perimeter around the building, evacuating the area. They announced over loud speakers that the building was going to come down.

Yet you still present the foreknowledge of its collapse by the press as some grand conspiracy mystery. That's your ignorance showing.
My mother lived through Pearl harbor, most people that lived through that era agree. 9/11 was WORSE. u
No. I can't debate with that level of ignorance. If you can't provide valid information, why bother talking to you?
Ignorance? The facts ARE out there, why are you pushing this nonsense? The attack 9/11 was by ghosts and far out conspirators? It was by Bin Laden, he was a rich Wahhabi Saudi and all the rest were Muslims of different ilks . Fact. You are deluded if you think otherwise, kiddo.

Bin Laden and his family are Yemeni, and he was just born in Saudi Arabia. His father only had 52 children. Man, I'll bet his Dad was tired all the time!

The Saudis wanted Bin Laden just as much as we did. He was too militant for their taste and took away his passport. The royal family was scared of his jihadi tendencies.

See? Little facts like that just get in the way of your ridiculous conspiracy theories. You try to just use what little knowledge you have and that is where you fail to get to the nuts and bolts of the issues.
You are serious asking that QUESTION. WE INVADED Iraq as a ruse. Friends of mine fought in Iraq. Kids. man children, good people that were deceived. Don't go there.

Changing the subject now? The only question I asked was "See?"

What's "man children"?

You want to discuss Iraq, that's fine, but I thought I would educate you on your misconceptions on this topic first.
Yet here we are. Japan clearly attacked us in 1941, Saudi Arabia clearly did so did so on 9/11 but we clearly ignore THAT. WHY? Political expediency? We invade Iraq instead. WHY?

The attack wasn't from Saudi Arabia. But from individual Saudis. Attacking Saudi Arabia after 911 makes as much sense as bombing DC after Oklahoma City.
There were multiple reasons as to why this Operation Gladio event happened. Records were stored there having to do with Iran/Contra and the cocaine being flown into Mena, Arkansas. The records of 480,000 soldiers that were given an anthrax vaccine that had not been properly tested and fast tracked by the FDA in order to prepare them for Desert Storm coupled with the fact that our soldiers did not have adequate ventilation masks due to using weapons with depleted uranium. That was the cause of Gulf War Syndrome and "da gubermint" was on the hook to pay for medical care not only for those suffering from it but their spouses as well. Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk. This corporate entity that we call "gubermint" was on the hook for billions if not trillions in damages and future medical care.

We also had the rise of the militia after Waco fiasco and what happened at Ruby to attempt to sway public opinion, the militia movement and pro- 2nd amendment activists needed to be demonized and marginalized. Bill "drop trou" had a domestic terrorism bill that he wanted passed that had been languishing in Congress but found easy passage after OKC. It was really nothing less than a scaled down version of the Patriot Act that was written in advance of 9/11/01.

Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk.

Putting them at risk of what?
Be specific.

Depleted uranium is a heavy metal projectile with very little radioactivity. I worked on Navy ships and was constantly around the CIWS which used depleted uranium rounds? Why do all my children have 10 fingers and 10 toes, and were perfectly healthy if this stuff is so hazardous?

Why have I not died of cancer in the past 23 years?

Not everyone's genetics are the same....some are more prone to the consequences of this type of poisonous toxin (including the untested anthrax shot) the fn others. The records of soldiers that were given this untested anthrax shot and the exposure to the after-affects of depleted uranium weapons where the masks used would only stop 10 microns from entering the system is something you can investigate for yourself.

Not everyone's genetics are the same...

Why were the wives and girlfriends at risk?

I guess using their perverted thought processes, that anyone exposed to depleted to depleted uranium, is giving wives and girlfriends high protein injections of depleted uranium altered little swimmers.

Uranium is scary, scarier to people with tiny brains.
Terry Yeakey was mentally unstable but yet stable enough to perform his duties as a policeman? He cut his wrists and bled in his car and then dragged himself a mile and then shot himself? Makes perfect sense to betcha. I guess his wife was just making shit up that she was under surveillance and was not being harassed to the point that she has had to move several times. You really are naive. We also have the case of Michael Loudenslager that worked at the Murrah building and was in court that day but came to help look for victims. Michael was also observed having an angry conversation with someone there from the BATF but yet he was declared a casualty. Three witnesses that validated the fact that Michael was one of the rescuers have since died under rather suspicious circumstances. You should watch this and try debunking it when you get the chance......these are people that were there that day. It also contains proof by Brigadier General Benton Partin that the alleged amount of ANFO used couldn't have possibly done that amount of damage.

Get off you conspiracy nut websites and maybe we would give some credence to your mental meanderings.

With all due respect to the general, he may know Air Force bombs but doesn't know shit about demolition of buildings or ANFO bombs. I would trust an experienced E-6's expertise more than him. The general is out of his league and speculating.

Why would we blow up a federal building? That question alone makes all of these far-fetched theories laughable.

There were multiple reasons as to why this Operation Gladio event happened. Records were stored there having to do with Iran/Contra and the cocaine being flown into Mena, Arkansas. The records of 480,000 soldiers that were given an anthrax vaccine that had not been properly tested and fast tracked by the FDA in order to prepare them for Desert Storm coupled with the fact that our soldiers did not have adequate ventilation masks due to using weapons with depleted uranium. That was the cause of Gulf War Syndrome and "da gubermint" was on the hook to pay for medical care not only for those suffering from it but their spouses as well. Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk. This corporate entity that we call "gubermint" was on the hook for billions if not trillions in damages and future medical care.

