Getting it straight; Pamela Geller is a nut.

Pamela Geller didn't draw a single cartoon. She was not responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre nor the fatwa against the Danish cartoonist who was the first to draw mohammed. Pamela Geller has nothing to do with the movie made by Theo Van Gough. She didn't run the school that got Malala shot in the head.

Exactly...........funny how the left takes common cause with the muslim terrorists........blame the victims......if only they didn't draw those cartoons......and soon...if only she wore a veil and didn't antagonize that muslim rapist, and if only those gays, well...weren't gay when the muslims killed them....and on and on......

You don't back down to killers.....why.....? Because they will be encouraged to keep killing to keep you in line......

And since she is the only one over here with the balls to fight these assholes while the castrated American left bitches and moans about her, while they applaud The Book of Mormon, Piss Christ and all the other attacks on peaceful religions......they are cowards.......and attack Pamela Geller because they are terrified of muslims........

Where is the left taking "common cause" with terrorists? Link?

By condemning Pamela Geller......both think she was wrong to incite the terrorists.......

Two different things.

She had a right to do what she did - I abhor her actions but support her right to say it. Just like I support the right of the KKK to conduct a parade through town. Even if it could incite violence - it's their right. Free speech shouldn't be restricted to what the majority "approves of" or what is politically correct (left or right).

But I condemn her for spreading her hate and trying to incite people in the name of free speech. Her reasons for doig so have nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with her agenda and I think that is certainly not heroic.

Why do people defend a person who is no different than the KKK in outlook? The best thing to do with creatures like that is to ignore them, let them have their say and parades, but give them no media attention. Unfortunately, that did not happen.
Pamela Geller didn't draw a single cartoon. She was not responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre nor the fatwa against the Danish cartoonist who was the first to draw mohammed. Pamela Geller has nothing to do with the movie made by Theo Van Gough. She didn't run the school that got Malala shot in the head.

Exactly...........funny how the left takes common cause with the muslim terrorists........blame the victims......if only they didn't draw those cartoons......and soon...if only she wore a veil and didn't antagonize that muslim rapist, and if only those gays, well...weren't gay when the muslims killed them....and on and on......

You don't back down to killers.....why.....? Because they will be encouraged to keep killing to keep you in line......

And since she is the only one over here with the balls to fight these assholes while the castrated American left bitches and moans about her, while they applaud The Book of Mormon, Piss Christ and all the other attacks on peaceful religions......they are cowards.......and attack Pamela Geller because they are terrified of muslims........

Where is the left taking "common cause" with terrorists? Link?

By condemning Pamela Geller......both think she was wrong to incite the terrorists.......

Two different things.

She had a right to do what she did - I abhor her actions but support her right to say it. Just like I support the right of the KKK to conduct a parade through town. Even if it could incite violence - it's their right. Free speech shouldn't be restricted to what the majority "approves of" or what is politically correct (left or right).

But I condemn her for spreading her hate and trying to incite people in the name of free speech. Her reasons for doig so have nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with her agenda and I think that is certainly not heroic.

Why do people defend a person who is no different than the KKK in outlook? The best thing to do with creatures like that is to ignore them, let them have their say and parades, but give them no media attention. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

Sorry...she is specifically addressing the muslim war on free speech..which the enforce through murder.....and I imagine you found Martin Luther King Jr. equally contemptible because he incited people to violence...right....? to the democrats who beat him King was spreading you would support the idea that he was a hate monger?
Pamela Geller didn't draw a single cartoon. She was not responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre nor the fatwa against the Danish cartoonist who was the first to draw mohammed. Pamela Geller has nothing to do with the movie made by Theo Van Gough. She didn't run the school that got Malala shot in the head.

And this has what to do with anything?
Two wrongs don't make a right.
The two fanatics that are dead is probably a good thing. Anybody who will shoot at people for drawing cartoons is also likely someone who are willing to commit more heinous crimes.
But that doesn't change the fact that Geller is psychotic. She is a lunatic. Period.

I do not know that it is a good thing that two people died. I think two people were overcome with anger and acted without regard for their own lives. It's a tragedy. Not a victory.

