Ginsburg Hospitalized.

You people are assholes, slobbering over the injury of an elderly person.

For the record, she gets around on her own two feet, attends a physical fitness class every day in the Court’s private gym, and has a very busy schedule off season as well as when court is in session. She’s probably a lot more physically fit that a lot of the fat useless basement dwelling fucks who post here, and she’s definitely a shitload more intelligent than many of you combined.

On Tour With Notorious R.B.G., Judicial Rock Star

How Ruth Bader Ginsburg stays in shape - CNN Video

No one's "slobbering", you troll. It's actually an important issue to every American, and we have a right to be interested. If you suddenly, miraculously want the health of Supreme Court Justices to be a private matter instead of an issue of public concern, I suggest you take it up with the political left and their obsession with making the Court into a group of omnipotent oligarchs.

Meanwhile, YOU need to stop slobbering over your fantasies of Justice Ginsburg's invincibility. She is not "more physically fit" than anyone, no matter how badly you want her to hang around forever for you to worship. She's almost 90 years old. If you're really gullible enough to buy that propaganda about how a 90-year-old woman is Jazzercising and doing pushups or whatever, you will literally believe anything.
How many threads of conservatives gloating do we need?

The left says Ruthie does work outs as a rule that would fatigue a thirty-five year old and make him drop out.
I'm sure she will be back up again and in training for the Tour de France in no time.
She will probably die in her Supreme Court chair.

Apparently she's not smart enough to retire and at 85 she should.


Wouldn't you want to retire before 85?? I sure as hell do.

I am sure there is a bunch of pressure on her to stay in.
They should be ashamed of's horrible.



"I can fantasize about X, Y and Z dynamics. Therefore they should be ashamed of that for which I have zero evidence"

--- JerkOff
Lefties never seem to retire gracefully. I guess the tiny bit of political power is all they have left.

"Matter of fact if the rest of the country had followed our lead we wouldn'a had all these problems all these years either".
Works for me, given the complete lack of any source in the post above yours.
Or the one above that.
She's 85 years old. She just fell and fractured some ribs.

For a prog, she's a healthy youngster.

85 is almost old enough to actually BE a Prog. :thup:
I think 87 is the mean average for them.

I make it more like 106.
They just look that old.

Hey, not their fault that that particular sociopolitical dynamic wrapped a century ago.
Sleepy, demented Ginsburg should wear hockey pads under a giant muumuu like Crooked Hillary to help avoid injuries with their invariable falls.

She will probably die in her Supreme Court chair.

Apparently she's not smart enough to retire and at 85 she should.


Wouldn't you want to retire before 85?? I sure as hell do.

I am sure there is a bunch of pressure on her to stay in.
They should be ashamed of's horrible.



"I can fantasize about X, Y and Z dynamics. Therefore they should be ashamed of that for which I have zero evidence"

--- JerkOff
LOL! Who, besides you apparently, believes the democrats aren't fervently hoping and urging Ginsburg to stay
on the Supreme Court (despite her advanced age and medical problems) so Trump won't get to appoint yet another
member of the court. "Zero evidence"? That is a frickin' laugh.
I hope she gets well.

Good time for her to retire.

Bye Felicia.
She will probably die in her Supreme Court chair.

Apparently she's not smart enough to retire and at 85 she should.


Wouldn't you want to retire before 85?? I sure as hell do.

I am sure there is a bunch of pressure on her to stay in.
They should be ashamed of's horrible.



"I can fantasize about X, Y and Z dynamics. Therefore they should be ashamed of that for which I have zero evidence"

--- JerkOff
LOL! Who, besides you apparently, believes the democrats aren't fervently hoping and urging Ginsburg to stay
on the Supreme Court (despite her advanced age and medical problems) so Trump won't get to appoint yet another
member of the court. "Zero evidence"? That is a frickin' laugh.

It is indeed. That's why I'm mocking it.

So how long is the travel time back to your planet? You know, the one where if you don't know that something exists you just decide it does?
I hope she gets well.

Good time for her to retire.

Bye Felicia.

Who the fuck is "Felicia"? :dunno:

TOP DEFINITION Urban Dictionary:

When someone says that they're leaving and you could really give a s**t.... their name then becomes "felicia"

It's just a way of talking...

Does that actually mean when you could NOT give a shit? Is it Opposite Day?

Who's Felicia anyway?
Broken ribs are no fun. I had broken ribs when I was in my twenties. It's probably way tougher on a senior citizen. Bones are a little more brittle at that age.

All those 'ol bird boned osteoporosis ladies loose thier calcium , crack a rib sneezin'.....~S~
Apparently she fell. Broke a few ribs.

Tick tick tick tick........Trump better get his short list ready.

This is really amazing- there is a decent chance the country will be in, or just emerging from a recession around Nov 2020. That could make Trump a one-termer like Jimmy and Bush. Yet he could potentially appoint 3 Supremes which would essentially mean his legacy would be greater than Both Bush’s, Clinton and BO. Weird and wacky, huh.
Outside chance he could name four, or even FIVE. (Soute and/or Thomas.)

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