Gingrich. What a loser.

He must be pretty relevant since he triggered you. An irrelevant person would garner no attention.
Once again you are unable to address an OP.
I addressed the op. You're an overly sensitive pussy. Thought I was pretty clear.
No, you addressed your butthurt over the OP, by attacking me. You didn't address the OP, which is about what a fucking loser Newt Gingrich is.
Says the man from behind the keyboard while newt is on tv regularly lol
I can't be certain...but I doubt whether the OP has ever been Speaker of the House or had any job even close to that. :laugh:

I wouldn't expect such high praise for Nancy Pelosi from you.
Someone was talking about Nancy?

I missed it.

that's because you're stupid. The other idiot was touting the accomplishment of being Speaker.

Nancy Pelosi was Speaker. I'm not even surprised you didn't know that.


the conversation is about Gingrich, but as soon as his former position comes up. you deflect to a person that failed in that position.

pssst, Gingrich helped pass a balanced budget, Nancy shoved a failed healthcare plan down our throats.

Because she wanted to pass it before she read it.

I didn't deflect, Gomer. The other poster referenced the speakership in general.

Newt resigned in disgrace. I guess that history isn't in your Junior Rightwing Propagandist Starter Kit.
I can't be certain...but I doubt whether the OP has ever been Speaker of the House or had any job even close to that. :laugh:

I wouldn't expect such high praise for Nancy Pelosi from you.
Someone was talking about Nancy?

I missed it.

that's because you're stupid. The other idiot was touting the accomplishment of being Speaker.

Nancy Pelosi was Speaker. I'm not even surprised you didn't know that.


the conversation is about Gingrich, but as soon as his former position comes up. you deflect to a person that failed in that position.

pssst, Gingrich helped pass a balanced budget, Nancy shoved a failed healthcare plan down our throats.

Because she wanted to pass it before she read it.

I didn't deflect, Gomer. The other poster referenced the speakership in general.

Newt resigned in disgrace. I guess that history isn't in your Junior Rightwing Propagandist Starter Kit.

first off

Newt resigned in disgrace.

Is that the only thing your leftwing talking points taught you about him?
And to think that the Right has frequently referred to Newt as one of the intellectual giants of modern conservatism...

...I guess from brilliance like this:

The most recent addition to the list of Gingrich reversals is his absurd stance that now that Donald Trump is president, the president of the United States is not even capable of obstructing justice. "Technically, the President of the United States cannot obstruct justice," Gingrich told the crowd at the National Press Club Friday during an event promoting his new book, wait for it, Understanding Trump. "The President of the United States is the chief executive officer of the United States. If he wants to fire the FBI director, all he's got to do is fire him."

New Gingrich’s views on obstruction of justice are a wee bit divergent from when his role as the Speaker of the House was LEADING the charge against President Bill Clinton and VOTING to impeach Clinton for articles of impeachment that included, among other things, an obstruction of justice charge. "What you have lived through for 2.5 long years is the most systematic, deliberate obstruction-of-justice, cover-up, and effort to avoid the truth we have ever seen in American history," Gingrich said in 1998
He must be pretty relevant since he triggered you. An irrelevant person would garner no attention.
So...if someone starts a thread on something/someone...they've been "triggered"? Ok, I'll accept that definition.
The op is perpetually triggered. But how can you say someone is irrelevant if you're creating threads about them?
He must be pretty relevant since he triggered you. An irrelevant person would garner no attention.
So...if someone starts a thread on something/someone...they've been "triggered"? Ok, I'll accept that definition.
The op is perpetually triggered. But how can you say someone is irrelevant if you're creating threads about them?
An excellent CAN you say someone or something is irrelevant if you create threads about them.....?
I can't be certain...but I doubt whether the OP has ever been Speaker of the House or had any job even close to that. :laugh:
The GOP picks the best Speakers of the House...Gingrich the adulterer...Hastert the child molester...the crying orange one, Ryan.

Only the best.

After you idiots picked Pelosi I'm surprised you libs will show your faces in public, Pelosi top that you can't :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
He must be pretty relevant since he triggered you. An irrelevant person would garner no attention.
Once again you are unable to address an OP.
I addressed the op. You're an overly sensitive pussy. Thought I was pretty clear.
No, you addressed your butthurt over the OP, by attacking me. You didn't address the OP, which is about what a fucking loser Newt Gingrich is.
Says the man from behind the keyboard while newt is on tv regularly lol
So...the measure of a person is how much they get on TV regularly?
I can't be certain...but I doubt whether the OP has ever been Speaker of the House or had any job even close to that. :laugh:
The GOP picks the best Speakers of the House...Gingrich the adulterer...Hastert the child molester...the crying orange one, Ryan.

Only the best.

After you idiots picked Pelosi I'm surprised you libs will show your faces in public, Pelosi top that you can't :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Golly gee.....Pelosi is so horrible....she committed what again?
I can't be certain...but I doubt whether the OP has ever been Speaker of the House or had any job even close to that. :laugh:
The GOP picks the best Speakers of the House...Gingrich the adulterer...Hastert the child molester...the crying orange one, Ryan.

Only the best.

After you idiots picked Pelosi I'm surprised you libs will show your faces in public, Pelosi top that you can't :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Golly gee.....Pelosi is so horrible....she committed what again?

He must be pretty relevant since he triggered you. An irrelevant person would garner no attention.
Once again you are unable to address an OP.
I addressed the op. You're an overly sensitive pussy. Thought I was pretty clear.
No, you addressed your butthurt over the OP, by attacking me. You didn't address the OP, which is about what a fucking loser Newt Gingrich is.
Says the man from behind the keyboard while newt is on tv regularly lol
So...the measure of a person is how much they get on TV regularly?
One person in this equation is frantically smashing his keyboard trying to convince others of the character of another individual.
The other person in question is worth millions, is on different tv broadcasts regularly and does good charity work.

Which one of those looks like loser status to you?
Newt has done some despicable things. We all have. The only difference is his power & notoriety brought his troubles front and center for all the world to see. He got what he deserved, did you?
Some people learn from their mistakes & become better people for it. Others wallow in self pity & blame the world.

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