Getting Rid of the EPA

The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.
Water issues standards in Florida are not anywhere near on a par with those in Wyoming. Centralized one-size-fits-all is one of the chief reasons the EPA is a shit show.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE and state DORs can handle the entirety of the very few legit functions of the EPA.

You can have minimum standards that are tailored enough for various environments.

Examples include wastewater treatment levels based on discharge locations, Bay, Ocean, River, river upstream of a drinking water source, etc.

States can make requirements more stringent, but not less.

Asking bureaucracies to have limitations on controlling the people is like telling an alcoholic they can only have one drink a night.

They've gotten too large and too powerful. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.
The EPA has devolved into a fascist democrat cult.....and must be destroyed...

Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
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How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .
States do, idiot.....

Our air and water are not confined to state borders . In fact by its nature the environment literally will spill across state lines .

It's rediculous to say this is a state issue .
I'm excited that one of the first things Trump is going to kill is the EPAs waters of the United States rules....

What's rules are those ?
The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.
Water issues standards in Florida are not anywhere near on a par with those in Wyoming. Centralized one-size-fits-all is one of the chief reasons the EPA is a shit show.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE and state DORs can handle the entirety of the very few legit functions of the EPA.

You can have minimum standards that are tailored enough for various environments.

Examples include wastewater treatment levels based on discharge locations, Bay, Ocean, River, river upstream of a drinking water source, etc.

States can make requirements more stringent, but not less.

Asking bureaucracies to have limitations on controlling the people is like telling an alcoholic they can only have one drink a night.

They've gotten too large and too powerful. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

That's why we have elected officials to check them. Which is fine .

But let's be real . The GOP wants the EPA out of the way so that their big biz masters can earn more money at the expense of our national environment.
The EPA has devolved into a fascist democrat cult.....and must be destroyed...

How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .
States do, idiot.....

Our air and water are not confined to state borders . In fact by its nature the environment literally will spill across state lines .

It's rediculous to say this is a state issue .
I'm excited that one of the first things Trump is going to kill is the EPAs waters of the United States rules....

What's rules are those ?
it doesn't matter, they will be killed.....
Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
^ that

rw kooks like OP think everything on the planet is theirs to sell despite the externalities. Guarantee he has to google that term ;)


This bed wetter posts a response that is nearly unintelligible while questioning the intellect of other people.

Are these assholes really that stupid?

BTW Dot, did you ever get your ass blood that hitlery wiped off her dick off your Bernie Sanders Teddy Bear?

The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.
Water issues standards in Florida are not anywhere near on a par with those in Wyoming. Centralized one-size-fits-all is one of the chief reasons the EPA is a shit show.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE and state DORs can handle the entirety of the very few legit functions of the EPA.

You can have minimum standards that are tailored enough for various environments.

Examples include wastewater treatment levels based on discharge locations, Bay, Ocean, River, river upstream of a drinking water source, etc.

States can make requirements more stringent, but not less.

Asking bureaucracies to have limitations on controlling the people is like telling an alcoholic they can only have one drink a night.

They've gotten too large and too powerful. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

There has to be some national level policy on pollution control, and I'm not talking about Greenhouse gases and saving river smelts. I'm talking about basic standards of treatment for wastewater, gas stacks, run-off, and other point and gross sources of pollution that can impact multiple states.

The agency has to be gutted, but not removed. If it is a hard task, well then that's what we elected Trump for.
Regressives have given "environmental groups" special standing to sue the EPA and have used the courts to legislate policies congress would never pass. It goes something like this, an environmental group sues the EPA for not doing their bidding, the EPA doesn't defend the law and settles in court agreeing with the environmental group. The court then enters a judgment requiring the EPA to do as demanded. It's called sue and settle, just google EPA sue and settle. The first thing congress needs to do is remove the special standing given these groups and the EPA needs to be required to follow and defend the law.
The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.
Water issues standards in Florida are not anywhere near on a par with those in Wyoming. Centralized one-size-fits-all is one of the chief reasons the EPA is a shit show.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE and state DORs can handle the entirety of the very few legit functions of the EPA.

