Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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Did Dale quit the thread because he was proven wrong about the depleted uranium?
He was proven wrong about everything

I thought it was funny as hell that he didn't know the reason that airplanes cruised at such a high altitude wasn't so they didn't break up, but rather because of fuel conservation.

Then, he's trying to tell us how depleted uranium can cause a person to go sterile or have birth defects. Guess he didn't understand what depleted uranium really was.

The thing that I find interesting about the stuff is that it is 64 percent more dense than lead. Wonder what kind of improvement you could get with a basic rifle shooting depleted uranium rather than lead? Bet the penetration would be at the level of punching through kevlar.
Get off you conspiracy nut websites and maybe we would give some credence to your mental meanderings.

With all due respect to the general, he may know Air Force bombs but doesn't know shit about demolition of buildings or ANFO bombs. I would trust an experienced E-6's expertise more than him. The general is out of his league and speculating.

Why would we blow up a federal building? That question alone makes all of these far-fetched theories laughable.

There were multiple reasons as to why this Operation Gladio event happened. Records were stored there having to do with Iran/Contra and the cocaine being flown into Mena, Arkansas. The records of 480,000 soldiers that were given an anthrax vaccine that had not been properly tested and fast tracked by the FDA in order to prepare them for Desert Storm coupled with the fact that our soldiers did not have adequate ventilation masks due to using weapons with depleted uranium. That was the cause of Gulf War Syndrome and "da gubermint" was on the hook to pay for medical care not only for those suffering from it but their spouses as well. Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk. This corporate entity that we call "gubermint" was on the hook for billions if not trillions in damages and future medical care.

We also had the rise of the militia after Waco fiasco and what happened at Ruby to attempt to sway public opinion, the militia movement and pro- 2nd amendment activists needed to be demonized and marginalized. Bill "drop trou" had a domestic terrorism bill that he wanted passed that had been languishing in Congress but found easy passage after OKC. It was really nothing less than a scaled down version of the Patriot Act that was written in advance of 9/11/01.

Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk.

Putting them at risk of what?
Be specific.

Depleted uranium is a heavy metal projectile with very little radioactivity. I worked on Navy ships and was constantly around the CIWS which used depleted uranium rounds? Why do all my children have 10 fingers and 10 toes, and were perfectly healthy if this stuff is so hazardous?

Why have I not died of cancer in the past 23 years?

Not everyone's genetics are the same....some are more prone to the consequences of this type of poisonous toxin (including the untested anthrax shot) the fn others. The records of soldiers that were given this untested anthrax shot and the exposure to the after-affects of depleted uranium weapons where the masks used would only stop 10 microns from entering the system is something you can investigate for yourself.

Hey Dale, do you understand what the word "depleted" means? It means that it has less. In the case of depleted uranium, it has less radioactive material than naturally occurring uranium does. And, the reason that the military likes to use it for ammo is because it is very dense material.

Here.............let me help you out....................

Depleted uranium - Wikipedia

Depleted uranium (DU; also referred to in the past as Q-metal, depletalloy or D-38) is uranium with a lower content of the fissile isotope U-235 than natural uranium.[2] Natural uranium contains about 0.72% U-235, while the DU used by the U.S. Department of Defense contains 0.3% U-235 or less. Uses of DU take advantage of its very high density of 19.1 g/cm3 (68.4% denser than lead). The less radioactive and non-fissile uranium-238 constitutes the main component of depleted uranium.

Civilian uses include counterweights in aircraft, radiation shielding in medical radiation therapy and industrial radiography equipment, and containers for transporting radioactive materials. Military uses include armor plating and armor-piercing projectiles.

Depleted Uranium | RadTown USA | US EPA
Did Dale quit the thread because he was proven wrong about the depleted uranium?
He was proven wrong about everything

I thought it was funny as hell that he didn't know the reason that airplanes cruised at such a high altitude wasn't so they didn't break up, but rather because of fuel conservation.