I wouldn't say it is a victory. I would much rather the entire event didn't happen.
My only point is that these two people were fanatical enough to possibly commit multiple homicides over something so small - just might be also willing to commit something else on a larger scale.
We attack Pamela Geller for the same reason we attack the Westboro Baptists, David Duke, and others like that.

No...sorry.....not the same.....Gellar is standing up to muslim terrorists who have shown they will kill to keep people under their takes no courage to stand up to westboro or duke....that is why you guys feel free to stand against them...when there is a real fight going on...where real violence is guys back down without hesitation....

She's standing up to nothing. She's spreading her hate just like David Duke. Courage belongs to people like Martin Luther King or the boys who died in Mississippi standing up to racists and trying to register people to vote. They weren't spreading hate.

Real moral courage would have meant that perhaps Geller would have noted, and applauded, the thousands of Muslims living in the DFW area who did not react violently rather than the two who did.
Pamela Geller didn't draw a single cartoon. She was not responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre nor the fatwa against the Danish cartoonist who was the first to draw mohammed. Pamela Geller has nothing to do with the movie made by Theo Van Gough. She didn't run the school that got Malala shot in the head.

Exactly...........funny how the left takes common cause with the muslim terrorists........blame the victims......if only they didn't draw those cartoons......and soon...if only she wore a veil and didn't antagonize that muslim rapist, and if only those gays, well...weren't gay when the muslims killed them....and on and on......

You don't back down to killers.....why.....? Because they will be encouraged to keep killing to keep you in line......

And since she is the only one over here with the balls to fight these assholes while the castrated American left bitches and moans about her, while they applaud The Book of Mormon, Piss Christ and all the other attacks on peaceful religions......they are cowards.......and attack Pamela Geller because they are terrified of muslims........

Where is the left taking "common cause" with terrorists? Link?

By condemning Pamela Geller......both think she was wrong to incite the terrorists.......

Two different things.

She had a right to do what she did - I abhor her actions but support her right to say it. Just like I support the right of the KKK to conduct a parade through town. Even if it could incite violence - it's their right. Free speech shouldn't be restricted to what the majority "approves of" or what is politically correct (left or right).

But I condemn her for spreading her hate and trying to incite people in the name of free speech. Her reasons for doig so have nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with her agenda and I think that is certainly not heroic.

Why do people defend a person who is no different than the KKK in outlook? The best thing to do with creatures like that is to ignore them, let them have their say and parades, but give them no media attention. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

Sorry...she is specifically addressing the muslim war on free speech..which the enforce through murder.....and I imagine you found Martin Luther King Jr. equally contemptible because he incited people to violence...right....? to the democrats who beat him King was spreading you would support the idea that he was a hate monger?

Martin Luther King Jr. is in no way comparable to Geller. He did not spread hate - he spread unity. He did not demonize white people, or call on them to be deported and their religion banned. Do you see the difference?
We attack Pamela Geller for the same reason we attack the Westboro Baptists, David Duke, and others like that.

No...sorry.....not the same.....Gellar is standing up to muslim terrorists who have shown they will kill to keep people under their takes no courage to stand up to westboro or duke....that is why you guys feel free to stand against them...when there is a real fight going on...where real violence is guys back down without hesitation....

"you guys" - who are "you guys"?
I hope you are not referring to me.
I have a 20 gauge, 12 gauge tactical, an AR15 and a 9mm hangun. I don't back down.
Geller is not standing up against anyone. She is a complete loon known for blogging and writing all kinds of lunatic claims and complete garbage against everyone she doesn't like. She is no hero. She did this event to, once again, put herself in front of microphones and cameras. That is her only interest.
So if you want to defend someone little different than Al Sharpton, go right ahead.
As the Texas story unfolds...once again it ends up being a left/right rock throwing contest rather than clear thinking people seeing it for what it is.
Beginning with the death of the two fanatics. Their death is on themselves. Let's also be clear about that. Any people shooting off automatic weapons in public places is most definitely suicidal.
But as for Geller? She is indefensible. She is a fanatical hate monger shrilling and shrieking out all kinds of loony claims on a daily basis. One shouldn't forget - she actually claimed Obama was an illegitimate child of Malcom X, who spent time in Pakistan where he became a muslim. Seriously.
The purpose of her "contest" was to incite anger. No other reason. Just to piss people off. And I have little doubt the whacky bitch is happy this happened. In put her in a spotlight where she loves to be.
So for those on the left - the death of the two fanatics? It's on them. 100%.
And those on the right - Pamela Geller is not someone to defend. She is a crazy nut who will only drag you into her world of insanity.
What is the difference between her wanting to incite anger, and thousands of other aggrieved wanting to incite anger?

