Gingrich: Palestinians an ‘invented’ people

You really are an uneducated neanderthal. Every post you make just makes this more evident.

Translation: I speak the simple truth.

Zionism isn't a made up term by non Jewish people.

That's exactly what it is. You don't actually believe the Jews coined the term, do you?
bripat,I don't want to be too horrible to YOU but Zionists are a Jewish creation,you need to expand your mind and read more,if you can infact read that is.

Its embarressing to read your uneducated prose on this thread,I don't expect you to have my mentality and intellect but I do expect you to have the basics,you really are starting to sound like Si:cuckoo: mono,God Forbid.

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"Zionist" is a term anti-Semites coined to disguise their hatred of Jews.
This of course is complete GARBAGE,you need to check out "The history and deeds of Zionism"I really don't think you know what we're dealing with here..Apologist:cuckoo:

Why would I bother to read a piece of anti-Semitic trash?
DITTO ABOVE,and therein lies you obvious problem...."Why would I Bother" You said it you Dumb Ass. MMMMMmmmmm I wonder what you will have intagliated on your headstone when you are gone???????
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You really are an uneducated neanderthal. Every post you make just makes this more evident.

Translation: I speak the simple truth.

Zionism isn't a made up term by non Jewish people.

That's exactly what it is. You don't actually believe the Jews coined the term, do you?


Holy shit, pick up a book for once in your life.

This is the kind of shit we have to deal with, people like you, who are so passionate about the things they say, without even understanding that what they say is a complete and utter lie that is easily proven to be a lie to themselves if they only seek the knowledge.
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Holy shit, pick up a book for once in your life.

This is the kind of shit we have to deal with, people like you, who are so passionate about the things they say, without even understanding that what they say is a complete and utter lie that is easily proven to be a lie to themselves if they only seek the knowledge.

Jews invented the word "Zion," which refers to Jerusalem. Anti-Semites like you coined the word "Zionism" so they could express their hatred for Jews while hiding behind a rhetorical fig leaf.
DITTO ABOVE,and therein lies you obvious problem...."Why would I Bother" You said it you Dumb Ass. MMMMMmmmmm I wonder what you will have intagliated on your headstone when you are gone???????

Was this incoherent gibberish intended to signify something?

Holy shit, pick up a book for once in your life.

This is the kind of shit we have to deal with, people like you, who are so passionate about the things they say, without even understanding that what they say is a complete and utter lie that is easily proven to be a lie to themselves if they only seek the knowledge.

Jews invented the word "Zion," which refers to Jerusalem. Anti-Semites like you coined the word "Zionism" so they could express their hatred for Jews while hiding behind a rhetorical fig leaf.

Holy shit, wrong again.

How are you wrong in every single post you make?

Zionism and the term itself, was founded by Jews because of anti-semitism. You keep saying shit about anti-semites in relation to Zionism but you don't fucking know anything about the political movement.

Just stop posting, you keep digging yourself a deeper hole.

You're just making shit up at this point. You know nothing about Zionism, the origin of the word or the political movement itself. You keep lying because you perceive Zionism as a term to be a bad thing and thus anybody who uses it correctly is somehow an anti-semite. Do you even know what Zionism is? And it's history? Look it up. It was founded by Jews.

You're simply showing how uneducated you are about Israel and Judaism in general. Have you ever heard of a Kibbutz? Probably not, because that contains elements of Zionism... those anti-semitic jews living on a Kibbutz.

Fucking. Moron. Just stop.
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Holy shit, pick up a book for once in your life.

This is the kind of shit we have to deal with, people like you, who are so passionate about the things they say, without even understanding that what they say is a complete and utter lie that is easily proven to be a lie to themselves if they only seek the knowledge.

Jews invented the word "Zion," which refers to Jerusalem. Anti-Semites like you coined the word "Zionism" so they could express their hatred for Jews while hiding behind a rhetorical fig leaf.

Holy shit, wrong again.

How are you wrong in every single post you make?

Zionism and the term itself, was founded by Jews because of anti-semitism. You keep saying shit about anti-semites in relation to Zionism but you don't fucking know anything about the political movement.

