Ghislane Maxwell found guilty

Time for her to take a ride to the other big house. LOL! So many young girls and women suffered under her evil. Glad justice finally arrived.
The whole thing was a sham. Comey’s daughter was the prosecutor. The Judge sealed all the evidence and they won’t make public all the pedos that went to their pedo island.
Sorry, but the whole case is a ridiculous fraud.
People are supposed to be free do to what they want, as long as they do not use force on others.
So in this case, it is the government who is guilty, attempting to use force to prevent people from doing what they want.
And those being abused by government are the under age girls who wanted money.

The legal definition of "under age" is totally an authoritarian edict, that is totally untrue.
While I personally do not like the idea of young women being corrupted by money, the historical reality is that ALWAYS happens and is therefore relatively normal.
You can not legally or ethically impose an arbitrary value system on anyone else.

The correct way to teach proper values so that people do not sell themselves cheaply, is to provide better alternatives.
It is totally draconian to try to impose values by force.
That is not at all legal in a democratic republic.
Excellent thread.



Her defense was that she didn’t know anything. As a result there are no names that come with that. She’s holding out for a Trump re-election pardon.
Her defense was that she didn’t know anything. As a result there are no names that come with that. She’s holding out for a Trump re-election pardon.

It would be impossible for her to not know all the visitors, since it was her responsibility to ensure their accommodations.
But I don't see any way that could at all cause her to have any criminal liability for what 2 other people decide to do.
The whole case seems totally bogus to me.
The DOJ, FBI, CIA protect de Rats and their own.....not the rule of Law.

All this dog and pony show has been is a cover up.

Her defense was that she didn’t know anything. As a result there are no names that come with that. She’s holding out for a Trump re-election pardon.
She’s holding out for a Trump re-election pardon.

Why would Trump want to pardon her?

Considering some of the names that have been hinted at, pressure can be put on Biden to give her a pardon, so she can be 'disappeared'.
We all want to know why did the FBI concealed 20k images and videos from Epstein properties? why???

Who are they protecting? hmm?

The FBI is so rotten it's disgusting!

like I said, this was only a dog and pony show, because Justice is nowhere to be seen.
Why would Trump want to pardon her?

Considering some of the names that have been hinted at, pressure can be put on Biden to give her a pardon, so she can be 'disappeared'.
Biden is an honorable guy. Trumps been out there, is on record as wishing her the best, and is known to pardon criminal buddies. He’s her best hope.
Biden is an honorable guy. Trumps been out there, is on record as wishing her the best, and is known to pardon criminal buddies. He’s her best hope.

Biden is a pawn, and will do what he is told to do.
Epstein was in jail for a little longer than Ghislane will be and he was taken out before the new year...which....i must say, i predicted. I don't think they'll get her before January 1...that would look vevvy vevvy suspicious...but they could have it done by February if they feel she is a definite threat.

she'll keep her mouth shut.
Yes, he was taken out while a guest of the trump/barr federal prison system.

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