The whole country is one long heat wave from blowing, one dead thug from nationwide chaos in the cities.

She's a POS, but, just one of thousands.

Wuff Blitzah damned near as bad over, at CNN.
Pamela Geller didn't draw a single cartoon. She was not responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre nor the fatwa against the Danish cartoonist who was the first to draw mohammed. Pamela Geller has nothing to do with the movie made by Theo Van Gough. She didn't run the school that got Malala shot in the head.

Exactly...........funny how the left takes common cause with the muslim terrorists........blame the victims......if only they didn't draw those cartoons......and soon...if only she wore a veil and didn't antagonize that muslim rapist, and if only those gays, well...weren't gay when the muslims killed them....and on and on......

You don't back down to killers.....why.....? Because they will be encouraged to keep killing to keep you in line......

And since she is the only one over here with the balls to fight these assholes while the castrated American left bitches and moans about her, while they applaud The Book of Mormon, Piss Christ and all the other attacks on peaceful religions......they are cowards.......and attack Pamela Geller because they are terrified of muslims........

Where is the left taking "common cause" with terrorists? Link?

By condemning Pamela Geller......both think she was wrong to incite the terrorists.......

Two different things.

She had a right to do what she did - I abhor her actions but support her right to say it. Just like I support the right of the KKK to conduct a parade through town. Even if it could incite violence - it's their right. Free speech shouldn't be restricted to what the majority "approves of" or what is politically correct (left or right).

But I condemn her for spreading her hate and trying to incite people in the name of free speech. Her reasons for doig so have nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with her agenda and I think that is certainly not heroic.

Why do people defend a person who is no different than the KKK in outlook? The best thing to do with creatures like that is to ignore them, let them have their say and parades, but give them no media attention. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

Sorry...she is specifically addressing the muslim war on free speech..which the enforce through murder.....and I imagine you found Martin Luther King Jr. equally contemptible because he incited people to violence...right....? to the democrats who beat him King was spreading you would support the idea that he was a hate monger?

The Muslim war on free speech.

There are those who have addressed it - without dignity, class, and perserverence along with a deep understanding of the religion he is a part of - Salman Rushdie.
We attack Pamela Geller for the same reason we attack the Westboro Baptists, David Duke, and others like that.

No...sorry.....not the same.....Gellar is standing up to muslim terrorists who have shown they will kill to keep people under their takes no courage to stand up to westboro or duke....that is why you guys feel free to stand against them...when there is a real fight going on...where real violence is guys back down without hesitation....

She's standing up to nothing. She's spreading her hate just like David Duke. Courage belongs to people like Martin Luther King or the boys who died in Mississippi standing up to racists and trying to register people to vote. They weren't spreading hate.

Real moral courage would have meant that perhaps Geller would have noted, and applauded, the thousands of Muslims living in the DFW area who did not react violently rather than the two who did.

She isn't spreading hate either....she is highlighting muslim hate.....and you guys don't get it.......that is why France has No Go zones where women fear for their safety, and the police are refused have given in to muslim terrorism....and attack Gellar because it is safe......and gently suggest killing people over cartoons is not a good thing....either........see how weak you guys are......
the art contest was a provocation and nothing more.
The first amendment was the last thing on her mind.
she's the kind of person who thinks it's fun to yell fire in a crowded theatre...
Pamela Geller didn't draw a single cartoon. She was not responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre nor the fatwa against the Danish cartoonist who was the first to draw mohammed. Pamela Geller has nothing to do with the movie made by Theo Van Gough. She didn't run the school that got Malala shot in the head.

Exactly...........funny how the left takes common cause with the muslim terrorists........blame the victims......if only they didn't draw those cartoons......and soon...if only she wore a veil and didn't antagonize that muslim rapist, and if only those gays, well...weren't gay when the muslims killed them....and on and on......