You can have minimum standards that are tailored enough for various environments.

Examples include wastewater treatment levels based on discharge locations, Bay, Ocean, River, river upstream of a drinking water source, etc.

States can make requirements more stringent, but not less.

Asking bureaucracies to have limitations on controlling the people is like telling an alcoholic they can only have one drink a night.

They've gotten too large and too powerful. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

There has to be some national level policy on pollution control, and I'm not talking about Greenhouse gases and saving river smelts. I'm talking about basic standards of treatment for wastewater, gas stacks, run-off, and other point and gross sources of pollution that can impact multiple states.

The agency has to be gutted, but not removed. If it is a hard task, well then that's what we elected Trump for.
You mean like the EPA regulating PCP (personal care products) to the 1 part per trillion level? Yeah, that's fucking progress....

End the EPA, put it back to the states where it belongs....
The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.
Water issues standards in Florida are not anywhere near on a par with those in Wyoming. Centralized one-size-fits-all is one of the chief reasons the EPA is a shit show.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE and state DORs can handle the entirety of the very few legit functions of the EPA.

You can have minimum standards that are tailored enough for various environments.

Examples include wastewater treatment levels based on discharge locations, Bay, Ocean, River, river upstream of a drinking water source, etc.

States can make requirements more stringent, but not less.

Asking bureaucracies to have limitations on controlling the people is like telling an alcoholic they can only have one drink a night.

They've gotten too large and too powerful. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

There has to be some national level policy on pollution control, and I'm not talking about Greenhouse gases and saving river smelts. I'm talking about basic standards of treatment for wastewater, gas stacks, run-off, and other point and gross sources of pollution that can impact multiple states.

The agency has to be gutted, but not removed. If it is a hard task, well then that's what we elected Trump for.
You mean like the EPA regulating PCP (personal care products) to the 1 part per trillion level? Yeah, that's fucking progress....

End the EPA, put it back to the states where it belongs....

Yes, they have to stop doing that. In fact that is more of a FDA thing, but I digress.

You have to have some Federal level arbiter and standards setter, just not as big and as intrusive as the current EPA.
The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.
Water issues standards in Florida are not anywhere near on a par with those in Wyoming. Centralized one-size-fits-all is one of the chief reasons the EPA is a shit show.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE and state DORs can handle the entirety of the very few legit functions of the EPA.

You can have minimum standards that are tailored enough for various environments.

Examples include wastewater treatment levels based on discharge locations, Bay, Ocean, River, river upstream of a drinking water source, etc.

States can make requirements more stringent, but not less.

Asking bureaucracies to have limitations on controlling the people is like telling an alcoholic they can only have one drink a night.

They've gotten too large and too powerful. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

That's why we have elected officials to check them. Which is fine .

But let's be real . The GOP wants the EPA out of the way so that their big biz masters can earn more money at the expense of our national environment.

That's bull and you know it.

How can we be competitive in the world when we have the EPA creating laws and regulations against our industry every single year? Those laws and regulations cost industry a ton of money. Trust me, I'm in transportation, and I can't begin to tell you what they've done to us and already plan on doing to us in the future.

We have to pass these costs to our customers. Our customers have to produce product to sell to us hopefully. We all end up paying that cost. When it gets too costly to produce any longer, companies get on a boat and move to another country.
Water issues standards in Florida are not anywhere near on a par with those in Wyoming. Centralized one-size-fits-all is one of the chief reasons the EPA is a shit show.

The ACE and state DORs can handle the entirety of the very few legit functions of the EPA.

You can have minimum standards that are tailored enough for various environments.

Examples include wastewater treatment levels based on discharge locations, Bay, Ocean, River, river upstream of a drinking water source, etc.

States can make requirements more stringent, but not less.

Asking bureaucracies to have limitations on controlling the people is like telling an alcoholic they can only have one drink a night.

