Gingrich: Obama Terror Speech 'Breathtakingly Naive'

That is a common theme among GOP assholes.

The Raw Story | Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush

Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush
Josh Catone
Published: Sunday June 3, 2007

In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.

"At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]," Milligan said to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country."
And why does anyone give a shit what Gingrich thinks?

Because he adds a little reality into Obama's talking points for the brainwashed

He sounds like he wants to be in a state of perpetual war with half of the world. We cannot afford the money or the blood to police the world and preemptively strike anyone who doesn't like us. His neo-con position isn't reality, it's insanity.
Obama?....Really?..He's a joke

Gingrich is the asshole who closed down government twice on a perceived slight. He led the charge to impeach a president over silliness and made a very severe Constitutional procedure into a joke. And he did this while he was screwing around with all sorts of women including one who became his wife.

That and hes a fucking racist and bigot.

You want to throw in with that lot? Feel free.

You're pulling a Lakhota here aka troll deflection.

Why not address the OP instead of a bullshit post going over the list of what you perceive to be Gingrich's failings?

I'm not incorrect.

Gingrich is a bigot and a racist.

[ame=]Newt Gingrich wants Poor Children to Work as Janitors - YouTube[/ame]
Obama?....Really?..He's a joke

Gingrich is the asshole who closed down government twice on a perceived slight (??). He led the charge to impeach a president over silliness and made a very severe Constitutional procedure into a joke. And he did this while he was screwing around with all sorts of women including one who became his wife.

That and hes a fucking racist and bigot.(<---------<<< excuse me.., but he is NOT a democRAT !! :up:)

You want to throw in with that lot? Feel free.

YES !! Gingrich should be our president, starting in 2008AD, he is one of the most historically knowledgeable persons in politics, does this ring a bell ? those who ignore history are destined to repeat it.

...impeach a president over silliness you are saying lying under oath is SILLINESS ?? you really make yourself look stupid before your peers.., if you look in any mirrors you will see what i am saying !

Yeah..I am saying that lying over a blow job is a silly thing to impeach a President over..

This fucker lied about colluding with a nation that was holding our people captive..

[ame=]Reagan Breaks Laws then Lies About It - YouTube[/ame]

THAT was impeachable. He should have been REMOVED from office for that.
obama's speech was an obvious and very painful attempt to deflect away from the many scandals being exposed about his incompetent regime.

The poor infant doesn't want to be a wartime president. Shame on americans for getting killed while he's trying to enjoy himself. Turn the nation over to China or Russia. Then it won't be his problem any more.

Golf anyone?....How about a nice campaign speech

[ame=]Now watch this drive! - YouTube[/ame] this drive.
We don't have to be at war with anyone. Sitting around letting muslims kill us is one option. Surrendering and hoping they won't is another. Ask Sweden how it works.
Gingrich is the asshole who closed down government twice on a perceived slight. He led the charge to impeach a president over silliness and made a very severe Constitutional procedure into a joke. And he did this while he was screwing around with all sorts of women including one who became his wife.

That and hes a fucking racist and bigot.

You want to throw in with that lot? Feel free.

You're pulling a Lakhota here aka troll deflection.

Why not address the OP instead of a bullshit post going over the list of what you perceive to be Gingrich's failings?

I'm not incorrect.

Gingrich is a bigot and a racist.

[ame=]Newt Gingrich wants Poor Children to Work as Janitors - YouTube[/ame]

I was expected to serve lunch and clean things in the 6th grade and my 11th @ 12th grade. It teaches a person to work...

This is what school should partly be about.
We don't have to be at war with anyone. Sitting around letting muslims kill us is one option. Surrendering and hoping they won't is another. Ask Sweden how it works.

Who's surrendering? Just because we don't want to spend trillions of dollars on some shithole country, while our troops are sitting around waiting to get shot at, doesn't mean we're surrendering.
Why would he want to re-evaluate the current strategy?
Carry on droning and bombing and invading I say...after all, it's working so well!
So half of the right is arguing that Obama is a pussy when it comes to dealing with Islamic extremism,

and the other half is arguing that Obama is being too aggressive towards the same.
Maybe Obama can sign a peace treaty with the terrorist... Yeah that'll do it..."No more war" what an idiot :cuckoo: Gingrich should have been our president

President Barack Obama's counterterrorism speech last was "stunningly, breathtakingly naive," former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich says.