You don't back down to killers.....why.....? Because they will be encouraged to keep killing to keep you in line......

And since she is the only one over here with the balls to fight these assholes while the castrated American left bitches and moans about her, while they applaud The Book of Mormon, Piss Christ and all the other attacks on peaceful religions......they are cowards.......and attack Pamela Geller because they are terrified of muslims........

Where is the left taking "common cause" with terrorists? Link?

By condemning Pamela Geller......both think she was wrong to incite the terrorists.......
Both sides can be wrong, you know.

Stiffnecked Jew-bitch and wannabe amateur terrorists both wrong in this case.

Being rid of 2 out of 3 ain't a bad day's work though.
Exactly...........funny how the left takes common cause with the muslim terrorists........blame the victims......if only they didn't draw those cartoons......and soon...if only she wore a veil and didn't antagonize that muslim rapist, and if only those gays, well...weren't gay when the muslims killed them....and on and on......

You don't back down to killers.....why.....? Because they will be encouraged to keep killing to keep you in line......

And since she is the only one over here with the balls to fight these assholes while the castrated American left bitches and moans about her, while they applaud The Book of Mormon, Piss Christ and all the other attacks on peaceful religions......they are cowards.......and attack Pamela Geller because they are terrified of muslims........

Where is the left taking "common cause" with terrorists? Link?

By condemning Pamela Geller......both think she was wrong to incite the terrorists.......

Two different things.

She had a right to do what she did - I abhor her actions but support her right to say it. Just like I support the right of the KKK to conduct a parade through town. Even if it could incite violence - it's their right. Free speech shouldn't be restricted to what the majority "approves of" or what is politically correct (left or right).

But I condemn her for spreading her hate and trying to incite people in the name of free speech. Her reasons for doig so have nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with her agenda and I think that is certainly not heroic.

Why do people defend a person who is no different than the KKK in outlook? The best thing to do with creatures like that is to ignore them, let them have their say and parades, but give them no media attention. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

Sorry...she is specifically addressing the muslim war on free speech..which the enforce through murder.....and I imagine you found Martin Luther King Jr. equally contemptible because he incited people to violence...right....? to the democrats who beat him King was spreading you would support the idea that he was a hate monger?

The Muslim war on free speech.

There are those who have addressed it - without dignity, class, and perserverence along with a deep understanding of the religion he is a part of - Salman Rushdie.

Yes...another hater...right? And that Theo Van Goh...another muslim hater...guess he deserved to be stabbed and shot to death in the middle of a public street...he was inciting hatred against musliims....right?
We attack Pamela Geller for the same reason we attack the Westboro Baptists, David Duke, and others like that.
Because you are left wing idiots?

You support the Westboro Baptists and David Duke? That's certainly telling.

You support the two terrorist killers? That is certainly you also attack women who don't wear veils or beat up gays?

Nope. Never have. But then again, I'm not the one calling you a right wing idiot for attacking Geller, the Wesboro Baptists, and David Duke.
Pamela Geller didn't draw a single cartoon. She was not responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre nor the fatwa against the Danish cartoonist who was the first to draw mohammed. Pamela Geller has nothing to do with the movie made by Theo Van Gough. She didn't run the school that got Malala shot in the head.

Exactly...........funny how the left takes common cause with the muslim terrorists........blame the victims......if only they didn't draw those cartoons......and soon...if only she wore a veil and didn't antagonize that muslim rapist, and if only those gays, well...weren't gay when the muslims killed them....and on and on......

You don't back down to killers.....why.....? Because they will be encouraged to keep killing to keep you in line......

And since she is the only one over here with the balls to fight these assholes while the castrated American left bitches and moans about her, while they applaud The Book of Mormon, Piss Christ and all the other attacks on peaceful religions......they are cowards.......and attack Pamela Geller because they are terrified of muslims........

Where is the left taking "common cause" with terrorists? Link?

By condemning Pamela Geller......both think she was wrong to incite the terrorists.......
Both sides can be wrong, you know.

Stiffnecked Jew-bitch and wannabe amateur terrorists both wrong in this case.

Being rid of 2 out of 3 ain't a bad day's work though.

She is an atheist....

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