Then, he's trying to tell us how depleted uranium can cause a person to go sterile or have birth defects. Guess he didn't understand what depleted uranium really was.

The thing that I find interesting about the stuff is that it is 64 percent more dense than lead. Wonder what kind of improvement you could get with a basic rifle shooting depleted uranium rather than lead? Bet the penetration would be at the level of punching through kevlar.

How the World Health Organisation covered up Iraq's nuclear nightmare | Nafeez Ahmed
There were multiple reasons as to why this Operation Gladio event happened. Records were stored there having to do with Iran/Contra and the cocaine being flown into Mena, Arkansas. The records of 480,000 soldiers that were given an anthrax vaccine that had not been properly tested and fast tracked by the FDA in order to prepare them for Desert Storm coupled with the fact that our soldiers did not have adequate ventilation masks due to using weapons with depleted uranium. That was the cause of Gulf War Syndrome and "da gubermint" was on the hook to pay for medical care not only for those suffering from it but their spouses as well. Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk. This corporate entity that we call "gubermint" was on the hook for billions if not trillions in damages and future medical care.

We also had the rise of the militia after Waco fiasco and what happened at Ruby to attempt to sway public opinion, the militia movement and pro- 2nd amendment activists needed to be demonized and marginalized. Bill "drop trou" had a domestic terrorism bill that he wanted passed that had been languishing in Congress but found easy passage after OKC. It was really nothing less than a scaled down version of the Patriot Act that was written in advance of 9/11/01.

Depleted uranium ends up in the testes and men coming home making love to their wives and girlfriends were unknowingly putting them at risk.

Putting them at risk of what?
Be specific.

Depleted uranium is a heavy metal projectile with very little radioactivity. I worked on Navy ships and was constantly around the CIWS which used depleted uranium rounds? Why do all my children have 10 fingers and 10 toes, and were perfectly healthy if this stuff is so hazardous?

Why have I not died of cancer in the past 23 years?

Not everyone's genetics are the same....some are more prone to the consequences of this type of poisonous toxin (including the untested anthrax shot) the fn others. The records of soldiers that were given this untested anthrax shot and the exposure to the after-affects of depleted uranium weapons where the masks used would only stop 10 microns from entering the system is something you can investigate for yourself.

Hey Dale, do you understand what the word "depleted" means? It means that it has less. In the case of depleted uranium, it has less radioactive material than naturally occurring uranium does. And, the reason that the military likes to use it for ammo is because it is very dense material.

Here.............let me help you out....................

Depleted uranium - Wikipedia

Depleted uranium (DU; also referred to in the past as Q-metal, depletalloy or D-38) is uranium with a lower content of the fissile isotope U-235 than natural uranium.[2] Natural uranium contains about 0.72% U-235, while the DU used by the U.S. Department of Defense contains 0.3% U-235 or less. Uses of DU take advantage of its very high density of 19.1 g/cm3 (68.4% denser than lead). The less radioactive and non-fissile uranium-238 constitutes the main component of depleted uranium.

Civilian uses include counterweights in aircraft, radiation shielding in medical radiation therapy and industrial radiography equipment, and containers for transporting radioactive materials. Military uses include armor plating and armor-piercing projectiles.

Depleted Uranium | RadTown USA | US EPA

From the last link:

"...:when inside the body."

Stop eating the shit and you won't have to worry!
If our president back on 9/11 had BALLS or channeled Harry Truman, Saudi Arabia would have turned into glass hours after 9/11. Still, we let them get away outrageous provocations like mass murder and a act of war. WHY? Why did we attack Iraq instead? WHY? What the hell did Iraq have to do with ANYTHING?
If our president back on 9/11 had BALLS or channeled Harry Truman, Saudi Arabia would have turned into glass hours after 9/11. Still, we let them get away outrageous provocations like mass murder and a act of war. WHY? Why did we attack Iraq instead? WHY? What the hell did Iraq have to do with ANYTHING?