They've gotten too large and too powerful. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

There has to be some national level policy on pollution control, and I'm not talking about Greenhouse gases and saving river smelts. I'm talking about basic standards of treatment for wastewater, gas stacks, run-off, and other point and gross sources of pollution that can impact multiple states.

The agency has to be gutted, but not removed. If it is a hard task, well then that's what we elected Trump for.
You mean like the EPA regulating PCP (personal care products) to the 1 part per trillion level? Yeah, that's fucking progress....

End the EPA, put it back to the states where it belongs....

Yes, they have to stop doing that. In fact that is more of a FDA thing, but I digress.

You have to have some Federal level arbiter and standards setter, just not as big and as intrusive as the current EPA.
But it's the fucking EPA.....
Regressives have given "environmental groups" special standing to sue the EPA and have used the courts to legislate policies congress would never pass. It goes something like this, an environmental group sues the EPA for not doing their bidding, the EPA doesn't defend the law and settles in court agreeing with the environmental group. The court then enters a judgment requiring the EPA to do as demanded. It's called sue and settle, just google EPA sue and settle. The first thing congress needs to do is remove the special standing given these groups and the EPA needs to be required to follow and defend the law.

This is a big one right here.
I was an Environmental Engineer for 30 years. In retirement I also do consulting. I cleaned up a whole lot of pollution during that time.

I got involved in environmental work when the CAA, CWA, RCRA, SDWA, etc regulations were first promulgated.

There was a need for the EPA decades ago. The implementation of the first regulations resulted in about an 80% cleanup of pollution for about 20% of the cost. That was a good thing.

The next phase was to clean up 15% for 30% of the cost. Some of it was needed but most not.

What the friggin EPA is doing now is working on 5% for 50% of the cost and that is a disaster for our economy with very little benefit and it needs to stop.

The US already spends more money on Environmental controls than the rest of the world combined.

The regulations have become a tremendous burden on the US economy and has resulted in a lot of manufacturing jobs going elsewhere.

It is time we had somebody with common sense running the government and stop doing stupid things like Obama did with the EPA.

Thank goodness that jackass Crooked Hillary was not elected or else we would just have a continuation of Obama's disasters.
You can have minimum standards that are tailored enough for various environments.

Examples include wastewater treatment levels based on discharge locations, Bay, Ocean, River, river upstream of a drinking water source, etc.

States can make requirements more stringent, but not less.

Asking bureaucracies to have limitations on controlling the people is like telling an alcoholic they can only have one drink a night.

They've gotten too large and too powerful. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

There has to be some national level policy on pollution control, and I'm not talking about Greenhouse gases and saving river smelts. I'm talking about basic standards of treatment for wastewater, gas stacks, run-off, and other point and gross sources of pollution that can impact multiple states.

The agency has to be gutted, but not removed. If it is a hard task, well then that's what we elected Trump for.
You mean like the EPA regulating PCP (personal care products) to the 1 part per trillion level? Yeah, that's fucking progress....

End the EPA, put it back to the states where it belongs....

Yes, they have to stop doing that. In fact that is more of a FDA thing, but I digress.

You have to have some Federal level arbiter and standards setter, just not as big and as intrusive as the current EPA.
But it's the fucking EPA.....

And I said, the EPA shouldn't be meddling in consumer products.

But you still nee something like it at the federal level.
The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.
Water issues standards in Florida are not anywhere near on a par with those in Wyoming. Centralized one-size-fits-all is one of the chief reasons the EPA is a shit show.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE and state DORs can handle the entirety of the very few legit functions of the EPA.

You can have minimum standards that are tailored enough for various environments.

Examples include wastewater treatment levels based on discharge locations, Bay, Ocean, River, river upstream of a drinking water source, etc.

States can make requirements more stringent, but not less.

Asking bureaucracies to have limitations on controlling the people is like telling an alcoholic they can only have one drink a night.

They've gotten too large and too powerful. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

That's why we have elected officials to check them. Which is fine .

