Gingrich: Palestinians an ‘invented’ people

“There is no intelligent person today who argues about the existence of the Palestinian people ..... Nations are created gradually. I don’t think the Palestinians are less of a nation than the Americans .....”

- Tom Segev, Israeli historian

Gingrich defends calling Palestinians an ‘invented’ people in Republican debate - The Globe and Mail
What does this say about the "intelligence" of Gingrich - and the people who support his position?

They're all realists.....not phoneys.
All through history "Palestine" was in what is now Syria, Jordan, Isreal and Egypt.
When has anyone other than Isreal been asked to give up land to the "Palestinians".
All through history "Palestine" was in what is now Syria, Jordan, Isreal and Egypt.

Really? That's a neat trick those ancient people must have been working. Moving entire countries. That sure beats Moses turning his staff into a snake. Hell, it beats turning the Nile red.

When has anyone other than Isreal been asked to give up land to the "Palestinians".

Tell you what, how about you rephrase your question in non-biased terms that are more factual and less sensational. That way at least you won't look like an ideological hack, mkay?
All through history "Palestine" was in what is now Syria, Jordan, Isreal and Egypt.

Really? That's a neat trick those ancient people must have been working. Moving entire countries. That sure beats Moses turning his staff into a snake. Hell, it beats turning the Nile red.

When has anyone other than Isreal been asked to give up land to the "Palestinians".

Tell you what, how about you rephrase your question in non-biased terms that are more factual and less sensational. That way at least you won't look like an ideological hack, mkay?

Okay, what ideology do I follow Mr. Psychic?
I can always tell when someone has been defeated: "will you rephrase the question?"
Again, for the uninformed:
Palestine was in areas that stretched into Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and what is now Isreal. The first mention in recorded history has Palestine in Syria as the ancient Greeks in The Histories clearly defined Palestine in a part of Syria and Jordan.
Try again.
In the 9th century Palestine was ruled by Egypt and then the Christian Crusaders smashed their party there and then the Seventh Crusade and then the Mongolians smashed their party there and on and on and on. Add in the Ottomans off and on.
In the early 1800s Egyptian influence again dominated Palestine and they took over again soon after. They returned power to the Ottomans and where oh where were the Arabs and Persians supporting these poor "Palestinians" then? Fact is there was a hodge podge of peoples populating what was then "Palestine" for over a thousand years and few were labeled as "Palestinians".
Enter the Jews and all of a sudden we have millions of them.
When has Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria been asked to give up land to the Palestinians?
How come they will not offer any land?
Prior to 1947, "Palestinians" were known as "Jordanians".
When did they establish the Mandate for Palestine?
Irrelevant to my statement. These people (in the West Bank, anyway) are Jordanians who were abandoned by their state.

And Americans started out as Irish, German, English and Welsh, and have more recently started out as Mexican, Colombian, Jamaican, Russian.

260 years ago there were no Americans.

Less than 100 years ago there were no Iraqis, Saudi's or Yemenese. There were no South Sudanese, there were no Djiboutians, no Malians.

Things change....
When did they establish the Mandate for Palestine?
Irrelevant to my statement. These people (in the West Bank, anyway) are Jordanians who were abandoned by their state.

And Americans started out as Irish, German, English and Welsh, and have more recently started out as Mexican, Colombian, Jamaican, Russian.

260 years ago there were no Americans.

Less than 100 years ago there were no Iraqis, Saudi's or Yemenese. There were no South Sudanese, there were no Djiboutians, no Malians.

Things change....

true... but the reality is, no one is arguing that california and texas belong to mexicans... or that the people who live in those states aren't americans.
Irrelevant to my statement. These people (in the West Bank, anyway) are Jordanians who were abandoned by their state.

And Americans started out as Irish, German, English and Welsh, and have more recently started out as Mexican, Colombian, Jamaican, Russian.

260 years ago there were no Americans.

Less than 100 years ago there were no Iraqis, Saudi's or Yemenese. There were no South Sudanese, there were no Djiboutians, no Malians.

Things change....

America actually exists. Palestine never has.

That's the bottom line.
When did they establish the Mandate for Palestine?
Irrelevant to my statement. These people (in the West Bank, anyway) are Jordanians who were abandoned by their state.

And Americans started out as Irish, German, English and Welsh, and have more recently started out as Mexican, Colombian, Jamaican, Russian.

260 years ago there were no Americans.

Less than 100 years ago there were no Iraqis, Saudi's or Yemenese. There were no South Sudanese, there were no Djiboutians, no Malians.

Things change....
Apples to cumquats sport.
Irrelevant to my statement. These people (in the West Bank, anyway) are Jordanians who were abandoned by their state.

And Americans started out as Irish, German, English and Welsh, and have more recently started out as Mexican, Colombian, Jamaican, Russian.

260 years ago there were no Americans.

Less than 100 years ago there were no Iraqis, Saudi's or Yemenese. There were no South Sudanese, there were no Djiboutians, no Malians.

Things change....
Apples to cumquats sport.
No there were NO White Americans at the time you say,but there were many different Native American Peoples,but I suppose to YOU that they don't matter as YOU didn't mention them,another attempt to white(excuse the pun)wash American history,to suit the Anglophile guilt.NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THIS SITE I'M AFRAID,NOT GOOD ENOUGH AT ALL:redface:. theliq
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And Americans started out as Irish, German, English and Welsh, and have more recently started out as Mexican, Colombian, Jamaican, Russian.

260 years ago there were no Americans.

Less than 100 years ago there were no Iraqis, Saudi's or Yemenese. There were no South Sudanese, there were no Djiboutians, no Malians.

Things change....
Apples to cumquats sport.
No there were NO White Americans at the time you say,but there were many different Native American Peoples,but I suppose to YOU that they don't matter as YOU didn't mention them,another attempt to white(excuse the pun)wash America history,to suit the Anglophile guilt.NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THIS SITE I'M AFRAID,NOT GOOD ENOUGH AT ALL:redface:. theliq
What's with this race crap spreading on this site?

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