Gingrich: Palestinians an ‘invented’ people

You mean some Arabs who lived in Jordanian and Egyptian territory chose to call themselves Palestinians after their overlords lost a war of aggression against Israel.

There has never been any nation called "Palestine" nor any people called the "Palestinians" prior to the war against Israel in 1948. That is simply a fact, and all the libturd anti-Semites in this forum can't change it.


Palestinians are semitic too you god damned idiot. How the fuck do you tie your shoes in the morning?

Traditionally, "anti-Semite" is the word Americans use to refer to people who have an irrational hatred of Jews. Whether it is scientifically correct is an issue only for anti-Semites who don't want to be accurately identified as anti-Semites.

What a retard. Calling people anti-semites who don't have any hatred of jews whatsoever.

It's just another card in the deck, thrown out when you have no defense to what the other person says. If Ron Paul says to cut foreign aid to Israel, you guys will call him an Anti-Semite. If Jon Stewart makes some funny Jewish jokes, you guys call him an Anti-Semite. If somebody isn't a Christian and don't believe that Jewish people are the chosen people, you'll call them an anti-semite.

It's just a squid ink defense to you guys. Calling people it who totally don't fit the profile, just because it makes them look like a bad person. Well it doesn't. The only person who it'd actually make look bad are people who are actually spouting vehemic anti-jewish rhetoric. For everybody else, it just makes you look like the idiot.

Show me where I've EVER said one anti-semitic thing.

Here's a funny joke from a Mexican-American Jew, Louis C.K.

“There are so many dead people. Ray Charles is dead, Hitler, bunch of other ones. But mostly those two guys…It’s true. Ray Charles and Hitler are both dead, and really it’s the only thing they have in common, because otherwise, they’re very different dudes. Many contrasts between Hitler and Ray Charles. I’m gonna tell you people. Ray Charles was black, Hitler was not. Hitler killed several Jews…too many. I’ll say too many. He killed an excessive amount of Jews. He really beat that thing to the ground. He killed way—just no moderation. Ray Charles, meanwhile, hardly any Jews. He killed so few Jews — I don’t know how to start shows.”
— Louis C.K.
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"Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich said in a cable TV interview that Palestinians are an “invented” people with no apparent right to their own state, a rejection of a decade of bipartisan U.S. foreign policy.

Gingrich calls Palestinians an "invented"; people - The Washington Post

Oh lawdy lawdy lawdy...

There are no Palestinian people....because Palestine has never existed as a country.

[ame=]Palestine Never Existed - YouTube[/ame]
In the same way there are no Basque people:

"The Basques (Basque: euskaldunak, Spanish: vascos, French: basques) as an ethnic group, primarily inhabit an area traditionally known as the Basque Country (Basque: Euskal Herria), a region that is located around the western end of the Pyrenees on the coast of the Bay of Biscay and straddles parts of north-central Spain and south-western France."

Basque people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1948, 650,000 Jewish residents of Mandate Palestine used armed force to impose a Jewish state on 1.3 million of their Arab neighbors. Call the Arabs by any name you choose, but it still doesn't change the name of Israel's crime, i.e, ethnic cleansing.
I'm of Basque ancestory and Bloody Proud of IT,yep like the Palestinians,my peoples were treated in the same way by that murderous Bastard Franco but we survived as a nation Viva le Basque,Viva le Palestinians. theliq:eusa_angel::eusa_angel:
The PLO accuses Israel of committing atrocities. While it's possible some may have occurred, they have nothing to do with official Israeli policy. On the other hand, killing innocent civilians is the deliberate policy of Hamas and the PLO.

Israel was founded on terrorism, you do realize that, right?

That's a meaningless statement. Arabs made war on Israel the day it became a nation.
So,but prior to the formation of Israel,the Zionist were a/are TERRORIST ORGANIZATION,they murdered both the British and Palestinians,drove out many into refugee camps in Lebonon and Syria.Razed many Palestinian towns and villages.They are the facts........Of all the people who under the Nazis,Germans and hitler were almost eliminated(but Thankfully Survived)they certainly didn't waste any time in using similar tatics on the Palestinians.

