Gingrich: Obama Terror Speech 'Breathtakingly Naive'

A perfect example of Gingrich's foreign policy expertise:

Gingrich Criticized Obama For Not Intervening In Libya, But Now Criticizes Him For Intervening In Libya

By George Zornick on Mar 23, 2011 at 12:06 pm

Earlier this month, former Speaker of the House and current presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich was hammering President Obama for not intervening in Libya. Asked, “what would you do about Libya?” Gingrich responded:

Exercise a no-fly zone this evening. … We don’t need to have the United Nations. All we have to say is that we think that slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and that we’re intervening.

During appearances that same day, Gingrich also said that he would provide help to the Libyan rebels on top of the no-fly zone: “This is a moment to get rid of him. Do it. Get it over with.”


Now that Obama has initiated a no-fly zone over Libya, Gingrich has completely reversed his position with no apparent explanation. He told Politico over the weekend — less than 24 hours after Obama took action — that “it is impossible to make sense of the standard for intervention in Libya except opportunism and news media publicity.” This morning on the Today Show, he said plainly, “I would not have intervened”:

Gingrich Criticized Obama For Not Intervening In Libya, But Now Criticizes Him For Intervening In Libya | ThinkProgress
Gingrich: Obama Terror Speech 'Breathtakingly Naive'

And why should anyone give the opinion of a proven partisan hack like Gingrich any weight at all.

So you agree with obama? The terrorist have given up and the war is over?
To bad you cant ask the opinion of the Boston bombing victims or the solider in London and of course the 4 killed in Bengahzi then you have the guy in france......etc.

Just because you dont like someone you immediately disagree with them?
Typical...ruled by emotion rather then intellect.
And why does anyone give a shit what Gingrich thinks?

Because he adds a little reality into Obama's talking points for the brainwashed

He sounds like he wants to be in a state of perpetual war with half of the world. We cannot afford the money or the blood to police the world and preemptively strike anyone who doesn't like us. His neo-con position isn't reality, it's insanity.

I'll tell you what insanity is. It's an individual who can deny something that happens on a daily basis around the world. For political gain.Now that's insanity!!
It's akin to saying car crashes are a thing of the past.
We don't have to be at war with anyone. Sitting around letting muslims kill us is one option. Surrendering and hoping they won't is another. Ask Sweden how it works.

Who's surrendering? Just because we don't want to spend trillions of dollars on some shithole country, while our troops are sitting around waiting to get shot at, doesn't mean we're surrendering.

So we should just leave them to their own devices? (Pun intended)
Out of sight out of mind right?
It would be so much more cost effective to just wait until they enter the country and set off a dirty bomb or a suitcase nuke. And look on the bright side,our military loses would be minimal.
Gingrich: Obama Terror Speech 'Breathtakingly Naive'

And why should anyone give the opinion of a proven partisan hack like Gingrich any weight at all.

So you agree with obama? The terrorist have given up and the war is over?
To bad you cant ask the opinion of the Boston bombing victims or the solider in London and of course the 4 killed in Bengahzi then you have the guy in france......etc.

Just because you dont like someone you immediately disagree with them?
Typical...ruled by emotion rather then intellect.

I'm just wondering why you guys think we all need to collectively shit our pants over a terrorist attack that killed three, but 11,101 gun deaths are no big deal.
So half of the right is arguing that Obama is a pussy when it comes to dealing with Islamic extremism,

and the other half is arguing that Obama is being too aggressive towards the same.

That's exactly the kind of over-simplification and exaggeration we've come to expect from you. Which is why half this board has you on ignore.

Funny to see the Obamanoids lining up to denigrate Gingrich rather than grapple with what he says. I f he were really off in left field it would be easy to show where he is wrong and Obama right.

But they cannot. Some because they lack the knowledge base and debating skills. Others because they lack the temperment. All because Gingrich is right and Obama is wrong.

Ok, so name the rightwingers on this board who don't fall into either category I mentioned above.

I guess that answer from the Rabbi won't be forthcoming any time soon,

probably because I was right and he is full of shit.
That's exactly the kind of over-simplification and exaggeration we've come to expect from you. Which is why half this board has you on ignore.

