Getting it straight; Pamela Geller is a nut.

for the record-----jews have no religious reason for hating muslims. There is nothing in the torah about hating muslims. Muslims do have a religious reason for hating jews-----its part and parcel of their religious belief system-----their cult leader hated jews and the book upon which they depend is all about jews.
To expand-----even if the idiot idea that muhummad created ---that HE was descended from Ishmael is accepted-----jews
still do not have a religious reason for hating muslims.

yeah the Jewish problem with muslims seems to come from the muslim practice of murdering innocent Jews.....funny how that works out........

I will help you to understand because I learned all about islam from muslims. It is DA JOOOOS who hate muslims and are actively trying to DESTROY ISLAAAAAM.
DA JOOOOOS tried to DESTROY ISLAAAAAM right from the inception of islaaam -----in fact since the beginning of time. If you do not understand that fact------you know nothing about ISLAAAAAAM -------Early on in my education about islam ------I got it from Intellectually intact
people-------in fact they were all medical school graduates which means they could read and write and supply the RIGHT answers on school tests. In muslim societies----the RIGHT answer is----as noted above. If they has not
supplied the RIGHT answer-----they would never have made it into medical school (for the record-----one does not have to really believe the "right" answer-----to write it-----but most
people do)
We attack Pamela Geller for the same reason we attack the Westboro Baptists, David Duke, and others like that.
Because you are left wing idiots?

You support the Westboro Baptists and David Duke? That's certainly telling.
David Duke is fighting anti-white racism when no else will and when a major political party is actively defending and encouraging said anti-white racism under the guise of "tolerance"(like the idiot in the thread about Saida Grundy not only defending her clearly anti-white male quotes, but also calling white males who have problem with it "bigots" and losers). Until Democrats stop being nothing but a huge hate group white nationalists will always have the moral high ground.
The Westboro Baptist Church is one stupid family with absolutely no power other than what it was given by left wing Christianophobes who wanted to use them to prove there was a Evangelical Christian group even remotely as crazy as the average Muslim.
We attack Pamela Geller for the same reason we attack the Westboro Baptists, David Duke, and others like that.

No...sorry.....not the same.....Gellar is standing up to muslim terrorists who have shown they will kill to keep people under their takes no courage to stand up to westboro or duke....that is why you guys feel free to stand against them...when there is a real fight going on...where real violence is guys back down without hesitation....

She's standing up to nothing. She's spreading her hate just like David Duke. Courage belongs to people like Martin Luther King or the boys who died in Mississippi standing up to racists and trying to register people to vote. They weren't spreading hate.

Real moral courage would have meant that perhaps Geller would have noted, and applauded, the thousands of Muslims living in the DFW area who did not react violently rather than the two who did.
In that case you should applaud every white person, every(white)Christian, and every(white)Southerner for not opening fire on the DNC convention after Democrats committed treason with their immigration policies and blamed white people for the ensuing carnage.
typical neo Nazi rhetoric ...
Typical white wittol...
Gellar isn't the problem. The Problem is Islam.
Nah, they both get to be the problem in these cases.
Nope. Murdering people over a cartoon is a problem. Period.

Funny how the left just doesn't get that point....of course, I believe that the wiring in their brains is off...which is why they can still function normally in all things...except when it comes to right and wrong and the truth, reality, and common sense.....
common sense is not what you think it is .
if you had any you'd know that!
You can clearly see what happens when the West flaunts Muhammed cartoons in the faces of many Muslims.

We should stop immediately taunting them with things that are insulting to them.

For instance gay marriage, and related things like gay pride parades that openly flaunt gayness in the faces of everyone including Muslims who are offended by such disgusting behavior that is completely forbidden by their prophet and their god.

Why would the individuals in the gay community openly taunt, and openly condemn religions that forbid homosexuality, knowing they could easily bring the wrath of Islamic terrorists into our cities and neighborhoods ?
Why do they insist on a behavior that invites attacks and puts all Americans at risk ?