I'm theliq and I only deal in truth and rights...Say NO to WAR,Say YES to PEACE between Israel and the Palestinians:eusa_angel:

Palestinians are semitic too you god damned idiot. How the fuck do you tie your shoes in the morning?

Traditionally, "anti-Semite" is the word Americans use to refer to people who have an irrational hatred of Jews. Whether it is scientifically correct is an issue only for anti-Semites who don't want to be accurately identified as anti-Semites.

What a retard. Calling people anti-semites who don't have any hatred of jews whatsoever.

It's just another card in the deck, thrown out when you have no defense to what the other person says. If Ron Paul says to cut foreign aid to Israel, you guys will call him an Anti-Semite. If Jon Stewart makes some funny Jewish jokes, you guys call him an Anti-Semite. If somebody isn't a Christian and don't believe that Jewish people are the chosen people, you'll call them an anti-semite.

It's just a squid ink defense to you guys. Calling people it who totally don't fit the profile, just because it makes them look like a bad person. Well it doesn't. The only person who it'd actually make look bad are people who are actually spouting vehemic anti-jewish rhetoric. For everybody else, it just makes you look like the idiot.

Show me where I've EVER said one anti-semitic thing.

Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz is a Jew.:D
Traditionally, "anti-Semite" is the word Americans use to refer to people who have an irrational hatred of Jews. Whether it is scientifically correct is an issue only for anti-Semites who don't want to be accurately identified as anti-Semites.

What a retard. Calling people anti-semites who don't have any hatred of jews whatsoever.

It's just another card in the deck, thrown out when you have no defense to what the other person says. If Ron Paul says to cut foreign aid to Israel, you guys will call him an Anti-Semite. If Jon Stewart makes some funny Jewish jokes, you guys call him an Anti-Semite. If somebody isn't a Christian and don't believe that Jewish people are the chosen people, you'll call them an anti-semite.

It's just a squid ink defense to you guys. Calling people it who totally don't fit the profile, just because it makes them look like a bad person. Well it doesn't. The only person who it'd actually make look bad are people who are actually spouting vehemic anti-jewish rhetoric. For everybody else, it just makes you look like the idiot.

Show me where I've EVER said one anti-semitic thing.

Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz is a Jew.:D

Being a Jew never stops the insults----they're called self-hating jews.


CAIRO -- A senior Arab League official condemned on Sunday a statement by Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich claiming Palestinians are an "invented" people, calling it racist and a cheap stunt to get votes.

However Israeli Cabinet minister Uzi Landau said Gingrich was "right." He claimed the Palestinians do not have their own language or culture, and are instead part of the broader Arab world.

Gingrich also called Palestinians "terrorists." The comments struck at the heart of Palestinian sensitivities about the righteousness of their struggle for an independent state. Applying the label "invented" suggests that the Palestinian quest for independence is not legitimate. He later sought to clarify his position, with his spokesman saying he supports the creation of a Palestinian state as part of a negotiated settlement with Israel.

"If an Arab or Palestinian official said a racist comment that was one-millionth of what this U.S. candidate said, the world would have been in continuous uproar," said Mohammed Sobeih, the Arab League official who handles Palestinian affairs. Gingrich's comments were "irresponsible and dangerous," he added.

"If these comments were made for political gains, then this is an even bigger disaster. But it appears that this is a cheap attempt to get more votes in an election," said Sobeih. "And to get this small number of votes, this person sold America's interests by denying international law and democratic principles."

Many in Israel support the idea of an independent Palestine alongside Israel and recognize the Palestinian struggle for independence.

More: Newt Gingrich Palestine Comment Condemned By Arab League

Note: Associated Press reporters Maamoun Youssef in Cairo and Tia Goldenberg in Jerusalem contributed to this report.
The PLO accuses Israel of committing atrocities. While it's possible some may have occurred, they have nothing to do with official Israeli policy. On the other hand, killing innocent civilians is the deliberate policy of Hamas and the PLO.

Israel was founded on terrorism, you do realize that, right?