Funny to see the Obamanoids lining up to denigrate Gingrich rather than grapple with what he says. I f he were really off in left field it would be easy to show where he is wrong and Obama right.

But they cannot. Some because they lack the knowledge base and debating skills. Others because they lack the temperment. All because Gingrich is right and Obama is wrong.

Ok, so name the rightwingers on this board who don't fall into either category I mentioned above.

I guess that answer from the Rabbi won't be forthcoming any time soon,

probably because I was right and he is full of shit.

You're the one full of shit. Please post the names of anyone who thinks Obama is being too tough on Islamic terrorists.
How about the idiots like Paulitician who think that it's just terrible that we killed an American citizen (who happened to be in Yemen at a terrorist training camp when we dropped a drone on his ass.)

Please post the name of even one poster who thinks Obama is being too tough on Islamic terrorists.
And why should anyone give the opinion of a proven partisan hack like Gingrich any weight at all.

So you agree with obama? The terrorist have given up and the war is over?
To bad you cant ask the opinion of the Boston bombing victims or the solider in London and of course the 4 killed in Bengahzi then you have the guy in france......etc.

Just because you dont like someone you immediately disagree with them?
Typical...ruled by emotion rather then intellect.

I'm just wondering why you guys think we all need to collectively shit our pants over a terrorist attack that killed three, but 11,101 gun deaths are no big deal.

It's only a matter of time before they try to pull off another large scale attack.
You'd be a fool to think otherwise.
So you agree with obama? The terrorist have given up and the war is over?
To bad you cant ask the opinion of the Boston bombing victims or the solider in London and of course the 4 killed in Bengahzi then you have the guy in france......etc.

Just because you dont like someone you immediately disagree with them?
Typical...ruled by emotion rather then intellect.

I'm just wondering why you guys think we all need to collectively shit our pants over a terrorist attack that killed three, but 11,101 gun deaths are no big deal.

It's only a matter of time before they try to pull off another large scale attack.
You'd be a fool to think otherwise.


Or we could also do the breathtakingly rational thing by getting out of their part of the world and stop propping up the Zionist entity....
Gingrich is the asshole who closed down government twice on a perceived slight. He led the charge to impeach a president over silliness and made a very severe Constitutional procedure into a joke. And he did this while he was screwing around with all sorts of women including one who became his wife.

That and hes a fucking racist and bigot.

You want to throw in with that lot? Feel free.

You're pulling a Lakhota here aka troll deflection.

Why not address the OP instead of a bullshit post going over the list of what you perceive to be Gingrich's failings?

I'm not incorrect.

Gingrich is a bigot and a racist.

[ame=]Newt Gingrich wants Poor Children to Work as Janitors - YouTube[/ame]

Like I said Gingrich speaks over the head of the ignorant. and stupid anyone who pushes the racists card out of the point he was try to make is here is defiantly both ignorant and stupid
Maybe Obama can sign a peace treaty with the terrorist... Yeah that'll do it..."No more war" what an idiot :cuckoo: Gingrich should have been our president

President Barack Obama's counterterrorism speech last was "stunningly, breathtakingly naive," former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich says.

"He says at one point, wars have to end," Gingrich said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union. "Well, (Leon) Trotsky said, 'You may not care about war, but war cares about you.'"

Gingrich said both Obama's and President George W. Bush's administrations have refused to admit radical Islam is on the offense across the planet. "It is what killed people in Boston. It is what just killed a soldier in London," he said.

The president announces cheerfully, 'The war's going to end because I'm not happy being a war president,'" Gingrich said. Pointing to problems in northern Nigeria, the Chinese volunteering to send troops to Mali, and problems in Libya, Gingrich said the United States will never again see the pre-1941 sense of peace that it isn't being threatened.

I'd be more impressed with Fatboy's comments if he HADN'T gotten a dodge from service in Vietnam.

I'm always amazed that so many of these tools, after cashing checks from the Zionists, are all so anxious to send other people's children off to war.