Saudi Arabia did not attack us you ignorant POS! We would have killed millions of innocent people because of where the terrorists were born? I guess you would support killing everyone from Mexico because some are here illegally in the uS and commit murders!

We didn't attack Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11! Grow up and catch a clue!

There is no excuse for being that stupid!
If our president back on 9/11 had BALLS or channeled Harry Truman, Saudi Arabia would have turned into glass hours after 9/11. Still, we let them get away outrageous provocations like mass murder and a act of war. WHY? Why did we attack Iraq instead? WHY? What the hell did Iraq have to do with ANYTHING?
So you think we should have turned the U.S. into glass following the Oklahoma City bombing, do you?
If our president back on 9/11 had BALLS or channeled Harry Truman, Saudi Arabia would have turned into glass hours after 9/11. Still, we let them get away outrageous provocations like mass murder and a act of war. WHY? Why did we attack Iraq instead? WHY? What the hell did Iraq have to do with ANYTHING?

Saudi Arabia did not attack us you ignorant POS! We would have killed millions of innocent people because of where the terrorists were born? I guess you would support killing everyone from Mexico because some are here illegally in the uS and commit murders!

We didn't attack Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11! Grow up and catch a clue!

There is no excuse for being that stupid!
Really. Despite the fact it was funded by, and most of the attackers were from Saudi Arabia. Their fingerprints were all over 9/11. What the hell WAS Iraq about? A diversion, and, it's working with some of you jokers. Saudi Arabia was the perpetrator of the terrorist attacks on America. It isn't that hard, folks.
If our president back on 9/11 had BALLS or channeled Harry Truman, Saudi Arabia would have turned into glass hours after 9/11. Still, we let them get away outrageous provocations like mass murder and a act of war. WHY? Why did we attack Iraq instead? WHY? What the hell did Iraq have to do with ANYTHING?

Saudi Arabia did not attack us you ignorant POS! We would have killed millions of innocent people because of where the terrorists were born? I guess you would support killing everyone from Mexico because some are here illegally in the uS and commit murders!

We didn't attack Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11! Grow up and catch a clue!

There is no excuse for being that stupid!
Really. Despite the fact it was funded by, and most of the attackers were from Saudi Arabia. Their fingerprints were all over 9/11. What the hell WAS Iraq about? A diversion, and, it's working with some of you jokers. Saudi Arabia was the perpetrator of the terrorist attacks on America. It isn't that hard, folks.

persons from Saudi Arabia did it-----Osama was ETHNICALLY actually Yemeni. The Saudi government did
not do it. ISLAMICISTS did it-----of course, Saudi Arabia is chock full of Islamic nuts------the kids are
brainwashed. BUT ----I have known some educated Saudis who were very fine people and were very much aware of the filth they were fed as kids in school
Why are we so willing to allow Saudi Arabia to get off the hook for 9/11? Granted, it wasn't planed out like say, Pearl Harbor by the "official" Saudi Government. SO? I don't think Hirohito was any more or less representative of the Japanese people when they attacked us on 12/7/41 either, but 4 years later we nuked them.
Why are we so willing to allow Saudi Arabia to get off the hook for 9/11? Granted, it wasn't planed out like say, Pearl Harbor by the "official" Saudi Government. SO? I don't think Hirohito was any more or less representative of the Japanese people when they attacked us on 12/7/41 either, but 4 years later we nuked them.
Because Saudi Arabia didn't attack us.
If our president back on 9/11 had BALLS or channeled Harry Truman, Saudi Arabia would have turned into glass hours after 9/11. Still, we let them get away outrageous provocations like mass murder and a act of war. WHY? Why did we attack Iraq instead? WHY? What the hell did Iraq have to do with ANYTHING?

Saudi Arabia did not attack us you ignorant POS! We would have killed millions of innocent people because of where the terrorists were born? I guess you would support killing everyone from Mexico because some are here illegally in the uS and commit murders!

We didn't attack Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11! Grow up and catch a clue!