:cuckoo:Libs.... Israel was founded out of the Jewish people's will to survive, with help from G-d of course.:cool:
War crimes have also been proven.

Wrong, a gang of proven cut-throat murderers have accused Israel of war crimes. Nothing has been "proven." Anyone who accepts the claims of the PLO is more than likely a committed anti-Semite.
Israel is a war crime.

"The Guardian has compiled detailed evidence of alleged war crimes committed by Israel during the 23-day offensive in the Gaza Strip earlier this year, involving the use of Palestinian children as human shields and the targeting of medics and hospitals..."

Gaza war crimes investigation: Guardian uncovers evidence of alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza | World news |
I suppose Palestine has been a geographical location for many moons however it was once inhabited by Jews before Christians and Islam..

Jihads were the Jihads...

Personally I believe Sharia Muslims are animals..... Not to say the Spaniards and their conquests were any different.
There are no Palestinian people....because Palestine has never existed as a country.

Palestine Never Existed - YouTube
In the same way there are no Basque people:

"The Basques (Basque: euskaldunak, Spanish: vascos, French: basques) as an ethnic group, primarily inhabit an area traditionally known as the Basque Country (Basque: Euskal Herria), a region that is located around the western end of the Pyrenees on the coast of the Bay of Biscay and straddles parts of north-central Spain and south-western France."

Basque people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1948, 650,000 Jewish residents of Mandate Palestine used armed force to impose a Jewish state on 1.3 million of their Arab neighbors. Call the Arabs by any name you choose, but it still doesn't change the name of Israel's crime, i.e, ethnic cleansing.
I'm of Basque ancestory and Bloody Proud of IT,yep like the Palestinians,my peoples were treated in the same way by that murderous Bastard Franco but we survived as a nation Viva le Basque,Viva le Palestinians. theliq:eusa_angel::eusa_angel:
Some Basque seem to have found a way to get even with Franco.

"The MONDRAGON Corporation is a corporation and federation of worker cooperatives based in the Basque region of Spain. Founded in the town of Mondragón in 1956, its origin is linked to the activity of a modest technical college and a small workshop producing paraffin heaters.

"Currently it is the seventh largest Spanish company in terms of asset turnover and the leading business group in the Basque Country."

Mondragon Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
War crimes have also been proven.

Wrong, a gang of proven cut-throat murderers have accused Israel of war crimes. Nothing has been "proven." Anyone who accepts the claims of the PLO is more than likely a committed anti-Semite.
Israel is a war crime.

"The Guardian has compiled detailed evidence of alleged war crimes committed by Israel during the 23-day offensive in the Gaza Strip earlier this year, involving the use of Palestinian children as human shields and the targeting of medics and hospitals..."

Gaza war crimes investigation: Guardian uncovers evidence of alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza | World news |

Do you believe the Jihads didn't include "war crimes?"

Do you fucking believe individuals submitted to that rapist child molester Muhammad because they dug his child rape??
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War crimes have also been proven.

Wrong, a gang of proven cut-throat murderers have accused Israel of war crimes. Nothing has been "proven." Anyone who accepts the claims of the PLO is more than likely a committed anti-Semite.
Israel is a war crime.

"The Guardian has compiled detailed evidence of alleged war crimes committed by Israel during the 23-day offensive in the Gaza Strip earlier this year, involving the use of Palestinian children as human shields and the targeting of medics and hospitals..."

Gaza war crimes investigation: Guardian uncovers evidence of alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza | World news |

Hamas and the PLO use children as human shields, not Israel. The Guardian is an anti-Semitic pro PLO propaganda rag. It appears you are an avid reader of anti-Semitic propaganda.
What are the dates of this Palestinian nation you think predates the Romans?

The region has been documented as being called Palestine, and the people Palestinians, centuries before Roman occupation of the area.


No, genius, but it would explain why Biblical references are irrelevant to the discussion, which was my point.

There are biblical references that go back centuries before the Roman occupation of the region. :eusa_whistle:

Translation into modern terms and in modern English language we call the area Palestine.

The Romans named the place, and that is a simple fact.

Where do you think the name comes from? When do you think it got that name?