"He says at one point, wars have to end," Gingrich said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union. "Well, (Leon) Trotsky said, 'You may not care about war, but war cares about you.'"

Gingrich said both Obama's and President George W. Bush's administrations have refused to admit radical Islam is on the offense across the planet. "It is what killed people in Boston. It is what just killed a soldier in London," he said.

The president announces cheerfully, 'The war's going to end because I'm not happy being a war president,'" Gingrich said. Pointing to problems in northern Nigeria, the Chinese volunteering to send troops to Mali, and problems in Libya, Gingrich said the United States will never again see the pre-1941 sense of peace that it isn't being threatened.

I'd be more impressed with Fatboy's comments if he HADN'T gotten a dodge from service in Vietnam.

I'm always amazed that so many of these tools, after cashing checks from the Zionists, are all so anxious to send other people's children off to war.

Here's a crazy idea. Let's make up a legion of the children of all the wealthy people, politicians and Zionists, and make it the first unit deployed to any fight against "radical Islam". Betcha they won't be so keen on it then.

oh no!!! what would we do without all that government spending? would we survive!!....Racist?..Please..You people didn't seem to mind Clinton getting BJs in the oval office while talking to Arafat:eusa_hand:

Did the blowjob effect the conversation in any way?

frankly, I wonder why we are getting in to the middle of the pissing contest between Arafat and the Zionists about who's sky pixie has the bigger dick to start with.
So half of the right is arguing that Obama is a pussy when it comes to dealing with Islamic extremism,

and the other half is arguing that Obama is being too aggressive towards the same.

That's exactly the kind of over-simplification and exaggeration we've come to expect from you. Which is why half this board has you on ignore.

Funny to see the Obamanoids lining up to denigrate Gingrich rather than grapple with what he says. I f he were really off in left field it would be easy to show where he is wrong and Obama right.

But they cannot. Some because they lack the knowledge base and debating skills. Others because they lack the temperment. All because Gingrich is right and Obama is wrong.

Funny to see the Obamanoids lining up to denigrate Gingrich rather than grapple with what he says. I f he were really off in left field it would be easy to show where he is wrong and Obama right.

But they cannot. Some because they lack the knowledge base and debating skills. Others because they lack the temperment. All because Gingrich is right and Obama is wrong.

Guy, the thought of using the words "Gingrich" and "Grappling" in the same sentence just invokes images I'd rather not think about before breakfast.

His notion is that we should treat the Tsarnaev brothers or those two twits who hacked up a soldier in the UK with the same urgency that we treated Bin Laden and his hundreds of followers in training camps is just ludicrous.

And again, Gingrich seems to be parroting the Neo-Con/Zionist line ever since Sheldon started lining his pockets. I'd be more impressed with his military prowess if he HADN'T dodged the draft in Vietnam.
So half of the right is arguing that Obama is a pussy when it comes to dealing with Islamic extremism,

and the other half is arguing that Obama is being too aggressive towards the same.

That's exactly the kind of over-simplification and exaggeration we've come to expect from you. Which is why half this board has you on ignore.

Funny to see the Obamanoids lining up to denigrate Gingrich rather than grapple with what he says. I f he were really off in left field it would be easy to show where he is wrong and Obama right.

But they cannot. Some because they lack the knowledge base and debating skills. Others because they lack the temperment. All because Gingrich is right and Obama is wrong.

Ok, so name the rightwingers on this board who don't fall into either category I mentioned above.
Probably the only thing Obama has done reasonably well is continuing Bush's war on terror. I am willing to give him credit for that, but alas not much else. If he closes Gitmo and brings those assholes on US soil or cut back on targeted drone attacks, he'll fuck that up too.
Gingrich is the asshole who closed down government twice on a perceived slight. He led the charge to impeach a president over silliness and made a very severe Constitutional procedure into a joke. And he did this while he was screwing around with all sorts of women including one who became his wife.

That and hes a fucking racist and bigot.

You want to throw in with that lot? Feel free.

You're pulling a Lakhota here aka troll deflection.

Why not address the OP instead of a bullshit post going over the list of what you perceive to be Gingrich's failings?

I'm not incorrect.

Gingrich is a bigot and a racist.

[ame=]Newt Gingrich wants Poor Children to Work as Janitors - YouTube[/ame]

Good speech....
Having local kids taking part in the upkeep of their school and getting paid to do it.
Or staying home playing video games and just screwing off.

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