Gingrich: Palestinians an ‘invented’ people

Being a Jew never stops the insults----they're called self-hating jews.

Just because he's not a Zionist doesn't mean he hates himself or his people. There are many, not a majority mind you, but certainly a plurality of Jews IN Israel who do not support the barbarity of the government they live under. Kind of like I'm not a "self hating" American because I don't agree with ours much of the time.

Maybe so, but Islam can go to fucking Mecca where they belong...

If they had any fucking respect they wouldn't OCCUPY another religions holy land .....

They not only want to they want to dominate..

You see Christians or Jews attempting to occupy Mecca??

Fuck Muslims...

Jerusalem is about as holy as mecca in the muslim religion. Its the place that mohammad ascended to heaven.

Fuck Christians.....
Just because he's not a Zionist doesn't mean he hates himself or his people. There are many, not a majority mind you, but certainly a plurality of Jews IN Israel who do not support the barbarity of the government they live under. Kind of like I'm not a "self hating" American because I don't agree with ours much of the time.

"Zionist" is a term anti-Semites coined to disguise their hatred of Jews.
You cannot say palestinians are just arabs, and at the same time claim that other nations are syrians, or jordanians, or lebanese.

We seem to be confusing what a nation is and what an ethnic group is. National boundries frequently cross ethnic groups, like they do for the Kurds today for example. While the Kurds are not a nation, they are an ethnicity. Syria is what is left from the French protectorate area given them as spoils at the end of the first world war. It is not an ethnic region or ethnicity. There is no Syrian ethnicity, other than the implied 'nation of origin' which, again is different.

While Palestinians TODAY are not 'just Arabs', Newts characterization of them is valid because he was speaking of their ethnic origens not the arbitrary protectorate areas divied up from Ottoman territories.

Either the entire region is arabs and the divisions of states dont necessarily matter, or these people are divided by nationality.

States matter, but on some ways they dont really. For example the Sunni from the Syrian plains traverse the boundry between Iraq and Syria and have long had their interests represented by the Baathist Party which was dominant in both countries for decades after 1945. The boundry between Syria and Iraq was more than just porous to them

You dont get to pick both choices at different times because its ideologically convenient for you.

This is not about ideology, but is about who started the killing, and that was done by the Arabs in 1948, and not only in Isreal, but across the Arab world Jews were killed, imprisoned, run out or forced to convert to Islam.

"Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich said in a cable TV interview that Palestinians are an “invented” people with no apparent right to their own state, a rejection of a decade of bipartisan U.S. foreign policy.

Gingrich calls Palestinians an "invented"; people - The Washington Post

Oh lawdy lawdy lawdy...

he finally said something i agree with.
If you listened to him more you will agree with him more. If you listened to Obama more you would agree with him less!
That "anti-Semite" bullshit used to scare people off - but not anymore! Facts are facts and truth is truth. I suggest you broaden your literary sources on the subject.

actually, i've found you to be a compulsive liar on this particular subject.

no worries.

I have never knowingly "lied" about this subject. Can you provide some examples to enlighten me...?

I don't doubt that, but then again you are one of the dumb fucks on USMB, so I have no doubt your uneducated ass doesn't know he is completely wrong and ignorant of the facts!
Just because he's not a Zionist doesn't mean he hates himself or his people. There are many, not a majority mind you, but certainly a plurality of Jews IN Israel who do not support the barbarity of the government they live under. Kind of like I'm not a "self hating" American because I don't agree with ours much of the time.

"Zionist" is a term anti-Semites coined to disguise their hatred of Jews.

You really are an uneducated neanderthal. Every post you make just makes this more evident.

Zionism isn't a made up term by non Jewish people.

Do you know ANYTHING about Israel? My guess is no.

"Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich said in a cable TV interview that Palestinians are an “invented” people with no apparent right to their own state, a rejection of a decade of bipartisan U.S. foreign policy.

Gingrich calls Palestinians an "invented"; people - The Washington Post

Oh lawdy lawdy lawdy...
“Remember, there was no Palestine as a state. It was part of the Ottoman Empire,” Gingrich said. “We have invented the Palestinian people, who are in fact Arabs and are historically part of the Arab people, and they had the chance to go many places.”​

He is 100% accurate.

