Getting Radicalism Out Of The Classroom


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
We have to beat back this progressive/liberal poison and turn this trend around NOW...

Getting radicalism out of the classroom.
June 15, 2017

David Horowitz and Mark Tapson

Reprinted from the Daily Caller.

It is no secret that, as the radical left moved from protesting on campuses in the ‘60s to infiltrating those campuses as educators in the decades since, American colleges and universities have been fundamentally transformed from institutions of higher learning to mills of political indoctrination. Through the leftwing schools of education and activist figures like terrorist Bill Ayers, a “distinguished professor of early childhood education” and editor of a series of manuals on teaching “social justice in secondary schools, the tentacles of that indoctrination now latch onto youthful minds beginning in kindergarten.

By the time today’s young college arrivals first unpack in their dorms, they are shoddily educated but already steeped in leftwing propaganda. They can barely read, have no appreciation for our country’s past except what anti-Americanism they have absorbed from communist historians like Howard Zinn, and are utterly ignorant of civics and the Constitution. But they havebeen steeped in social justice ideologies which see the world through the Marxist lens of victimhood and oppression. Make that white male capitalist oppression.


That curriculum urges teachers to base lessons on the 13 tenets of the racist Black Lives Matter movement’s agenda, which include “Restorative Justice,” “Globalism,” “Unapologetically Black,” and “Collective Value.” Teachers were also encouraged to wear Black Lives Matter T-shirts – a pedagogical mandate that immediately spread to schools in Seattle as well.


Moreover, we call on the state’s professional teacher organizations and unions to voluntarily adopt an educators’ code of ethics and professional responsibility that incorporates the above principles and specifically prohibits teachers in K-12 schools from using the classroom for political indoctrination.

Reclaiming Our Schools: A Code Of Ethics For K-12 Educators
The indoctrination that has been taking place in the classrooms of America is THE main problem with our society. This is where we start in order to bring back a civil society. Otherwise we are doomed.
But it isn't indoctination if you force GOD into the class room and hate people that wish to be LGBT. You're haters of freedom and liberty.

An education should be about teaching one to be civilized and accepting such human freedoms.
The SJWs are the dumbest people on earth


So saying we should treat other people better = you're dumb. So you're smart if you treat people like shit and fight to take peoples freedoms away. People like you are why Iran and Saudi Arabia is so backwards...You don't seem to get why islam is bad don't you. It is because of the people practicing it and handing down such idiiotic judgements on other people....

Such blind hatred against other people is why this world really sucks.
The SJWs are the dumbest people on earth


So saying we should treat other people better = you're dumb. So you're smart if you treat people like shit and fight to take peoples freedoms away. People like you are why Iran and Saudi Arabia is so backwards...You don't seem to get why islam is bad don't you. It is because of the people practicing it and handing down such idiiotic judgements on other people....
No, I am saying the SJW's are the dumbest people on earth. Most of the time they don't even know why they fight, who they fight. They just fight for rights they already have. I call that dumb
Freedom as in real freedom to be who you want in life and do as you please is something religion hates. Religion is all about limiting people and repressing the individual.

You really hate that someones best friend can marry them.
You really hate that some guy wants to be like the other 51% of the population
You really hate when someone has a little fun in life

You moralist use your religion to repress people and are just like the muslims that you hate so much. You just hate them because they aint your team.

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