We also had the rise of the militia after Waco fiasco and what happened at Ruby to attempt to sway public opinion, the militia movement and pro- 2nd amendment activists needed to be demonized and marginalized. Bill "drop trou" had a domestic terrorism bill that he wanted passed that had been languishing in Congress but found easy passage after OKC. It was really nothing less than a scaled down version of the Patriot Act that was written in advance of 9/11/01.

Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk.

Putting them at risk of what?
Be specific.

Depleted uranium is a heavy metal projectile with very little radioactivity. I worked on Navy ships and was constantly around the CIWS which used depleted uranium rounds? Why do all my children have 10 fingers and 10 toes, and were perfectly healthy if this stuff is so hazardous?

Why have I not died of cancer in the past 23 years?

Not everyone's genetics are the same....some are more prone to the consequences of this type of poisonous toxin (including the untested anthrax shot) the fn others. The records of soldiers that were given this untested anthrax shot and the exposure to the after-affects of depleted uranium weapons where the masks used would only stop 10 microns from entering the system is something you can investigate for yourself.

Hey Dale, do you understand what the word "depleted" means? It means that it has less. In the case of depleted uranium, it has less radioactive material than naturally occurring uranium does. And, the reason that the military likes to use it for ammo is because it is very dense material.

Here.............let me help you out....................

Depleted uranium - Wikipedia

Depleted uranium (DU; also referred to in the past as Q-metal, depletalloy or D-38) is uranium with a lower content of the fissile isotope U-235 than natural uranium.[2] Natural uranium contains about 0.72% U-235, while the DU used by the U.S. Department of Defense contains 0.3% U-235 or less. Uses of DU take advantage of its very high density of 19.1 g/cm3 (68.4% denser than lead). The less radioactive and non-fissile uranium-238 constitutes the main component of depleted uranium.

Civilian uses include counterweights in aircraft, radiation shielding in medical radiation therapy and industrial radiography equipment, and containers for transporting radioactive materials. Military uses include armor plating and armor-piercing projectiles.
Get off you conspiracy nut websites and maybe we would give some credence to your mental meanderings.

With all due respect to the general, he may know Air Force bombs but doesn't know shit about demolition of buildings or ANFO bombs. I would trust an experienced E-6's expertise more than him. The general is out of his league and speculating.

Why would we blow up a federal building? That question alone makes all of these far-fetched theories laughable.

There were multiple reasons as to why this Operation Gladio event happened. Records were stored there having to do with Iran/Contra and the cocaine being flown into Mena, Arkansas. The records of 480,000 soldiers that were given an anthrax vaccine that had not been properly tested and fast tracked by the FDA in order to prepare them for Desert Storm coupled with the fact that our soldiers did not have adequate ventilation masks due to using weapons with depleted uranium. That was the cause of Gulf War Syndrome and "da gubermint" was on the hook to pay for medical care not only for those suffering from it but their spouses as well. Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk. This corporate entity that we call "gubermint" was on the hook for billions if not trillions in damages and future medical care.

We also had the rise of the militia after Waco fiasco and what happened at Ruby to attempt to sway public opinion, the militia movement and pro- 2nd amendment activists needed to be demonized and marginalized. Bill "drop trou" had a domestic terrorism bill that he wanted passed that had been languishing in Congress but found easy passage after OKC. It was really nothing less than a scaled down version of the Patriot Act that was written in advance of 9/11/01.

Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk.

Putting them at risk of what?
Be specific.

Depleted uranium is a heavy metal projectile with very little radioactivity. I worked on Navy ships and was constantly around the CIWS which used depleted uranium rounds? Why do all my children have 10 fingers and 10 toes, and were perfectly healthy if this stuff is so hazardous?

Why have I not died of cancer in the past 23 years?

Not everyone's genetics are the same....some are more prone to the consequences of this type of poisonous toxin (including the untested anthrax shot) the fn others. The records of soldiers that were given this untested anthrax shot and the exposure to the after-affects of depleted uranium weapons where the masks used would only stop 10 microns from entering the system is something you can investigate for yourself.

Hey Dale, do you understand what the word "depleted" means? It means that it has less. In the case of depleted uranium, it has less radioactive material than naturally occurring uranium does. And, the reason that the military likes to use it for ammo is because it is very dense material.

Here.............let me help you out....................

Depleted uranium - Wikipedia

Depleted uranium (DU; also referred to in the past as Q-metal, depletalloy or D-38) is uranium with a lower content of the fissile isotope U-235 than natural uranium.[2] Natural uranium contains about 0.72% U-235, while the DU used by the U.S. Department of Defense contains 0.3% U-235 or less. Uses of DU take advantage of its very high density of 19.1 g/cm3 (68.4% denser than lead). The less radioactive and non-fissile uranium-238 constitutes the main component of depleted uranium.

Civilian uses include counterweights in aircraft, radiation shielding in medical radiation therapy and industrial radiography equipment, and containers for transporting radioactive materials. Military uses include armor plating and armor-piercing projectiles.

He thinks it's dangerous because it's radioactive.
He's stupid, so he doesn't realize it's one of the least radioactive substances out there.

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