Does accuracy bother you?

Lots of people have been dispossed form a homeland. Does that make them not a people? My big concern is as a President it was a needlessly incendiary comment to make. I find that concerning about Newt.
Zionism, the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions, left and right, religious and secular, joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained. The term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.

A Definition of Zionism

Nathan Birnbaum

"Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich said in a cable TV interview that Palestinians are an “invented” people with no apparent right to their own state, a rejection of a decade of bipartisan U.S. foreign policy.

Gingrich calls Palestinians an "invented"; people - The Washington Post

Oh lawdy lawdy lawdy...
the filthy vile mulatto's are nothing more than hateful Arabs gathered in opposition to Israel .and once again a left wing traitor defends these terrorists !!
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The region has been documented as being called Palestine, and the people Palestinians, centuries before Roman occupation of the area.

PROVE IT.[/quote]

Go read the Torah. It dates back to centuries before Roman Occupation of the area. Or, you can read Herodotus, circa 450 B.C.E. But I've already provided this link. Just goes to that you're not even paying attention, you're just repeating your unfounded claims.

Translation into modern terms and in modern English language we call the area Palestine.

That's where you're wrong. The Hebrew term is "Peleshet." And since I'm sure you'll make a similar argument about the translated text of Herodotus I'll point out now that the Greek term is "Palaistine."

The Romans named the place, and that is a simple fact.

No, it's simply an unfounded claim. I challenge you to provide evidence that the name is of Roman origin. Of course, you won't be able to. "Palestine" is not a Latin term, does not originate from Latin in any way. The Romans merely used the name the region already had to name its province in that area.

Where do you think the name comes from? When do you think it got that name?

The earliest documented forms of the name are Egyptian. The earliest origins are unknown. In any event, even if we accepted your false theory that the Romans named the region, that would still mean that the region has been named Palestine for thousands of years, and would destroy the argument that the Palestinians are an "invented" people.

So far all you;re doing is blowing smoke.

Actually I've been presenting factual information and providing sources. You're the one blowing smoke. The very idea that the Romans came up with the name is ludicrous. May as well be saying that the Germans came up with the name Canada.
Just because he's not a Zionist doesn't mean he hates himself or his people. There are many, not a majority mind you, but certainly a plurality of Jews IN Israel who do not support the barbarity of the government they live under. Kind of like I'm not a "self hating" American because I don't agree with ours much of the time.

"Zionist" is a term anti-Semites coined to disguise their hatred of Jews.
This of course is complete GARBAGE,you need to check out "The history and deeds of Zionism"I really don't think you know what we're dealing with here..Apologist:cuckoo:
The region has been documented as being called Palestine, and the people Palestinians, centuries before Roman occupation of the area.


Go read the Torah. It dates back to centuries before Roman Occupation of the area. Or, you can read Herodotus, circa 450 B.C.E. But I've already provided this link. Just goes to that you're not even paying attention, you're just repeating your unfounded claims.

Translation into modern terms and in modern English language we call the area Palestine.

That's where you're wrong. The Hebrew term is "Peleshet." And since I'm sure you'll make a similar argument about the translated text of Herodotus I'll point out now that the Greek term is "Palaistine."

The Romans named the place, and that is a simple fact.

No, it's simply an unfounded claim. I challenge you to provide evidence that the name is of Roman origin. Of course, you won't be able to. "Palestine" is not a Latin term, does not originate from Latin in any way. The Romans merely used the name the region already had to name its province in that area.

Where do you think the name comes from? When do you think it got that name?

The earliest documented forms of the name are Egyptian. The earliest origins are unknown. In any event, even if we accepted your false theory that the Romans named the region, that would still mean that the region has been named Palestine for thousands of years, and would destroy the argument that the Palestinians are an "invented" people.

So far all you;re doing is blowing smoke.