There is no excuse for being that stupid!
Really. Despite the fact it was funded by, and most of the attackers were from Saudi Arabia. Their fingerprints were all over 9/11. What the hell WAS Iraq about? A diversion, and, it's working with some of you jokers. Saudi Arabia was the perpetrator of the terrorist attacks on America. It isn't that hard, folks.

persons from Saudi Arabia did it-----Osama was ETHNICALLY actually Yemeni. The Saudi government did
not do it. ISLAMICISTS did it-----of course, Saudi Arabia is chock full of Islamic nuts------the kids are
brainwashed. BUT ----I have known some educated Saudis who were very fine people and were very much aware of the filth they were fed as kids in school
At this point, it matters little. Japanese general Shegekuni Yamamato was schooled in America and still he lead the attack on Pearl harbor.
If our president back on 9/11 had BALLS or channeled Harry Truman, Saudi Arabia would have turned into glass hours after 9/11. Still, we let them get away outrageous provocations like mass murder and a act of war. WHY? Why did we attack Iraq instead? WHY? What the hell did Iraq have to do with ANYTHING?

Saudi Arabia did not attack us you ignorant POS! We would have killed millions of innocent people because of where the terrorists were born? I guess you would support killing everyone from Mexico because some are here illegally in the uS and commit murders!

We didn't attack Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11! Grow up and catch a clue!

There is no excuse for being that stupid!
Really. Despite the fact it was funded by, and most of the attackers were from Saudi Arabia. Their fingerprints were all over 9/11. What the hell WAS Iraq about? A diversion, and, it's working with some of you jokers. Saudi Arabia was the perpetrator of the terrorist attacks on America. It isn't that hard, folks.

persons from Saudi Arabia did it-----Osama was ETHNICALLY actually Yemeni. The Saudi government did
not do it. ISLAMICISTS did it-----of course, Saudi Arabia is chock full of Islamic nuts------the kids are
brainwashed. BUT ----I have known some educated Saudis who were very fine people and were very much aware of the filth they were fed as kids in school
At this point, it matters little. Japanese general Shegekuni Yamamato was schooled in America and still he lead the attack on Pearl harbor.

SO? that was the POLICY of the JAPANESE government at the time. It was not the POLICY of the
Saudi government to crash planes into the WTC -------sheeeeeeesh Mary-----you DECIDED TO DUMB DOWN?
Why are we so willing to allow Saudi Arabia to get off the hook for 9/11? Granted, it wasn't planed out like say, Pearl Harbor by the "official" Saudi Government. SO? I don't think Hirohito was any more or less representative of the Japanese people when they attacked us on 12/7/41 either, but 4 years later we nuked them.
Because Saudi Arabia didn't attack us.
Yes, they did. They were cowardly scoundrels that hid it under massive levels of denial, bin Laden was a Saudi, attacked America using fellow Wahhabi Muslims mostly from Arabia for the flimsiest of reasons . We trespassed on Saudi Arabia, that was Bin Laden's little gambit. It dosen't end there, I can go on and on.
Why are we so willing to allow Saudi Arabia to get off the hook for 9/11? Granted, it wasn't planed out like say, Pearl Harbor by the "official" Saudi Government. SO? I don't think Hirohito was any more or less representative of the Japanese people when they attacked us on 12/7/41 either, but 4 years later we nuked them.
Because Saudi Arabia didn't attack us.
Yes, they did. They were cowardly scoundrels that hid it under massive levels of denial, bin Laden was a Saudi, attacked America using fellow Wahhabi Muslims mostly from Arabia for the flimsiest of reasons . We trespassed on Saudi Arabia, that was Bin Laden's little gambit. It dosen't end there, I can go on and on.
Your dementia is noted; but Saudi Arabia did not attack us.
If our president back on 9/11 had BALLS or channeled Harry Truman, Saudi Arabia would have turned into glass hours after 9/11. Still, we let them get away outrageous provocations like mass murder and a act of war. WHY? Why did we attack Iraq instead? WHY? What the hell did Iraq have to do with ANYTHING?