Cartoonists, Pamela Gellar, Gays, they are all the same.
As the Texas story unfolds...once again it ends up being a left/right rock throwing contest rather than clear thinking people seeing it for what it is.
Beginning with the death of the two fanatics. Their death is on themselves. Let's also be clear about that. Any people shooting off automatic weapons in public places is most definitely suicidal.
But as for Geller? She is indefensible. She is a fanatical hate monger shrilling and shrieking out all kinds of loony claims on a daily basis. One shouldn't forget - she actually claimed Obama was an illegitimate child of Malcom X, who spent time in Pakistan where he became a muslim. Seriously.
The purpose of her "contest" was to incite anger. No other reason. Just to piss people off. And I have little doubt the whacky bitch is happy this happened. In put her in a spotlight where she loves to be.
So for those on the left - the death of the two fanatics? It's on them. 100%.
And those on the right - Pamela Geller is not someone to defend. She is a crazy nut who will only drag you into her world of insanity.
Tell the left to stop defacing Christian symbols and calling it art, and then maybe I will think about listening to the hypocritical assholes.

As it is right now, Gellar did nothing but expose the myth of "moderate Muslims" who are easily 100 times more backward and radical than any Evangelical on the face of the earth. Only nutjobs care about whether someone claims to be drawing their ancient prophet.
If you love your idols and gawd so much then you should be trying to life the life of the man you claim to be following...
As the Texas story unfolds...once again it ends up being a left/right rock throwing contest rather than clear thinking people seeing it for what it is.
Beginning with the death of the two fanatics. Their death is on themselves. Let's also be clear about that. Any people shooting off automatic weapons in public places is most definitely suicidal.
But as for Geller? She is indefensible. She is a fanatical hate monger shrilling and shrieking out all kinds of loony claims on a daily basis. One shouldn't forget - she actually claimed Obama was an illegitimate child of Malcom X, who spent time in Pakistan where he became a muslim. Seriously.
The purpose of her "contest" was to incite anger. No other reason. Just to piss people off. And I have little doubt the whacky bitch is happy this happened. In put her in a spotlight where she loves to be.
So for those on the left - the death of the two fanatics? It's on them. 100%.
And those on the right - Pamela Geller is not someone to defend. She is a crazy nut who will only drag you into her world of insanity.
Tell the left to stop defacing Christian symbols and calling it art, and then maybe I will think about listening to the hypocritical assholes.

As it is right now, Gellar did nothing but expose the myth of "moderate Muslims" who are easily 100 times more backward and radical than any Evangelical on the face of the earth. Only nutjobs care about whether someone claims to be drawing their ancient prophet.
If you love your idols and gawd so much then you should be trying to life the life of the man you claim to be following...
oh no not that! that would require a lack of ignorance...
CLose your eyes and sleep....more jihadis will be along shortly courtesy of the Presidents terrorist importation policy,,,,,...n
This kind of thing, whatever else may be said about it, exposes the cowardice and hypocrisy on the left.
We attack Pamela Geller for the same reason we attack the Westboro Baptists, David Duke, and others like that.
Because you are left wing idiots?

You support the Westboro Baptists and David Duke? That's certainly telling.
David Duke is fighting anti-white racism when no else will and when a major political party is actively defending and encouraging said anti-white racism under the guise of "tolerance"(like the idiot in the thread about Saida Grundy not only defending her clearly anti-white male quotes, but also calling white males who have problem with it "bigots" and losers). Until Democrats stop being nothing but a huge hate group white nationalists will always have the moral high ground.
The Westboro Baptist Church is one stupid family with absolutely no power other than what it was given by left wing Christianophobes who wanted to use them to prove there was a Evangelical Christian group even remotely as crazy as the average Muslim.

I have interviewed psychotics------and they all express a grain of "truth" buried in their nuttiness-----as do you----but it is not ENOUGH to be acceptable to a sane mind

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