Ghetto Goes To China

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Why am I not surprised? These losers shouldn't be on ANY team anymore. They are an embarrassment to the USA, so why are they still slated to play once they are returned home? Personally, I hope they are tossed in a chinese jail so they can scream about racism for getting caught being assholes. See how far that gets them. And the one guys dad claiming its no big deal. No wonder his kid is a thief.
On the day the U.S. President arrives in China these three n!ggers disgrace their Country by doing this. I'm sure the Chinese won't impose a harsh punishment on them -- but they might choose to embarrass the U.S. by offering to allow our President to take them home with him.

Along with the kneelers, these three pricks are making a hell of a statement.
If it isn't bad enough Blacks have become a disgrace for kneeling during our national anthem now the ghetto rats embarrass us stealing shit in China.

Hey, Obama, if I had a son.

LiAngelo Ball and UCLA teammates could face 3-10 years in prison if convicted of shoplifting
If they were in Saudi Arabia they would lose a hand, how would that impact their basketball. Give them the max, 10 years in China, I bet they wont ever shoplift again...
Sorry, I didn't see you already posted this.
I hope they spend the rest of their worthless lives in a Chinese prison. Good riddance!

UCLA basketball players reportedly arrested in China for shoplifting - CNN

Why is Americans in quotes in your title?

Why do you hope that they spend their lives in prison for shoplifting?
Their allegiance isn't to America. They may have citizenship, but they ain't AMERICAN.

Actually, I hop China executes them.

Do you say that because they shoplifted? Do shoplifters not feel allegiance to the US? Or do you know more about the students in question?
On the day the U.S. President arrives in China these three n!ggers disgrace their Country by doing this. I'm sure the Chinese won't impose a harsh punishment on them -- but they might choose to embarrass the U.S. by offering to allow our President to take them home with him.

Along with the kneelers, these three pricks are making a hell of a statement.

These guys make shitloads of money. Why the fuck were they STEALING what they could BUY? Fucking losers.
Its their culture. Low life pond scum.

Meanwhile..I hope China tosses the book at them. Let them hang in a chinese prison and scream about rights. I will laugh at the image in my head of what the results will be.
How many threads are there on this?

Then ask yourselves: When did old white guys start following shop lifting in other countries?

Oh and use this when you reply for copy and paste convenience: "This isn't about race" "How dare you?"
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