Getting Rid of the EPA

This article deals with Trump's nominee to head up the agency in order to do away with it. It's written by someone who went to work for the agency with a scientific background and desire to “clean things up.” Here is just one quote:

During the two decades since I left government service, I’ve continued to watch the EPA’s shenanigans with a mixture of awe and vexation. Policy by policy and decision by decision, the EPA has decimated the nation’s competitiveness, ability to innovate, and capacity to create wealth. Its policies and decisions have single-handedly killed off entire once-promising sectors of biotechnology, including bioremediation (the use of microorganisms to clean up toxic wastes, including oil spills) and microorganisms that when sprayed on plants could prevent frost damage.

Read more at: Scott Pruitt Abolish EPA? He Might — and Should | National Review

The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE couldn't engineer its way out of a wet paper bag...:lol:

Tell that to the Mississippi River.
How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .
It's a classic strawman argument. You assume (don't we all know how to spell that?) that businesses will just pollute because they can. Then you use the worst example of an industrial economy, one that hasn't technologically advanced itself into the middle half of the last century, as an example of what Murica would be with no EPA.

And your assertion that the sole role of the EPA is to protect the environment is laughable.
How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .

First of all, tard, nobody's getting rid of the EPA. Second, all 50 states have their own sets of environmental laws as well as many large cities. The situation in China is not a reality here with or without a federal EPA, so stop panicking , Chicken Little.

Oh I think the epa may go down.

If not eliminated entirely, cut back to an office with three employees.

The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.
Water issues standards in Florida are not anywhere near on a par with those in Wyoming. Centralized one-size-fits-all is one of the chief reasons the EPA is a shit show.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE and state DORs can handle the entirety of the very few legit functions of the EPA.
How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .
It's a classic strawman argument. You assume (don't we all know how to spell that?) that businesses will just pollute because they can. Then you use the worst example of an industrial economy, one that hasn't technologically advanced itself into the middle half of the last century, as an example of what Murica would be with no EPA.

And your assertion that the sole role of the EPA is to protect the environment is laughable.

I don't have to assume . History shows us what companies will do when no one is watching them . Even wh the EPA we have all kinds of examples of big biz poisoning us .
How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .

First of all, tard, nobody's getting rid of the EPA. Second, all 50 states have their own sets of environmental laws as well as many large cities. The situation in China is not a reality here with or without a federal EPA, so stop panicking , Chicken Little.

Oh I think the epa may go down.

If not eliminated entirely, cut back to an office with three employees.

There is nothing wrong with bureaucracies as long as they don't have the power to fine, tax, or create new law. They should only be able to suggest it and then send it to Congress to pass.
This article deals with Trump's nominee to head up the agency in order to do away with it. It's written by someone who went to work for the agency with a scientific background and desire to “clean things up.” Here is just one quote:

During the two decades since I left government service, I’ve continued to watch the EPA’s shenanigans with a mixture of awe and vexation. Policy by policy and decision by decision, the EPA has decimated the nation’s competitiveness, ability to innovate, and capacity to create wealth. Its policies and decisions have single-handedly killed off entire once-promising sectors of biotechnology, including bioremediation (the use of microorganisms to clean up toxic wastes, including oil spills) and microorganisms that when sprayed on plants could prevent frost damage.

Read more at: Scott Pruitt Abolish EPA? He Might — and Should | National Review

The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE couldn't engineer its way out of a wet paper bag...:lol:

Tell that to the Mississippi River.
Thanks!!!! I like my engineering there too!!!!!
The EPA has devolved into a fascist democrat cult.....and must be destroyed...
An excellent idea....but to be sure, do it in all the Red states first to see how it goes......for a few decades.

And what would you blue areas do when all the businesses move to our states?

Exactly. Our states are supposed to be set aside for their enjoyment when they go on vacation. The peasants are supposed to maintain a couple of rustic restaurants and craft stores for them, and that's IT. They are not supposed to be educated, or wealthy, or anything other than picturesque. They must not sully their private land with structures or plows...they should only maintain a couple of heads of cattle for people to look at when they drive through, and none of those cattle must smell bad, cross any creeks, or be on bare dirt, no matter HOW much they're fed.