Just stop posting, you keep digging yourself a deeper hole.

You're just making shit up at this point. You know nothing about Zionism, the origin of the word or the political movement itself. You keep lying because you perceive Zionism as a term to be a bad thing and thus anybody who uses it correctly is somehow an anti-semite. Do you even know what Zionism is? And it's history? Look it up. It was founded by Jews.

You're simply showing how uneducated you are about Israel and Judaism in general. Have you ever heard of a Kibbutz? Probably not, because that contains elements of Zionism... those anti-semitic jews living on a Kibbutz.

Fucking. Moron. Just stop.
SHIT he's hard work Cowman,what's with this bripat:cuckoo:thick or WHAT.steven:cool:as for his pic of the young boy giving the finger,I hope its not his son,but even using this sort of image,tells me much(or is that little)about this guy.
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Holy shit, pick up a book for once in your life.

This is the kind of shit we have to deal with, people like you, who are so passionate about the things they say, without even understanding that what they say is a complete and utter lie that is easily proven to be a lie to themselves if they only seek the knowledge.

Jews invented the word "Zion," which refers to Jerusalem. Anti-Semites like you coined the word "Zionism" so they could express their hatred for Jews while hiding behind a rhetorical fig leaf.

actually, the term zionism was in reference to a political movement to recognize a jewish homeland and bring jews out of diaspora which goes back to the 1800's. after the holocaust, that became a more focused movement, obviously, since the U.S. and Britain wouldn't allow jews in during the war or after and sent boatloads of jews to their death by returning them to nazi occupied territory.

zionism only became a perjorative after the arab-sympathetic U.N. passed a resolution defining zionism as racism (of course, pan arabism wasn't racism, terrorism wasn't racism, but that's another story).

and yes, the term does come from biblical references to zion. and jerusalem has always been considered the center of the jewish world and the place to return to, which is why "next year in jerusalem" was so important.
Jews invented the word "Zion," which refers to Jerusalem. Anti-Semites like you coined the word "Zionism" so they could express their hatred for Jews while hiding behind a rhetorical fig leaf.

Holy shit, wrong again.

How are you wrong in every single post you make?

Zionism and the term itself, was founded by Jews because of anti-semitism. You keep saying shit about anti-semites in relation to Zionism but you don't fucking know anything about the political movement.

Just stop posting, you keep digging yourself a deeper hole.

You're just making shit up at this point. You know nothing about Zionism, the origin of the word or the political movement itself. You keep lying because you perceive Zionism as a term to be a bad thing and thus anybody who uses it correctly is somehow an anti-semite. Do you even know what Zionism is? And it's history? Look it up. It was founded by Jews.

You're simply showing how uneducated you are about Israel and Judaism in general. Have you ever heard of a Kibbutz? Probably not, because that contains elements of Zionism... those anti-semitic jews living on a Kibbutz.

Fucking. Moron. Just stop.
SHIT he's hard work Cowman,what's with this bripat:cuckoo:thick or WHAT.steven:cool:as for his pic of the young boy giving the finger,I hope its not his son,but even using this sort of image,tells me much(or is that little)about this guy.

so says one of the board idiots.
If this is what Gingrch think passes as HISTORICAL FACT, the man doesn't server his PhD.
Wrong. America actually exists. "Palestine" has never existed.

Palestine has been the name of the region for thousands of years, and the people who have lived there have been recognized as a distinct people for thousands of years. Furthermore, the state of Palestine does exist and is recognized by most of the countries in the world. Just because the US government refuses to recognize the existence of a country does not mean it doesn't exist. For God's sake, you believe in a federal government of limited power, right? Where in the world do you get off believing that the federal government has the power to dissolve a sovereign country by simply refusing to recognize it? That would be one enormous power.
Traditionally, "anti-Semite" is the word Americans use to refer to people who have an irrational hatred of Jews. Whether it is scientifically correct is an issue only for anti-Semites who don't want to be accurately identified as anti-Semites.

