Ghislane Maxwell found guilty

Tell us how you believe bill Clinton is clean and pure. Why do democrats cover up for him?
I have never said that Bill Clinton is clean and pure. You, of course, are free to link something to prove me wrong. And let's remember Clinton WAS impeached.........while trump was elected after bragging about sexually assaulting random women. I bet you voted for him anyway, right?
If they do, he needs to go down.

Would you say the same for your fat former fraud god?
Anyone involved with child sex trafficking needs to go down, and they need to get life with no chance of parole. This isn’t a political issue this is keeping children safe from sick scum.
Time for her to take a ride to the other big house. LOL! So many young girls and women suffered under her evil. Glad justice finally arrived.

Dropping charges against the guards who let them murder epstein sends a message to his partner...

The message being sent by the light punishment for the prison guards whose negligence enabled Epstein’s death is pretty clear. If Maxwell were to “commit suicide” or “have an accident,” any guards implicated in negligence permitting such a death may face minimal consequences.

Oddly, none of the articles on the prison guards escaping serious punishment in the major media and press services that I examined specified the federal prosecutors agreeing to wrist slap. But since the federal trial took place in Manhattan, I have to assume they work for the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Cyrus Vance, Jr. a hereditary Democrat elite federal functionary.

I agree....and yet, look how many have voted (twice) for the fat former fraud who bragged about sexual assault.
If Hillary won in 2016, Bill would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and you and your ilk would be here covering up their actions.

If Hillary runs in 2024, you will support her and cheer Bill when he speaks.
You'd have to ask all those in the AG Barr Justice Dept/Federal Prisons about that one. I don't think they are in a position to suicide anyone anymore.
I heard Clinton was on kiddie bang island for sure. MSM is awful quiet about said event. Shocking.
I have never said that Bill Clinton is clean and pure. You, of course, are free to link something to prove me wrong. And let's remember Clinton WAS impeached.........while trump was elected after bragging about sexually assaulting random women. I bet you voted for him anyway, right?

You can lie and deny . It's what you do.
1. I have read that Ms. M. was used to wealth and privilege.

2. The law was for commoners.

3. Her father was a big newspaper publisher, who died under mysterious circumstances.

4. Apparently, she thought that she could get involved in a crime that most Americans consider worse than murder and not be held accountable.

5. At least she will probably not be brutalized and raped in prison, as would have happened to Mr. E. if he had gone to prison.
The age of 17 can be a child or might not be, and can be a woman with 3 kids by then.
Anyone who claims a hard and fast ages is lying.
It depends on each individual, their experiences, knowledge, ambitions, vulnerabilities, etc.
Remember, Romeo and Juliet were supposed to be 12 and 15.
It does not change the early part of life that we now last longer in the later part of life.
The reality is that puberty is supposed to be adulthood.
The fact we retard mental development in our society is not natural and our fault, not the fault of those who want to be more natural.
And speaking of natural, there are not monogamous primates.
Not a one.
So very unlikely humans naturally are monogamous either.

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