Don't you know anything?
The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.
Water issues standards in Florida are not anywhere near on a par with those in Wyoming. Centralized one-size-fits-all is one of the chief reasons the EPA is a shit show.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE and state DORs can handle the entirety of the very few legit functions of the EPA.

You can have minimum standards that are tailored enough for various environments.

Examples include wastewater treatment levels based on discharge locations, Bay, Ocean, River, river upstream of a drinking water source, etc.

States can make requirements more stringent, but not less.
Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
Sheesh... it never ceases to amaze me how some people are so deluded as to believe that the fucking world will end without gigantic, hugely expensive and intrusive XYZ federal bureaucracy there to save us from ourselves.

These folks are rather like Middle Ages European Peasants that could not imagine existence without the Catholic Church dictating every aspect of their lives.

You were doing great until that last comment.

I think it was spot on all the way.

Libturds are mindlessly devoted to their causes. Middle age peasants had no access to information. Modern libturds have access, and try to undermine other people from getting it like the church did. It ushered in protestant sects of Christianity.
The EPA has devolved into a fascist democrat cult.....and must be destroyed...

Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
View attachment 103117

How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .

Apparently you're not aware that businesses in China are tightly controlled by GOVERNMENT, in other words they have GOVERNMENT permission (i.e. their legal "right" to externalize costs through excessive pollution is protected by GOVERNMENT guns) to pollute at the levels they currently do.

Still want to talk about massive centralized government bureaucracy as a solution to a clean environment? Or should we consider something a bit more rational, like using local enforcement and community action to hold polluters accountable for externalizing their costs? After all it's the people that utilize that environment that have all the incentive and necessary understanding to protect it.
I don't have to assume . History shows us what companies will do when no one is watching them . Even wh the EPA we have all kinds of examples of big biz poisoning us .
And history also shows us how absolutely corrupt bureaucrats get, even when people are watching them. The EPA is a sewer of blatant corruption and overreach.

Your idiotic comment remains a strawman argument.
This article deals with Trump's nominee to head up the agency in order to do away with it. It's written by someone who went to work for the agency with a scientific background and desire to “clean things up.” Here is just one quote:

During the two decades since I left government service, I’ve continued to watch the EPA’s shenanigans with a mixture of awe and vexation. Policy by policy and decision by decision, the EPA has decimated the nation’s competitiveness, ability to innovate, and capacity to create wealth. Its policies and decisions have single-handedly killed off entire once-promising sectors of biotechnology, including bioremediation (the use of microorganisms to clean up toxic wastes, including oil spills) and microorganisms that when sprayed on plants could prevent frost damage.

Read more at: Scott Pruitt Abolish EPA? He Might — and Should | National Review

The EPA should only concentrate on issues that occur between States, and setting basic national standards for the local State DEC/P's.

Any active remediation projects should be given to the Army Corp of Engineers.
The ACE couldn't engineer its way out of a wet paper bag...:lol:

Tell that to the Mississippi River.
Thanks!!!! I like my engineering there too!!!!!

Are you aware of the Old River Control Structure, where the ACE has basically prevented the Mississippi from changing main course since the 1960'?
I don't have to assume . History shows us what companies will do when no one is watching them . Even wh the EPA we have all kinds of examples of big biz poisoning us .
And history also shows us how absolutely corrupt bureaucrats get, even when people are watching them. The EPA is a sewer of blatant corruption and overreach.

And your idiotic comment is still a strawman.

So you throw out the baby with the bath water!?
The EPA has devolved into a fascist democrat cult.....and must be destroyed...

Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
View attachment 103117

How is that a strawman? You want to eliminate the EPA , which protects the environment.

China is a glaring example of what happens when big biz can pollute all they want in the mane of making money .
States do, idiot.....

Our air and water are not confined to state borders . In fact by its nature the environment literally will spill across state lines .

It's rediculous to say this is a state issue .
I'm excited that one of the first things Trump is going to kill is the EPAs waters of the United States rules....
Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
We cant be like China...we burn coal clean...dumbass
Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !
^ that

rw kooks like OP think everything on the planet is theirs to sell despite the externalities. Guarantee he has to google that term ;)

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