Saudi Arabia did not attack us you ignorant POS! We would have killed millions of innocent people because of where the terrorists were born? I guess you would support killing everyone from Mexico because some are here illegally in the uS and commit murders!

We didn't attack Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11! Grow up and catch a clue!

There is no excuse for being that stupid!
Really. Despite the fact it was funded by, and most of the attackers were from Saudi Arabia. Their fingerprints were all over 9/11. What the hell WAS Iraq about? A diversion, and, it's working with some of you jokers. Saudi Arabia was the perpetrator of the terrorist attacks on America. It isn't that hard, folks.
persons from Saudi Arabia did it-----Osama was ETHNICALLY actually Yemeni. The Saudi government did
not do it. ISLAMICISTS did it-----of course, Saudi Arabia is chock full of Islamic nuts------the kids are
brainwashed. BUT ----I have known some educated Saudis who were very fine people and were very much aware of the filth they were fed as kids in school
At this point, it matters little. Japanese general Shegekuni Yamamato was schooled in America and still he lead the attack on Pearl harbor.

SO? that was the POLICY of the JAPANESE government at the time. It was not the POLICY of the
Saudi government to crash planes into the WTC -------sheeeeeeesh Mary-----you DECIDED TO DUMB DOWN?
I have a handle on history, and it isn't that hard. Japan attacked us, Saudi Arabia attacked us. You seem to have a problem with the obvious. Perhaps the Saudis don't play fair and don't include YOU on their playbook? Because actions speak louder than words. 9/11 spoke volumes. The players, the actions. It's all evidence. Saudi Arabia was the bad actor here, plain pure and simple.
I think the Saudis are not what they seem, the royal family, the government, there it is a undercurrent of Muslim hate against the west. They disguise it. They hide it. The rich religious Muslims that resent the west, that hate the modern world. That think they are the power behind the power. Take the Bin Laden family. Take Osama, for instance. Poor spoilt brat from a rich Saudi family that took his hate of non Muslims much further and took to planning, organizing, funding and ultimately attacking the capitol of evil, er, infidels, (America) in three separate audacious attacks on American soil. To me, that IS Saudi Arabia attacking America, and for that they need to pay.
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Saudi Arabia did not attack us you ignorant POS! We would have killed millions of innocent people because of where the terrorists were born? I guess you would support killing everyone from Mexico because some are here illegally in the uS and commit murders!

We didn't attack Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11! Grow up and catch a clue!

There is no excuse for being that stupid!
Really. Despite the fact it was funded by, and most of the attackers were from Saudi Arabia. Their fingerprints were all over 9/11. What the hell WAS Iraq about? A diversion, and, it's working with some of you jokers. Saudi Arabia was the perpetrator of the terrorist attacks on America. It isn't that hard, folks.
persons from Saudi Arabia did it-----Osama was ETHNICALLY actually Yemeni. The Saudi government did
not do it. ISLAMICISTS did it-----of course, Saudi Arabia is chock full of Islamic nuts------the kids are
brainwashed. BUT ----I have known some educated Saudis who were very fine people and were very much aware of the filth they were fed as kids in school
At this point, it matters little. Japanese general Shegekuni Yamamato was schooled in America and still he lead the attack on Pearl harbor.

SO? that was the POLICY of the JAPANESE government at the time. It was not the POLICY of the
Saudi government to crash planes into the WTC -------sheeeeeeesh Mary-----you DECIDED TO DUMB DOWN?
I have a handle on history, and it isn't that hard. Japan attacked us, Saudi Arabia attacked us. You seem to have a problem with the obvious. Perhaps the Saudis don't play fair and don't include YOU on their playbook? Because actions speak louder than words. 9/11 spoke volumes. The players, the actions. It's all evidence. Saudi Arabia was the bad actor here, plain pure and simple.
You don't have a handle on reality. Japan attacked us in Pearl Harbor ... Saudi Arabian nationalists and Egyptian nationalists attacked us on 9.11.

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