So far all you;re doing is blowing smoke.
This is just another example of someone in power using imaginary lines to pit people against eachother, and profit from the disorder.

Dude, the Palestinians and Isrealis have been at each other long before Newt said anything.

Just because Newt agrees with the Isrealis does not make him evil, stupid or corrupt; when are you lefties ever going to learn that?
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What benefit to the rest of the world would a Palestinian state bring?

simple human dignity. They've been living in the equivalent of a Warsaw ghetto for generations. Why? They're just people. THEY didn't do anything wrong.

And if you turn that "Warsaw ghetto" into a nation. then what happens? Who runs the nation? How do they support themselves? If others leave them to their own devices, can they be self sufficient? Do they have a plan to provide for the citizens of their new nation? What kind of exports do you see coming from a nation of Palestine? Will they stop teaching their children the glory of martyrdom? I don't care at this point about attempting to fix the past. Let's concentrate on the future and see if those people that call themselves Palestinians have something to offer to the rest of the world because if the plan is for them to gain sovereignty and yet remain a ghetto that demands others provide for them, why should anyone that?
And before people start talking the money we send Israel, realize that we wouldn't have to send Israel money if it were not for having to try to repel the constant attacks from Arab neighbors.

Your sig line is truly ironic given your stance on this issue.
The area has been roped off from the rest of the world, imports of anything not approved by Israel forbidden, their water stolen, their olive groves plowed into dust, what little land they have left whittled away, homes with it, their children used for target practice by Israeli soldiers, and generations have been born, lived, and died in captivity. WHAT THE FUCK do they OWE the "rest of the world" beyond a stiff middle finger?
I really don't like Muslims but I don't like Orthodox Jews either....

Orthodox Jews can be just as loony as Muslims - just not via culture.
What a retard. Calling people anti-semites who don't have any hatred of jews whatsoever.

It's just another card in the deck, thrown out when you have no defense to what the other person says. If Ron Paul says to cut foreign aid to Israel, you guys will call him an Anti-Semite. If Jon Stewart makes some funny Jewish jokes, you guys call him an Anti-Semite. If somebody isn't a Christian and don't believe that Jewish people are the chosen people, you'll call them an anti-semite.

It's just a squid ink defense to you guys. Calling people it who totally don't fit the profile, just because it makes them look like a bad person. Well it doesn't. The only person who it'd actually make look bad are people who are actually spouting vehemic anti-jewish rhetoric. For everybody else, it just makes you look like the idiot.

Show me where I've EVER said one anti-semitic thing.

Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz is a Jew.:D

Being a Jew never stops the insults----they're called self-hating jews.

Just because he's not a Zionist doesn't mean he hates himself or his people. There are many, not a majority mind you, but certainly a plurality of Jews IN Israel who do not support the barbarity of the government they live under. Kind of like I'm not a "self hating" American because I don't agree with ours much of the time.
For nearly two thousand years since the Romans,

For more than 1000 years BEFORE the Romans. There are Egyptian sources that document this which date to more than 1000 years before the Romans. Biblical sources from more than 800 years do the same. And Herodotus documented the region and people of Palestine some 400 years before the Romans.

What specific sources do you get this from? I am not challenging the fact that Herodotus said that people lived in the region we call Palestine; I am challenging the claim that these people we call Palestinians today are descended from the Canaanites of the ancient world. They are not, as the Arabs moved in later about the 7th century AD.

Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the Bronze Age, independent Canaanite city-states were established, and were influenced by the surrounding civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Minoan Crete, and Syria. Between 1550-1400 BCE, the Canaanite cities became vassals to the Egyptian New Kingdom who held power until the 1178 BCE Battle of Djahy (Canaan) during the wider Bronze Age collapse. The Philistines arrived and mingled with the local population, ...
The Judean (Jewish, see Ioudaioi) control over the wider region resulted in it also becoming known as Judaea, a term which had previously only referred to the smaller region of the Judean Mountains. Between 73-63 BCE, the Roman Republic extended its influence in to the region in the Third Mithridatic War, conquering of Judea in 63 BCE, and splitting the former Hasmonean Kingdom into five districts. ... In 70 CE, Titus sacked Jerusalem, resulting in the dispersal of the city's Jews and Christians to Yavne and Pella. In 132 CE, Hadrian joined the province of Iudaea with Galilee to form new province of Syria Palaestina, ...

