Getting Rid of the EPA


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This article deals with Trump's nominee to head up the agency in order to do away with it. It's written by someone who went to work for the agency with a scientific background and desire to “clean things up.” Here is just one quote:

During the two decades since I left government service, I’ve continued to watch the EPA’s shenanigans with a mixture of awe and vexation. Policy by policy and decision by decision, the EPA has decimated the nation’s competitiveness, ability to innovate, and capacity to create wealth. Its policies and decisions have single-handedly killed off entire once-promising sectors of biotechnology, including bioremediation (the use of microorganisms to clean up toxic wastes, including oil spills) and microorganisms that when sprayed on plants could prevent frost damage.

Read more at: Scott Pruitt Abolish EPA? He Might — and Should | National Review
Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
The EPA has devolved into a fascist democrat cult.....and must be destroyed...

Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
View attachment 103117

How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .
Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
Sheesh... it never ceases to amaze me how some people are so deluded as to believe that the fucking world will end without gigantic, hugely expensive and intrusive XYZ federal bureaucracy there to save us from ourselves.

These folks are rather like Middle Ages European Peasants that could not imagine existence without the Catholic Church dictating every aspect of their lives.
Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !

Yeah, we're going to reverse every single pollution standard and regulation once we get rid of the EPA. We Republicans don't care about clean air or clean water. We breathe and drink different stuff.
The EPA is a result of Nixon "compromising" with leftist turds. It is a malignant enterprise and never should have been created.
This article deals with Trump's nominee to head up the agency in order to do away with it. It's written by someone who went to work for the agency with a scientific background and desire to “clean things up.” Here is just one quote:

During the two decades since I left government service, I’ve continued to watch the EPA’s shenanigans with a mixture of awe and vexation. Policy by policy and decision by decision, the EPA has decimated the nation’s competitiveness, ability to innovate, and capacity to create wealth. Its policies and decisions have single-handedly killed off entire once-promising sectors of biotechnology, including bioremediation (the use of microorganisms to clean up toxic wastes, including oil spills) and microorganisms that when sprayed on plants could prevent frost damage.

Read more at: Scott Pruitt Abolish EPA? He Might — and Should | National Review

The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
Sheesh... it never ceases to amaze me how some people are so deluded as to believe that the fucking world will end without gigantic, hugely expensive and intrusive XYZ federal bureaucracy there to save us from ourselves.

These folks are rather like Middle Ages European Peasants that could not imagine existence without the Catholic Church dictating every aspect of their lives.

You were doing great until that last comment.
The EPA has devolved into a fascist democrat cult.....and must be destroyed...

Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
View attachment 103117

How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .
States do, idiot.....
Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
Sheesh... it never ceases to amaze me how some people are so deluded as to believe that the fucking world will end without gigantic, hugely expensive and intrusive XYZ federal bureaucracy there to save us from ourselves.

These folks are rather like Middle Ages European Peasants that could not imagine existence without the Catholic Church dictating every aspect of their lives.

That's the way the extremist left works:

If you want to get rid of the EPA, you want our country to be like China.

If you are against gay marriage, you must want to go back to the days where interracial marriage was not legal.

If you are against phony equal pay bills (already passed in the early 60's) you must want women working for next to nothing.

If you are against unions, you must want us to return to women and children working 14 hour days with no lunch or breaks.

If you are against affirmative action, you must want to bring back slavery.
How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .

First of all, tard, nobody's getting rid of the EPA. Second, all 50 states have their own sets of environmental laws as well as many large cities. The situation in China is not a reality here with or without a federal EPA, so stop panicking , Chicken Little.
The EPA is a result of Nixon "compromising" with leftist turds. It is a malignant enterprise and never should have been created.
Likewise the fbi, the blm, the usfws, the cia....

All illegal bullshit *agencies* that were created to sidestep the constitution and grant the feds power and license to act illegally against the American people.
How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .

First of all, tard, nobody's getting rid of the EPA. Second, all 50 states have their own sets of environmental laws as well as many large cities. The situation in China is not a reality here with or without a federal EPA, so stop panicking , Chicken Little.

Oh I think the epa may go down.

If not eliminated entirely, cut back to an office with three employees.
During the two decades since I left government service, I’ve continued to watch the EPA’s shenanigans with a mixture of awe and vexation. Policy by policy and decision by decision, the EPA has decimated the nation’s competitiveness, ability to innovate, and capacity to create wealth.

How looney toons do you have to be to try to claim that America, of all places, is not competetive, doesn't innovate, doesn't create wealth?

Where has this guy been in the last two decades of American competitiveness, innovation and wealth growth?

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This article deals with Trump's nominee to head up the agency in order to do away with it. It's written by someone who went to work for the agency with a scientific background and desire to “clean things up.” Here is just one quote:

During the two decades since I left government service, I’ve continued to watch the EPA’s shenanigans with a mixture of awe and vexation. Policy by policy and decision by decision, the EPA has decimated the nation’s competitiveness, ability to innovate, and capacity to create wealth. Its policies and decisions have single-handedly killed off entire once-promising sectors of biotechnology, including bioremediation (the use of microorganisms to clean up toxic wastes, including oil spills) and microorganisms that when sprayed on plants could prevent frost damage.

Read more at: Scott Pruitt Abolish EPA? He Might — and Should | National Review

The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE couldn't engineer its way out of a wet paper bag...:lol:
The EPA is a result of Nixon "compromising" with leftist turds. It is a malignant enterprise and never should have been created.
Likewise the fbi, the blm, the usfws, the cia....

All illegal bullshit *agencies* that were created to sidestep the constitution and grant the feds power and license to act illegally against the American people.

The two largest threats to our liberty are lifelong appointed judges and bureaucracies. That's because neither have any accountability. Politicians use bureaucracies to pass laws unpopular with the people and be able to blame somebody else.
The EPA has devolved into a fascist democrat cult.....and must be destroyed...

Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
View attachment 103117

How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .
States do, idiot.....

Our air and water are not confined to state borders . In fact by its nature the environment literally will spill across state lines .

It's rediculous to say this is a state issue .

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