Gingrich says he's considering presidential run

Newt is pimping for tea bag money. He has zero shot at getting nominated. And while he'd be more comical vs Obama Than palin I don't think we will get the joy. Newt/vitter is the ticket I want to see
If you love Romneycare then you must really love Obamacare.
Romney is a Republican only in a shithole like MA.

Mitt Romney is going to run on repealing..exactly the same thing he put in for the citizens of MA! You guys sure know how to pick your candidates.
If you love Romneycare then you must really love Obamacare.
Romney is a Republican only in a shithole like MA.

Mitt Romney is going to run on repealing..exactly the same thing he put in for the citizens of MA! You guys sure know how to pick your candidates.

You know this, how? We dont even know if Mitt is going to run at all.
How's Deval doing with all that in MA, btw? I hear courts have overturned his rejection of rate increases for health care. Maybe the Dums can run Deval in 2012 because sure as shit they can't run Obama. I can see it now: Deval, Vote For a REAL Black Man this time!
We need a fiscal Conservative who puts a balanced budget on the top of his 'to do' list.

Agreed, when I say strong conservative I do not mean on the social Issues. I mean on the ones that matter to me. Fiscal responsibility. Strange proactive defense, Tax cuts, Spending cuts, and Getting the government the hell out of the way of Business.(with reasonable oversight of course.)
I doubt seriously Obama would have the guts to show up for a debate with the knowledgeable Newt Gingrich considering what a pathetic failure Obama has been. Newt would devastate the pretender.

Still though I would go with Gingrich as the V.P.
That Newt imagines himself a contender in 2012 is a good measure of

1. what an idiot he is

or 2. how sorry a state the Republican party is in at the national level.
We need a fiscal Conservative who puts a balanced budget on the top of his 'to do' list.

Can bill Clinton legally run again?

We all know Reagan (Newt's hero), Bush & Bush never balanced a budget.

Nope lol he can't 4 Terms of FDR saw to that. Seems even though he was so "great" we saw fit to pass a constitutional Amendment making sure NOBODY ever served that long again :)

Oh and you are half right. Bush and Bush and Reagan never balanced a budget, and Neither did Clinton. A republican Congress and a Huge Internet Tech Bubble saw to that. The only reason the budget was balanced(and it was not for very long) was because of massive increase of tax Revenue driven by the Tech Bubble on wall street mainly. I will give Clinton Credit for being there when it happened, but he had little to do with it.

See I remember because when that Tech Bubble burst and the economy went down. I lost my ass in the stock market for the first time :) By the time clinton left office the die was cast for deficits again as Revenues tanked.

To bad the liberal media as convinced most people to credit Clinton.
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That Newt imagines himself a contender in 2012 is a good measure of

1. what an idiot he is

or 2. how sorry a state the Republican party is in at the national level.

Obama and Biden ... talk about idiots..
We need a fiscal Conservative who puts a balanced budget on the top of his 'to do' list.

Can bill Clinton legally run again?

We all know Reagan (Newt's hero), Bush & Bush never balanced a budget.

Nope lol he can't 4 Terms of FDR saw to that. Seems even though he was so "great" we saw fit to pass a constitutional Amendment making sure NOBODY ever served that long again :)

Who voted for that Amendment and why? Funny thing is, one of FDR's biggest defeats came from Democrats. We'll never see that with a GOP Congress and a Republican President:eusa_whistle:
Gingrich says he's considering presidential run - Yahoo! News

DES MOINES, Iowa – Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday he's seriously considering seeking the Republican presidential nomination and will announce his decision early next year.

Gingrich, 67, told The Associated Press that he would focus on helping Republican candidates through the midterm elections in November, then decide in February or March whether to seek the GOP nomination.

"I've never been this serious," Gingrich said.
"It's fair to say that by February the groundwork will have been laid to consider seriously whether or not to run," he said.

Gingrich has been mentioned as a possible 2012 presidential candidate along with other Republicans, including former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

Gingrich had a long congressional career and was House speaker from 1995 to 1999. He was given much of the credit for the Republican takeover of the House in 1994. But he abruptly resigned from Congress in 1998 after his party faired poorly in midterm elections. He also was reprimanded by the House ethics panel for using tax-exempt funding to advance his political goals.

The former speaker, who championed a family values agenda, spearheaded efforts to impeach Clinton for perjury over his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Gingrich later admitted having an extramarital affair of his own in 1998 with a former congressional aide, Callista Bisek. He married Bisek after divorcing his second wife, Marianne.

Thanks to Obama's performance, Gingrich said he expected that whoever wins the Republican nomination would win the White House.

Gingrich, Palin, Romney, and Huckabee all in the rat race for the Republican nomination most likely for 2012. A victory for any of them will be a victory..for Obama. :lol:

Thoughts USMB?

i don't think gingrich would run. i don't know what he has in his background that makes him back off, but i wouldn't expect him to see it through this time.
Can bill Clinton legally run again?

We all know Reagan (Newt's hero), Bush & Bush never balanced a budget.

Nope lol he can't 4 Terms of FDR saw to that. Seems even though he was so "great" we saw fit to pass a constitutional Amendment making sure NOBODY ever served that long again :)

Who voted for that Amendment and why? Funny thing is, one of FDR's biggest defeats came from Democrats. We'll never see that with a GOP Congress and a Republican President:eusa_whistle:

Well considering it takes a 2/3's majority in both houses of congress, and ratification by 2/3's of the states to become an amendment. I would guess a whole lot of people voted for it.

Passing a constitution Amendment is extremely hard to do. The Dems with their super majority in Both Houses would still have needed a lot of Republican support to ever have passed one. It pretty much takes the VAST majority of Americans being for it, to get one through.
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