Actually I've been presenting factual information and providing sources. You're the one blowing smoke. The very idea that the Romans came up with the name is ludicrous. May as well be saying that the Germans came up with the name Canada.[/QUOTE] !!!!!!!! I,m sure you are Stoney in a different guise:cuckoo:theliq
Just because he's not a Zionist doesn't mean he hates himself or his people. There are many, not a majority mind you, but certainly a plurality of Jews IN Israel who do not support the barbarity of the government they live under. Kind of like I'm not a "self hating" American because I don't agree with ours much of the time.

"Zionist" is a term anti-Semites coined to disguise their hatred of Jews.
This of course is complete GARBAGE,you need to check out "The history and deeds of Zionism"I really don't think you know what we're dealing with here..Apologist:cuckoo:
muslims are the enemies of peace,and tolerance .:doubt:

GHook93 said:
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Go suck a cock faggot!


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GHook93 just negged me for the above post. So rude...
HOOK is a renown Tosser
I suppose Palestine has been a geographical location for many moons however it was once inhabited by Jews before Christians and Islam..

Jihads were the Jihads...

Personally I believe Sharia Muslims are animals..... Not to say the Spaniards and their conquests were any different.
Methinks you mean,Catholic,Christian Spaniards Nick,not MY ancestors The Beautiful Basques.

In the same way there are no Basque people:

"The Basques (Basque: euskaldunak, Spanish: vascos, French: basques) as an ethnic group, primarily inhabit an area traditionally known as the Basque Country (Basque: Euskal Herria), a region that is located around the western end of the Pyrenees on the coast of the Bay of Biscay and straddles parts of north-central Spain and south-western France."

Basque people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1948, 650,000 Jewish residents of Mandate Palestine used armed force to impose a Jewish state on 1.3 million of their Arab neighbors. Call the Arabs by any name you choose, but it still doesn't change the name of Israel's crime, i.e, ethnic cleansing.
I'm of Basque ancestory and Bloody Proud of IT,yep like the Palestinians,my peoples were treated in the same way by that murderous Bastard Franco but we survived as a nation Viva le Basque,Viva le Palestinians. theliq:eusa_angel::eusa_angel:
Some Basque seem to have found a way to get even with Franco.

"The MONDRAGON Corporation is a corporation and federation of worker cooperatives based in the Basque region of Spain. Founded in the town of Mondragón in 1956, its origin is linked to the activity of a modest technical college and a small workshop producing paraffin heaters.

"Currently it is the seventh largest Spanish company in terms of asset turnover and the leading business group in the Basque Country."

Mondragon Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not only that for many years a fantastic,innovative economy,the food is brilliant and Natural....OOOOO those clever Basques,but some on here would say that the Basques are not a nation.....Dopey Bastards.:lol::lol:
You cannot say palestinians are just arabs, and at the same time claim that other nations are syrians, or jordanians, or lebanese.

We seem to be confusing what a nation is and what an ethnic group is. National boundries frequently cross ethnic groups, like they do for the Kurds today for example. While the Kurds are not a nation, they are an ethnicity. Syria is what is left from the French protectorate area given them as spoils at the end of the first world war. It is not an ethnic region or ethnicity. There is no Syrian ethnicity, other than the implied 'nation of origin' which, again is different.

While Palestinians TODAY are not 'just Arabs', Newts characterization of them is valid because he was speaking of their ethnic origens not the arbitrary protectorate areas divied up from Ottoman territories.

Either the entire region is arabs and the divisions of states dont necessarily matter, or these people are divided by nationality.

States matter, but on some ways they dont really. For example the Sunni from the Syrian plains traverse the boundry between Iraq and Syria and have long had their interests represented by the Baathist Party which was dominant in both countries for decades after 1945. The boundry between Syria and Iraq was more than just porous to them

You dont get to pick both choices at different times because its ideologically convenient for you.

This is not about ideology, but is about who started the killing, and that was done by the Arabs in 1948, and not only in Isreal, but across the Arab world Jews were killed, imprisoned, run out or forced to convert to Islam.
So Arabs started the Killings...WHAT COMPLETE BULLSHIT......ever heard of the TERRORISTS THE ZIONISTS?

What a JOKE some on here really ARE.:cuckoo:

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