But let's be real . The GOP wants the EPA out of the way so that their big biz masters can earn more money at the expense of our national environment.
EXACTLY!!! and Dummy OP is ok w/that
The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.
Water issues standards in Florida are not anywhere near on a par with those in Wyoming. Centralized one-size-fits-all is one of the chief reasons the EPA is a shit show.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE and state DORs can handle the entirety of the very few legit functions of the EPA.

You can have minimum standards that are tailored enough for various environments.

Examples include wastewater treatment levels based on discharge locations, Bay, Ocean, River, river upstream of a drinking water source, etc.

States can make requirements more stringent, but not less.

Asking bureaucracies to have limitations on controlling the people is like telling an alcoholic they can only have one drink a night.

They've gotten too large and too powerful. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

There has to be some national level policy on pollution control, and I'm not talking about Greenhouse gases and saving river smelts. I'm talking about basic standards of treatment for wastewater, gas stacks, run-off, and other point and gross sources of pollution that can impact multiple states.

The agency has to be gutted, but not removed. If it is a hard task, well then that's what we elected Trump for.

Our Congress takes vacation half of the year. I think they have plenty of time to create necessary regulations while at the same time, not creating regulations that only harm businesses that won't do our environment any good.

Here in Ohio the EPA said they didn't like our air quality. Fine, then don't come to our city! Nope, they forced us into this E-check system. Now every other year, you have to take your car to this station, and they test it to see if your car meets the EPA standards.

After ten years of this expensive nonsense, they tested the air quality again. No difference than from ten years earlier. So what did they do? They extended the program.

We could have used all that money for better projects in our state. But we were forced to waste millions and millions of dollars to produce nothing. That's what's wrong with having an EPA.
That's bull and you know it.

How can we be competitive in the world when we have the EPA creating laws and regulations against our industry every single year? Those laws and regulations cost industry a ton of money. Trust me, I'm in transportation, and I can't begin to tell you what they've done to us and already plan on doing to us in the future.

We have to pass these costs to our customers. Our customers have to produce product to sell to us hopefully. We all end up paying that cost. When it gets too costly to produce any longer, companies get on a boat and move to another country.

Timmy doesn't "know" anything.


In order to "know" something you have to have a functional frontal lobe. Retards like Timmy believe in shit, but they don't "know" anything because most of what they believe in is bullshit. You can't "know" something if it's bullshit.
The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.
Water issues standards in Florida are not anywhere near on a par with those in Wyoming. Centralized one-size-fits-all is one of the chief reasons the EPA is a shit show.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE and state DORs can handle the entirety of the very few legit functions of the EPA.

You can have minimum standards that are tailored enough for various environments.

Examples include wastewater treatment levels based on discharge locations, Bay, Ocean, River, river upstream of a drinking water source, etc.

States can make requirements more stringent, but not less.

Asking bureaucracies to have limitations on controlling the people is like telling an alcoholic they can only have one drink a night.

They've gotten too large and too powerful. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

There has to be some national level policy on pollution control, and I'm not talking about Greenhouse gases and saving river smelts. I'm talking about basic standards of treatment for wastewater, gas stacks, run-off, and other point and gross sources of pollution that can impact multiple states.

The agency has to be gutted, but not removed. If it is a hard task, well then that's what we elected Trump for.

Our Congress takes vacation half of the year. I think they have plenty of time to create necessary regulations while at the same time, not creating regulations that only harm businesses that won't do our environment any good.

Here in Ohio the EPA said they didn't like our air quality. Fine, then don't come to our city! Nope, they forced us into this E-check system. Now every other year, you have to take your car to this station, and they test it to see if your car meets the EPA standards.

After ten years of this expensive nonsense, they tested the air quality again. No difference than from ten years earlier. So what did they do? They extended the program.

We could have used all that money for better projects in our state. But we were forced to waste millions and millions of dollars to produce nothing. That's what's wrong with having an EPA.

Then it requires fixing, not scrapping.

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