Here's a crazy idea. Let's make up a legion of the children of all the wealthy people, politicians and Zionists, and make it the first unit deployed to any fight against "radical Islam". Betcha they won't be so keen on it then.

"Zionist" ..."Zionist"..."Zionist"...Get some help man:cuckoo: You're not impressing anybody with your bigoted stupidity

Like I said Gingrich speaks over the head of the ignorant. and stupid anyone who pushes the racists card out of the point he was try to make is here is defiantly both ignorant and stupid

I sometimes like Gingrich. Even considered voting for him in the primary, but that was mostly because he wasn't Romney.

That said, the problem with Gingrich is that like a lot of these guys, he is very anxious to send other people's children off to war in a fight that doesn't really concern them.

If we have a problem with Radical Islam, (which is thankfully only a small slice of the world's one billion muslims, or we'd have some REAL problems!) it is because we've created it.

We supported the creation of the Zionist State on their land and keep supporting it.

We have interferred with their politics, overthrowing governments and supporting regimes they don't like.

If we insist on sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest, we shouldn't complain about getting stung.
Maybe Obama can sign a peace treaty with the terrorist... Yeah that'll do it..."No more war" what an idiot :cuckoo: Gingrich should have been our president


President Barack Obama's counterterrorism speech last was "stunningly, breathtakingly naive," former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich says.

"He says at one point, wars have to end," Gingrich said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union. "Well, (Leon) Trotsky said, 'You may not care about war, but war cares about you.'"

Gingrich said both Obama's and President George W. Bush's administrations have refused to admit radical Islam is on the offense across the planet. "It is what killed people in Boston. It is what just killed a soldier in London," he said.

The president announces cheerfully, 'The war's going to end because I'm not happy being a war president,'" Gingrich said. Pointing to problems in northern Nigeria, the Chinese volunteering to send troops to Mali, and problems in Libya, Gingrich said the United States will never again see the pre-1941 sense of peace that it isn't being threatened.

Gingrich: Obama Terror Speech 'Breathtakingly Naive'

Only slopeheads think Noot is worth listening to. He's a non-biblically married, race-baiter who rants about moonbases and electric surges. He's a nationwide joke.

I'd be more impressed with Fatboy's comments if he HADN'T gotten a dodge from service in Vietnam.

I'm always amazed that so many of these tools, after cashing checks from the Zionists, are all so anxious to send other people's children off to war.

Here's a crazy idea. Let's make up a legion of the children of all the wealthy people, politicians and Zionists, and make it the first unit deployed to any fight against "radical Islam". Betcha they won't be so keen on it then.

"Zionist" ..."Zionist"..."Zionist"...Get some help man:cuckoo: You're not impressing anybody with your bigoted stupidity

Hey, guy, Gingrich's entire presidential campaign was bankrolled by Sheldon Adelson, Zionist scumwad.

And when the GOP establishment slapped Gingrich down, Sheldon still insisted the Weird Mormon Robot kiss his ring.

The ironic thing is, American Jewish voters still voted 69% for Obama in 2012. All that sucking up, and so little to show for it.
Maybe Obama can sign a peace treaty with the terrorist... Yeah that'll do it..."No more war" what an idiot :cuckoo: Gingrich should have been our president


President Barack Obama's counterterrorism speech last was "stunningly, breathtakingly naive," former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich says.

"He says at one point, wars have to end," Gingrich said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union. "Well, (Leon) Trotsky said, 'You may not care about war, but war cares about you.'"

Gingrich said both Obama's and President George W. Bush's administrations have refused to admit radical Islam is on the offense across the planet. "It is what killed people in Boston. It is what just killed a soldier in London," he said.

The president announces cheerfully, 'The war's going to end because I'm not happy being a war president,'" Gingrich said. Pointing to problems in northern Nigeria, the Chinese volunteering to send troops to Mali, and problems in Libya, Gingrich said the United States will never again see the pre-1941 sense of peace that it isn't being threatened.

Gingrich: Obama Terror Speech 'Breathtakingly Naive'

We listened to Right Wingers like Noot, and all we got were two failed wars and a crashed economy.

We are not repeating the mistakes of conservatives. GET OVER IT.

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