The term "anti-Semite" as it is used, is racist.

So.... calling someone out for racism is being a racist?

If I call someone a white supremacist then I am a racist?
Wrong. America actually exists. "Palestine" has never existed.

Palestine has been the name of the region for thousands of years, and the people who have lived there have been recognized as a distinct people for thousands of years. Furthermore, the state of Palestine does exist and is recognized by most of the countries in the world. Just because the US government refuses to recognize the existence of a country does not mean it doesn't exist. For God's sake, you believe in a federal government of limited power, right? Where in the world do you get off believing that the federal government has the power to dissolve a sovereign country by simply refusing to recognize it? That would be one enormous power.

No I'm not. And I've provided several sources. But I suspect you're going to ignore the facts because they interfere with your ideology.
Wrong. America actually exists. "Palestine" has never existed.

Palestine has been the name of the region for thousands of years, and the people who have lived there have been recognized as a distinct people for thousands of years. Furthermore, the state of Palestine does exist and is recognized by most of the countries in the world. Just because the US government refuses to recognize the existence of a country does not mean it doesn't exist. For God's sake, you believe in a federal government of limited power, right? Where in the world do you get off believing that the federal government has the power to dissolve a sovereign country by simply refusing to recognize it? That would be one enormous power.

The term 'Palestine' has been used for millenia, even by Jewish sources(Peleshet). Therefore, wouldn't the indigenous population be called Palestinians? :confused:

Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Traditionally, "anti-Semite" is the word Americans use to refer to people who have an irrational hatred of Jews. Whether it is scientifically correct is an issue only for anti-Semites who don't want to be accurately identified as anti-Semites.

The term "anti-Semite" as it is used, is racist.

So.... calling someone out for racism is being a racist?

If I call someone a white supremacist then I am a racist?

The term "anti-Semite" in reference to someone as "anti-Jewish" is itself a racist term, as Jews are not the only Semitic people. Arabs and Assyrians are also Semitic people. Therefore, the term should apply to the group as a whole. Zeroing in on only one group makes its usage racist by nature.
Just because he's not a Zionist doesn't mean he hates himself or his people. There are many, not a majority mind you, but certainly a plurality of Jews IN Israel who do not support the barbarity of the government they live under. Kind of like I'm not a "self hating" American because I don't agree with ours much of the time.

He has spewed his hatred for Israel into this forum. For him, the Israelis are guilty of everything the bloodthirsty murdering PLO savages accuse them of, while the PLO is utterly innocent. That's exactly the position taken by every anti-Semite.
Wrong, a gang of proven cut-throat murderers have accused Israel of war crimes. Nothing has been "proven." Anyone who accepts the claims of the PLO is more than likely a committed anti-Semite.
Israel is a war crime.

"The Guardian has compiled detailed evidence of alleged war crimes committed by Israel during the 23-day offensive in the Gaza Strip earlier this year, involving the use of Palestinian children as human shields and the targeting of medics and hospitals..."

Gaza war crimes investigation: Guardian uncovers evidence of alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza | World news |

Hamas and the PLO use children as human shields, not Israel. The Guardian is an anti-Semitic pro PLO propaganda rag. It appears you are an avid reader of anti-Semitic propaganda.
Can you offer any proof of your allegations against the Guardian?
Imagine my surprise.

"Amnesty International has said Hamas should be investigated for executing at least two dozen Palestinian men in an apparent bout of score-settling with rivals and alleged collaborators while Operation Cast Lead was under way.

"Human rights groups say the vast majority of offences were committed by Israel, and that the Gaza offensive was a disproportionate response to Hamas rocket attacks.

"Since 2002, there have been 21 Israeli deaths by Hamas rockets fired from Gaza, and during Operation Cast Lead there were three Israeli civilian deaths, six Israeli soldiers killed by Palestinian fire and four killed by friendly fire.

Gaza war crimes investigation: Guardian uncovers evidence of alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza | World news |

Israel began the killing in 1948 when a Jewish state was imposed by force of arms on a population that was two-thirds non-Jew. Deal with it.

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