The place was Judea, not Palestine till the Romans changed that. And the people who lived there prior to the Jews conquoring it under Joshua were CANAANITES, not Palestinians. The Phillistines took up the coastal aeas and were conquored by the Jews and were a minority till the Romans depopulated the Jews from the region. The Caananites and Phillistines are NOT the ancestors of todays Palestinnians as the are Arab, not the others.

Historical FACTS are not on your side, bubba.

and no they were not a distinct people.

Yes, they were. You know nothing of the matter.

No, they were not. They were simply Arabs that lived in Palestine.

You're just spouting out stuff that backs up your ideology.

Bullshit, that is what you are doing.

The original language of the Philistines was lost thousands of years ago. The original Biblical sources contain non-Hebrew words to refer to the Philistines' own name for themselves, which are believed to belong to the Indo-European family, lending support to the theory that they spoke an Indo-European language.

Phillistines have nothing to do with todays Palestinians.

I see. You think that all Arabs are the same. May as well say that all Europeans are the same. They're all one people with the same culture, right? Why have all those separate countries for them. They must all be "invented" peoples.

Arabs are an ethnic group like Germans and French, in that they have the same language and largely the same culture. The arbitrary boundries of European colonial powers did nothing to change the cultural identity of these people. They are Arabs.

I understand that you're ignorant on all of this so let me give you some information. Arabs are a pan-ethnic people. Which means that they are distinct, related ethnicities. Kinda like how Caucasian contains distinct and related ethnicities. Arabs themselves are merely a subdivision of Semitic people. The other branch of Semites is the Jewish people, who are also pan-ethnic. I am a Sephardi Jew. Albert Einstein was an Ashkenazi Jew. There are also Mizrahi Jews, which is itself another catch-all phrase for several distinct ethnic groups of Jews from the Mid East and Africa.

Look you condescending ass, I have probably forgotten more history than you have ever known. There was not a dimes worth of difference between Arabs living in Syria, Palestine, Egypt or Jordan in 1940 and that is a FACT.

Your comparison of Arabs to caucasians is laughably stupid as Arabs are an ethnic group while caucasians are a race, so you compare apples to oranges and reveal your inability to think straight.

Arabs compare more to the English ethnicity that has branches on far flung places, but are still pretty much the same ethnic group.

There is NO DIFFERENCE other than accidents of geography, prior to the establishment of Isreal.

No, that's not true. You're just ignorant of the history and facts. You're unaware of any difference because you're not educated on the subject.

No, you are ignorant of history and how to make a supported assertion. All you have done so far is make one unwarranted assertion after another, which shows your ignorance and difficulty in presenting a rational argument.

That is not what recognition is about, dude. It is simply a diplomatic designation as to whether the government in question is legitimate.

Okay. So you acknowledge that the state of Palestine exists regardless of the US recognizing the state.

Duh, Einstein.

That a state exists does not mean it is legitimate nor that it has the best claim to rule.

Grow up.
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Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz is a Jew.:D

Being a Jew never stops the insults----they're called self-hating jews.

Just because he's not a Zionist doesn't mean he hates himself or his people. There are many, not a majority mind you, but certainly a plurality of Jews IN Israel who do not support the barbarity of the government they live under. Kind of like I'm not a "self hating" American because I don't agree with ours much of the time.

Maybe so, but Islam can go to fucking Mecca where they belong...

If they had any fucking respect they wouldn't OCCUPY another religions holy land .....

They not only want to they want to dominate..

You see Christians or Jews attempting to occupy Mecca??

Fuck Muslims...
You cannot say palestinians are just arabs, and at the same time claim that other nations are syrians, or jordanians, or lebanese.

Either the entire region is arabs and the divisions of states dont necessarily matter, or these people are divided by nationality.

You dont get to pick both choices at different times because its ideologically convenient for you.

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