Gingrich: Obama Terror Speech 'Breathtakingly Naive'

How about the idiots like Paulitician who think that it's just terrible that we killed an American citizen (who happened to be in Yemen at a terrorist training camp when we dropped a drone on his ass.)

Please post the name of even one poster who thinks Obama is being too tough on Islamic terrorists.

I did.

Nope. You fail. Again.

You might be the biggest chump on this site since RDerp.
From the OP:

Gingrich said both Obama's and President George W. Bush's administrations have refused to admit radical Islam is on the offense across the planet. "It is what killed people in Boston. It is what just killed a soldier in London," he said.

I really don't care for Gingrich because he just jumps off the deep end too often, but in this case, truer words were never spoken.
How about the idiots like Paulitician who think that it's just terrible that we killed an American citizen (who happened to be in Yemen at a terrorist training camp when we dropped a drone on his ass.)

Obama brings foreigners here to stand trial in our courts. Yet, he cannot afford due process of law to an American citizen. If this had been Bush you would have shit a squealing worm.
How about the idiots like Paulitician who think that it's just terrible that we killed an American citizen (who happened to be in Yemen at a terrorist training camp when we dropped a drone on his ass.)

Obama brings foreigners here to stand trial in our courts. Yet, he cannot afford due process of law to an American citizen. If this had been Bush you would have shit a squealing worm.

Actually, during the Bush years, I made the mistake of defending nearly everything he did.

Until his mismanagement of the economy cost me my job and livlihood.

To the point, if Bush had killed this guy, you all would be defending him to the hilt.
Please post the name of even one poster who thinks Obama is being too tough on Islamic terrorists.

I did.

Nope. You fail. Again.

You might be the biggest chump on this site since RDerp.

Hey, Sunshine just proved my point. She thinks it was just terrible that we bombed the crap out of that guy in Yemen.

The thing is, you clowns try to have it both ways. You criticize Obama when he kills terrorists and you criticize him when he doesn't.

Nope. You fail. Again.

You might be the biggest chump on this site since RDerp.

Hey, Sunshine just proved my point. She thinks it was just terrible that we bombed the crap out of that guy in Yemen.

The thing is, you clowns try to have it both ways. You criticize Obama when he kills terrorists and you criticize him when he doesn't.
Nope. She objects because he was an American citizen.
You fail. Again.

Do you ever get tired of being shown to be an ignorant buffoon unable to debate issues?
Nope. You fail. Again.

You might be the biggest chump on this site since RDerp.

Hey, Sunshine just proved my point. She thinks it was just terrible that we bombed the crap out of that guy in Yemen.

The thing is, you clowns try to have it both ways. You criticize Obama when he kills terrorists and you criticize him when he doesn't.
Nope. She objects because he was an American citizen.
You fail. Again.

Do you ever get tired of being shown to be an ignorant buffoon unable to debate issues?

Dude, the guy was a terrorist. Not seeing the problem here.

Of course, the only problem you see is Obama is succeeding where Bush failed miserably.

Nope. You fail. Again.

You might be the biggest chump on this site since RDerp.

Hey, Sunshine just proved my point. She thinks it was just terrible that we bombed the crap out of that guy in Yemen.

The thing is, you clowns try to have it both ways. You criticize Obama when he kills terrorists and you criticize him when he doesn't.

What planet do you live on. We are not and were not at war with Yemen. Obama targeted an American citizen there and had him killed.
Ok, so name the rightwingers on this board who don't fall into either category I mentioned above.

I guess that answer from the Rabbi won't be forthcoming any time soon,

probably because I was right and he is full of shit.

You're the one full of shit. Please post the names of anyone who thinks Obama is being too tough on Islamic terrorists.

So you can't name a single one? That proves me right.

As to your question, paulitician, quantum windbag, that kennedy guy whatever his username is, freewill,

for starters,

all bitching about using drones to kill terrorists.
Hey, Sunshine just proved my point. She thinks it was just terrible that we bombed the crap out of that guy in Yemen.

The thing is, you clowns try to have it both ways. You criticize Obama when he kills terrorists and you criticize him when he doesn't.
Nope. She objects because he was an American citizen.
You fail. Again.

Do you ever get tired of being shown to be an ignorant buffoon unable to debate issues?

Dude, the guy was a terrorist. Not seeing the problem here.

Of course, the only problem you see is Obama is succeeding where Bush failed miserably.

Obama murdered an American citizen without due process of law. It has already been established that terrorismis a crime to be dealt with in a court of law. But not for an American citizen. Obama has set a precedent that will cost this country's citizens forever after into the future. Now he wants to use drones on American soil. Obama is what the founding fathers fought against. And you, supposedly a 'rah rah rah freedom' liberal think it is OK to deny American citizens due process of law. It is not, and it has not been since the inception of this country.
How about the idiots like Paulitician who think that it's just terrible that we killed an American citizen (who happened to be in Yemen at a terrorist training camp when we dropped a drone on his ass.)

Obama brings foreigners here to stand trial in our courts. Yet, he cannot afford due process of law to an American citizen. If this had been Bush you would have shit a squealing worm.

See, there's another one who thinks Obama killing terrorists is wrong.

What planet do you live on. We are not and were not at war with Yemen. Obama targeted an American citizen there and had him killed.

No, he targeted an Al Qaeda terrorist.

And since 9-11 we have been dealing with them in our courts of law. We were not at war with Yemen. The guy should have been brought here like his middle eastern buds have been and tried in an American court of law based on the evidence. The only evidence you have is Obama's say so that he was a terrorist, and you are oh so ready to accept that as justification for a death sentence carried out without due process of law. WTF kind of liberal are you anyway?
Gingrich is an idiot. So is Obama. Instead of wasting our time, money and manpower killing Arabs, you'd think we'd find something constructive to do.
How about the idiots like Paulitician who think that it's just terrible that we killed an American citizen (who happened to be in Yemen at a terrorist training camp when we dropped a drone on his ass.)

Obama brings foreigners here to stand trial in our courts. Yet, he cannot afford due process of law to an American citizen. If this had been Bush you would have shit a squealing worm.

See, there's another one who thinks Obama killing terrorists is wrong.

So, someone accuses you of being a terrorist, you are cool with Obama sending a drone out for you. Groovy.
Nope. She objects because he was an American citizen.
You fail. Again.

Do you ever get tired of being shown to be an ignorant buffoon unable to debate issues?

Dude, the guy was a terrorist. Not seeing the problem here.

Of course, the only problem you see is Obama is succeeding where Bush failed miserably.

Obama murdered an American citizen without due process of law. It has already been established that terrorismis a crime to be dealt with in a court of law. But not for an American citizen. Obama has set a precedent that will cost this country's citizens forever after into the future. Now he wants to use drones on American soil. Obama is what the founding fathers fought against. And you, supposedly a 'rah rah rah freedom' liberal think it is OK to deny American citizens due process of law. It is not, and it has not been since the inception of this country.

There is no such exception for American citizens.
Obama?....Really?..He's a joke

Obama is the president. Nobody could stand Newt by the end of their primaries, for god's sake, Romney beat him..

Nobody is listening to Newt Gingrich, I promise you.

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